At 2/5/07 01:05 PM, YoinK wrote:
He talks about how he knows what the PEOPLE want... does this mean that The Rock will make an appearance at Wrestlemania?
No, Rock is far too busy with his movie roles, and would have to be a total mark idiot to come back to this business now when it's at the height of uncoolness, ratings are down, and it could actually wind up tainting him and his marketability. Rock has said he's done with wrestling and I believe him, there's absolutely nothing he can gain by going backwards in his career at this point in time.
:I think mcmahon just acts that way so that he can stay a heal. And people will think Donald Trump is so great and start watching his show. It's a business agreement between mcmahon and trump.
No, I have it from very reliable sources that Vince is worked shooting when he says that stuff, he is incorporating his real and true beliefs into the Mr. Mcmahon character. It's very smart of him to be doing that too, because now he can create doubt among any internet fans who haven't heard up and down before hand from his legit interviews he's given, and what the internet reports. This is definitely a situation where Vince Mcmahon is using Mr. Mcmahon the character, to vent his beliefs without having to neccessarily own up to the consequences. He thinks we're suckers kids.
That's the point with the Trump thing yes, but I don't think ANYONE thinks of either one of them as "cool" or babyface material. That's why they dumped the money on the fans, because they wanted Trump to get a good reaction, and he certainly wasn't gonna draw that on his own merits.