so who is going to win the royal rumble???
It would be cool if CM Punk could win.. but they probably won't let him win.
so who is going to win the royal rumble???
It would be cool if CM Punk could win.. but they probably won't let him win.
I'm confused.. Are you comparing Benoit to Jesus?
CM Punk winning the rumble would be awesome. That would be the start of a really good program they could do as he is amung the more popular wrestlers they have on the roster. However I don't think that will happen as wwe may have stopped the push they gave him. Thing is, if he did win would wwe keep him in the ECW brand or would they move him to Raw or SD to be consideed on a "main show" (sorry Avie....) I'm guessing that the stipulation for the rumble is the same from last year, whoever wins has the choice of what championship to go for.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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TNA's Lockdown PPV is gonna be held in St. Louis on April 15. Click here for the full story.
I would like to see Matt Hardy win, he has been with the company long enough to deserve some gold. God knows the fans would support him. Wishing aside, I think Micheals is going to win it.
There is a lot fresh talent who deserve to win, but aren't ready to main event Wrestlemania. Maybe in a years time Nitro and Jeff Hardy will be ready for some serious action.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
It's probably going to be Michaels or Taker considering from what I've heard it's nearly set in stone Taker will wrestle Batista, but Michaels isn't 100% confirmed for the main event right now. From what I hear Cena has three potential challengers right now:
Whichever two don't get tapped to fight Cena will wind up facing each other (hence the Rated RKO break-up angle stuff from Monday).
WWECW has nothing planned right now solidly. Which ya know, makes sense, since it's a developmental territory with TV basically (credit to Dave Scherer for first making that observation) it's an afterthought that I wish they'd just take off the air because they are just determined to use it as a playground to build up who they like (Test, Lashley, Holly) rather then people the fans want to see pushed (Punk, RVD, The rest of the ECW originals). If WWE were still in any way pushing WWECW or it's guys, I'd say the smartest thing WWE could do is have an WWECW guy win the rumble because no one expects it, and just build the RAW and SD! matches in other ways (through either tournaments or #1 contender matches), in fact, I still think that would be a good way for WWE to go, but only if they commit themselves to getting the brand back to where it was in the summer, but I don't think they're going to do that. I really think to WWE this is now a lame duck show that they're not going to try and fix, and they're just going to wait until this coming December when the SciFi deal expires and then let it die a quiet, much deserved, death.
I mean shit, I was watching a friggin house show in which the highlight was Sandman being so drunk he pulled off his pants and underwear and had his dick swinging in the breeze, and THAT was way more interesting then the dreck that was on TV last night. WWE had a wonderful oppurtunity to do something different, and reel in a fanbase that's been scared away by their current product and egotistical treatment of their fans, and they absolutely blew it because of their egos and refusal to believe anything other then the Mcmahon vision of the way the business should go is wrong and without merit.
At 1/24/07 04:46 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm confused.. Are you comparing Benoit to Jesus?
Notice the misspelling he quoted.
At 1/24/07 09:44 PM, cornontheconn wrote:At 1/24/07 04:46 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm confused.. Are you comparing Benoit to Jesus?Notice the misspelling he quoted.
Oh my god, that's so funny, I just got the joke. Wow I'm going to be laughing at that for days.
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I caught the joke, but it's... just weird.
I hear ya Avie. Though I haven't been able to watch, I am real dissapointed on how it turned otu. I mean hell we were all so excited when ONS2 came on with hopes of ECW blasting back on the scene, and instead we get a televised OVW territory. Super over and talented guys like Punk and RVD get ignored and the true ECW fan favorites are either never featured or jobbed week in and week out.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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Hey, just signed up today and found this club...
I am a HUGE wrestling fan... I prefer watching the indies (IWC being my favourite) but I do also watch WWE (mainly just RAW) and TNA... I just kinda lost some of the interest I used to have.
At 1/25/07 04:31 AM, KC-McGrath wrote: Hey, just signed up today and found this club...
I am a HUGE wrestling fan... I prefer watching the indies (IWC being my favourite) but I do also watch WWE (mainly just RAW) and TNA... I just kinda lost some of the interest I used to have.
If thats so please post here again and we'll make it official. I do not auto-add people to the member list, so just posting here does not count. You have to ask to be added (like you kinda are) and the reason I ask you to post again is that many times we get people asking to join who never show back up again.
Just for the heck of it, here is the site that has the list on it:
The List
Should we try to contact some of these people since we have the PM system?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 1/25/07 07:08 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:At 1/25/07 04:31 AM, KC-McGrath wrote: Hey, just signed up today and found this club...If thats so please post here again and we'll make it official. I do not auto-add people to the member list, so just posting here does not count. You have to ask to be added (like you kinda are) and the reason I ask you to post again is that many times we get people asking to join who never show back up again.
I am a HUGE wrestling fan... I prefer watching the indies (IWC being my favourite) but I do also watch WWE (mainly just RAW) and TNA... I just kinda lost some of the interest I used to have.
Just for the heck of it, here is the site that has the list on it:
The List
yea probaly because most of the people on the list dont poast alot on here adn we need to knopw if thier ever going to post again
Should we try to contact some of these people since we have the PM system?
yea probaly because most of the people on the list dont poast alot on here adn we need to knopw if thier ever going to post again
I think Raw has gone down hill lately. The only superstar that matters on the roster is John Cena. I used to not mind it, but enough is enough. Sure Smackdown is more focused on Batista now a days, but not to the same degree
Anybody else notice that Brock's ring pyros were the same as Lashley's are now? It feels that they're trying to book Lashley as the next Lesner. He's nowhere near as talented, but has the right look and build, and with the right opponents carrying him he puts on good matches. It's a good choice to this with him.
WWE has always pushed the bigger guys so seeing Lashly getting a Lesnar like run is no really a surprise. It woud be cool to see both of them go at it, but I doubt that will happen.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 1/25/07 11:12 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: WWE has always pushed the bigger guys so seeing Lashly getting a Lesnar like run is no really a surprise. It woud be cool to see both of them go at it, but I doubt that will happen.
WWE is always looking to push the big muscular guys, with Lesnar they got really lucky in that he was so talented and good in the ring, and had that monster look they love. I think that's why WWE was willing to talk to Lesnar about coming back, and if he contacted them tommorow about it, they'd sit down and talk to him again. Personally I think bringing him back would be a mistake because he's proven he has absolutely no love for the business, but he definitely was a draw for WWE while there so I can't blame them for trying to find the next's just that someone like him may NEVER come along again, and WWE is trying to manufacture one instead and all they're doing is pointing out the deficits in Lashley's skills with such a big spotlight on him, and it's begun to turn the fans against him from what I've seen.
I don't think Lashly is bad in the ring, I just think it was too soon for him to hold a top championship. That has to make him the focal point of the show, and thats something that will prove whether he is over or not.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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I love lockdown. Last year's lockdown was AMAZING! I can't wait for this one.
SD probably will be decent. Eh we get to see more of this new tag team. There is potential to it, but I dunno how well or far a grease gimmick will take them. Duce reminds me of razor ramone.. mostly because of the toothpic.
speaking of Razor...Scott Hall got fat!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Just a note.. .Tonight at 11PM WSX will debut on MTV. Will anyone be watching?
At 1/26/07 10:05 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Just a note.. .Tonight at 11PM WSX will debut on MTV. Will anyone be watching?
I caught the last 5 minutes and I believe there's a replay tommorow. I liked what I saw of it thus far, it's obvious they're going to go for the "hardcore" death match audience (which is smart I think because they're loyal, and it's different then WWE and TNA) I'll definitely try catching the replay tommorow to form a better opinion of this show, but so far so good I think, and I'm really interested to see how much (if any) of the WWECW audience is lured away by the half-hour of WSX, it's certainly more like the old ECW then that other dreck!
At 1/26/07 11:37 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I caught the last 5 minutes and I believe there's a replay tommorow. I liked what I saw of it thus far, it's obvious they're going to go for the "hardcore" death match audience (which is smart I think because they're loyal, and it's different then WWE and TNA) I'll definitely try catching the replay tommorow to form a better opinion of this show, but so far so good I think, and I'm really interested to see how much (if any) of the WWECW audience is lured away by the half-hour of WSX, it's certainly more like the old ECW then that other dreck!
One big problem.. Some idiot decided to add fake explosions for some of the matches which really hurt the overall product. Its a complete spotfest, just wait until you see Evans vs Sydal. There's no rhyme and reason to it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it got a cult following.
And everything happens so fast that he best way to enjoy it is to either be on crack, or have ADD. You'll either love this show, or you'll hate it... There's no middle ground here.
At 1/26/07 08:31 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: speaking of Razor...Scott Hall got fat!
Wtf happened to him?
At 1/26/07 10:05 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Just a note.. .Tonight at 11PM WSX will debut on MTV. Will anyone be watching?
WSX uses a lot more hi flying moves, I just watched some videos on you tube, and the explosion effects were pretty lame, one of them was a guy electrocuting someone with an electrical cord.
At 1/25/07 07:02 PM, Cereal wrote: Anybody else notice that Brock's ring pyros were the same as Lashley's are now? It feels that they're trying to book Lashley as the next Lesner. He's nowhere near as talented, but has the right look and build, and with the right opponents carrying him he puts on good matches. It's a good choice to this with him.
I got bad news for you, they both aren't that good, I think that they are both trying to be like the current Batista.
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At 1/26/07 11:46 PM, pepeatumi wrote: One big problem.. Some idiot decided to add fake explosions for some of the matches which really hurt the overall product. Its a complete spotfest, just wait until you see Evans vs Sydal. There's no rhyme and reason to it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it got a cult following.
The explosions I think were there because, as I said, they want to get that japanese deathmatch kind of audience into it. That is definitely a problem I see going forward since it seems like the idea is going to be throwing a lot of tables and violence at the viewer in every match, and doing that is going to burn the viewer out quick and make them feel like it's "same ol' shit" every time out. But being as short as they are, it may not be that much of an issue then if the show was much longer. We'll have to see how it develops. But I think it's definitely in they're best interest if they want to hang around and be something more then just a little series on MTV to prove they can do some different kinds of matchups. Even ECW in 94 and 95 (at perhaps the peak of their violence) still used good technical matches that had little, to no weapons spots in them.
And everything happens so fast that he best way to enjoy it is to either be on crack, or have ADD.
Well...they ARE on MTV after all ; )
There's a couple of things that need to be done for Lashley to become a better wrestler...
#1 Acting lessons
#2 Learn how to talk adult
#3 Learn how to talk like a tough wrestler
#4 Possible surgery to fix that crap he calls a voice box
#5 Change facial expressions!
That would be the day when RVD and Lashley have the capability of making facial expressions of absolute anger.
At 1/25/07 07:08 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:At 1/25/07 04:31 AM, KC-McGrath wrote: Hey, just signed up today and found this club...If thats so please post here again and we'll make it official. I do not auto-add people to the member list, so just posting here does not count. You have to ask to be added (like you kinda are) and the reason I ask you to post again is that many times we get people asking to join who never show back up again.
I am a HUGE wrestling fan... I prefer watching the indies (IWC being my favourite) but I do also watch WWE (mainly just RAW) and TNA... I just kinda lost some of the interest I used to have.
That's fine and I completely understand, I'll continue to post here as often as I can if I am accepted just because wrestling basically is my life and there's nothing more I enjoy to talk about haha
I didn't watch RAW this week, so I can't comment on it... I watch it now and again but as I stated in my last post, I've kinda lost interest in WWE and I haven't watched SmackDown since Eddie passed away.
ECW I watch on occasion... just because I've been a fan of CM Punk for years on the indy scene.
Recently got back into TNA again... the VKM thing annoyed me so I stopped watching... I just think TNA should be their own company rather than trying to get ratings by mocking the WWE. If TNA and WWE came to a head to head battle right now, WWE would win hands down, although I prefer TNA, WWE obviously has the stronger fan base so TNA should just stick to doing what they are good at and putting on good WRESTLING shows.
Although I don't watch WWE so much anymore... I WILL be watching the Royal Rumble since it's something I've always enjoyed.
Just curious... anybody else here know of IWC? Or has seen an IWC show?
At 1/27/07 05:59 AM, KC-McGrath wrote: Just curious... anybody else here know of IWC? Or has seen an IWC show?
I've heard about the, but have yet to see a show. I know Ricky Reyes (who was one half of the havana Pitbulls in ROH) is the Heavyweight Champ. And I believe Delirious and his crazy antics are a part of the roster aswell.
There's been some popular wrestlers there before, like CM Punk, Low-Ki Austin Aries, Aj Styles among others... And that's pretty much all I know.
If you come across a show, could you please post a link?
At 1/2/07 04:32 PM, boloneyman wrote:At 1/2/07 03:02 PM, Joe-Milionare wrote:
Who did Big Show slam through the mat.
JBL At No way out 2005 in the barby cage match WWE title lol
Sorry for the double post.
I knew I had seen a match from the IWC... CM Punk vs Chris hero, it was the first time I ever saw Punk wrestle, and the first time a saw a Pepsi Plunge. If anyone wants to see it, here it is. 8_cm-punk-vs-chris-hero
At 1/27/07 05:59 AM, KC-McGrath wrote:At 1/25/07 07:08 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:That's fine and I completely understand, I'll continue to post here as often as I can if I am accepted just because wrestling basically is my life and there's nothing more I enjoy to talk about haha:
KC-McGrath you are # 228. Welcome to the club!!!
What time is that MTV show on anyway? I am slightly interested to see it but I don't know much about it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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