At 1/1/07 06:05 AM, Peacekid wrote:
About what Avie said about WWE videos.. I guess I can't show the link I found on some site of Christ Benoit vs. Finlay? It was an awesome old-school style match, but still really awesome.
If it's not from, yes, I'm going to have to politely ask you not to post the link as like I explained, WWE is very proprietory over their footage, and somewhat letigious as well if they have to be. So yeah, don't want to take the risk.
Also, it has been brought to my attention that there are some real dickbags going around on AIM using mirrors and misspellings of moderator names to attempt to get people's passwords. If someone claiming to me contacts you asking for your password, it is NOT me, if ANY mod or staff member contacts you through email, aim, or any other program asking for your password, they are a fraud. We don't need your passwords, we can find them if we need them, and implant lots of incriminating pornography on your accounts at will...I mean...forget that last part.
Point is, give your password to no one.
Back to lots of talk about foolish foolish wrestling.