At 12/7/06 08:03 PM, Xmasface wrote: Okay next up, Why don't you guys take a shot at roasting your favorite Wrestler of 2006? make sure to be funny, and limit one superstar per roaster.
Let me take a swing at this.
SD!: King Booker.
I knew he was stupid before, fighting with Edge over a shampoo commercial, but DAMN! He completely chucked his Spin-a-roonie for a Scepter! He is just... GRR. Not only did he make himself stupider looking, as if that was possible, but he made the $2 whore that is his wife a Queen? And Regal & Finaly get Knighted. and Regal is all "Oh ya!". Yeesh. . .
Maybe a little offencive.
RAW: Spirt Squad.
Male Cheerleaders? Don't they want to convince to people that wrestling IS NOT gay? And they got the Tag-Team Championship from two of the best wrestlers I've seen? I think the WWE is purposally trying to ruin themselves. Oh wait, they do CHEERS too! Oh goody-cumdrops! Did I mean gumdrops? Who knows! Maybe they'll win all the championships too, while their at it. I mean, Cheerleaders are supposed to be Women...
ECW: . . . Well I was going to say CM Punk but Xmas-face took my ideas.