At 12/4/06 04:02 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Another face champion? OMG, Vince is killing me. Ever since the destruction of WCW era, a face champion would always reign longer than the heel champion and look much more dominant than the heel even when he is chasing the title. Tell me, Vince, why do you book every face contender as superman and every main event heel as scared pussy. If we all know that the face will destroy the heel anyway in the end, why bother watching? Damn, I miss those good old days when The Undertaker (heel) kills everyone in sight.
I would perfer Undertaker being a pussy face, they make him too overpowered, trust me, there is no way in hell he could ever beat the Big Show.
What the hell!!! Lashley won championship?!!?! Aw hell no, now that's just gay, Vince makes bad choices, Lashley is all muscle, no wrestling experience what so ever. Now there are 2 faces that don't deserved a championship. (Lashley and Cena, you make me sick)
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