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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-11-30 09:25:59

At 11/30/06 04:02 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
I mean...there have been those who think I should quit with the long winded posts...conspicous by their abscence, aren't they? ; )

There's no need to quit writing long posts. If you need to rant because you don't like the direction a certain angle or wrestler is going, feel free to do so.

And if you have any intention of writing a rant talking about Vince Russo... Then by all means go ahead and do it.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-11-30 15:04:58

I hope I can remember to watch TNA tonight. I have been forgetting about it for the last few weeks. I don't even know what they have in store tonight...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-11-30 15:45:17

Here's the card for Japan's upcoming Indie Summit show involving Japan's largest indie promotions. The card looks very good on paper. Want to know why? Kaientai DX has reunited for the show!

December 31, 2006.
Tokyo Korakuen Hall.

1.1,000,000 Yen President Rumble featuring the presidents of each Japanese indie promotion involved in the show.
2.Fluorescent Light Tube Death Match: Jun Kasai, "Black Angel" Jaki Numazawa & Saburo Inematsu vs. Takashi Sasaki, Kesen Numajiro & Abdullah Kobayashi.
3.Entertainment Three Way: Danshoku Dino & Michael Nakazawa vs. JOE & Yasu Urano vs. Brahman Shu & Brahman Kei.
4.Masaaki Mochizuki & Kota Ibushi vs. Muneki Sawa & Hayato "Jr" Fujita.
5.Kaientai DX Revival Ten-Man Tag: TAKA Michinoku, Funaki, Kaz Hayashi, Dick Togo & MEN's Teioh vs. Makoto Oishi, KUDO, Katsunari Kishi, Shinjitsu Nohashi & Milanito Collection a.t.
6.JUST "NOW" Six-Man Tag: Daisuke Sekimoto, HARASHIMA & Billy Ken Kid vs. GAINA, Kengo Mashima & Takuya Sugawara.

Out of all these matches, Which one are you interested in seeing the most? I'm interested in seeing the Kaientai DX reunion the most.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-11-30 16:07:22

A new match has been added to December to Dismember. Tommy Dreamer will face Daivari (w/The Great Khali) at the PPV. Here's what the card looks like now.

1.Extreme Elimination Chamber ECW Championship Match: Big Show (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Sabu vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Lashley vs. Test.
2.The Hardy Boyz vs. MNM (w/Melina).
3.The Sandman vs. Hardcore Holly.
4.Tommy Dreamer vs. Daivari (w/The Great Khali).

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-11-30 19:24:46

At 11/29/06 06:40 PM, LordKooler wrote: John Cena is teaming up with the person who is currently playing second fiddle to him (I will call Batista that from now on) for the first time since the October 27 episode of Smackdown.

You're fucking kidding. At Least Batista still has Main Event Status.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-11-30 19:38:50

At 11/30/06 04:07 PM, LordKooler wrote: A new match has been added to December to Dismember. Tommy Dreamer will face Daivari (w/The Great Khali) at the PPV. Here's what the card looks like now.

1.Extreme Elimination Chamber ECW Championship Match: Big Show (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Sabu vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Lashley vs. Test.
2.The Hardy Boyz vs. MNM (w/Melina).
3.The Sandman vs. Hardcore Holly.
4.Tommy Dreamer vs. Daivari (w/The Great Khali).

Well it is getting a little better, they need at least tow or three more matches for it to be a decent amount.

I love how the WWE was able to sneak in some Raw and SD! superstars. At least the Hardys fit the bill for ECW. If they were to move, I think it would be a great way to start up a tag division in ECW. Only problem is, that takes time away from other extemists since the show is so short. It needs at least another half hour.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-01 00:39:14

LordKooler's TNA iMPACT! review
1.Christian/Abyss/Sting segment
Impact starts off with Christian coming out with Tyson Tomko. He's being called "Tomko" in TNA since if TNA were to call him "Tyson Tomko" or "The Problem Solver", WWE would pursue legal action against TNA. Christian talks about his match against Sting & Abyss at Turning Point and Christian says that he'll take out both of his opponents tonight. Then Christian says that Abyss & Tomko have a past together. Then Abyss comes out and then a Sting dummy appears from the rafters. Then the real Sting comes out and Sting gets on the mic and says that he wants to talk to Abyss man to man with no James Mitchell present. A solid opening interview segment to start Impact.
2.Winner becomes #1 Contender to the X Division Championship: Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Jay Lethal
X Division Champion Christopher Daniels, Who recently won the ROH Tag Team Titles with Matt Sydal by defeating The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) on November 25 in Edison, New Jersey, Did commentary during this match. Chris Sabin won the match to become the #1 contender to the X Division Title.
3.Ron Killings & Lance Hoyt vs. Austin Aries & Alex Shelley
I've heard rumors that Christy Hemme might become the manager for Killings & Hoyt. Shelley rolls up Hoyt for the win but in a Russorific moment, Aries takes Shelley's camcorder and uses it to show the referee that his partner cheated by holding on to the tights. The referee reverses the decision because of that and gives the victory to Killings & Hoyt.
4.Sting/Abyss Segment
Sting has a confrontation with Abyss who is without James Mitchell. Sting questions Abyss and says that Jesus Christ will be able to save Abyss from the torment that he's going through. Then Sting breaks Kayfabe by calling Abyss "Chris". Wanna know what Abyss' real name is? Abyss' real name is Chris Parks. Then James Mitchell appears on the screen and says that Sting & Abyss are one of the same. When Sting leaves Abyss alone, Christian & Tomko come out and attack Abyss! I'm not interested in talking about what happened after that.
5.NWA Tag Team Championship Match: LAX (w/Konnan) (c) vs. Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe
Angle's partner was originally supposed to be Petey Williams, But LAX attacked him backstage before the match. The match starts off as a Handicap Match with LAX vs. Angle but then Samoa Joe comes out. Angle & Joe make both Homicide & Hernandez tap at the end but Jim Cornette comes out and says that the match is a no contest because Joe was not an official participant.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-01 01:16:02

More on Sabu :

source: PWTorch Newsletter

Sabu is still scheduled to compete in the Elimination Chamber match this Sunday. Although it was reported that he was squashed by Umaga last week for his recent actions, he was also squashed to setup Umaga’s feud with John Cena. Sources backstage are being quoted saying, "(Management) has said Sabu is useless in a regular match, and can only do a match with stunts and tables, and they don't respect him because of that."

Kinda pisses you off to hear that doesn't it?

From: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Ron Killings is still unhappy in TNA. So much so, that he requested a release again. Terry Taylor told him that he won't be released because "they don't want him working for the competition."

Having gone so far away from the main event I don't blame the guy.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-01 03:40:28

Oh fuck the Torch, Wade Keller has always hated ECW and I trust him like I trust a rash not to itch.

They have plenty of guys on that roster that suck dick in the ring but they still push, I think the thing with Sabu is that his bad behavior has dropped whatever stock he had in the company to nil, and I do not blame management one little bit for that. Here's a guy they looked to at one point to carry this project, they payed him a way bigger amount to come in then the other folks they hired, and he was not somebody "within the system" so for him to then turn around and just fuck them is awful. I can understand he's been depushed of late, but it's not like he's the only guy in WWE to have been pushed hard for a couple of months and then just dropped.

They have no clue what they want out of ECW, but they have no clue what they want out of their other shows either, and that's one of the major reasons WWE shows suck these days. I could bitch on and on, but it's just stuff I've said before, and it's sad as hell that in only like six months we've gone from people going "oh my God! ECW is coming back! I must watch!" to "Dude, I don't even care about that shit anymore..." seriously, PWInsider is considering doing away with live coverage of the show because there are people writing in and saying "don't watch, don't care". I'm really beginning to get the feeling that we may be watching the last days of ECW here. I highly doubt SciFi gives a damn what WWE puts onto their network as long as they get wrestling programming, so I could easily see them turning the show into a SD! B-show and get the same ratings they get now (hell, I've heard quite a few people comparing the show to Velocity anyway). I do believe the show has definitely begun to get stale, especially at the top, so I'm hoping a title switch can be the catalyst to move some things forward. But they definitely need to get the writing more focused.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-01 04:01:20

At 12/1/06 12:39 AM, LordKooler wrote:
4.Sting/Abyss Segment
Sting has a confrontation with Abyss who is without James Mitchell. Sting questions Abyss and says that Jesus Christ will be able to save Abyss from the torment that he's going through.

You gotta be shittin' me. That sounds like the most retarded segment ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-01 13:57:47

WOW! TNA sucked last night. Its a one-hour show and we had 8 minutes of wrestling... Overall. The tag match was the longest match and it lasted less than five minutes.

VKM was talking about how they want to get rid of bad television.... Obviously they haven't seen their segments. And if you had any doubt about wheter or not Russo was going to ruin TNA, Traci Brooks vs Eric Young in a Bikini contest at Turning Point. THat'll increase the buys of the PPV.

Now on to something different... CM Punk was interviewed by the Miami Herald, they talk a bit about his early days in the indies and about how Regal helps out people from SMackdown and ECW... Here's the link.

http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/sports/w restling/16141266.htm

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-01 19:02:06

whos gonna win the royal rumble? well...

The Wrestling (WWE) Club




Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-01 19:17:30

At 12/1/06 07:02 PM, Joe-Milionare wrote: whos gonna win the royal rumble? well...

I'll bet if you ask that question at WWE headquarters right now, you'll get the same answer I'm going to give: I don't know,

Seriously, there's pretty much nobody that to me feels like they've built that guy to where you're going "oh yeah, they're pushing him to that next level". Maybe RVD, because there's no chance in hell of him winning Sunday, and you can after that run the whole "you are never getting another oppurtunity to be champion" thing and then he wins the Rumble and Paul E. can't do shit about it, but RVD has screwed himself so good with management now, that may not happen. Plus, I just don't see them giving that sort of win to a non-RAW or SD! guy.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-01 19:42:56

uhhm dude the EEC this is the chanceing

RVD 5%
sabu 5%
show 10%
test 30%
cm punk 20%
lashley 30%

and RVD aint gonna be champ for a while fromthat DC back in jully




Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-01 22:02:16

Well, some random thoughts to the posts on the page.

- Can't spend cash for PWInsider
- VKM, Russo, and poor booking = TNA dying in...2-3 months.
- WWE vs TNA.. Lets see, TNA has 1 million more or less viewers for impact, WWE has 3x, and pays probably twice as much to their wrestlers. Their booking is ok.
- ECW is pretty much fucked

Right behind you

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-01 22:25:29

The Voodoo Kin Mafia bullshit continues.

TNA stars Kip and BG James (the Voodoo Kin Mafia) are outside the WWE RAW house show in Knoxville, Tennessee right now filming footage that continues their "war" storyline. A carmera crew, Vince Russo, and a bunch of TNA "fans" are all there holding up TNA and VKM signs.

A vignette where VKM attempt to buy tickets to the show and complain about the $50 price tag has already been shot. The group is also interviewing WWE fans, asking them about their thoughts on WWE and DX.

Thus far, nobody from WWE has attempted to stop them from filming.

Credit: PWInsider.com.

I'd like to ask you guys a question, When are the fans in the Impact Zone gonna start chanting "Fire Russo!"?

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 00:48:05

At 12/1/06 07:02 PM, Joe-Milionare wrote: whos gonna win the royal rumble? well...

I was hoping Batista would get his second Rumble win, but I might have to wait another year when he has no trophie. Hm, this is a hard on, I'll say Mr. Kennedy, since he is a heal and hasn't won one yet. Or possibly Randy Orton or Matt Hardy. Please not Benoit again, he's a United States champ guy, not a Rumble guy.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 01:40:41

I have an update on the current VKM/WWE House Show situation

The Voodoo Kin Mafia (BG & Kip James) actually entered the WWE RAW house show in Knoxville, Tennessee tonight as Triple H made his way to the ring for his match against Randy Orton. VKM watched the match from the upper level and tried to get a few TNA chants started.

As reported earlier, VKM, Vince Russo, Jeremy Borash, and a group of TNA fans were outside of the venue prior to the show, promoting TNA and interviewing fans about WWE's product and DX.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 01:55:37

This shit is just fucking goofy to me. Russo is trying to recapture the magic of that "DX Invasion" and going to the level that WWE couldn't or wouldn't back in the day with that. If they wanted to shoot their little angle outside, fine, but for those goobers to go in there and try and fuck with the show in any way is so classless and unprofessional to me. It just screams "indy!" and that's not something TNA wants itself tagged as right now.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 10:53:48

I was wondering what is a Last Ride Match?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 11:04:49

At 12/2/06 10:53 AM, Zenmuron wrote: I was wondering what is a Last Ride Match?

It's like an ambulance/stretcher match in which the objectit to get your opponent in the back of a car (a herce in this case) and have it drive away.

You know there is a silver linging to SD these days. Vitp has been off TV for a few weeks. Hopefully we have seem the last of that gimmick.

VKM themselves should know better than that to try and mess with a live show. If they want to film themselves outside and leave after everyone goes in, thats one thing, but trying to ruin a show just to promote themselves is just low. WWE may have done some bad things, but they at least left the live and taped shows alone when they fuded with WCW. TNA will be lucky if WWE keeps ignoring them, cause if they get pissed enough WWE has a better chance of winning in court.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 15:07:14

At 12/2/06 11:04 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
At 12/2/06 10:53 AM, Zenmuron wrote: I was wondering what is a Last Ride Match?
It's like an ambulance/stretcher match in which the objectit to get your opponent in the back of a car (a herce in this case) and have it drive away.

thanks alot, can't wait to see it on Armageddon.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 15:08:57

Inferno match... God I miss those. Maybe Kane will actually WIN this one...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 16:15:48

At 12/2/06 03:08 PM, Slapdamonkey wrote: Inferno match... God I miss those. Maybe Kane will actually WIN this one...

who is facing who in that match?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 16:31:28

At 12/2/06 04:15 PM, YoinK wrote:
At 12/2/06 03:08 PM, Slapdamonkey wrote: Inferno match... God I miss those. Maybe Kane will actually WIN this one...
who is facing who in that match?

Kane will be facing MVP in an Inferno Match at Armageddon.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 21:51:25

There's a great interview up with the man I hope is the ECW Champion CM Punk at IGN which you can get here:

http://sports.ign.com/articles/748/748635p1.h tml

For those who'd be interested, I don't think there's any real point in doing any sort of "predict the show" stuff tommorow, since on paper the show just seems so obvious and there's so little announced, I thought I'd perhaps indulge in a bit of fantasy booking and tell you how I would book this show if I was in WWE's shoes, but I'll leave that until I know some people would actually be interested in reading something so speculative, I know there are many folks out there that give not a fuck about ANYBODY's fantasy booking ideas, let alone mine.

Also on the docket, I will be seeing the PPV, but not until Thursday due to some problems with actually viewing it tommorow. That means that I'm basically going into wrestling isolation from 8 P.M. tommorow until I actually get to watch the show Thursday night. So I won't be posting here, or viewing this topic for those days for fear of spoilers, I WILL be taping ECW on SciFi and the Report Card will go up on Thursday as well because like I say, I don't want to be spoiled about what happened on the show, or prejudiced one way or another before I get a chance to watch it. I also won't be answering PM's in case some smartass decides that me saying all this is an invitation for them to be a fucko and try to spoil it for me anyway. I can't ban anyone for trying that, but rest assured, if you do spoil the show for me, your participation in this topic will most likely suffer indirectly. Thanks in advance for everyone's cooperation and understanding about that.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 22:06:05

At 12/2/06 09:51 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
For those who'd be interested, I don't think there's any real point in doing any sort of "predict the show" stuff tommorow, since on paper the show just seems so obvious and there's so little announced, I thought I'd perhaps indulge in a bit of fantasy booking and tell you how I would book this show if I was in WWE's shoes, but I'll leave that until I know some people would actually be interested in reading something so speculative, I know there are many folks out there that give not a fuck about ANYBODY's fantasy booking ideas, let alone mine.

I read that Punk interview and I think its safe to say that's he the breakout star of ECW. As for how you would booj DtD... Go ahead, I've been reading posts in other forums about how they would book the PPV and I want to know how you would do it, mostly to see what other matches you would book.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 22:16:20

u know a infernomatch it right

inferno match- the ends of the rings sides on fire object s 2 light openant on fire

:) duh!




Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 22:17:45

At 4/18/03 06:29 PM, Sgt-OBrien wrote: Does ANYBODY remember Scotty 2 Hotty?

The Worm

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-12-02 23:47:56

At 12/2/06 10:17 PM, JimmyWorld wrote:
At 4/18/03 06:29 PM, Sgt-OBrien wrote: Does ANYBODY remember Scotty 2 Hotty?
The Worm

I counter with The Bird! CAW CAW!

Anyway, I missed SD! yesterday, when do the summarys.. or judging.. or whatever... usually appear here?