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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 16:58:09

At 9/19/06 01:34 PM, pepeatumi wrote: The way I see it can be just a few things. Either Angle is going to TNA, or Goldberg's to TNA (I hope this doesn't happen) or maybe its just that Impact will finally become a 2-hour show.

Those are the only three things it could be. Angle is actively pursuing the next phase of his career away from WWE, Goldberg has a holding deal with Spike, so TNA could honestly get him with Spike footing at least some of that bill.

Also, Jerry Jarrett DOSEN'T own TNA at this point. Panda Energy (which is owned by Dixie Carter's father) owns the company, Jerry Jarrett did start it, along with Jeff, but Jerry is totally out at this point, after bringing that big russian guy to Vince and trying to get a job with him. Jeff still has a minor ownership stake, but Dixie just likes him a lot and feels he's knowledgable about how to do things, so that's why he can easily get the belt when he wants it, or feels that's best for the company.

The six pack challenge was a really awesome match, easily the best part of RAW, and it's nice that six guys actually cared about the IC Title enough to try and win it in that match.

Here's an update on the Unforgiven ejection story:

Jeff G. sent this item, in response to a story on the site yesterday. ... I read the article from Pink Hair and Peanut. I first wondered about this after watching the Cena and Edge match a second time I noticed a read headed woman being kicked out of the arena. Upon reading her letter, I felt compelled to watch it again, knowing that I had heard her use profane language multiple times towards Cena. It was at this time that I noticed that you can CLEARLY see a blonde haired woman, presumably Peanut, spit at John Cena. It disgusts me to see so-called fans of the WWE treating superstars so poorly. It is a shame that she is trying to make the WWE look bad when she is the one at fault.

James Harrison added this. ... I was just reading the reply from the fan who was ejected from the building at Unforgiven and I just had to reply.... You can clearly hear her say the 'F' word (my surround sound picks up everything) so her wanting an apology from WWE or anyone else is plain ridiculous!

PWInsider reported this, and I think it's quite frankly disgusting that these girls would make this huge stink and lie to so many people and then claim you're a hardcore WWE fan. It's appaling to me, because there were many people who were writing in and saying how they were disgusted with WWE, and you know? That potentially cost WWE some business. WWE is not a perfect company, far from it, and there are many many things I don't like about it, but nobody, I mean NOBODY should suffer a loss of customers because some folks couldn't conduct themselves responsibly.

I kind of figured something was up when the girl writing the statement said "we have no reason to lie" that sort of mildly defensive stuff just always throws up a red flag for me...

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 17:10:47

BIG news about this year's Survivor Series... Raw vs Smackdown vs... ECW!

From WWE.com:

After last year’s Survivor Series featured a battle of the brands in a Classic Survivor Series Match between Team SmackDown and Team RAW, did you really think that the annual Thanksgiving season pay-per-view would roll around again without ECW trying to crash the party? Yea, we didn’t either. So it came as no surprise when WWE.com was informed that the ECW Extremists will be looking for their piece of the action in Philadelphia on November 26.

The details of ECW’s involvement in Survivor Series are still unclear, but we do know for certain that the Extremists will be in the building and that it will be RAW vs. SmackDown vs. ECW when the second longest running pay-per-view in WWE history celebrates its 20th anniversary. Will we still see a Classic Survivor Series elimination tag match, or will the involvement of a third brand bring about a new type of match stipulation?

The Extremists will be hoping to shake up the landscape of one of the biggest and most popular pay-per-views in WWE. Survivor Series has been the setting for many a classic WWE moment, and Paul Heyman’s extreme cult will storm into the Wachovia Center looking to replace WWE fans’ Survivor Series memories of Sharpshooters and Big Boots with tables, chairs and high-risk stunts.

They will have their work cut out for them, as Survivor Series 1997 is, even nine years later, one of the most talked about events in WWE history. That event is, of course, the infamous “Montreal Screwjob,” in which Bret Hart was cheated out of the WWE Championship when Mr. McMahon forced the timekeeper to “Ring the f***ing bell!”

The addition of ECW to the Survivor Series roster provides a wealth of excitement and unpredictability, but it will certainly not be the first big debut at the November pay-per-view. Kurt Angle, Undertaker and The Rock all got their first taste of WWE Superstardom at Survivor Series, and in 2002, WWE fans witnessed the type of carnage that the Extremists will hope to bring to Surivor Series with the unveiling of the Elimination Chamber.

CM Punk, Van Dam, Sabu.... If its a classic Survivor Series match, these three are probably locks for the ECW team.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 17:16:04

It actually sounds like, by everyone's reactions, the DX vs The McMahons/The Big Show turned out pretty well. Phooey - now I wish I'd seen it.....

At 9/16/06 10:18 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 9/16/06 10:06 PM, Assi9 wrote: And now, w/o illegal operation interruption...............

Assi9's SmackDown Blah-Blah-Blah
Cool, uhhh, blah,blah,blah? But is that true? Is Vito really facing King Booker next week? I understand that it miight be slightly funny seeing the guy in the dress facing King Booker, but the guy in the dress is VITO!! From a wrestling standpoint I can pretty much guarantee that its going to be a terrible match.


And I call it 'Blah-Blah-Blah' because I talk too much. :P

At 9/16/06 11:58 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: From what I figure, and everybody else in the know figures, if Trish wins the belt, it's immediately vacated, and they'd probably have a battle royal or something real quick to crown a new champion, or maybe they'd just use it as an excuse to just out and out retire the belt. The whole division is a god damn shambles, and they really need to get the hot girls who can't wrestle switched with the hot girls on SD! who actually can. The athletes with the athletes, and the eye candy with the eye candy, that's how it should be.

Most of the divisions are in shambles...............I'm gonna' miss Trish..............

At 9/18/06 11:36 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
At 9/18/06 11:25 AM, chaingangsoldier7 wrote: john cena is the best and he beat edge at unforgiven against all the odds
And all common sense. :-(

I want some new, fresh stories. Every week, it's the same old "I'M JOHN CENA AND I WILL BE CHAMPION, EDGE!" and DX and Vince fighting...ugh. I mean, I like DX, but the feud needs some fresh angle or it'll go stale fast.

Well, finish going stale.

Please, please let something new and clever happen tonight...I know that it's unlikely, but please, let something good happen...

It does make you wonder how come the shows' still on, sometimes....

At 9/18/06 09:07 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Hahaha. Think they're booing Cena enough yet?

Hmmmmmm.....maybe they do need to turn him heel, if they're booing him as a face now..... I mustv'e missed something.

At 9/18/06 09:56 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 9/18/06 09:50 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Big Six man tag on ECW tommorow, and it's really unfortunate to hear about two fans who were ejected last night by what was really an overzealous security staff. You can read all about that at fine sites like PWInsider...I'm just too beat to go back over and link copy, the two girls's side of things wouldn't fit in the NG post window.
Long story short... The two fans were accused of spitting in John Cena's direction, which is complete and utter bullshit, because I saw that and there was no spitting involved, one of the refeeres jumped the gun and told security to remove them from the arena... So you see the WWE's stupidy even reaches their security.

That's fucked up.............wonder if they'll sue Vince - that oughtta' be interesting.

Apart from the SIx man tag match tomorrow, we'll also an Extreme Rules match between Rob Van Dam and King Booker.

Tee-hee, it's what JBL was afraid of......NYAH-NYAH! Oh, yeah - nothing like having him dethroned on ECW in the most painful way possible.

At 9/19/06 10:05 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Post again and then we'll add you in. But I do agree that there is not enough wrestling related flash, well decent wrestling related flash. There are a few really good ones, like the chibi (spelling?) series.

Hmmmmmmm. Come to think of it, I really haven't seen any WWE/wrestling-in-general Flashes yet........

At 9/19/06 11:06 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Some BIG (possibly) TNA news?

TNA's Dixie Carter posted the following message, teasing a major announcement at this Sunday's No Surrender PPV on the TNA website:

"In the course of history, there are defining moments that change the fabric of a company forever. These are moments that are spoken about for years, not days, and serve as benchmarks in the annals of a company’s growth. And on occasion, those moments transcend the individual company and re-write the history of an industry. This Sunday at the NO SURRENDER PPV, an announcement will be made that will do just that. You will not want to miss the NO SURRENDER PPV."

It can't be what I think it is, right? I mean HE wouldn't go to TNA... right? Angle's not going to TNA... right?

Doesn't he still have personal issues to work out? Wasn't why Vince let him go? If this TNA crap's true, does TNA even give a crap about the well-being of their wrestlers?

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 17:34:29

At 9/19/06 04:58 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Here's an update on the Unforgiven ejection story:

Jeff G. sent this item, in response to a story on the site yesterday. ... I read the article from Pink Hair and Peanut. I first wondered about this after watching the Cena and Edge match a second time I noticed a read headed woman being kicked out of the arena. Upon reading her letter, I felt compelled to watch it again, knowing that I had heard her use profane language multiple times towards Cena. It was at this time that I noticed that you can CLEARLY see a blonde haired woman, presumably Peanut, spit at John Cena. It disgusts me to see so-called fans of the WWE treating superstars so poorly. It is a shame that she is trying to make the WWE look bad when she is the one at fault.

James Harrison added this. ... I was just reading the reply from the fan who was ejected from the building at Unforgiven and I just had to reply.... You can clearly hear her say the 'F' word (my surround sound picks up everything) so her wanting an apology from WWE or anyone else is plain ridiculous!

PWInsider reported this, and I think it's quite frankly disgusting that these girls would make this huge stink and lie to so many people and then claim you're a hardcore WWE fan. It's appaling to me, because there were many people who were writing in and saying how they were disgusted with WWE, and you know? That potentially cost WWE some business. WWE is not a perfect company, far from it, and there are many many things I don't like about it, but nobody, I mean NOBODY should suffer a loss of customers because some folks couldn't conduct themselves responsibly.

I kind of figured something was up when the girl writing the statement said "we have no reason to lie" that sort of mildly defensive stuff just always throws up a red flag for me...

(groans) Well, this is getting interesting - now there's actually proof that these girls were just outright bitches.... I was figuring that it was like what was thought before - the security people getting wild hairs up their asses - this changes everything. No way in hell that they'll be able to sue when they've been caught red-handed. I'm now actually feeling sorry for the WWE - hopefully they'll get those fans back that they lost.

And I know that Cena's been booed a hell of a lot lately, but there's NO GODDAMN REASON to spit on another wrestler - YOU JUST DON'T SPIT ON OTHER PEOPLE; Luckily, I happened to learn that the hard way, w/o too much trouble.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 18:03:03

thanks 4 the recap

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 18:13:01

I STILL WANNA JOIN.....by the way why do i have to post this agen lol?

I think Kane Deserves a title shot

hes way better then that clown Estrada and that fat guy!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 18:27:00

At 9/19/06 06:13 PM, The-Great-Saint wrote: I STILL WANNA JOIN.....by the way why do i have to post this agen lol?

I think Kane Deserves a title shot

hes way better then that clown Estrada and that fat guy!!

i agree

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 18:27:24

One more note about Survivor Series.. And let me say, I am in no way hyping up the ECW wrestlers (OK, I am) but the event will take place in... Philadelphia... you know ECW, Philadelphia, I'm not saying that theECW stars will try to steal the show, but they're probably going to steal the show.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 18:42:35

At 9/19/06 01:43 PM, pepeatumi wrote: King Booker-William Regal and Finlay vs the team that just can't lose (they really can't) consisting of Batista-Lashley and.... John Cena.. Again this would be next week's Smackdown.

What?! John Cena, they are bringing the no talent guy to Smackdown also? Aw hell no, the match also seems boring. The Six Pack match was something worth watching, seriously. The only tag team matches I look forward to are the survivor series ones, just how it's elimination. Anyways whatever, at least Batista, Lashley and Booker are in it. I would like to see Booker pin weena, I mean Cena.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 18:46:01

At 9/19/06 06:42 PM, MegaGold wrote:
What?! John Cena, they are bringing the no talent guy to Smackdown also? Aw hell no, the match also seems boring. The Six Pack match was something worth watching, seriously. The only tag team matches I look forward to are the survivor series ones, just how it's elimination. Anyways whatever, at least Batista, Lashley and Booker are in it. I would like to see Booker pin weena, I mean Cena.

Just to make something clear, it doesn't look like Cena's going to Smackdown permanently, this seems to be just a one time deal.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 18:50:22

At 9/19/06 06:27 PM, pepeatumi wrote: One more note about Survivor Series.. And let me say, I am in no way hyping up the ECW wrestlers (OK, I am) but the event will take place in... Philadelphia... you know ECW, Philadelphia, I'm not saying that theECW stars will try to steal the show, but they're probably going to steal the show.

They'd be stupid not to, they want that brand to work, and many of these guys are either just getting noticed, or on their second or third chance with the company, so anyone getting a spot on this show should want to work their asses off and do as much as they can to make their end of the show the best part of it.

You notice they just HAD to bring up Montreal again and detail it, unless you've just started watching the business yesterday and have no prior knowledge of anything, how is anyone not familiar with this, and where it happened, that it has to be brought up again? I mean...it's just another of those cheap tricks where they try to subtlely hint something like that could happen again, when there's pretty much no chance in hell that we'd ever see the business get that real ever again, because the conditions for it just aren't there.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 18:57:02

At 9/19/06 06:50 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:

You notice they just HAD to bring up Montreal again and detail it, unless you've just started watching the business yesterday and have no prior knowledge of anything, how is anyone not familiar with this, and where it happened, that it has to be brought up again? I mean...it's just another of those cheap tricks where they try to subtlely hint something like that could happen again, when there's pretty much no chance in hell that we'd ever see the business get that real ever again, because the conditions for it just aren't there.

Well the WWE always tries to revive the past in order to spark interest (DX, anyone?). But I'm hyped for this because everytime there's a Survivior Series elmination match the winner is usually someone who will be pushed in a later time (like Orton, before his violations of the drug policy). And I think its gong to be Punk, he was the ONLY wrestler in any brand who got his name chanted at MSG just last week, and regardless of what a certain BITCH (let's call her Stephanie m) says about him, he is and will be a star and this may be the platform that sends him to the stratosphere, especially if he ends up against someone like... Shawn Michaels, maybe?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 19:25:21

Yeah, I'm excited for the idea that ECW could be involved in a Survivor Series bout and someone like a CM Punk could get a real chance to break out here and elevate his star in the company, and to the fans.

I just hate how WWE never wants to let Montreal go, even though it's done everything it'll ever do for them.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 19:31:27

At 9/19/06 07:25 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
I just hate how WWE never wants to let Montreal go, even though it's done everything it'll ever do for them.

Its even more stupid, when you realize that at Unforgiven, no one booed Michaels and last night (In Montreal) some idiots decided to chant "You screwed Bret" at HBK but it didn't catch on and for the most part Shawn got cheers... The fans (who have every reason to be bitter) seem to have moved on (finally). So I have to wonder, why can't the WWE just do the same? Its done,and try as they might something like the Screwjob probably won't happen again, so just let it rest.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-19 19:55:26

Why is Estrada such a Retard lol
like wen he pulls all of those faces?
lol hes more of a freak then Umaga is
plus wasnt umaga in 3 Minites?
isnt he rikishi's brother?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 06:41:24

At 9/19/06 06:13 PM, The-Great-Saint wrote: I STILL WANNA JOIN.....by the way why do i have to post this agen lol?

The-Great-Saint you are # 225. Welcome to the club! As for why you needed to post again, it's due to the fact that many people come in and say they want to join, and then never show up again.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 10:44:12

Hey, maybe TNA's big announcement is that Trish will go to TNA with the woman's title and throw it in the trash :D

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 13:13:24

Maybe Kurt Angle isn't going to TNA...

In a surprising move given his health issues (but perhaps not so surprising, given his past drive athletically), former WWE champion Kurt Angle is preparing and gearing up to compete in the world of Mixed Martial Arts, according to a number of sources.

Angle, who was released by World Wrestling Entertainment, has not had any contact with the company since the week of his release, after the company released a text message noting that Angle was in a bad emotional state following the meeting that led to his release.

Angle's manager Dave Hawk has contacted a number of media outlets in recent days, touting that Angle would make his MMA debut in 2007 and was in discussions with a number of MMA groups. Angle recently conducted an interview with MMA magazine Real Fighter as well, pushing his interests in competing in MMA.

The Full story can be found here: http://www.pwinsider..asp?id=20410&p=1

I don't want to see Angle go to TNA, but I would take that over seeing him possibly get killed in MMA, that's just my opinion.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 16:36:32

r u retarded? the reason he quit is because wrestling was interfering with his life 2 much, and rhino, we talk about WWE HERE

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 16:41:24

At 9/20/06 04:36 PM, The-DuDe-of-DuDes wrote: r u retarded? the reason he quit is because wrestling was interfering with his life 2 much, and rhino, we talk about WWE HERE

Actually, if you'd pay attention to the thread, you'd notice we talk about all the brands, including TNA.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 16:45:03

At 9/20/06 04:36 PM, The-DuDe-of-DuDes wrote: r u retarded? the reason he quit is because wrestling was interfering with his life 2 much, and rhino, we talk about WWE HERE

He didn't quit.. Angle was fired by the WWE, he wanted to keep on wrestling but the WWE did the right thng in letting him go... And like Slash said, we talk about all wrestling companies, thus the reason its called the wrestling club.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 17:20:14

I'm The Boogeyman and I'm coming.... to the unemployment line..

From WWE.com:

WWE has come to terms on the release of Boogeyman (Marty Wright) as of today 9/20/06. We wish Marty the best in all future endeavors.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 18:05:48

THATS Y ITS CALLED THE WRESTLING (WWE) CLUB!! on page 1 this is the wrestling club talk about wrestling (preferably WWE). so how would u think u know all this stuf?!? u workk there? dont think so. IF U WOULD PAY ATTENTION ON WEBSITES IT SEZ HE RETIRED BECUZ WRESTLING WAS INTERFERING WITH HIS PERSONEL LIFE 2 MUCH U ASSWIPES

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 18:13:03

At 9/20/06 06:05 PM, The-DuDe-of-DuDes wrote: THATS Y ITS CALLED THE WRESTLING (WWE) CLUB!! on page 1 this is the wrestling club talk about wrestling (preferably WWE). so how would u think u know all this stuf?!? u workk there? dont think so. IF U WOULD PAY ATTENTION ON WEBSITES IT SEZ HE RETIRED BECUZ WRESTLING WAS INTERFERING WITH HIS PERSONEL LIFE 2 MUCH U ASSWIPES

Dude, calm down.

We've been members for a good while, and if you look through recent pages, you'll see there's a healthy TNA fanbase here, too. This is the one and only wrestling club, and it now covers all the brands.

And if you'd pay attention, you'd know that the whole Kurt-wanting-to-take-time-off thing was just an initial attempt to preserve his image...but it's well-known now that Angle was forced to take time off due to physical and emotional stress.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 18:28:21

At 9/20/06 05:20 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I'm The Boogeyman and I'm coming.... to the unemployment line..

From WWE.com:

WWE has come to terms on the release of Boogeyman (Marty Wright) as of today 9/20/06. We wish Marty the best in all future endeavors.

That's strange, WWE was hyping his return and then they release him. Wassup wit Dat? Anyway, The Boogeyman is a terrible wrestler and I won't miss him at all. His matches against JBL at Royal Rumble & Booker T & Sharmell at Wrestlemania 22 were one of the worst matches of the year. The Boogeyman is another victim of the Tough Enough curse. Which Tough Enough alumni will be the next one to get released? What would it be like if the Boogeyman were to go to TNA?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 18:32:59

At 9/20/06 06:28 PM, LordKooler wrote:

That's strange, WWE was hyping his return and then they release him. Wassup wit Dat? Anyway, The Boogeyman is a terrible wrestler and I won't miss him at all. His matches against JBL at Royal Rumble & Booker T & Sharmell at Wrestlemania 22 were one of the worst matches of the year. The Boogeyman is another victim of the Tough Enough curse. Which Tough Enough alumni will be the next one to get released? What would it be like if the Boogeyman were to go to TNA?

Not many people from Tough Enough left in the WWE roster.. Nitro and/or won't be released anytime soon, I don't know where's Josh Matthews and I don't really care, so that leaves only one possible candidate.... The MIZ! Hoorah!

And if Boogeyman were to go to TNA (which I hope to hell doesn't happen) he'd probably be there for comedic purposes only.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 18:33:43

At 9/19/06 06:56 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: What, did they induct a wrestler you liked?



Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 18:50:55

At 9/20/06 06:05 PM, The-DuDe-of-DuDes wrote: THATS Y ITS CALLED THE WRESTLING (WWE) CLUB!! on page 1 this is the wrestling club talk about wrestling (preferably WWE). so how would u think u know all this stuf?!? u workk there? dont think so. IF U WOULD PAY ATTENTION ON WEBSITES IT SEZ HE RETIRED BECUZ WRESTLING WAS INTERFERING WITH HIS PERSONEL LIFE 2 MUCH U ASSWIPES

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Please, continue to post and make yourself out to be a total jackass. :D

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 19:21:36

At 9/20/06 06:05 PM, The-DuDe-of-DuDes wrote: THATS Y ITS CALLED THE WRESTLING (WWE) CLUB!! on page 1 this is the wrestling club talk about wrestling (preferably WWE). so how would u think u know all this stuf?!? u workk there? dont think so. IF U WOULD PAY ATTENTION ON WEBSITES IT SEZ HE RETIRED BECUZ WRESTLING WAS INTERFERING WITH HIS PERSONEL LIFE 2 MUCH U ASSWIPES

You will calm the hell down or I will forcibly remove you from this club. I do not like people crapping in good threads, especially good threads I enjoy. As to what you're saying, that's what they call a "cover story" if you're only reading what WWE.com is telling you, you aren't getting anywhere near the full story.

Here's some news on the ECW rating:
This week's edition of ECW on Sci Fi did a 1.6 cable rating, with a 2 share. That is down from last week's number and the show's lowest number yet. They can take solace in the fact that there was increased competition last night. In addition to the debut of the new fall lineups on the broadcast network, there was a lot of competition on cable as well. Nip/Tuck on FX did a 3.0 cable rating while they also went against the Dog Bounty Hunter special on A & E, which talked about his arrest and did their best number ever, a 3.3 cable rating. Both Raw and ECW will be affected by the return of first run programming on both broadcast TV and cable.

The quarter hours were 1.4, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 and 2.0.

Also of interest is that at the combined house shows of ECW/SD! the SD! workers were said to be very impressed with the work and overness of the ECW crew, and it also proved their are still pockets of "ECW only" fans as at least one crowd was very pro-ECW and anti-SD!. Yes...I could make nasty jokes here, but I won't...because I'm better then that, and there are some folks on there that really try despite the rotten booking and such.

ECW Report Card should be up later tonight, I think you'll find it rather favorable if you're a devoted ECW fan.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-20 19:37:34

At 9/20/06 07:21 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
ECW Report Card should be up later tonight, I think you'll find it rather favorable if you're a devoted ECW fan.

Indeed. I don't know what you'll say about Booker T, but personally I enjoyed all the segments with him, the look on his face when he saw Balls Mahoney was priceless, and his match with Van Dam was pretty good up until the interference (which you called, I'll give yout that). Of course the fact that Book and RVD have wrestled against and with each other before helped them put on a better match.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!