ECW On SciFi Report Card for 9/12
Thanks for bearing with me this week guys. It's been a bit tough to get done things I've wanted to get done with work being so kind of crazy:
Paul E. promo: Came in partway through this (damn people are hit or miss about the recording round here). I thought Paul E. was solid on the mic in terms of delivery, but I was not a fan of the content. The first thing that rankles me is that when someone says "wrestling character aside" the wrestling character should be put aside, and he should shoot. I understand WWE wanted heat on Paul E. and they got that, but it WAS the man's birthday, and he was in the Garden waving the flag of a product that he has a big hand in (I won't say created because this isn't the original ECW) in a building where he enjoyed wrestling as a child, and while I know WWE still needs to push the continuity of what they want to do, it just sucked that they'd tease the fans they were getting an old school Paul Heyman promo, and then screwed them. The other thing that pissed me off here, and is really pissing me off more and more lately, is that Paul Heyman is being played like "Mr Mcmahon comes to ECW". It is so goddamn obvious Vince is living vicariously through this character on the ECW shows, because he knows his own prescence there would probably harm the product. I thought the "cult leader" character was interesting at first, but it seems to be morphing more and more into an outright clone of Vince, and if I want that, I can go watch RAW every week. The Sabu coming out beatdown was predictable, but the crowd liked it. Grade: C+
RVD vs. Holly: I heard this one live described as "missed-spot-o-rama", but I think it came off pretty well on TV. Give credit to WWE's production crew for being able to edit together a pretty decent bout from something that was just loaded with missed spots live, and two guys who just didn't gel together at all. Holly continues to be impressive since coming to the ECW brand, this really was the best thing for him, it was also great to see the ECW originals stand tall at MSG and be treated like main eventers. My only complaint here was why the fuck was Stevie coming out to help Paul E.'s goons? I know he's been used as a heel jobber since debuting, but there aren't that many originals, and if they're going to do an "old guard vs new guard" story soon (seems like they've maybe teased it a bit) especially with Survivor Series coming, and Justin Credible MIA, I don't get why Stevie was used here except that maybe they figured he was the only one who didn't matter enough to take the beating. Grade: for the match, B, for the celebration, I'm gonna be a mark and give it an A+ and anybody who dosen't like that can kiss my ass.
CM Punk vs. Shannon Moore: CM Punk is over, and it was nice to see the NY crowd take to him so well. Shannon Moore from what I've been told has a job as a favor to the head seamstress of WWE (who also just happens to be Droz's ex-wife), who Moore is involved with. So Moore is basically going to be a "Special Delivery" Jones for the brand from what I'm told, a talented put over guy. I think that's important to point out since I'd grade the match differently if Moore was actually going to be pushed like he was a big deal star. He and Punk had a solid match, with Punk scoring the win via Anaconda Vice, I'm not sure why it took Moore so long to tap when everybody else has basically been like two seconds and tapped out. I mean, you'll get more from a C.W. Anderson then you will from a Shannon Moore in my opinion long term. Grade: B
Kelly Kelly CM Punk segment: Kelly showed some personality! Wow. I think it's good to give Knox a feud with somebody like Punk for a couple of reasons 1) Knox will only improve by working with people who are better workers then he is, and 2) they can see if Punk is able to carry an inferior worker to a good match, a very good tool to have on your shows. I'm interested to see this feud for those reasons, but I think the setup kind of reeks because it turns around the idea that Kelly has an ass for a boyfriend into making Knox more sympathetic since he's dating a friggin whore. That relationship has always had shaky logic to me, but this just pushed it right into the realm of "I'm supposed to hate Knox why in this case?" Grade: B- because everyone involved with it did a good job technically, it's just the content wasn't neccessarily to my liking.
Balls vs. Dupree: Dupree looked solid here, and they're playing the character exactly how I thought they would and should, as somebody who will claim to be Extreme, but isn't he will definitely get under the skin of the old ECW fans, and the new fans alike I think. He and Balls worked pretty well together, and the finish may not have been excellent, but it's fine in that it helps further the Mahoney/Kevin Thorne program they're building to, but I think it's about time to start that up. Ariel is dirty hot. Grade: B+
Striker segment: Ok, we get it, Striker hates Sandman, Striker can talk. Can we maybe do something new to move this feud along? ECW is getting to have the same problems as the other WWE brands lately when it comes to repetitive booking. Grade: D
Big Show vs. Sabu in Extreme Rules: Let start off by saying I liked the match work wise. It was not the best match Show and Sabu have had together, but they really have some good chemistry, and always have entertaining bouts. Show in general has upped his game, and proven he really cares about being the ECW champion, and making his title important. However this is the same old story we've seen for quite awhile now, where Sabu is screwed out of a seemingly assured victory by Heyman and his security detail. It's getting old, and I don't see how WWE thinks they can keep this story going by giving us the same old same old every week. I love watching Sabu work, and I've come to enjoy most of Big Show's work lately too, this storyline has been entertaining for me to watch, but it's beginning to get very stale, and if WWE dosen't find a way to either seperate these two, or add a new twist, it's just not going to hold my interest much longer. Also, why does Paul E. suddenly not care if Sabu is fighting Big Show? Is it because he can just send his security detail and Hardcore Holly out to "fix" the match? Explain please WWE! Grade: C+