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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-30 11:26:45

At 8/30/06 11:21 AM, MeOnABandwagon wrote: .

Thats if he actually even goes to Smackdown. This storyline smacks of underdog Cena shining through against all odds. Come on:
-Cena is chasing the title.
-He's fighting in a match that he has never been in before.
-His opponent is the Champion, who is one of the most famous competitors in the TLC match since its origin in WWE.
-He has had numerous attempts at taking the title from Edge, failing most times.
- Edge has Lita in his corner, and the match is no-DQ.

To add a little bit to the point you're triyng to make (btw I agree with everything)... Unforgiven is in Edge's hometown of Toronto, Canada which pretty much means... Its a lock that Cena will regain the title... The one thing that makes me think that Cena might lose is Edge's belt... Why get a new one if you're going to replace it in just a couple of weeks?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-30 11:32:10

At 8/30/06 11:26 AM, pepeatumi wrote: To add a little bit to the point you're triyng to make (btw I agree with everything)... Unforgiven is in Edge's hometown of Toronto, Canada which pretty much means... Its a lock that Cena will regain the title...

Ahhh, I knew there was something else I was missing. Being in Edge's hometown, it's also probably a given that Edge will be seen as a face by the fans, and Cena as a heel, seeing as his wrestling leaves a little to be desired. Maybe a heel turn would be in order.

The one thing that makes me think that Cena might lose is Edge's belt... Why get a new one if you're going to replace it in just a couple of weeks?

They only need to put the right spinner back in place, just like changing the name-plate. I agree though, they could've changed it any time, but they chose to do it recently.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-30 11:57:55

At 8/30/06 11:21 AM, MeOnABandwagon wrote: Thats if he actually even goes to Smackdown. This storyline smacks of underdog Cena shining through against all odds. Come on:
-Cena is chasing the title.
-He's fighting in a match that he has never been in before.
-His opponent is the Champion, who is one of the most famous competitors in the TLC match since its origin in WWE.
-He has had numerous attempts at taking the title from Edge, failing most times.
- Edge has Lita in his corner, and the match is no-DQ.

-The movie "The Marine" is starting to get heavily promoted which means it's going to get more air time than half of the current ECW roster.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-30 13:42:38

At 8/30/06 11:26 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 8/30/06 11:21 AM, MeOnABandwagon wrote: .

Thats if he actually even goes to Smackdown. This storyline smacks of underdog Cena shining through against all odds. Come on:
-Cena is chasing the title.
-He's fighting in a match that he has never been in before.
-His opponent is the Champion, who is one of the most famous competitors in the TLC match since its origin in WWE.
-He has had numerous attempts at taking the title from Edge, failing most times.
- Edge has Lita in his corner, and the match is no-DQ.
To add a little bit to the point you're triyng to make (btw I agree with everything)... Unforgiven is in Edge's hometown of Toronto, Canada which pretty much means... Its a lock that Cena will regain the title... The one thing that makes me think that Cena might lose is Edge's belt... Why get a new one if you're going to replace it in just a couple of weeks?

Hey, being back in his hometown doesn't mean anything and heres the proof...
1.In J R's home town... he joined the kiss my ass club
2.In Cean's home town at summerslam, he got screwed out of the title
3.Last time edge was in Toronto, he got booed out of the arena

P.S. I'm really pissed off cuz I live in Toronto and I could've gone to see Unforgiven but when the tickets went on sale I was on vaaction so I couldn't buy and now the only tickets left are the crappy seat's where you cant even see the action

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-30 15:21:57

scalpers do wonders. Hell I go when there is nothing but cheapo seats left. Sometimes I get tickets from a scalper and others I just go to the box office.

As far as what would happen if Cena was moved to SD.. He could finally do the long awated heel turn. If not, Batista could do it so CEna could play somewhat of an underdog to Batista's strenght. Course this would ultimatly put Booker back down to the mid-card level to fued with a returning boogeyman. (I'm guessing)

Nowif only they could move Matt Hardy over to Raw to reunite the Hardyz... But no, he and Edge would not get along, and it's obvious that WWE has full plans on pushing Jeff, all to leave Matt in lower card hell. Guess thats what company loyalty will get you huh? Get fired because wwe didn't know how to handle the situation, be brought back due to huge fan support only to be jobbed relentlessly.

WWE is run by idiots.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-30 15:27:03

If nothing goes wrong, the cards for unforgiven should be: Edge vs Cena, (TLC) The Mcmahons vs The DX, (HIAC) Orton vs Carlito, Umaga vs Kane, Trish vs Lita and The SS vs The highlanders. It is announced that Cena will go to SD! if he loses, I see that happening. But who will continue to feud with Edge. We all know that it is going to bge a face, will it be HHH?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-30 15:36:00

If Edge beats Cena it would make sense to have Edge feud with Carlito. With the whole Trish/Lita that's been going on Carlito could come out the day after Unforgien and talk crap about Lita and starting a feud with Edge, at least that's what I'm hoing for.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-30 16:31:08

I dunno, Corn... LAX reminds of The Gangstas in a bad way...Speaking of, What's New Jack been up to lately?

Anybody see the "Cane Rhyno" sign during last night's show? I think a Sandman vs. Rhino match would be good....

Holy shit, That was Masters Monday? Between the slimmer physic and the god-awful goatee, I couldn't tell...

Dear Ps3DuDe,
You are a coward for blocking me. How about we settle this in the ring?


Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-30 22:07:09

At 8/28/06 11:23 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Well Unforgiven , at least on paper is shaping up to be a pretty good PPV...

We have a Hell In A Cell between DX- The Mcmahins and.... the ECW champion, The Big Show.

Jeff Hardy will challenge (and hopefully win) Johnny Nitro for the IC title.

It looks like Orton and Carlto will indeed have a match at Unforgiven as well as Uuumaga and Kane

And we'll have a TLC match between John Cena and Edge... And if Cena loses.... he's going to Smackdown.

So it looks like a pretty good PPV.... I have a question... Where's Shelton Benjamin?

And before I forget, it does look like Trish Stratus will indeed retire after Unforgiven.

WOW! This sounds kicka.........WAIT - TRISH'S RETIRING? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! She's soooooo hohohohohohohohohot! :,( Anyway, we COULD use Cena back on Smack! right now; we need a change from what it has currently.

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-30 23:16:35

At 8/29/06 08:55 AM, thehulk207 wrote: who saw chris masters yesterday. the reason why he was like that was because he take steroides. also here is a pic of miria from the wwe.

lol his theme song was all weird too

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 00:26:23

ECW on Sci-Fi Report Card for 8/29

ECW on SciFi was a mixed bag this week. This was a week where the fact that I was told Vince Mcmahon was worried about the ECW rating because of RAW's moving (apparently they think ECW gets most of it's audience from the ads for it on RAW, which I think is BS), lot's of hotshotting, and some "gaga" I probably could have done without, but there was a lot to like on this show, so I'd have to give it a thumbs up still for the week.

Let's break it down (and that pun will make more sense to you as we go along):

Paul Heyman Promo: Paul E. is just a great promo cutter, his intensity and delivery is right up there with the best in the business as he is probably the best non-wrestler interview in the company these days. I also think he does a great job playing this psycho character. Good stuff to open the show with. Grade: A

RVD vs. Hardcore Holly: Van Dam and Holly had a really solid match, the switch to ECW is already doing wonders for Holly, and RVD continues to be solid. I like the idea of RVD having to "re-earn" a title shot. Frankly, Sabu and Big Show is a good program right now, and I think RVD deserves to be held out of the main event picture for a little while due to his indiscretion in july. That said though, the company is being smart in putting him in a good feud with a veteran in Holly, and not treating him like a jobber as they often do with guys on punishment. The after match beating with the chair was good stuff, and put across that RVD does not care about winning or losing, but just beating the crap out of Holly here. This is a great use of the DQ finish I think. Grade: A

Dupree promo: Sounds like Rene is going to be debuting soon (probably next week) good, the vignettes have done all they can to establish him. I wonder if they plan to go the obvious route of having him say he'll be extreme, but when the time comes, he'll completely wuss out for heel heat. He's a pretty boy, and these fans will hate him for that to begin with. Grade: B+

Big Show interview: The promo itself was good, Show continues to look like a monster, a dominant champ, and a main event level guy. But the problem for me here was the content, he kept talking about being the most dominant champion in WWE history, and it sounded like he thought he was on RAW or SD! for the duration. I know ECW is a part of WWE, but the less we're reminded of that, the better the show is going to do I feel. I like the idea that Show called out DX to come in, as it makes Show seem totally unafraid of them, hopefully he gets a lot of offense in on them next week before the innevitable screw job ending. They really should use this oppurtunity to further making Show look like a vicious monster.

Shannon Moore Promo: Let's just debut him already, these promos just absolutely suck. Grade: F

CM Punk vs. Stevie Richards: Another week, another CM Punk win, but I like that he's put into competitive matches instead of outright squashes. Stevie and Punk had a very good match. My only complaint was the commentary in which Joey Styles said that Stevie was "CM Punk's toughest challenge yet" uh...he did beat a former ECW World Champ twice, that should be a tougher challenge then a former tag champ and one time title contender. I just hate stuff like that, because it takes me out of the match. Grade: A-

Matt Stryker segment: This was probably the biggest mixed bag of the night kind of segment. Matt Stryker cuts a good promo, that's obvious, the man has skills in this area. I've also spoken about him with a friend of mine who was a referee for WXW who worked with Stryker many times and described him as a "solid hand". But with all that said, his teacher gimmick is terrible, it's so mid 90's bad cartoon era and I hope they go back to the drawing board on it soon. I did like the "giggle water" comment though. But why, oh why, is he calling out Sandman? Isn't Sandman still in a feud with Mike Knox and Test? Or did they just blow that off last week and not tell us? This stank of hot shotting. I understand they want Sandman on the shows, and that giving Stryker a feud with someone who is just completely against his type, but why the fuck use someone who is already in a feud? Why not like Balls Mahoney who isn't? That means that they do one of three things:

1. Ignore this segment
2. Simply drop the tag feud he's been involved with, screwing over three other performers.
3. Have Sandman fight Stryker plus the other two.

I say do option 3 now, but knowing WWE, they'll just choose to drop something else for this. The fingerprints of Vince were all over this thing. Grade: C-

Balls Mahoney segment: Oh, I guess that's why he couldn't fight Matt Stryker, we needed him to look at Kelly's goodies so that we can all have our weekly dose of Kelly Kelly. What a waste of a talented performer (Balls, duh) and good air time. Grade: D

Sabu vs. Paul Heyman: This one comes down to whether or not you like this sort of thing. Me? I was happy with the booking and the work in this one, they made Sabu look like the screwed over hero, but that he refused to go down fighting. Paul E. was great in being a complete coward, and a sadistic oppurtunist, Big Show and the Bash...I mean, security did a good beat down. RVD and Holly played their roles perfectly, and there was a ton of plunder involved and some good spots with it. I think that even though this angle was hot shotted, and stinks of the kind of thing you can find on RAW, it was still pretty well done, and enjoyable. Not to mention it put a lot of heel heat on the main heels of the ECW shows right. Grade: A-

Overall Grade: B+

Sorry it's short this week, but my computer is having some problems, and I'm trying to catch up on some stuff after being sick the last couple days.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 09:37:41

It soudns as though they are probably making a mistake of having Moore in ECW. How did the crowd react to it? Could you hear them at all? He really should have been brought to SD to go into the CW division.

Which type of victory do you guys think has more meaning? A pin or a submission? DQ and count out can be judged separate since those aren't exactly "clean" wins.

I would go with submission. You have made your oppenent give up, and force them to admit it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 10:48:24

At 8/31/06 09:37 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
I would go with submission. You have made your oppenent give up, and force them to admit it.

Ditto. With the exception of out-of-nowhere upsets, which can only really happen with pins. I love moments like that, especially when it's a crowd favorite who wins, and everyone starts going crazy.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 10:51:24

At 8/31/06 09:37 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Which type of victory do you guys think has more meaning? A pin or a submission? DQ and count out can be judged separate since those aren't exactly "clean" wins.

I would go with submission. You have made your oppenent give up, and force them to admit it.

Agreed. By making them submit, you're forcing them to acknowledge your superiority and their inferiority, which beats them both physically and mentally.

Plus I find it a lot more suspenseful when a wrestler has the guy in a submission hold, as opposed to the last-second-saves in a three count.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 10:58:05

At 8/31/06 09:37 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
I would go with submission. You have made your oppenent give up, and force them to admit it.

Same here... A submission is a way to humiliate your opponent by making him tap, especially if you're tapping out to an STFU.

Now for some good (or great) ECW news.


New York, N.Y., August 31, 2006 - SCI FI Channel today announced it will keep its new hit program, ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling®), on the network through at least the end of 2007. ECW is produced by World Wrestling Entertainment®, the producer of the No. 1 weekly basic cable TV series, “Monday Night RAW®” on USA Network.

I'm not really surprised tha ECW was extended its SCI-Fi's biggest draw in terms of ratings and the end of the day that's all that matters.

And last but not least... A preview for tonight's TNA Impact.

Scheduled for this tonight's edition of Impact on SpikeTV:

*TNA X-Division champion Senshi and Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal

*Eric Young vs. Shark Boy
*Abyss vs. Brother Runt: 10,000 Thumbtacks Match
*Also scheduled to appear are NWA champion Jeff Jarrett, NWA Tag Team champions LAX, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Raven, Earl Hebner, and more.

Why Earl hebner? This is not the WWE we don't need to see two refeeres go at it and to make it worse Samoa Joe isn't scheduled to appear. What the hell's that all about?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 11:49:11

Paul Heyman is such a loser!!!! Did you see how he defeated Sabu??? Poopoo!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 16:54:32

Submissions are okay, I feel cheated if they are used to end a long match, since it is so abrupt. I guess I prefer pinfalls.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 18:07:51

At 8/31/06 12:26 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Shannon Moore Promo: Let's just debut him already, these promos just absolutely suck. Grade: F

fight....THE POWER.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 21:30:08

im in

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 23:40:32

At 8/31/06 11:49 AM, Pineapple_Sock wrote: Paul Heyman is such a loser!!!!

Stop breathing the same air as me...Paul Heyman owns you ALLL!!!!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 23:46:39

At 8/31/06 09:37 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: It soudns as though they are probably making a mistake of having Moore in ECW. How did the crowd react to it? Could you hear them at all? He really should have been brought to SD to go into the CW division.

I'm not saying it was a mistake bringing Moore in, he's a good little worker who I really believe will be an asset. But the way they've presented him in these segments is piss poor, and they've had him showing zero personality. He's going to be like Sabu I think, insofar as his ring work is what's going to get him over, not his promos.

Which type of victory do you guys think has more meaning? A pin or a submission? DQ and count out can be judged separate since those aren't exactly "clean" wins.

DQ and count out are almost always maligned finishes, it's why the original ECW was so against using them. A submission always means more, as making an opponent tap out to a hold proves you are a legit bad ass, whereas pinfalls are something anybody can do, and can also be obtained through cheating, a submission is always a very clean finish because if a guy is trying to do something illegal with the hold, the ref will see it and have the hold broken. There's really no excuse with a tap out...except for Montreal, and that Vengeance finish...Sabu didn't tap there, he was merely patting the canvas as he was bored being in the obviously not painful STFU, and the biased WWE official decided to ring the bell. Montreal 2 I say!!!

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 23:52:26

Does anyone remember that piss poor ECW rip off promotion XPW? Here's a column about it on Obsessed With Wrestling. It shows you how bad the promotion was.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-08-31 23:56:05

At 8/31/06 11:52 PM, LordKooler wrote: Does anyone remember that piss poor ECW rip off promotion XPW? Here's a column about it on Obsessed With Wrestling. It shows you how bad the promotion was.

Yeah, it looks pretty stupid. I think I will stick with ECW even though I don't even have the Sci Fi channel to watch it on.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-01 04:24:37

LordKooler's TNA iMPACT! review
1.LAX Segment
Konnan talks about LAX completing their takeover of TNA by winning the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Then A.J. Styles & Christopher Daniels appear on the screen and challenge LAX to an Ultimate X match for the Tag Team titles at No Surrender. This is the first Ultimate X match that involves the Tag Team Division. What's next? Will TNA do an Ultimate X match involving the Heavyweight Division?
2.Senshi & Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal
Why did they give Petey Williams generic music after Team Canada disbanded? If I were in TNA, I'd let Petey keep the "O Canada" music. Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal won when Sabin pinned Williams while Senshi was just standing there looking.
3.Eric Young vs Shark Boy
A comedy match. I liked the part where Eric Young was biting Shark Boy's ass. Eric Young won at the end.
4.Abyss vs Brother Runt in a 10'000 Thumbtacks Match
This type of match has been done so many times in various hardcore/deathmatch promotions. This match has thumbtacks near one of the entrance ramps and two bags of thumbtacks on two poles in the ring. After Abyss won, Raven attacked Abyss and put him through Thumbtacks and two tables!
5.Jeff Jarrett segment
Jeff Jarrett comes out with his firing squad who look like Muhammad Hassan's masked men from last year. Jarrett says that he's gonna kill Sting's career at Bound for Glory but then the phone rings and Don West picks it up. Jim Cornette is on the phone and puts Jeff Jarrett on trail next week. If Jarrett passes, He can take a break until Bound for Glory. If he fails, The fans can have a chance to get even with Jarrett.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-01 06:36:00

I saw part of TNA last night, but started to fall asleep during it so instead of fighting sleep I juse went to bed. I really think TNA shouldn't over-use the ultimate X match. Doing it to much will make it less meaningful. Kinda how I was sick of the idea of having an entire ppv with nothing but cage matches.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-01 12:14:48

Well Sabu and RVD pled guilty to the drug charges they had.

The Ironton Tribune today is reporting that Sabu and Rob Van Dam pled guilty yesterday in the Ironton (OH) Municipal Court. They will pay fines and court costs for their misdemeanor crimes stemming from their July 2 bust, which of course led to RVD being suspended for 30 days and losing the WWE and ECW Titles. They appeared in court yesterday morning around 9 a.m. and waited over an hour for their case to be heard. The paper wrote, "The wrestlers were greeted by several fans, but refused to talk to the media. When Brunk, Szatowski and his wife, Sonya, filed into the courtroom, the two wrestlers directed obscene hand gestures to the media."

Sabu pled guilty to third-degree possession of drugs (they were to remove fatty tissue in his chest). Another charge against him, possession of drug paraphernalia, was dropped as part of a plea bargain. He was sentenced to 10 days in jail but the sentence was suspended. He was fined $500 plus court costs.

Van Dam pled guilty to driving 73 mph in a 55 mph zone and third-degree possession of marijuana. The charge of possessing Vicodin was dropped because he produced a valid prescription for the pills he had. He will pay $140 in fines plus court costs.

Flipping off the media.... Nice!

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-01 12:18:16

Sorry for the double post but as it turns out, Sabu didn't flip off the media... He just botched his usual point to the sky gesture.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-01 16:07:18

At least everything is taken care of now with Sabu and Van Dam.

As far as XPW, they were a terrible product top to bottom, that basically just took the castoffs of ECW like TNA takes the cast offs of WWE. It was just something that scumbag porn mogul Rob Black decided was a good idea. I watched one video of it, and I've seen a couple matches included on the Hardcore Homecoming and Forever Hardcore DVD's because they couldn't use ECW footage. Not to mention them getting their wannabe asses kicked out in the parking lot of the Olympic Auditorium during ECW's first and only (so far) California PPV.

On the TV extension, thank you to everybody who made this happen. It may have been expected, but this just proves that ECW was a truly special product, with the greatest fans in the world. This is vindication for all of the old schoolers who always said we were easily the best product in wrestling, as we are not only back for the next year, and change, but also that WWE's Linda Mcmahon has credited ECW as one of the big reasons their first quarter numbers are so good (I know, I'm surprised they admitted to that myself). All of us together have made this happen, as well as the hard work of everyone involved (yes, that means EVERYONE). Hopefully Paul E. was telling the truth when he said they can now use this time to do more long term planning and building of the show. But in the end, that's all up to Vince Mcmahon.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-01 16:38:11

I didn't catch TNA last night, I conked out ;round nine =(

Man, Smackdown! vs. RAW 2007 is lookin' mighty sweet...They're even planning a 2008 version on the PS3!

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-09-01 17:01:55

Time for a BIG SPOILER: guess who the NEW U.S champion is: Mister...........Kennedy.......KENNEDY. I personally like the guy a lot, he is superb at both wrestling and mic skills. Since he pinned Lashley in a triple threat match, I see a Lashley vs Kennedy feud going on at No Mercy which will draw. It was a pity that Finlay lost the title without getting pinned or submitted. But he and Regal can go to the tag division for the gold.

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