I didn't see the segment, but I can just imagine how I'm going to feel when I do. TNA can kiss my mother fucking ass. Seriously, they can kiss my ass, TNA wants so badly to be ECW they can taste it. I have watched TNA over and over again try to be "cool" and "edgy" by taking pot shots at Vince, and now take shots at the rebirthed ECW. Hey, TNA! Worry about your own fucking product! Do you think Vince gives three shits about you? You're fucking amateur hour to him, not to mention most of the goddamn talent your devoting your TV time to is guys he cast off. That's not an indictment on anyone's talents or lack thereof by the by, I'm just stating general fact. The last...oh at least 3 NWA champions have formerly worked for Vince (Raven, Jarrett, Christian), so you know what? Who the hell is TNA to keep calling Vince stupid, or whatever, because they have certainly profited from picking his trash.
As to Rhino, man, what the fuck?! You claim to love the old ECW, you claim to have been in denial when it died? So you decide the best way to show your love for ECW, and disdain for the new product is to set the old belt (which I highly doubt it was, but let's go with the symbolism here) on fire? Oh bravo, way to show your love and respect the promotion and the guy who MADE YOUR FUCKING ASS WORTH SOMETHING!!! This was not about protest, or making a statement, this was a disrespectful cash grab in the mold of...oh right, when ECW threw the NWA title down. TNA wanted a water cooler moment, wanted to get people talking about them, but I think all they'll really accomplish is alienating people like me away from their product, and away from guys we've supported for so long. I'm also sick of the ECW alumni in TNA talking shit on Vince and the new ECW, for all that talk of "I'll never work there and blah blah" hey, if TNA folds, who's door you gonna be knocking on? If Vince sends you a check fat enough, and makes you believe you'll be pushed to the moon, where are you going to go? Yep, right back to Vince and the new ECW I'd bet.
Wrestling is a business of bullshit, I'm well aware of that, I tolerate it, you have to if you want to be able to watch it for any period of time. But to me, TNA has had the ECW contigent within their locker room shoveling so much disingenuous bullshit for so many weeks now, culminating in an act of supreme disrespect, that I'm just disgusted with the company right now to have witnessed and read about these actions. It's stupid, it's amateurish, and it's copying ideas and concepts that were done earlier, and better, by somebody else. But that's the mainstream right now, everything is dirivitive, nothing is fucking original, and if you're not willing to except that we have some truly burnt out, untalented, or just apathetic people behind the creative buttons of the major companies...well, what the hell are you still doing watching this? Things won't change anytime soon.
Shame on TNA, and shame on Rhino. As I said, I have only read reports of the segment, I fully intend to watch it Saturday for myself, but I highly doubt my feelings wil change. If they do, I shall post a retraction to my statement here, but as I said, I don't think I'm going to be inclined to do so.