For those who want the names of the new ECW characters we've been seeing the last two weeks:
Although touched upon during's live coverage of ECW on Sci Fi the last two weeks, to answer several queries made tonight about new characters in the revived Extreme Championship Wrestling:
*The as of yet unnamed tarot card reading "witch" was OVW developmental talent Shelley Martinez. broke last week that she would be part of the new ECW and her persona.
*The wrestler that prevented Kelly from showing off her assets was Deep South Wrestling developmental star Mike Knox.
*Kelly is OVW developmental Diva Barbie Blank, a 19 year old model who WWE hired a few months back.
*The newest ECW referee is Mike Posey, who has been with DSW for some time and had a brief run in TNA during the Nashville era as "Dropkick" Mike Posey, as a referee that feuded with Glen Gilberti and Johnny Swinger.
*The Vampire that has been showing in bumpers the last two weeks is the former Mordecai, Kevin Fertig.
Also, ECW did a 2.3 yesterday, considering they ran against the NBA finals, and the abyssmal show last week, that is a great number (last week did a 2.7 for comparison's sake) it shows they've managed to get some sort of audience, and I can't imagine Sci-Fi not wanting to pick the show up, or USA wanting to take it if Sci-Fi won't.
Also on Sabu, yes, Sabu was born and raised in Detroit, trained to wrestle by his legendary wrestler/promoter uncle Ed Farhat, the Original Sheik who was one of the most legitimately feared men in wrestling in his day. He later became one of the NWA godfathers owning the Detroit territory and running it rather successfully for years. Sabu takes much of his gimmick from his uncle (including his use of a spike as a trademark weapon earlier in his career) and has alternately been announced as hailing from Bombay, India, and the fictional Bombay, Michigan. Another part of the gimmick is that Sabu NEVER speaks in character. He has used managers such as Paul E. Dangerously (Paul Heyman) as his mouth piece in the past. I've only ever heard him speak in an extended fashion out of character on the "Forever Hardcore" documentary. So for Sabu to have uttered even a small word like "deal" last night is pretty huge (which is something I said in my thoughts on the show secion).