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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-11 22:57:58

At 6/11/06 10:50 PM, -CM- wrote:
Also, did anyone see that kid punch Randy Orton in the arm? XD

That was great as for RVD this what will happen tomorrow on Raw...

Rvd comes out: I'm the new champ because I'm Rob Van...
Cena's music hits..

No no noes!! I'ma use my rematch clause to challenge you right now

RVD:Damn!!! Then Cena wins the title again... either that or Vince just strips RVD of the title.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-11 23:06:40

At 6/11/06 10:44 PM, pepeatumi wrote: ECW ONS Results....

RVD WINS!!!!!! And thanks to who?? That's right thanks to the Rated r Superstar Edge with that said something is gonna happen on Raw tomorrow because of the way the match ended...

And Funk-Dreamer vs Foley-Edge has to be the match of the year.

Damn shame. I wasn't able to watch the downfall of the "Invincible wigger". I hope it was worth the...wait wait wait....

If RVD won, IT DAMN WELL WAS WORTH THE MONEY! I'll be catching RAW tomorrow! w00t! I'm buying the DVD the second it comes out to stores! It makes me shed a tear cuz I couldn't witness Cena's downfall.

As for my predictions, 5/7 correct. Not bad, but still, it could be better.

I better get some fucking details on the matches in that review, whoever is writing it!

Until then, E-C-F---IN'-W!

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-11 23:17:03

Dammit, I forgot it was on!

*stabs in head*

Oh well, I'll definitely watch RAW! I think Edge will take on RVD for the ECW Championship at Vengence, and at the end, There will be controversy than they'll make Edge WWE Champ and RVD ECW Champ

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-11 23:18:18

Wow, ECW One Night Stand was fun!

I'm going to make a recap for this one...I hope I am worthy of such a task.

*breaks out laptop to sharpen my recap skills*

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-11 23:33:16

At 6/11/06 11:06 PM, StevensA wrote: As for my predictions, 5/7 correct. Not bad, but still, it could be better.

Yeah, I went 4-2-1 with my predictions. I probably should have been 5-1-1, because I had a feeling Kurt Angle was gonna win, but I went with Orton anyways. As for the 1, it was a shame they had to cut the Mysterio/Sabu match short due to injuries, because from the results I was reading, it sounded like a good match.

As for the WWE title, Vince will probably come out and say something like "Because you are no longer part of the WWE, you can not be allowed to hold that title.", therefore stripping the title for RVD. Or the other option, RVD shows up on RAW, drops the title, and is presented with the ECW Heavyweight title by Paul Heyman (or they do that Tuesday night at the ECW television debut).

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 00:39:32

hoooooooly crap! What a freakin PPV! That was worth the 40 bucks huh?

Did you see the Big Show turn his chokeslam into a backbreaker? Damn he was holding back on us in wwe wasn't he?

Ok that was a bit of a spoiler, and to further prevent myself from stealing the fun away from people who want to make reviews I'll stop right there. But let me tell you this right here and now. This PPV was one of the best ones I have either seen or read about in a very long time. For those who missed it I highly recomend getting the DVD. I know I will and I saw the thing. It's that damn good.

Raw is going to be interesting huh? Hey Avie, what did ya think?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 00:53:54

At 6/12/06 12:48 AM, Dobio wrote: I think Rey Mysterio and/or Sabu is dead.
Haha, awesome PPV.

I know for sure I saw Sabu tell the referee that he tore his bicep during the match as for Rey you could tell he had trouble breathing after the match was over.

A bit of a spoiler from the Cena match how cool was it when the crowd threw the shirt and cap right back at him?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 01:03:19

Also found out how JBL is coming back to SmackDown!. He'll be taking Tazz's place at the table next to Michael Cole.

Also, their will be no rematch for Cena tomorrow night, because he will be facing Edge. Also, Triple H will face all members of the Spirit Squad by orders of Vince McMahon.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 01:57:25

Whoa, Rey got fucked up. Looked like the table buckled before the DDT was hit, so Rey hit the floor instead of the table.

Broken neck at least.

I didn't get to watch this Live. I had to watch the Encore presentation. Worth it, though, great wrestling, and the fans were funny. They were kept uncensored.

Oh, and what's the status on Funk's eye? Looks like he lost it, unless it was just hidden among all the blood. Great match for him, though. Crazy old man!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 02:12:16

I wish I could have ordered the ONS ppv. I will get the dvd agian. Now I will just have to wait, Well I am glad Cena lost I hope to GOd he doesnt become the Raw Champion for years. And lol JBL the color commentator is it a permanent gig like taz was. But at least its a heel color.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 02:55:50

ECW: One Night Stand PPV Recap - June 11th, 2006

A big recap for a big show

Yeah, I know this recap is long, but let's face it, not every PPV is as good as this one was. I figure those that didn't get to see it would want such detail in my recap. I hope you enjoy it...this was my last recap since WrestleMania 22. Let me know what you think!

Mr. Heyman Comes to be Adored

As I'm watching this in Hooters of Wayne, I am slightly perplexed by the intro and fanfare that is out of character of ECW. However, it's finally coming back, so Heyman is allowed, dammit.

Heyman basically says the whole "Yay, we're back" intro and promos next Tuesday's show. However, the fun part was seeing the sign in the audience that said "If Cena wins, we riot."

At that point, I wanted Cena to win. I wanted to see the riot!

Anyway, first match...

Match 1 - Mr. Announcer vs. Mr. Announcer

Towel-Head Tazz comes out with a puss on his face and FTW written on his sleeves. Either he meant it to say WTF, but it was meant to be read upside-down, or he is giving a crisp nod to Internet culture. Either way, I laughed.

Jerry "OMG, JR!" Lawler comes out afterwards with his little king hat. Naturally, he goes over to the Announce table and slaps Joey Stiles in the face. I totally didn't expect that.

As the Burger King gets into the ring (finally), he is greeted by Joey Stiles coming from behind and jumping on him. Lawler then throws down Stiles, but is attacked from behind by Tazz and put into a choke hold almost instantaneously. Lawler goes to the ground and is choked out in about 12 seconds. Lame, but funny nonetheless. He fails, Tazz wins.

And neither one had to look bad and reveal that they've stopped wrestling for too long to actually fight again.

Result: Tazz def. Jerry "The King" Lawler via Chokeout

Match 2 - The Legend Annoyer vs. The Geometric Shape

Orton comes out and is given the finger by about 1,000 audience members. Quite hilarious. Needless to say, Orton didn't have a nice, toothy smile on his face.

Angle came out soon thereafter, sporting his brand new Official Kurt Angle ECW Mouthguard (tm), did his Offical Kurt Angle Patented Hopping Spin (Patent Pending...I DID search US Patent Office archives...he doesn't have the patent yet), made the audience go "Yay."

Now, the match was great, but I wish to pay closer attention to the myriad of chants that were...chanted...during the match:

"Fuck 'Em Up, Angle!"
"Fuck You Orton!"
"You Can't Wrestle!"
"You *garbled* *garbled*!"
"*garbled* *garbled* *garbled*!"

Yes, some of them were hard to hear, unfortunately. However, they were funny, I swear.

The match highlight had to be when Angle got on top of Orton and started slapping him in the head. The slaps changed from regular man-slaps to little, insulting bitch-slaps. This added another chant to the list:

"You Got Bitch-Slapped!"

Might I add at this point that Angle did a lot of suplexes. A lot. And all of them were from behind. We know how much Kurt Angle likes to administer his services from behind.

Kurt Angle then goes Straps Down and executes the Angle Slam. Then about a billion counters occured between Orton and Angle, involving the Angle Slam, Angle Lock, RKO, and other random wrestling moves.

Eventually, Angle locks in the Angle Lock and gets Orton to tap. Cue the new chant:

"You Tapped Out!"

Angle left the ring all happy while Orton stayed by ringside holding his leg. As he called over officials to help out, claimed that "Angle fucked up his leg again." the audience institutes another chant:

"Pussy! Pussy! Pussy!"

'Ain't ECW Grand?

Result: Kurt Angle def. Randy Orton via Tap-Out

Match 3 - The Group Whose Initials Are Strikingly Similar To A United States Law Enforcement Agency vs. Super Crazy and I'm Going To Kick Someone

Might I add that ECW is doing a damn good job at rolling the matches right through and not filling up the Pay-Per-View with useless banter in-between the matches.

Anyway, the FBI comes out (all three of them, including that big guy) and are sporting their "Fuggedaboudit" vests. Super Crazy comes out with Tajiri to the great delight of the audience (and myself). The match starts.

This match has some definite plusses to it. Nunzio pulled off an awesome counter to Tajiri's kick by putting him into a Fujiwara Armbar. After a while, Tajiri was having fun directing traffic by getting both FBI members onto opposing turnbuckles. He and Super Crazy pull off Dual Tarantulas and beat the crap out of the FBI.

After a few more bouts, though, the FBI pulls it off by double-teaming Tajiri (don't know their move name, sorry) and grab the pin.

Big Show, however, decides that he needs to come out and win. First off, he gets a remix to his theme (the closest he's gotten to a new theme in decades)

Then, he beats the crap out of the big FBI guy. He then moves to the two small FBI guys followed by Tajiri and Super Crazy. Show also managed to pull off one hell of a backbreaker...it actually made me cringe. He also threw people around with extreme authority, proclaiming his victory across the ring.

In short, Big Show won.

Results: FBI def. Super Crazy and Tajiri via Pin


JBL decided to make his yearly ECW PPV speech. Now, granted, it is outside the style of ECW shows, but JBL really made his promo funny. Basically, he made fun of people (including Tazz) and noted that he would take over as color commentator for Tazz (ingenious way to get himself back on the show). He also noted that he is the star of the "A-Show" that is SmackDown. I personally found that hilarious, considering that is pretty much true. There's practically noone left on SmackDown at this point...

Anyway, he said many funny things, generated a "You Suck Dick!" chant from the audience, and ended by saying, "Kiss my ass, your show sucks!"

Say what you will about the guy, I laugh every time he is part of a wrestling venue.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 02:59:54

Match 4 - Sabu (contender) vs. Rey Mysterio (defender) for the World Heavyweight Championship

You have to love how people get auto-heeled when they come on the ECW PPV. While I generally dislike Mysterio as of late (I don't like the fact that a CRUISERWEIGHT holds the HEAVYWEIGHT championship, nor the fact that he milked Eddie's death for all it was worth), it was a big difference between SmackDown and ECW.

So the match starts. First off, we start out with a lot of rolling around, as to be expected. Rey and Sabu decide they like rolling, so the execute a rolling competition. After a while, Sabu gets bored of the rolling competition.

After that, Sabu grabs a chair. Mysterio, not to be outdone, does the same. Now, they decide that they with to partake in a chair competition. Phase 1 was "Let's see how many times we can hit the chairs together," while Phase 2 was "Let's see if we can get the chairs to meet in mid-air." Needless to say, the chairs took a beating, but there was very little wrestling and/or human damage going on.

Not to make fun of the match, but that part was a little corny. However, after that, the match got really good...a little TOO good, as you'll read in a bit. Many off-the-chair moves were made in Sabu's style (by both wrestlers), which was fun to watch. These two wrestlers did some damn good moves overall. Sabu attempted some table moves, during which he set up a table outside the arena by hanging it over the edge of the ring and the security fence.

Sabu also set up a fence outside the ring for no apparent reason other than to get set up by Mysterio, apparently. As Sabu got up on the ropes, he was punched onto the table (quite conveniently) so that Mysterio could break the table on him.

However, that wasn't the move of the match. Mysterio ended up (I forget how) on table that Sabu set up across the outside of the ring, which Sabu used to set up a hell of a move. As Mysterio stood up on that dable, Sabu did his chair launch onto the top rope. He managed to pause on the top rope as he set up his move, where he jumped over to the table and executed a flying DDT on Mysterio! The move was amazing to say the least. However, the move came at a cost. Both wrestlers were injured big time.

Some dude with a higher-pitched voice than my fiance yells that the match can't continue and Myserio is ran out of the arena. Sabu goes nuts around the arena (as in pain) and is then escorted off himself (while he was being applauded for his efforts).

My hat goes off to both of these wrestlers for a great show. I hope they're both okay. Sorry I couldn't joke around that much in this match, but it's a serious matter.

Result: Match is a No Contest due to Injury

Bathroom Break

Hooters at Wayne doesn't exactly have the capacity bathroom to handle a full Pay-Per-View crowd. This took about 10 minutes. I had to miss Mick Foley coming out, but they did pipe sound into the bathroom, so I was able to hear his funny little speech. That being said...

Match 5 - The Whore and Mr. Spear (escorted by the other Whore) vs. Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk

Foley comes out and says "I'm sorry" about dissing ECW (lol, sure), and says there were times that he liked it, when it was run by a great mind...Stephanie McMahon. LOL. He then brings out Edge and the Slut, who also proceed to diss ECW. Edge manages to get himself bleeped on the fucking Pay Per View...lord know what the hell he said that was so bad to actually get bleeped!

There was another bleep earlier in the show, too...what the hell? What foul travesties could possibly come out of someone that it is deemed unsuitable to have on an ECW PPV? I mean, you already have "fuck you" given the green light...what could be worse than the epitome of curses? Wow.

Also, the audience started cheering "You're A Crack Whore!" to Lita, which was classic. I don't think she does crack, but somehow she is a crack whore nonetheless.

Funk and Dreamer then come out (with Dreamer's GF, but I have no clue whom she is...) and diss back. The girl jabs a bit at LIta and wants a 3 on 3 match, which basically goes forth. The match starts.

Terry Funk employs his slapping superpowers and does some damage to Mick Foley. I mean, it was lame. I know he's a legend and all, but selling something TOO much is almost disrespectful to how great a wrestler someone once was. While I never saw Funk in his younger years, I can relate this to Roddy Piper's one-match return. He basically did nothing the whole match and looked almost sad in his wrestling gear.

I know the WWE loves to bring back its legends (since it has trouble finding new wrestlers with that "it" factor), but come ON...there's a limit. Not that Funk was all that bad (he really got going later in the match), but it annoys me when they oversell the old guy's moves.

Edge gets his two cents in by proclaiming his superiority over Tommy Dreamer via cookie-sheet. What says manliness more than hitting someone with a cookie sheet?

After the cookie sheet thing, the ladders started coming out. Edge was slammed onto a ladder by Dreamer, which Funk later picked up and started spinning around like a helicopter blade. Everyone in the ring was floored (including Dreamer) by Mr. Helicopter and his Spinning Move of Might.

After a turnaround (thanks to a nut shot by Lita), Foley and Edge go to ringside to get some weapons. They find a piece of plywood full of barbed wire, ready to impale some awaiting wrestler. This piece of plywood was the instrument of pain for many for the rest of this match. Both Dreamer and Funk got a taste of this...thing...and were floored easily. Foley got a nice taste too, once it made it onto a turnbuckle.

Foley, afterwards, got some barbed wire and wrapped it around his hand. After a few punches to Funk, he took the wire and raked Funk's face with it. It was pretty bad, actually. It looked as though his eye was taken out! He was actually taken backstage after the eye rake. Whether it was planned or not, I cannot say.

Foley then grabs his Barbie and hits Dreamer several times, including a nut shot from Lita. He then grabs Mr. Socko and Mandible Claw's that girl. Dreamer gets all pissed off and ends up getting Mandible Clawed himself, as well as speared by Edge.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 03:05:07

At this point, Terry Funk comes from backstage (bandaged up) with his own weapon. He lights the barbed board on fire, hits Foley twice (Foley catches on fire), and hits Foley off the ropes into that plywood of barbed wire. The board ends up breaking, and Foley hits it bad. Terry Funk apparently felt the need to join Foley and jumps onto the board himself. I'd say he was trying to hurt Foley in the process, but did so minimally, as it seemed.

In the end, that girl gets Speared by Edge and is pinned in a provocative manner. One hell of a match. While it doesn't beat Eddie Guerrero's match on the Muta Scale, it was one of the best hardcore matches I've ever seen, if not THE best hardcore match.

Result: Mick Foley, Edge, and Lita def. Tommy Dreamer, Terry Funk, and That Girl via Pin

Match 6 - Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka

No funny names this time, sorry...I didn't even know these two guys...

The match was really good, and I liked these two wrestlers immediately, especially Mahoney. I can tell this guy likes the following:

1) Beer
2) Being Funny

This guy was hilarious, and I really wanted him to win right from the start.

Highlights: Mahoney was Superplexed by Tanaka onto a chair, after which Mahoney executed his own Superplex. In the end, these two had a chair duel, which was won after Mahoney disarmed Tanaka and gave him a nice blow to the head with his chair for a quick pin and win.

What a great match. I hope this is indicative of the general show quality of ECW.

Result: Balls Mahoney def. Masato Tanaka via Pin

Run, Eugene, Run!

As they started announcing the final match (Cena vs. RVD), I looked at my watch. It was only around 10PM, which means the PPV was only two hours in. I was confused why the final match was so early. Soon after doing so, I was given a clear reason why...

Our friend Eugene comes out all happy and grabs the mic. He says he wants to tell everyone that he loves ECW. As he pulls a cheap shot on ECW (saying his "Uncle Eric" said he was as smart as the ECW wrestlers), he starts getting booed. He then breaks out in poetry.

Now, as much as I loved Heidenreich's poems, I don't need to hear Eugene's. Neither did the Sandman, for that matter. He was not happy. He comes out, cigarette, kendo stick, and all, and proceeds to start down to the arena.

After 12 hours of waiting, he finally makes it in the ring. Eugene is happy and tries to hug Sandman. Reply: kendo stick to the face. Joey Stiles yells out "Run, Eugene, Run!" as Eugene runs out of the ring. Sandman gives chase and sees Eugene on his hands and knees praying. He tells Eugene to pray, as well as the rest of the audience. Eugene complies with an empathetic prayer to Sandman. Reply: kendo stick to the face. The kendo stick keeps making intimate arrangements with Eugene all the way out of the arena.

I like Sandman. He's silly.

Match 7 - Mr. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Night, Smackdown, RAW, ECW, Money-In-The-Bank Man (contender) vs. John Seen-It (defender) for the WWE Championship

If you thought the boos were bad when Cena was in New Jersey...holy shit. This is the level of booing that Cena truly deserves. I was soaking up every minute of it. I only wish I "couldn't see him."

Cena gets in the ring and throws his t-shirt out as usual. However, when he threw it out to the audience, the audience threw it back at him! He then threw it out again to another part of the audience, which threw it back AGAIN! This happened FOUR TIMES! How great is this? Eventually, Cena throws the shirt just outside the ring. Man, I knew Cena was hated, but not THIS much. I thought I was the only one that hated his gimmick and superman-like title reign so much...

Anyway, time for the match. Whenever Cena does ANY move, the boos are friggin' deafening. It was great. The best part of the match, though, was when RVD and Cena were exchanging blows. Every time Cena threw a punch, there was a loud, clear, and distinct "BOO!" from the audience. Whenever RVD reciprocated, an equally loud, clear, and distinct "YAY!" was uttered. This went back and forth at least 7 or 8 times, which was totally hilarious (to me, anyway).

Cena then takes control for a bit, where he starts to do his usual Five Moves of Doom. Disgusted we were, but the audience totally turned it into a great situation. They started chanting "Same Old Shit" to Cena, which made the situation totally awesome. It was worth seeing the same stupid moves for such as classic taunt by the crowd.

RVD then takes over for a while, hitting some really awesome moves. Outside, when Cena was hanging over the security fence, RVD pulls off a Corkscrew Leg Drop. Amazing move. He also pulls off a Guillotine Leg Drop on the ropes, as well as a Rolling Thunder while Cena had a chair on top of him. Cena, as usual, counters and turns the match around again.

When Cena pulls out the Five Knuckle Shuffle, he gets boos like noone's business and another "Same Old Shit" chant. However, now, Cena has a huge smile on his face, as if to spite the universe. Cena gets a few good moves in and eventually gets RVD into an STFU (ugh). RVD gets to the rope, but Cena refuses to Ropebreak (not that he had to), but lets go.

Out of nowhere, some dude in the Matrix coat (I think the one Heyman was wearing) and a big helmet comes out and Spears Cena. The helmet is removed and Edge reveals himself. Edge then is given a "Thank You Edge!" chant by the audience as RVD comes to and looks at what the hell has just happened. He shrugs it off and Five-Star Frog Splashes the listless Cena. Unfortunately, the referee is also dead, so the pin can't be made.

At this point, Heyman comes running out and immediately counts the pin for RVD, sealing his win. The ending was kind of lame, though. While Heyman did count properly (not too fast), I think RVD should have been able to make the pin all on his own without external help. While this shows the whole ECW camaraderie thing, it it going to be an annoyingly-sore talking point on RAW, believe you me. All in all, I was satisfied, but it's unfortunate there was no riot.

Result: RVD def. Cena, gains WWE Championship Title


One hell of a Pay-Per-View. I was really pleased with it, pleased more than any other PPV this season. I can't wait for ECW on Sci-Fi next Tuesday, and can only hope this PPV is a signification of the kind of show we can expect.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 03:19:50

I was checking at the pictures, and there was a sign that read "If Cena wins, we riot." I guess WWE made the wise decision.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 03:21:05

Cena will wrestle Edge tommorow, and the ECW and WWE sites are saying an announcement will be made about the title situation tommorow.

My God did that crowd hate Cena...I have never seen an ECW crowd be so against and disrespectful to any single performer like that before. Overall the show was great, but I suspect Rey and Sabu being stopped after the sick DDT Rey took through a table where he crashed down directly on his neck was probably a work since I don't see anybody springing up with news of an actual injury, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

Awesome show overall though. Quick results for those who want them saw:

Tazz over Jerry Lawler, via chokeout
Kurt Angle over Randy Orton, via tap out
FBI over Crazy and Tajiri, via pin fall
Rey vs. Sabu, no contest
Edge, Foley, and Lita over Dreamer, Funk, and Beulah when Edge pinned Beulah. No, that isn't a typo.
JBL segment in which he announces he is the new SD! announcer.
Sandman canes Eugune.
Balls Mahoney over Masato Tanaka via pinfall.
RVD over John Cena via pinfall.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 03:24:36

I loved the show top to bottom, the ECW feel was there, and Angle and Big Show looked good and really seemed to click with the audience (which is crucial), everything worked out well except the Rey/Sabu match which I now believe more and more when I think about it was just a spot gone wrong situation, and not actually planned.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 05:55:41

The show was fucking awesome! Although I did not the fact that Orton jobbed AGAIN, Cena losing was the shit!!!! :D:D:D Now, Vince...make him job to Edge! Get him out of the title picture, hahahahaha!!!!!!! :D

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 07:45:59

fuck yeah, im joinin!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 08:50:38

"Thank you Edge"

Fucking WIN!

He is the rightful WWE Champion, I fucking SWEAR!

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 11:05:18

so, RVD won? *sigh* that's cool, I guess.

well, guys, did I tell you I met John Cena?

it was one of those dealios where the Stars go to some mall in nowheresville and sing autographs, an The mall he went to was quite close to me.

It was him and ashley, and it was pretty cool.

That money-grubber Vince was chargine $5 per autograph and $25 bucks for a picture to autograph!

whatever, I met Cena! and, he signed my "You can't see me" album!

P.S Glad to have you back, Eaglerock! but 'round here, I'm in charge 0f PVP reveiws!

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 11:18:16

- Dave Scherer is reporting that as of last night the plan is for WWE to leave the belt on RVD and have him appear on RAW tonight as the champion. It is then said that John Cena will appear on ECW's return television show tomorrow on Sci-Fi. This would lead to a WWE/ECW crossover to get the fans involved and back into the product. However, things could possibly change sometime today.

John Cena would actually appear in front of another ECW crowd? Now that's cool.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 12:20:53

At 6/12/06 11:18 AM, pepeatumi wrote: John Cena would actually appear in front of another ECW crowd? Now that's cool.

shows you how much heart the man has.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 12:33:13

So it looks like Rhyno won't be coming back to ECW...

Rhino has just signed a multi-year deal with TNA so he's not going to ECW as rumored. His TNA deal was set to expire this July.

And it seems there was a plan for the Big Show at ONS

WWE had plans for The Big Show to face Matt 'Spike Dudley' Hyson but he ripped up his WWE-ECW contract (and yes, WWE did send him a contract for the new ECW) at the TNA house show over the weekend.

Well, Spike I hope you have fun not being used in TNA so good luck with that.

Some more ECW news... Another PPV

WWE has another ECW PPV scheduled for 12/3.

And finally some good news regarding Sabu and Rey... They're OK people.

The Rey Mysterio vs. Sabu finish was the planned finish to the match and neither were said to be severely injured. They were both a little banged up from the spot.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 12:53:28

heh looks like you need a new sig now huh?

Glad to hear that Rey and Sabu are ok, that table-ddt spot looked sick!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 13:49:09

It was a sick ass spot, in the light of day, I have to also knock the way they used Big Show last night. I think it probably sent the wrong message to most fans that those guys didn't matter, though it may have been booked to emulate the way 911 used to come out and just fucking chokeslam the crap out of people.

The show has been getting great reviews, with some fans even believing that ECW is NOT part of the WWE! Vince has to look at something like that as a home run for the new brand. As for Spike, I understand his reasons, but again, yes, I do have to say that I agree he won't be used in TNA (who did "Hardcore War" as exploitation of ECW, and that's why he got work, he's already been dropped off of television for weeks now). I also find it disappointed what Rhino did, again, I understand it, but frankly TNA used him as a "flavor of the month" main eventer, and have not done anything substantial with him since. I think it would almost be better for those guys to simply leave on good terms, and take the risk in the new ECW, which according to Paul E. is something Vince is completely committed to.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 15:03:36

I wanted to see John Cena lose the title to Triple H! Not have it go to RVD and ECW! I'm ticked!

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 16:36:00

A bit of spoilers for tonight's Raw...

Partial Source: WrestlingObserver.com

The plan as of this morning was to keep the title on Rob Van Dam and have him lose it in a wrestling match at some point. Plans can change at the snap of a finger, especially on a live RAW day. Van Dam vs. Edge is scheduled for Vengeance although Cena may be put in to make it a three-way match for the title.

Shawn Michaels is likely for RAW tonight to help further the D-X return angle.

Tonight's RAW will be a heavy push for Vengeance, with Shawn Michaels & HHH vs. The Spirit Squad likely to be announced. They will also push the ECW show tomorrow night on SCI-FI with a big angle.

Ric Flair was scheduled to return tonight on RAW from a honeymoon. Vengeance is in Charlotte so he'll definitely be on the show.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 19:29:49

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 19:31:23

Does Vader wear that badass gray mask/thing in his entrance and like always which one do you think is the best?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-06-12 19:38:53

At 6/12/06 07:31 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Does Vader wear that badass gray mask/thing in his entrance and like always which one do you think is the best?

Yes, Vader does wear that Gray armor as his entrance attire and the videos that I recommend are Samoa Joe vs Necro Butcher and Low Ki vs Necro Butcher. They're the stiffest matches that I have ever seen. Which matches did you watch so far pepeatumi?

BBS Signature