No problem, now that matter is settled. Here is the link I found it from: Paul Heyman. It's pretty much the highlights of Heyman's career up to last year.
No problem, now that matter is settled. Here is the link I found it from: Paul Heyman. It's pretty much the highlights of Heyman's career up to last year.
heh wow. I didn't know that. Good thing for both those guys that they didn't stick around in WCW for the long run.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 5/29/06 01:14 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: heh wow. I didn't know that. Good thing for both those guys that they didn't stick around in WCW for the long run.
Oh yes, although I think Taker quit. Paul E. got fired, making comments about Jane Fonda's (when she was married to WCW owner Ted Turner) controversial actions as it relates to Vietnam, specifically calling her "Hanoi Jane". Also he was making more money then Bill Watts thought he should, he had problems with Jim Ross basically? He did not make a lot of friends in WCW.
Those goddamn dirty bastards:
Chris Johnson sent this item. ... According to starting with One Night Stand all WWE PPV's will now be $39.95.
I just went and checked my onscreen guide for my cable (Comcast) and they have also raised the price of WWE PPVs to $39.95 so we just got socked with another price increase by WWE. Funny how they haven't mentioned it on isn't it? With the current 60/40 split, that would mean WWE would get another two dollars per PPV. They were making $14 a show and that number will jump to $16 under the new pricing. So, a Wrestlemania that does 930,000 buys will clear them an extra $1.8 million dollars. 250,000 buys under the old pricing generated $3.5 million. Now, WWE will make that on 218,750 buys so even if they lose some customers, they probably won't lose any revenue and if customers stay even, they make more money.
Fucking greedy Vince, thank God I'm selective about which shows I watch, and that I split the cost with friends, but this is just an outrageous bullshit move. Especially when they insist on making you pay such a price to usually only watch half the roster work.
Vince is:
A millionaire
A "religion" "owner"
A person who has a dvd bout him
A fucked up piece of shit
i did it for the lulz
Like Vince really needs the money.... Hey Vince maybe now you can pay your staff better huh?
I'm guessing that wwe is trying to come up with something for Carlito to do since he has been on Heat twice in a row now. With someone like him it shouldn't be all that hard to find. With Benjamin heel now he would be a prime candidate for Carlito to fued with, even if it has been done before, since now the heel/face roles are reversed.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
THe Thing about jacking up prices shouldn't be a surprise its Vince Mcmahon so we should be used to stuff like this by now. I can't say I'm surprised at the end of the day the WWE is a business and Vince is doing what will make him the most money.
All I need is someday Vince will lose all his money and the WWE fans such as myself will give him no pity. Not even a little bit, nothing, nada.
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First, avie, after dropping drop half a Benjamin on Wrestle-mania and the money that was going towards my DS Lite on JD, I ain't complainin' about no $30 bucks for E-C-DUB
WHY WOULD THEY DROP ORLANDO JORDAN?!!? Probably to get more monry for Khali's paycheck. well it's good to see they gave Lashley a title, WWE still knows who it's best talents are...
B.G. James was the Road Dogg! wow, I never knew that....
ugh... I don't even want to know...
At 5/29/06 06:32 PM, redface wrote:
B.G. James was the Road Dogg! wow, I never knew that....
Oh you didn't know?? You're ass better caaaaaall somebody!
At 5/29/06 06:52 PM, pepeatumi wrote:At 5/29/06 06:32 PM, redface wrote:B.G. James was the Road Dogg! wow, I never knew that....Oh you didn't know?? You're ass better caaaaaall somebody!
LOL big ups to my boy Road Dogg. has officially announced that Paul Heyman will be getting two draft picks for the new ECW, one from Raw and one from Smackdown. In addition to Heyman picking someone for the new ECW tonight on Raw, PWInsider reports that he will also take on Mick Foley in a debate.
Here is an excerpt from the article: "Well, first of all, I don't think Mr. McMahon gave me anything," said Heyman about his two draft picks. "I think ECW earned the right to have a draft pick from RAW and from SmackDown. And if you want to know whether I'll reveal this information tonight, then you'll have to tune in and find out."
Someone from RAW.. Who could it be? Its not like if RAW has someone who used to be a major star in ECW is it?
Looks like their pulling an old gimmick out of the bag. Just like they did with Undertaker, now they're going with two Kanes. I had a feeling something like this might happen.
Oh that is bullshit!! First of all the wig was horrible second of all its been done before.. Can you Kane VS Kane.. Reminds me a lot of Taker VS Taker.
At 5/29/06 09:23 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Oh that is bullshit!! First of all the wig was horrible second of all its been done before.. Can you Kane VS Kane.. Reminds me a lot of Taker VS Taker.
When are they gonna have Kane VS Kane anyways.
Top 50 Reviewers
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Has anyone seen that movie with Kane in it?
It looks like shit.
Btw, K-Kwik + Road Dogg was the best rapping/wrestling duo ever. EVERRRRRR
"In this world // We walk on the roof of hell, // Gazing at flowers." -- Issa
Well, I gotta say I did not see this coming. Paul Heyman drafts KURT ANGLE from SmackDown! to be in ECW and if I understood all of the ranting, Heyman takes RVD from RAW, which was no surprise.
Also, it figures the whole GM thing was a crock. Vince didn't choose anyone to be the new GM. Instead he chose Coach to be his Executive Assistant, which in other words, he's nothing more than a glorified Errand Boy in my mind.
*Jaw drop* Whao, Kurt in ECW?!?! I thought he hated ECW after the Sandman/Raven Cross thing. He was also on the wwe invader squad from last year's ppv. Having Kurt in ECW is quite the shocker indeed. Honestly I would never have guessed that. Though it does seem dumb to spoil the surprise so soon, unless Kurt is going to have a match at ONS.
wtf was up with the Kane impersonater? This story is getting weirder and dumber each week.
Man Foley can still cut one hell of a promo can't he?
Looks like Big Show is losing some hair..
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Alright everyone So Who thinks Triple H should be champ? I think he should CENA SUX!
Well Edge is now the #1 contender. Hmmm if RVD wins at ONS and makes it the new ECW belt, would RVD defend at Vengence anyway, or would a new wwe belt be put into play and have two people (Edge and someone else.. maybe HHH) go at it to see who the new champ is?
heh Nitro and Melina sure showed up quick on Raw huh?
Speaking of that, no new GM... Just Coach doing stuff. Well I actually think that this is a good move on wwe's part. This will give them some time to build up hype for the new GM.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I think John Cena will retain at One Night Stand, then Paul will name RVD the ECW Heavyweight Champion. Then Cena will defend against Edge at Vengence.
Kurt Angle in ECW?? I'm bot sold on that just yet I'll have to see it before i believe it.
Belive it. Paul Heymen drafted him from SD. Kurt Angel is going to be in ECW. Damn I can't belive I just typed that.
While this is a shocker, it also goes to show that Vince still thinks that ECW needs someone from wwe to help it along.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 5/29/06 11:27 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Belive it. Paul Heymen drafted him from SD. Kurt Angel is going to be in ECW. Damn I can't belive I just typed that.
I saw him get drafted and beat up on Mick Foley but its just in ECW Angle would find himself in what is usually a more dangerous enviroment (in terms of matches) than in WWE and he's been hurt as of late so I figured he would take it easy for a while.
But I will agree with you that sending Angle to ECW means that Vince doesn't have full confidence on ECW taking off.
I don't like the idea of Kurt in ECW really. He's bad mouthed the brand so much, that it just feels too much like a "plant" to me. I was fine with adding new blood, but I wanted new blood that DIDN'T have a bias against the company. At least we can be guaranteed some good wrestling matches out of it. But still, not a good confidence inspiring move.
As for the GM bait and switch, I don't like bait and switch, plain and simple. Bait and switch on TV is bad, PPV is worse, but bait and switch without really good to justify it, is the wrong way to do business, especially when your ratings are already hurting. I'm not saying that this one angle is going to really damage them badly, or even all that much...but Vince is I think letting playing "Mr. McMahon" to the hilt do bad things to his viewer confidence.
The bigger question is what next for Smackdown? With Kurt out that's one less superstar to what already was a thin roster.
At 5/29/06 07:15 PM, slaughterMYdaughter wrote: im looking foward on what will become with umaga and viscera.
I am not. The crowd should chant Jamal sucks.
At 5/29/06 07:31 PM, pepeatumi wrote: has officially announced that Paul Heyman will be getting two draft picks for the new ECW, one from Raw and one from Smackdown. In addition to Heyman picking someone for the new ECW tonight on Raw, PWInsider reports that he will also take on Mick Foley in a debate.
Someone from RAW.. Who could it be? Its not like if RAW has someone who used to be a major star in ECW is it?
I guessed Mick for Raw when Raw was on. But I didnt expect Kurt well not really last SD he was talking with Heyman.
At 5/29/06 10:22 PM, ThePunisher52 wrote: Well, I gotta say I did not see this coming. Paul Heyman drafts KURT ANGLE from SmackDown! to be in ECW and if I understood all of the ranting, Heyman takes RVD from RAW, which was no surprise.
Naw Rvd will go to ecw without a draft.
Also, it figures the whole GM thing was a crock. Vince didn't choose anyone to be the new GM. Instead he chose Coach to be his Executive Assistant, which in other words, he's nothing more than a glorified Errand Boy in my mind.
Yeah screw coach.
At 5/29/06 10:46 PM, ThePunisher52 wrote: I think John Cena will retain at One Night Stand, then Paul will name RVD the ECW Heavyweight Champion. Then Cena will defend against Edge at Vengence.
Cena should lose. And at vengence just have rvd win ecw or wwe title whatever it is.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 5/30/06 01:51 AM, Sham-n-Ham wrote:
I guessed Mick for Raw when Raw was on. But I didnt expect Kurt well not really last SD he was talking with Heyman.
Ooohhh I remember that! Backstage while someone else was on his way to the ring, they were in the background. That was subtle, wasn't it?
Sorry for the double-post guys, but you have to be fucking kidding me:
"I live in Fayetteville, NC and received an advertisement email from WWE. The RAW that follows Vengeance on June 26 advertises John Cena defending the WWE title against Edge. Just thought you'd like to know. (Thanks to Shane Barry)"
This means Cena will retain at ONS. Which is pretty much the worst idea they've had all year. (Exaggeration)