good news, everbody! I'll be watching JD Today!
fans of the best match of the night waward, stay on your toes!
good news, everbody! I'll be watching JD Today!
fans of the best match of the night waward, stay on your toes!
At 5/21/06 05:06 PM, redface wrote: good news, everbody! I'll be watching JD Today!
fans of the best match of the night waward, stay on your toes!
And be sure to tell us just how bad Great Khali is in the ring.
At 5/21/06 05:23 PM, pepeatumi wrote: be sure to tell us just how bad Great Khali is in the ring.
I'll be making popcorn during that match, it'll be that bad
My JUDGMENT DAY Predictions
World Heavyweight Championship: Rey Mysterio vs. JBL
KOTR Final: Lashley vs. Booker T
WWE Tag Team Championship: MNM vs. London/Kendrick
Undertaker vs. Great Khali
Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry
Cruiserweight Championship: Gregory Helms vs. Super Crazy
Melina vs. Jillian
Benoit vs. Finlay
I went 4-4 for the Sacrifice PPV, with The Dudleys, Styles/Daniels, Rhino, and Team USA all losing, although Sabin beat Williams to win the X Cup Thursday night. Hopefully I'll fair a little better with tonight's PPV.
Take this for what its worth...
Judgement Day 2006 is one of thee worst pay per views, comparable to Backlash 2006 or Great American 1991.
At 5/21/06 10:55 PM, Zen444 wrote: Judgement Day 2006 is one of thee worst pay per views, comparable to Backlash 2006 or Great American 1991.
2005 seemed so much better than this year. The only good Pay Per View would have to be Elimination Chamber.
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
From what I heard Khali squashed Taker, MNM broke up and Rey retained the WHC so it looks like a bad PPV but it can't be worse than the KOR in which Mabel beat Savio Vega.
About the whole MNM thing one of them I think was in ECW I think Mercury (Something Matthews) so maybe that's why MNM was broken up.
At 5/21/06 11:12 PM, MegaGold wrote: 2005 seemed so much better than this year. The only good Pay Per View would have to be Elimination Chamber.
The Elimination Chamber is not a Pay Per View.
It's a match.
Rey beating JBL?
After jobbing to fatty and mushmouth?
You know how MNM broke up?? Yeah about that...
Several days ago we noted that Johnny Nitro of MNM had been receiving heat backstage. Those backstage felt that he had grown distant with everyone in the SmackDown! lockerroom since dating Melina. He was always seen with her, and she was even taken to the wrestler's court where the Undertaker was the judge before a recent SmackDown! taping. Joey Mercury had actually been trying to distance himself from the duo so that he didn't receive the same 'heat treatment' from his peers.
Melina was also involved in a backstage fight with Sharmell several weeks ago where JBL came in to break things up. She had also had a previous relationship with Batista.
The early indication is that the angle that was shot at Judgment Day last night where both Melina and Nitro were 'fired' is more of a real life suspension for the two. Melina also lost a quick match to Jillian Hall at the PPV. WWE officials are not happy with their current attitudes as of late.
It doesn't pay to make enemies in the locker-room and there is no word on when or if the duo will be brought back.
London and Kendrick are CHAMPIONS! HURRAH! I hope they have a good title run; we can expect some great matches from those two.
At 5/21/06 11:22 PM, Zen444 wrote:At 5/21/06 11:12 PM, MegaGold wrote: 2005 seemed so much better than this year. The only good Pay Per View would have to be Elimination Chamber.The Elimination Chamber is not a Pay Per View.
It's a match.
Sorry, I feel like such a fool. I ment New Year's Revolution.
Top 50 Reviewers
Top 200 Medal Points
Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR
wait MNM broke up? Damn and they were such a good tag team too. wtf... I'm looking forward to redface's results.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 5/21/06 11:52 PM, RoosterOfDeath wrote: anyone else excited about dx coming back?
Not sure how they're going to get Shawn and H to reunite storyline wise.
At 5/21/06 11:16 PM, pepeatumi wrote: About the whole MNM thing one of them I think was in ECW I think Mercury (Something Matthews) so maybe that's why MNM was broken up.
You are correct sir! Joey Mercury, wrestling under his real name of Joey Matthews, was teamed up with his partner Christian York to form a pretty decent tag team for the last year of ECW's existence. Seems when the company closed, Mercury (I'll call him by his WWE name since it's more familiar to you all) continued to work the independents, becoming a solid singles wrestler, while York left the business pretty much.
I had assumed from reading it that the angle was done to send Mercury to ECW (possibly to tag with Danny Doring as the two could form a great "we're so sexy, everyone wants us" heel duo similar to the Hollywood Blondes, or perhaps even The Heavenly Bodies), but then I read about the Nitro and Melina "firing" and the backstage heat thing seems to make some more sense. The Khali thing was crap, I'm glad Rey is getting a bit longer run with the belt, though I'm disappointed Crazy lost. I know it was more then likely so they can send him and Psichosis to ECW with no baggage but...I personally feel they should ship all the Cruisers over there anyway so that they can finally get treated with the respect they deserve.
As for the earlier comment. Yes, ECW had tons of violence and shit getting broken, but there's still some psychology and such to getting an audience into a violent bout with shit getting broken left and right. Certainly ECW got famous for such bouts...but they also had a lot of great technical wrestling as well.
Here are the quick results for you guys:
Paul London & Brian Kendrick def. MNM (new champions)
Chris Benoit def. Finlay
Jillian def. Melina
Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms def. Super Crazy
Mark Henry def. Kurt Angle (countout)
Booker T def. Lashley (King of the Ring finals)
The Great Khali def. Undertaker
World Champion Rey Mysterio def. United States Champion JBL
hmm so they did indeed have Booker win. Guess my pick was wrong then.
wtf.. they have taker lose to someone like Khali? If he's that bad in the ring why are they bothering?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 5/22/06 10:42 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: wtf.. they have taker lose to someone like Khali? If he's that bad in the ring why are they bothering?
So that they can drag teh feud out for another few months and watch them fight over and over. It will be sure to suck but that's Vince's way of booking "good matches".
At 5/22/06 10:42 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
wtf.. they have taker lose to someone like Khali? If he's that bad in the ring why are they bothering?
This will probably lead to a casket match or a buried alive match which Taker will win and get rid of the The Not so Great in fact no good at all Khali.
Hopefully they'll have a Buried Alive match. Before Eddie died, he was suppose to have a Buried Alive match with Randy Orton, which I'm sure most (if not all) of you already knew. Doing it against Khali would be making up for it, in my opinion. Besides, he just had a Casket Match with Mark Henry at WrestleMania.
At 5/21/06 11:35 PM, cornontheconn wrote: London and Kendrick are CHAMPIONS! HURRAH! I hope they have a good title run; we can expect some great matches from those two.
To be honest I think they're gonna lose it in 3 months to Gymini.I dont like them but Vince had given them a recent rise and it only seems decent on his part to get them to be champs.
At 5/19/06 07:47 AM, frogman0123 wrote: Judgment Day predictions
Melina wins
Chris Benoit wins
Super Crazy wins
Kurt Angle wins
The Great Khali wins
MNM wins
Booker T. wins
Rey Mysterio wins
Melina, Super Crazy, Kurt Angle and MNM all lost. Chris Benoit, The Great Khali, Booker T. and Rey Mysterio all won. Therefore I am 4 and 4 at Judgment Day 2006. 50 50, not bad
If you don't like green, then you don't like me. If you don't like me, bite me. And if you don't like what was said right now, then GET OUT OF THE DARK WATER WORLD!
I finished the same way, 4-4. I started out good with London/Kendrick, Benoit, and Jillian all winning starting me out at 3-0. The it turned the other way with Super Crazy, Angle, Lashley, and Undertaker losing, to drop me to 3-4. Then with Mysterio beating JBL to retain the title, it finished me at .500. So Judgment Day combined with TNA Sacrifice, I finished 8-8 for the month of May.
But more importantly now that Judgment Day has come and gone it means that the next PPV to air will be One Night Stand 2... Scratch that.. ECW's One Night Stand 2 (Even though its coming back so its not actually a One Night Stand).
The greatest mind in wrestling in the past 20 years will be on RAW...
Paul Heyman is expected at RAW tonight.
It is expected that they will start heavy promotion tonight for the June 7th ECW vs. WWE USA special, as well as the build for the PPV.
Next weeks RAW usually draws a low number due to the Memorial Day holiday so tonight is the night to start pushing the ECW brand heavily.
There is a match on heat worth checking out. It just further proves that Carlito deserves some main event time.
Also on heat murdock and cade have re-united as a team. It was kinda dumb to break them up in the first place since Raw has such a lack of tag teams.
hmm seems on Raw HBK will go up against all of the SS... again... why the hell are they getting so much main event time? I know they have talent and all but the whole cheerleadeer thing is just annoying as hell.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I'm pissed that outlaw decided to post a re-cap be fore mine, well, in the immortal words of DX, he can "SUCK IT!"
Redface Says: "Judgement Day '06 reveiw!"
Match 1- WWE Tag team Championships
Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. MNM
What a way to start off Judgement Day! My Boys, London and Kendrick, were pulling off some mad sick flippy, jumpy attacks, Like when London Drop-kicked Nitro, and, while still in the air, back-flipped onto mercury and went for a cover! artwork. Eventually, Pauly tosses Nitro into Melina and covers mercury for the 1-2-3.
The Victors: London and Kendrick (The newwwwww Tag Champs!)
after the match, Nitro and Mercury start fist-fighting. Babies.
Match 2- Finlay vs. Chris Benoit
A good macth, but nothing note-worthy. Benoit put the crippler cross-face on Finlay and made him tap instantly. I thought that was neat.
The victor: Beniot
Match 3- Jillian Hall vs. Melina
An entertaining match for all the wrong reasons. All those body submissions...
The victor: That fine peice of ass, Jillian
after the match, Kristal comes out, says some stuff, then whips on Melina.
-JBL Segment-
JBL talks some smack about Rey, Then Chavo Gurerro comes on and says JBL will not leave with the title. Welcome Back, Chavo.
Match 4- Crusierweight Championship
Supercrazy vs. Gregory Helms
A good match with some good spots, but, by far, the highlight of this match was how Cole and Tazz were arguing about wether or not Helms was a "high-flyer". Cole and Tazz make a great team.
The victor: Helms.
-"NM" and T. Lo segment-
Nitro and Melina Complain to Manager Long, who fires them. Much rejoicing on my behalf.
Match 5- Mark Henry vs. Kurt Angle
A boring match. A funnier part, which I remember happened at the end, or after (I forget) was when Kurt Slams Henry onto the announce table, but it doesn't break. When Angle hits Henry in the face with a chair, and henry falls forward, then it breaks.
Angle still lost.
The Victor: Henry.
Match #7- KOTR Finals
Lashley vs. Booker T.
A decent match, uneventful.
Booker won when Finlay came out and bashed Lashley over the head with his shaleighly?
The Victor: All hail king Booker...ew....
later, as Booker Sat at the throne, he got speared by Lashley. it's as if he read my mind, that Lashley...
Match 7- Great Khali vs. The Undertaker
This match was so terrible, I don't want to write about. First, know that Khali attempted only one grapple move, and that he finished Taker with a chop!
The victor: Khali, his terrible (and I mean terrible) leagacy continues.
Match 8- World Heavyweight Championship
JBL vs. Rey Mysterio
My mind was wandering during this match, as I was pretty tired.
Mysterio Kicks JBL in the nads... I laugh at something Cole had said.... Mysterio starts bleeding through his mask... I wonder how discrete you have to be to blade yourself through a mask... then I started considering how hot Rey's wife was on a scale of 1-to-10.... Then I snap to attention when Chavo enters the ring... seems Rey has won...
The victor: Rey Mysterio (yay!)
over all, a good PPV, 4 out of 5 stars.
At 5/22/06 12:01 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: wtf... I'm looking forward to redface's results.
so, what? you couldn't contain yourself? people, If I'm lucky, I get on the 'ol comp at around 5'ish and off at 9'ish. considering it takes awhile to write my awesome reviews, you guys need be paitent.
Avie, how syked are you? One night stand, right around the corner... I'm burning to write a reveiw!
Corn, I'm so happy London and Kendrick won! maybe, the road to rebuliding the WWE's tag team divison starts with them.