What the hell did Burchill do? The fans like him and now it seems he's a jobber.
What the hell did Burchill do? The fans like him and now it seems he's a jobber.
At 5/13/06 12:11 AM, pepeatumi wrote: What the hell did Burchill do? The fans like him and now it seems he's a jobber.
Yeah, I'm really surprised too. I'm actually a fan of his, because I love his finisher. Please don't make him bate for big people. Make him United States champ or something.
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At 5/12/06 05:25 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote:
Couldn't have said it better. The only thing I would add to the "Going into buisness for yourself" part is something that Mick Foley touched on in his book.
Sometimes a wrestler will get caught up in what is going on, like they become absorbed in there character. The situation Mick talks about is during his "I quit" match with the Rock. For those of you who have never seen this match I suggest you hunt it down as it is brutal. Near the end of the match Mick was handcuffed and Rock was going to hit him in the head with a chair. Originally Rock was supposed to hit mick only a few times with a long pause in between to let the crowd react to it, and to let Mick recover some as he is getting hit hard and without using his hands and arms for protection. What eneded up happening is that Rock got caught up in the match and began to wail mick with at least 12 shots to the head, giving mick one hell of a gash and, if I remember correctly, a concussion as well.
doesn't happen often but it can.
I'll have to skip the Sd reviews until tomorrow since I haven;t watched the tape yet. :P
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 5/12/06 04:38 PM, redface wrote:At 5/12/06 06:02 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:Then Khali will disappear (gets fired) like Hassan. That is his future.
I liked Hassan, he was pretty neat. at least he was better than Khali.
Know, up until now, I didn't really care, but as a wrestling fan, I feel I need to know,
exactly to what extent is wrestling fake?
The only reason why Hassan got fired was because many Americans hated his gimmick and connected it with terrorism. Without a doubt, Hassan was a very talented worker. Unfortunately, he was just one of many lost stars.
At 5/13/06 12:11 AM, pepeatumi wrote: What the hell did Burchill do? The fans like him and now it seems he's a jobber.
I really hate to see middle carders like Burchill job to useless trash like fattttt Henry clean in squash matches. Burchill should compete for the U.S title. PS: I have not seen DuMa for a long while, has he quit for good?
Today is the 6th month anniversary of Eddie Guerrero's death. Just thought it was worth mentioning because its been 6 months and I still can't believe he's gone it might just be coincidence but Smackdown has really gone downhill since he passed away. Anyways that's pretty much it.
Eddie Guerrero.
At 5/13/06 10:57 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Today is the 6th month anniversary of Eddie Guerrero's death. Just thought it was worth mentioning because its been 6 months and I still can't believe he's gone it might just be coincidence but Smackdown has really gone downhill since he passed away. Anyways that's pretty much it.
Eddie Guerrero.
Wow, its been that soon...
Its just seems that he was immortal in our memories...
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
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At 5/13/06 10:57 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Today is the 6th month anniversary of Eddie Guerrero's death. Just thought it was worth mentioning because its been 6 months and I still can't believe he's gone it might just be coincidence but Smackdown has really gone downhill since he passed away. Anyways that's pretty much it.
I'd say that the quality of Smackdown has gone up since he passed on, even though it was on the up before he went. Smackdown has seemingly been cursed though, with all of its injuries since that time. We've had Kennedy, Batista, *cough*The Boogeyman*cough*, Orton suspended, Helms, etc..
Its amazing that Smackdown has managed to overcome all the shit thats gone its way, whilst Raw is struggling, in my opinion. Maybe Eddie is watching over Smackdown and keeping it going.
Eddie Guerrero.
Yeh, man, his presence is still felt everywhere.
well I have to agree that the best match was the triple threat for the # 1 contendership to teh CW title. That should be a good match too.. super crazy vs helms.. hey where has psycosis been? Is he out with an injury or something?
ok guys I know how bad the quality is, but considering I'm not all that great with photo stuff I got a kick out of it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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Actually you forgot something it goes something like this...
fgsfdsggkiwheruih jhgu I am the great Khali jdshgfiasdhfsfsg.
Wrestlers you could take in a fight?
I could take Droz and Owen Hart in a handicap match.
At 5/13/06 04:25 PM, Zen444 wrote: Wrestlers you could take in a fight?
I could take Droz and Owen Hart in a handicap match.
I could take Mickie James.
At 5/11/06 11:15 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I agree that Edger should continue chasing after the title, but keep him off ONS. It's bad enough they will probably have Cena there.
speaking of that.. I wonder if they will just re-start all the belts once ECW has come back. Since Rhino had two of them and he obviously won't be there they could have matches to determin who would be champions. As for the tag belts I know Avie said who had them last but I forgot, and also am not sure if tey ahve been re-signed either. So new champions for ECW.. Who should get them?
Pardon me.
i am a monumenta lECW fan.
however, i dont have Sky DIgital, so i dont get to see WWE programming anymore.
now, I know the WWE bought the rights to ECW's video library.
and i know Joey Styles was working the RAW announce table.
and i know theres a second one night stand happpening...
but, whats all this about "the new ECW brand"... someone bring me up to speed, FAST...
BY the by, the reigning tag champs at the end of ECWs lifespan, was the team of "Dastardly" Danny Doring, and Roadkill ( one of the most allmighty tag teams ever concocted ).
I read that WWE signed Doring, but no sign of Roadkill yet.
as a wise man once said - " i don't know whats i be doin'... "
Well, Joey Styles is nolonger the announcer on RAW he "quit" a while back. As for the new ECW it means just that. If you want to find more info you should go here.
At 5/12/06 11:36 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: How can you see it today or tomorrow when it doesn't come out until "May 19th!" ?
the week before a major movie before a major movie premier I'm excitied about, my internal clock skips ahead about a week.
never-the-less, If and when i see it, I'll reveiw it for you guys.
At 5/13/06 01:18 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:At 5/12/06 05:25 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote:
thanks, guys
I just thought I was obligated to know, being a wrestle fan and all...
At 5/13/06 05:30 PM, cornontheconn wrote: I could take Mickie James.
I'd like to take on Jillian Hall and Maria IN A HANDICAP MATCH!
At 5/13/06 06:23 PM, redface wrote:
I'd like to take on Jillian Hall and Maria IN A HANDICAP MATCH!
Please don't steal my fantasy, thank god for BoogeyMan taking that crap off her face.
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At 5/12/06 07:57 AM, boloneyman wrote:At 5/12/06 03:34 AM, SaiNT_SiLEiGHtY wrote: .spoiler* .spoiler* .spoiler* .spoiler* .spoiler*Nah I don't think Khali should be champ. He may be strong but Rey is much more talented and deserving.
SOME.< WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! Tonight Rey was absolutely dominated by Khali. It wasn't even a match! He pinned him by placing his foot on his head. Khali should be champ by this logic. Thats two weeks in a row Rey Rey has lost.spoiler*
he is deerving and all but if u saw that match witch i hope everybody id or most of all of us did you see ray try to drop kick him it waas funny as heck i meen it was abiek running into abrick wall after that it was over but i feel sasd for him losing in his home town
At 5/10/06 05:50 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:At 5/9/06 05:00 PM, redface wrote:More importantly, Edge AND Foley attacked Dreamer TOGETHER. Foley's heel turn sucks, it also does not have any preparation. Plus, now everyone is curious why Foley desided to ally with Edge. I doubt that WWE can find a reasonable excuse for their terrible booking.At 5/9/06 02:13 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Was anyone else disappointed by the lack of a reaction for Tommy Dreamer? It seemed no one in the crowd knew who he was.Dude, how dare they insult a Legend Like Tommy Dreamer by having him JOB!
I wonder what this bodes for ECW's future.
but didnt foley adn dreamer have a conflict in old ecw or is that jsut me emagining things again??? but i dont think this heel will last to long
At 5/13/06 05:43 PM, Emperor-Bubba wrote: BY the by, the reigning tag champs at the end of ECWs lifespan, was the team of "Dastardly" Danny Doring, and Roadkill ( one of the most allmighty tag teams ever concocted ).
I read that WWE signed Doring, but no sign of Roadkill yet.
WWE did sign Roadkill. He's training at Ohio Valley Wrestling and he's holding the OVW Southern Tag Team Championship with Kasey James.
At 5/13/06 06:23 PM, redface wrote:
I'd like to take on Jillian Hall and Maria IN A HANDICAP MATCH!
Oh ho ho, clever. But I'll do you one better!
Maria, Trish, Torrie Wilson and Mickie James in a 4-on-1 Handicap match!
At 5/13/06 10:57 AM, pepeatumi wrote: Today is the 6th month anniversary of Eddie Guerrero's death. Just thought it was worth mentioning because its been 6 months and I still can't believe he's gone it might just be coincidence but Smackdown has really gone downhill since he passed away. Anyways that's pretty much it.
Eddie Guerrero.
He may have left us, but his memory, and his body of work will be with us forever. Eddie touched many lives, and we all need to remember that Eddie said it in his own words in his book, he made amends for the wrongs he did. Eddie died at peace, and we will always love him, and we will always share the stories of his accomplishments with others.
I just wish they would cut the crap and stop using his name for storyline purposes.
I find it kinda funny.. We had been hearing for months that wwe was going to push murdock for the IC title and he has been on Heat ever since. Guess wwe really doesn't know what they want to do.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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So Murdoch's been on Heat? I've been wondering where was that guy, last I heard he was teaming up with Cade again.
Warning!! ECW Spoilers!
Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer v. Edge and Mick Foley is scheduled for the 6/11 One Night Stand PPV.
So it looks like this is where the WWE is going with the Foley heel turn but I have to admit if the John Cena-RVD title match does happen it would mean that the two main events wil include WWE wrestlers. (That's not cool).
At 5/14/06 01:01 PM, pepeatumi wrote: So it looks like this is where the WWE is going with the Foley heel turn but I have to admit if the John Cena-RVD title match does happen it would mean that the two main events wil include WWE wrestlers. (That's not cool).
Ugh, it's shit like this that makes me weary of any sort of ECW ressurection, because it seems like WWE can't accept that ECW can draw a sufficient audience without the involvement of their talent. It not only can, but would probably draw BETTER. It's too bad Vince's "brain trust" keeps stroking the boss's ego and telling him what he wants to hear saying they can't.
The mystery opponent for Rey Mysterio on this weeks SmackDown! is expected to be Kane due to it being May 19th. That would mean he'll be traveling to the Tuesday TV taping.
This shouldn't come as a surprise since Smackdown airs on May 19th either way it looks like Kane will be Rey's opponent.
After seeing Edge's hardcore match at WM22, I don't think having him on ECW would be an entirely bad decision.
Of course, I won't be getting ONS anyhow, but just sayin'.
Sacrifice is starting momentarily, so here are my last minute pedicitions.
Full Metal Mayhem (TLC) NWA Title: Christian Cage vs Abyss
Sting/Samoa Joe vs. Jarrett/Steiner
NWA Tag Titles: America's Most Wanted vs A.J. Styles/Christopher Daniels
Raven vs. A1
Rhino vs. Bobby Roode
World X Cup Gauntlet Match: Team USA
James Gang vs. The Dudleys (Team 3d)
Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Petey Williams