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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 11:56:33

At 5/5/06 03:07 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
Just please... don't give me too much abuse for being a Cena fan! I've been a fan since his debut and continue to support him.
Well, you're female...so you're part of his core demographic. So I mean, guess we can't rag you too hard...just don't try to convince he's the best worker ever or something ; )

I've never claimed he is the best worker ever... because that is far from the truth. He's not one of the greatest wrestlers on the roster, nor does he claim to be. I just really admire him for everything he does for the business. No matter what anybody says... the guy gives his all everynight and puts 110% into everything he does, he's a hell of an entertainer. It just really annoys me now how everyone has jumped on the "Hate Cena" bandwagon, because if you remember, it was actually the fans that turned him face, just before Survivor Series 2003.

Yep, I wind up being in the same position, saturday just winds up being a better day for me to catch it. Though I must say I'm becoming disappointed in some of the "formulaic" approach that TNA is taking to producing the shows lately. I like the action, but the layout of the show is becoming predictable

The thing with TNA at the moment is that they are building the show around the older guys. They only have a one hour time slot which doesn't give them much time to build up storylines and have good matches, which is why a lot of the time there's a couple of squash matches on the show. I love TNA as much as anybody... but when I watch it I'd much rather see guys like A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, Chris Sabin, Team Canada, AMW, Jerrelle Clark, Matt Bentley etc etc, guys who built a name for themselves in TNA, rather than Sting, Scott Steiner, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell...
Give the younger guys some time! They helped build the company... it's only fair that they get the chance to show what they can do now that the promotion is taking off. If it continues the way it is, pretty soon iMPACT! will just revolve around the ex WCW/WWE guys and that's not what I'd like to see.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 12:14:29

Yep, I wind up being in the same position, saturday just winds up being a better day for me to catch it. Though I must say I'm becoming disappointed in some of the "formulaic" approach that TNA is taking to producing the shows lately. I like the action, but the layout of the show is becoming predictable
The thing with TNA at the moment is that they are building the show around the older guys. They only have a one hour time slot which doesn't give them much time to build up storylines and have good matches, which is why a lot of the time there's a couple of squash matches on the show. I love TNA as much as anybody... but when I watch it I'd much rather see guys like A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, Chris Sabin, Team Canada, AMW, Jerrelle Clark, Matt Bentley etc etc, guys who built a name for themselves in TNA, rather than Sting, Scott Steiner, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell...
Give the younger guys some time! They helped build the company... it's only fair that they get the chance to show what they can do now that the promotion is taking off. If it continues the way it is, pretty soon iMPACT! will just revolve around the ex WCW/WWE guys and that's not what I'd like to see.

Speaking of TNA can you tell me the lockdown results i missed the ppv.I agree that theTNA is putting more of older guys in there is not really all that great.But thats because they are the ones people really know and grew up wacthing them.For sure AJ,Daniels and Chris Sabin kick ass.I would like to see some of the old guys like sting and christian{hey he's getting up there} because they are the guys I wacthed back in the day.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 12:21:19

It is good to have some of the older guys to some extent... they bring the name value to the company which is going to make more people interested in the product. Say for example, there's a WCW fan out there who stopped watching after the company folded... they hear that Sting is back in wrestling, they might be interested and tune in to TNA. So, it does have it's advantages, I'm just saying I prefer to see newer talent building a name for themselves.

Do you want detailed Lockdown results? Or just the winners of the matches?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 12:32:09

The thing is the last company who was pushing older wrestlers was WCW and we all know how that turned out its good to have names like Sting and Scott Steiner to get people to notice the product but they need the young guys like AJ, Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels in order for TNA to go further.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 12:36:50

If TNA gets a 2 hour time slot it would be much better. They'd have time to build up their storylines (as long as they don't do stupid ones like the WWE likes to do), they'd have time to showcase their home-grown talent and they'd have time to still include guys like Sting and Steiner on the show.

I've never been a fan of Steiner... as a matter of fact, I hate the guy. I think he's a sloppy worker and I just find him boring, but he brings the name value to the company so it's a good thing I guess and I can put up with it if it's going to help the company grow.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 12:40:59

At 5/5/06 12:36 PM, Chaingang_Chick wrote:
I've never been a fan of Steiner... as a matter of fact, I hate the guy. I think he's a sloppy worker and I just find him boring, but he brings the name value to the company so it's a good thing I guess and I can put up with it if it's going to help the company grow.

I was a fan of the pre-steroid Scott Steiner back when he teamed up with his brother he was nowhere near sloppy in fact he was quite athletic but all the roids have made him slow and now all his matches are boring as hell.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 12:47:45

The main thing I regret from my past is not watching WCW.
When I first started watching wrestling I was all about the then WWF. Over the years I have become a bigger WRESTLING fan, as opposed to just being a WWF/E fan. I now prefer to watch indies and TNA. I would much rather go to a live indy show than a live WWE show. There is sooo much talent out there that isn't being regonised.

Basically, I'm just going off what I saw on Steiner in WWE and now in TNA. I'm just not a fan of the guy. Maybe if I'd watched WCW back in the day I'd have a different opinion.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 12:51:16

At 5/5/06 12:21 PM, Chaingang_Chick wrote:

Do you want detailed Lockdown results? Or just the winners of the matches?

detailed.They should put the results for ppv in the tna website.Not just info and what not.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 12:53:34

Instead of posting the results here, as it would take quite a few posts... I'll give you a link.


There ya go!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 12:57:39

New topic.What do you think of the joey styles thing.I mean this could lead to a ecw invasion against wwe.I also heard that RVD is going to beat Cena at one night stand.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 13:00:48

I think the Joey Styles thing is AWESOME!!!
I'd much rather have J.R. commentating on RAW than Styles. Don't get me wrong, Styles is a great commentator, but I just don't think he's suited to WWE's style. Joey's gonna be the commentator for ECW when it returns full-time. It should be good!!

I heard the RVD thing too... the thing is, will they keep RVD in the WWE or shift him to ECW? RVD is the main person who people associate with ECW at the moment (note: the EC-Dub chants and RVD's references to being EXTREME!) So if RVD was to win the title at One Night Stand, and IF he is going to be a part of ECW, then I can't see him having a long title run. Maybe he'll lose it to Triple H at SummerSlam or something.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 13:02:13

But with HHH probably turning face how would he wrestle RVD I think RVD wins the title and drops it and says something like I'm going to ECW and then the title will be decided in a tournament on Raw.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 13:13:17

Possibly... but that would take a lot of prestige away from the title. RVD is so proud to be "Mr Money in the Bank" that it would be kinda demeaning if he was to win the WWE championship and then say "screw it, I don't need this." It could make the title seem less important.

I don't know what they will do. Maybe instead of having RVD vs Triple H one-on-one with them both being faces, they could have another triple threat match. Maybe throw Edge or Cena in the mix, if the rumours of Cena's heel turn are true, and have Trips walk out champ.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 16:23:11

At 5/5/06 12:31 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: damn I keep forgetting that TNA is on thursday. At least i can still catch the replay of it on saturday.

I forgot to watch iMPACT! yesterday too. But i'll do my iMPACT! review on Saturday.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 18:31:13

At 5/5/06 12:58 AM, Chaingang_Chick wrote: Just please... don't give me too much abuse for being a Cena fan! I've been a fan since his debut and continue to support him.

Hell nah, We need more Cena Fans around here, I get lonely.

*Yawn* ever since I've fallen in love with TNA, I've been going to bed later on thursdays, I wish they'd put it on earlier. How about Rick Steiner? I could have sworn he fell off the face of the earth! I wish TNA'd put this kind of effort into getting guys Like Lance Hoyt and Jeff Hardy on their excellent program.

P.S. Who's this CM punk you guys are talking about? Shannon Morre?

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 18:35:52

At 5/5/06 04:23 PM, LordKooler wrote: I forgot to watch iMPACT! yesterday too. But i'll do my iMPACT! review on Saturday.

I think I'll watch it again on saturday, so as I may rub one out to the very fine Christy Hemme! OHH!

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 19:06:11

****SPOILER WARNING, I guess...****

Goddamn, why did Benoit lose to Finlay? Finlay is old, what could he get from winning the tournament? At least if Benoit gets to the final, if someone beats him, they'll get a huge boost. But Finlay....I can't see him benifitting the tournament that much, he's just filler material.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 20:07:30

My KOTR bracket is pretty much shot. All my predictions (Matt Hardy, Benoit, Henry) except Kurt Angle lost. I wasn't expecting Henry to lose by countout, or lose at all for that matter. Now after last week's incident with Mark Henry, Angle is done and Booker T automatically advances to the finals. So in the semis you have Finlay versus Bobby Lashley in the semifinals. Lashley was my second choice to win, so thanks to Mark Henry, he becomes my top favorite to win the tournament.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 20:07:49

At 5/5/06 06:31 PM, redface wrote:
P.S. Who's this CM punk you guys are talking about? Shannon Morre?

CM Punk is an awesome talent... used to work in ROH and TNA


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 21:20:38

At 5/5/06 07:06 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: ****SPOILER WARNING, I guess...****

Goddamn, why did Benoit lose to Finlay? Finlay is old, what could he get from winning the tournament? At least if Benoit gets to the final, if someone beats him, they'll get a huge boost. But Finlay....I can't see him benifitting the tournament that much, he's just filler material.

the reason teh benoit lost to finlay is because lashley still wants his revenge on finlay for what ever he did to him (i can't remember) and that is the main reason why that benoit lost to him...Or atleast tahts what i think

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 21:23:12

At 5/5/06 12:57 PM, drewthedude wrote: New topic.What do you think of the joey styles thing.I mean this could lead to a ecw invasion against wwe.I also heard that RVD is going to beat Cena at one night stand.

i hope rvd does win...

and about the joey styles thing i dont know if this will meen a new invasion or not but if it does it could drop the rating's...and last tiem i didnt know if the invasion did any good or not..for the ratings.so it could make them go up or drop them way down low but either way i would like to see another just for the heck of it

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 22:52:59

LordKooler's Friday Night Smackdown review
1.Rey Mysterio segment
Rey Mysterio cut a promo until JBL came out. JBL says that Mysterio will face Mark Henry in the main event.
2.Booker T vs Gunner Scott
Booker T won at the end.
3.MNM beat up London & Kendrick
MNM beats up London & Kendrick. London & Kendrick will face MNM for the WWE Tag Team titles at Judgement Day.
4.Chris Benoit vs Finlay
Finlay won at the end. I wanted Benoit to win. Finlay will face Lashley and the winner of that match will face Booker T. I think that Lashley will win King of the ring.
5.Gymini vs Scotty 2 Hotty & Funaki
Gymini squashed them at the end. If you watch Kaientai vs Masato Yakushiji, Super Delfin, Gran Naniwa. Gran Hamada, and Tiger Mask IV , It shows that Funaki & Kaientai had potential. Despite a Cruiserweight Title reign. WWE has misused Funaki.
6.Super Crazy vs Nunzio vs Kid Kash
During the match, The Great Khali came out and attacked the Cruiserweights.
7.Rey Mysterio vs Mark Henry
Mark Henry won at the end. Then JBL says that Mysterio will face the Great Khali next week. The Great Khali will face the Undertaker at Judgement Day.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 23:32:10

thxs for the info kooler i needed to know because iwas out late with my bro and some friends riding...but any ways thxs...and also I heard that rvd is going to win the title...I hope he does somebody needs to hurry and take it...nothing against cena i like him and all he just doesent wrestle all that good even though he does put everything he has into his matches he is just not that good of a wrestler...and that is all i have to say

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-05 23:41:47

At 5/5/06 10:52 PM, LordKooler wrote: 2.Booker T vs Gunner Scott
Booker T won at the end.

I fell asleep during that.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-06 00:12:31

A couple of Tracking the Tribe updates:

Brother D-Von says he will NOT be in the new ECW: “I want you to put this in big bold letters. I DO NOT WANT TO BE A PART OF THE ECW. I am not going to be a part of the ECW reunion that’s coming up in June and I definitely don’t want to be a part of the new formation of ECW’s organization. As far as I’m concerned, I’m very proud of what we accomplished in ECW. What we did at One Night Stand. As far as I’m concerned, that’s the way we should have went out in ECW and at One Night Stand. As far as I’m concerned that’s the final chapter of my career in terms of that company. I don’t want people to think, “Oh, we’ve heard that before” this and that, but I feel very strongly about that. I’m not saying that, you know, I’m never ever ever going to go back to WWE, but right now I’m not looking to go back to WWE. I’m happy in TNA. TNA has done the right thing by us.”

WWE confirms more names for the ECW project: These are OFFICIAL confirmations:

The Sandman
Danny Doring
Tony Mamaluke

As we reported yesterday, WWE is bringing Mamaluke in to reform The FBI with Little Guido (Nunzio).

NICE!!! The FBI with Mamaluke and Guido were one of the best tag teams bar none at the time when ECW closed. It'll be good to see them in action again.

About SD!, the match Great Khali interrupted was supposed to be a no. 1 contenders bout for the Cruiser title right? A no. 1 contender's bout and they let this big jobber bitch fuck it up? Why don't they just throw the belt in a garbage can right now if they think so little of it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-06 00:21:17

Hey, I have a question. Are they just going to do King of the Ring on Smackdown? I thought they were going to have a Pay Per View of it.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-06 01:45:52

At 5/5/06 12:47 PM, Chaingang_Chick wrote: The main thing I regret from my past is not watching WCW.

Believe me, you didn't miss much.

As for Cena, I will say that he deserves credit for gutting it out with the bad reactions, he could easily whine and moan to management that they need to turn him, but from everything I've heard, he's been a good soldier and tried to do what the company tells him to do.

Which I think is another problem he has, Cena HAS charisma, but all his promos are scripted for him. Not to mention the material is terrible, yes, the fans initially turned Cena, but then once turned, WWE decided they were going to force him down everyone's throats and try to manufacture the next Rock or Austin (by using a lot of their storylines and elements and such). But with Cena's matches not quite being up to par, and him having to recite such bad material, when he can honestly write much better stuff (have you listened to his rap CD? The songs and lyrics are very good, here's a guy who dosen't need a script writer, and is being held back by having one).

A heel run might be the best thing for Cena, I think a lot of the boo's for him are simply because most fans CHOOSE to boo him, not because he's not over. I also think the fact that he's been rammed down people's throats as a main eventer is also a problem, a good recent example is JBL. People hated JBL when he was pushed to the WWE title last year, because he just got the belt out of nowhere and was in no way ready for the run. But once he dropped it (after far too long), and settled into a more mid-card role, the fans began to accept him as the heel WWE wanted him to be all along. I think the same could hold true for Cena, a heel run at the top, then if that dosen't work, easing him into a mid-card slot, could ultimately benefit Cena if he's then slowly built back up to the main events. Like I've said before, I think he's been damaged, more by the way he's booked I think then by any lack of talent on his part. It's just a situation where they need to stop forcing him on people, and rather let them take to him again, and then try a new main event push. We'll see.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-06 03:47:26

I absolutely agree. Cena has been rammed down peoples throats to the point where they are sick of him. It could work to turn him heel... but he's like the WWE's main source for merch sales and if they can't have the ChainGang logo on anything anymore, then the manufacturing of Cena merch will go down. Maybe they could turn him "semi" heel and have him turn on the haters but stay true to his fans. Instead of saying that he doesn't care if people boo him because he's not out to please everyone, he could have an attitude like "f*ck the haters."

WWE dropped the ball when they gave the belt back to Cena from Edge. I think it would have been good for Cena to feud with Edge and be chasing the title for a while. If he had worked a program with an established heel such as Edge, I think it would have been easier for him to get back over with the fans, as people seem to truly hate Edge.

Alternatively... they should have him drop the title soon, and put him in an upper mid-card program with Edge. When Cena dropped the title last time, the reaction he got on RAW was a lot different... people seemed to be happy with him not being champion, and he was actually getting cheered. I just think people are tired of seeing him with the title, take it off him for a while and see how it goes.

What annoys me... is the fact that Cena CAN actually wrestle... he just doesn't do it so much. If you look back to 2002/2003 and even 2004, he had some pretty good matches with the likes of Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar, Undertaker... granted, all of those guys are good workers and can carry people in matches if needed, but they didn't carry Cena in those matches, he held his own. It may have something to do with his gimmick. The fact that the commentators are constantly reminding people that "John Cena is a fighter, he is not your traditional wrestler." I just wish he'd go back to wrestling how he used to... if he was to pull off a match like he used to do, it may silence a few of the haters.

As for his promos... I agree that some of them have become pretty stale and it seems to be the same stuff repeated over and over. I preferred it when he was a heel and he did his own freestyles, but the writers even toned that down some and started scripting stuff for him. John Cena is good at being himself... they just need to let him do that. He has a lot of charisma and is more than able to cut a decent promo without the writers having to do it for him. Cena has become TOO face in my opinion... I preferred his "don't give a f*ck" attitude.

And yes... I have his CD, and I absolutely love it. The lyrics are amazing and I look forward to more from him.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-06 05:20:44

I find that wwe seems to do better when the face chases the title rather than the heel doing it.

why does wwe dis the cruisers like that? They are really killing what should be one of their more exciting divisions with crap like that.

i'm surprised Benout didn't win, I'm still thinking Lashly will be the winner but the way wwe is going with Booker T, he may have a shot as well.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-05-06 08:23:11

does anyone else think that the Undertaker Vs Great Khali feud is similar to the Undertaker Vs Giant Gonzales feud in 1993?