So need Cena sucks in the ring he also sucks out of it. As if the fans needed another reason to boo the man.
So need Cena sucks in the ring he also sucks out of it. As if the fans needed another reason to boo the man.
omg i feel embrassed to have like kurt look at him yell YEAAHHH!!
Well guys we all know that Rey will lose the title very soon and Vince needs to end all the Eddie stuff when he died. And Kurt Angle will become the 2006 King of the Ring thats all i can say for now.
At 4/9/06 04:46 PM, JohnCena751 wrote: Well guys we all know that Rey will lose the title very soon and Vince needs to end all the Eddie stuff when he died. And Kurt Angle will become the 2006 King of the Ring thats all i can say for now.
Well, I'm hoping somehow Batista will get someones spot and win King of the Ring.
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Okay, this is some nifty news!
At 4/9/06 04:54 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Okay, this is some nifty news!
Heh, that's something interesting alright. I don't know how well that Midway will do against the Smackdown! and DoR series, but at least now the WWE has a little competition I suppose.
Has anyone heard anything about that wrestling thing that's supposed to be on MTV sometime here soon? I forgot the name of it, but I haven't heard anything about that in a good while now except that it was supposed to start sometime in the coming months.
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Sig by Turkeybean
At 4/9/06 11:38 AM, pepeatumi wrote: So need Cena sucks in the ring he also sucks out of it. As if the fans needed another reason to boo the man.
I think that his frustration out of the ring is a result of his boos, not the other way around. We never heard of stuff like this happening before the fans started booing him regularly.
wonder if that will get put into the storylines or something. It is pretty funny. At least it didn't get worse from there, it wouldn't look good for wwe if cena got himself arrested.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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Cena's punishment was way too light compared with RO's. Like I have said, Vince is a moron. Yea, he is the champ, so what? The right way is to suspend him for at least 3 months and force him to surrender the title to the winner of the HHH vs Edge match on RAW. Too bad, Cena is Vince's son-in-law, and he will bore everyone to death once again tomorrow. RAW is on its free-fall now.
At 4/9/06 07:19 PM, cornontheconn wrote:At 4/9/06 11:38 AM, pepeatumi wrote: So need Cena sucks in the ring he also sucks out of it. As if the fans needed another reason to boo the man.I think that his frustration out of the ring is a result of his boos, not the other way around. We never heard of stuff like this happening before the fans started booing him regularly.
Unless Cena turns heel in the next 2 shows, he will be the most embrassed face ever in the WWE history. I wonder if he knows the word "embrassing".
At 4/10/06 12:24 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Cena's punishment was way too light compared with RO's. Like I have said, Vince is a moron. Yea, he is the champ, so what? The right way is to suspend him for at least 3 months and force him to surrender the title to the winner of the HHH vs Edge match on RAW. Too bad, Cena is Vince's son-in-law, and he will bore everyone to death once again tomorrow. RAW is on its free-fall now.
Eh, Cena is a brother-in-law to Vince?! That's news to me! When did all of this come about? And yeah, RAW is in a bit of a tight spot at the moment.
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Sig by Turkeybean
At 4/9/06 05:06 PM, PowerPrower wrote: Has anyone heard anything about that wrestling thing that's supposed to be on MTV sometime here soon? I forgot the name of it, but I haven't heard anything about that in a good while now except that it was supposed to start sometime in the coming months.
It's called Wrestling Society X. It has Human Tornado, Puma, Alter Boy Luke, Jack Evans, Matt Sydal, New Jack, Justin Credible, Teddy Hart, Vampiro, and Sean Waltman.
At 4/9/06 05:06 PM, PowerPrower wrote: Has anyone heard anything about that wrestling thing that's supposed to be on MTV sometime here soon? I forgot the name of it, but I haven't heard anything about that in a good while now except that it was supposed to start sometime in the coming months.
I haven't heard anything in awhile, which could mean that the whole thing has gone under without hitting air, it's happened before. I never believe in these start up's until they actually air.
Even if it does I doubt it will be as good as TNA or WWE.
Vince and Cena are not related.. At least I'm pretty sure they are not. Now if you had said HHH and Vince.. Thats a different story.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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I think this incident is as good a reason as any to make Cena lose the title quite soon. Still, RO deserves to be suspended for 60 days. It doesn't matter if you are the top heel, the top face or whatever, he cant just go around thinking he's too big to be punished.
At 4/10/06 06:19 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Even if it does I doubt it will be as good as TNA or WWE.
Vince and Cena are not related.. At least I'm pretty sure they are not. Now if you had said HHH and Vince.. Thats a different story.
Yeah it will probably not be anything close to WWE or TNA, but at least it would be something new I suppose. I thought I heard something too about Jericho possibly being signed on to that show. I know that HHH and Vince are related, but when DoD said that Cena was, that kinda blew my mind. Maybe he meant that they were related is my guess. I hope that something interesting happens on RAW tonight, maybe with that airline incident and him turning maybe. That would just make my day.
Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm gonna fuck you with a rake
Sig by Turkeybean
watching Raw right now.. ugh.. you know I'm sure I said it when they made D-von a priest when the split up the Dudlyz a ling while back and it still rings true now. Religion and wrestling angles just don't mix.
wtf a thumb to the neck is umanga's (or however you spell it) finisher? Lame... really lame...
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Yeah, I agree. Those storylines are retarded. Religion and wrestling are on opposite sides of the wavelength. The way Shane-O was stepping away from Vince, I thought something might happen to him.
As for Jamal/Umaga and his thumb jammed in the guy's neck, that was indeed lame.
On a side note, what I find funny is that when someone puts on some sort of sleeper submission, the person's arm has to drop 3 times before they ring the bell, yet with Masters' Masterlock or Jamal/Umaga's "move", all the person's arm has to do is drop once and the ref calls for the bell. Maybe it's something I'm missing there.
Man the main event at Backlash is shaping up to be a crappy one. We have one champ, who over half the crowd hates. Then we have two wrestlers who have already had a shot at the title, one is only getting another shot because he is married to one of the writers.
I seem to be the only person here that hates HHH. I've looked back and he is one of the reasons I stopped watched WWE a few years back. When he was out on injury and not wrestling, I had never been happier while watching WWE.
Well there is my vent, I'd be happy if WWE gave someone new a shot at the title.
I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.
Well, the Backlash main event might suck but it appears there may be a few other great matches:
Benjamin vs. RVD
Big Show vs. Kane
Carlito vs. Masters
Mickie vs. Trish 2
If all of these go down, it could be a fine show.
At 4/10/06 10:56 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: Well, the Backlash main event might suck but it appears there may be a few other great matches:
Benjamin vs. RVD
Big Show vs. Kane
Carlito vs. Masters
Mickie vs. Trish 2
If all of these go down, it could be a fine show.
The main event might be OK. John Cena in a one-on-one match is always fairly boring, but with HHH and Edge working together in the ring, they might make it good.
You guys all hated the church scene, but pointless and irrelevant though it was, I still thought it was kinda funny, the way he acts so culturally deprived.
"Hey Shane'O. Guess who I am?" SPIT!
Sorry for the double post, but there were others things I forgot I wanted to talk about.
You guys like the Carlito/Masters segment? I kinda did. Good to see that despite the heel to face transition, he's going to maintain his sneakiness.
Also, I love crazy women. <3 Mickie.
Also, my little brother, for whatever reason, was watching Hogan Knows Best, and apparently Hogan is training his son to be a wrestler. Omigosh!
P.S. Off-topic, but I wanted to ask Avie something. Avie, you're a regular here, do you know if a Webcomic club has been made yet?
At 4/10/06 10:39 AM, PowerPrower wrote: Yeah it will probably not be anything close to WWE or TNA, but at least it would be something new I suppose. I thought I heard something too about Jericho possibly being signed on to that show. I know that HHH and Vince are related, but when DoD said that Cena was, that kinda blew my mind. Maybe he meant that they were related is my guess. I hope that something interesting happens on RAW tonight, maybe with that airline incident and him turning maybe. That would just make my day.
By saying that Cena was Vince's son-in-law, I mean that Vince treated him like his father. There are and there were many wrestlers who are (were) much better than Cena, but none of them have owned the title that long. Besides Edge's short lived reign, Cena has been the champ for over 1 year. As a matter of fact, I am one of the people who support the idea of making money boy retain at BS which will only get him more boos. Then, at ONS, RVD and the ECW fans will blow his sorry ass right to the Saturn. If that's what WWE is about to do, I see a Cena heel turn soon after ONS.
Oh, by the way...Umaga looks impressive in his debut. He may be a good heel if booked well. Besides that, RAW is as boring as of late.
I loved watching Trish come out dressed like the old Mickie after the title defense. I am actually more entertained by the storylines surrounding the Women's title than I am the storylines surrounding the WWE Championship.
I do have to agree that when Shane stepped away from Vince I got a laugh out of it. Still not the best thing in the world to be doing though.
The womens title thing with trish and psycho left me with a "huh? wtf?!" kind of feeling. just plain weird.
I was kinda hopeing Edge would come out with a victory here just to establish his being there. Watch next week on Raw it will be Edge and Cena Vs HHH to make it so that everyone had a handicap match. Watch hhh win it too. Or perhaps Edge will get the pin since both HHH and Cena have done so now.
I noticed the arm submission thing too and I can't really explain it. It makes no sense to me either.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I liked Kane getting all pissed and enraged in his match (although the "it'll happen again Kane" thing beforehand was corny...and I didn't get Better than the Spirit Squad getting a victory...choke slamming the Big Show was great...damn, the canvas bounced from that, lol.
At 4/10/06 11:34 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: By saying that Cena was Vince's son-in-law, I mean that Vince treated him like his father. There are and there were many wrestlers who are (were) much better than Cena, but none of them have owned the title that long. Besides Edge's short lived reign, Cena has been the champ for over 1 year. As a matter of fact, I am one of the people who support the idea of making money boy retain at BS which will only get him more boos. Then, at ONS, RVD and the ECW fans will blow his sorry ass right to the Saturn. If that's what WWE is about to do, I see a Cena heel turn soon after ONS.
That would be funny to see in my opinion, but if they go with a Cena heel turn they should after Backlash, but that would involve him losing the title (which a lot of people would dance and rejoice upon) and either Edge or HHH would turn face (most likely HHH). That may be some flawed logic, but that's what I think.
I have no idea what the WWE is thinking. They tried the religion thing before with D-von, and it didn't work. And they're trying again? Sheesh! Don't even get me started with Umaga. That 'thumb thrust' wasn't nearly impressive as that reverse F-5 he did last week, and I hope that doesn't become permanent. The Trish and Mickie segment was good, and the Kane/BigShow moment was good too, but I hate how they have him do it now to promote his movie. Carlito and Masters had an ok segment too, and I can't wait to see that at Backlash.
As for the whole Masters/Umaga 1 arm drop rule applies, my friend put it best. It's almost like the Steiner Effect, first time it ever happened was with Scott Steiners 'Steiner Recliner' in which the first arm raise and drop would win him the match. Just thought I'd share that little philosophy.
Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm gonna fuck you with a rake
Sig by Turkeybean
At 4/11/06 12:13 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I liked Kane getting all pissed and enraged in his match (although the "it'll happen again Kane" thing beforehand was corny...and I didn't get Better than the Spirit Squad getting a victory...choke slamming the Big Show was great...damn, the canvas bounced from that, lol.
There have been some rumors saying that Kane is going to win the WHC title from Rey at Judgement Day. If that is the case, (very likely now) he will go over Show to build momentum and then get drafted to SD! and dethrone Rey at JD. Afterawards, a healthy Batista will beat Kane in the next PPV and feud with RO at Summer Slam.
At 4/11/06 12:31 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
There have been some rumors saying that Kane is going to win the WHC title from Rey at Judgement Day. If that is the case, (very likely now) he will go over Show to build momentum and then get drafted to SD! and dethrone Rey at JD. Afterawards, a healthy Batista will beat Kane in the next PPV and feud with RO at Summer Slam.
But doesn't the draft lottery occur sometime after Judgement Day? It might be a later-on PPV, then, like GAB or something.