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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 14:05:24

Yeah I'll agree with you there. That had no need of being used in a story line.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 14:16:25

Im going to post my Wrestlemania match predictions.

MITB ladder match- RVD or Matt Hardy if he qualifies.

Chris Benoit vs. JBL- Benoit, if JBL's hand is not healed by then, Chris can take advantage of the injury.

Mick Foley vs. Whiny-Baby Edge in a HARDCORE match- Mick Foley, expect Mr. Socko nd the barbie(barbed wire wrapped around a baseballbat).

Carlito and Master Dipshit vs Big Show and Kane- Do i really need to say it? Show and Kane will win. Watch Show break the masterlock if Masters has the manhood to use on him.

HBK vs. Vince- HBK will win, and if you dont expect Shane to pop up, you must be on the same drug that Steph spiked Shawn with.

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry- Perfect way to end a feud. Perfect way to end a career. Perfect man to do the job. Undertaker takes win.

Triple Threat match Rey vs. Kurt(c) vs. Randy for the WHC - I thinkeither Rey or RKO cos Angle cant take two talented wrestlers like them at once.

John Cena (c) vs. Triple H for the WWE championship- Triple H, he has a lot of experience and is a 10-time WWE champion. Soon to be 11-time.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 14:18:34

Oh yes, TNA PPV results courtesy of Their site.

The 30-Minute Free Preshow got underway right away with Jeff Jarrett down in the ring with his entire army; America’s Most Wanted, Team Canada, Alex Shelley, Gail Kim, Abyss, and the reluctantly doubted member of Jackie Gayda. Jeff Jarrett told us all that “Sting” Steve Borden doesn’t have the guts to show up tonight but if in the case he does show up he has a superior job for Alex Shelley and Eric Young. He wanted them to go find Sting and bring him up front; he wants them to see if the fans are really right this time about Sting coming back. Jarrett was confident that tonight Sting would indeed be proven a liar about coming back; simply put, he’s a quitter.

It was now time to begin our opening bout of the evening.

The Prince of Punk began things off with some swift chops but Cassidy went quick on his feet to breakdown Moore. Cassidy Riley hit off a back flip onto Moore on the ring canvas but during all this quick momentum, Moore in return quickly shattered it by rebounding him out of the ring into the guardrail. Moore took control for the majority of the match but Cassidy Riley was able to find an opening and springboard off the ropes to hit a moonsault that received him a near fall after posing his arms out in tribute to Raven. In the end however, The Prince of Punk rediscovered his dominance and went high risk for the win.

Winner: “The Prince of Punk” Shannon Moore

We went backstage with Jeremy Borash as he conducted an interview with “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels. He said that there’s no question that the Ultimate X is the most dangerous match but there are so many questions regarding Samoa Joe on if he can survive in Ultimate X and whether AJ Styles can pull out a win. The real question however is who wants it more as Daniels then began naming off such memorable moments calibrating himself in TNA. Christopher Daniels told us that tonight is the second coming of The Fallen Angel and that’s gospel according to The Fallen Angel.

Before this match got underway, Simon Diamond told us that he had a problem because TNA is allowing to let TNA present the Chicago White Sox with a replica belt. Simon Diamond said that he is going to Tucson, Arizona (site of the Chicago White Sox's spring training) to confront AJ Pierzynski and Dale Torborg to show who’s really superior here. He also said that TNA might as well present baseball players from the St. Louis Cardinals in attendance tonight with another replica belt – "ridiculous" is what Simon Diamond uttered.

Shark Boy and Norman Smiley then made their way down to the ring to begin this match with the fans in full support of Norman and Shark Boy. Skipper and Young were playing their numeric cards correctly here because they were doing quick tags and keeping Norman Smiley grounded. The match took a turn once David Young hit nothing but canvas from a moonsault off the top rope. Shark Boy then came in and took a bite out of David Young followed with Norman Smiley going for the big wiggle. Skipper though crashed Shark Boy out of the ring as Simon Diamond took a cheap shot on Norman Smiley allowing for double team action and the pin in favour of The Diamonds In The Rough.

Winners: Elix Skipper & David Young

We now kicked off the paid portion of tonight’s “Destination X” Pay-Per-View!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 14:22:21

Shelley instigated the start of this fight with an arm bar hold with a countered reversal from Jay Lethal, turning it into a headlock on Alex Shelley. The two competitors then tested each other’s strengths with a mercy fight before getting tied up in each other’s legs and stuck on their heads with nothing to do but punch each other in the head. Shelley and Lethal continued this wrestling clinic, or as Don West put it – chess challenge. Lethal went high risk with a dive outside onto Shelley and continued to abuse Shelley but this time with an indurate kick to Shelley’s head. Tables turned however as Jay Lethal later found himself in another Shelley submission move followed later on with an inziguri after Lethal tried to get his momentum back but it was shot down. Alex was trying to keep Lethal grounded as much as he could because that’s where Shelley can take out his submission moves on him from the playbook. A neck breaker and bridge suplex had the match almost won for Lethal. Lethal again tried to put this one in the bag with a full nelson suplex but again, Shelley kicked out. Jay Lethal then went high risk but again another kick out. What else could he do to win? Nothing because Alex Shelley caught Lethal with the Slice Bread #2 for the win.

Winner: Alex Shelley

Scott D’Amore told us backstage that Team Canada is a team that personifies team unity and that Petey Williams is going to show tonight that Canada produces the greatest wrestlers in the world by winning the International X Showcase match tonight. Alex Shelley then came and took Eric Young to start their mission appointed by Jeff Jarrett earlier on in the Preshow. D’Amore wasn’t happy because Eric had to get ready for his match but Eric Young said this was very important so it was decided that A1 would take his place in the tag team match against The Naturals later tonight.

Maverick Matt began the match with full steam but Hoyt quickly took the fight to his playground and threw Matt Bentley into the steel guardrail outside the ring. Traci tried to distract Hoyt but it wasn’t working, he continued his attack on Bentley with a turnover scoop slam as Mark “Slick” Johnson counted the 2-count. Maverick Matt turned things around when he caught Hoyt with a kick after a miscalculation Hoyt did when he tried to flip Bentley over. Matt focused his attack on Hoyt’s head with some chops and breakdown punches after a series of neck breakers. Bentley continued the groundwork with a headlock to cut off the circulation in Hoyt’s head. Big Lance garnered back his offense with a tower bomb sending Bentley back on his face. Lance now double sledged Bentley across the chest followed with the double lariat. He was using his size and power to get the advantage in this heated rivalry culminating in this match. Hoyt made a mistake though when he went for the moonsault, it was a miss. During the match, Jeremy Borash was with Eric Young and Alex Shelley at the top of the arena in the rafters looking for Sting. Eric Young told JB to shut up because this is his best plan yet. He threw down fliers from the rafters that said “Have You Seen This Man?” – The match itself ended with the distraction of the fliers coming down as Lance Hoyt picked up the win. Traci was part of the distraction as she tried showing Bentley the fliers.

Winner: Lance Hoyt

Backstage, Brother Ray told us that tonight is about "war" as Team 3D, Ron Killings, and Rhino prepare to wage war against Jeff Jarrett, America’s Most Wanted, and Abyss!

Eric Young appeared to be ready for this match so he stepped back in his place as A1 remained ringside with Coach Scott D’Amore. Chase Stevens went smash mouth on Bobby Roode with repeated drop kicks concluding with a Russian Leg Sweep en routing to the tag to his partner Andy Douglas to continue the Natural domination. Andy Douglas now worked on Eric Young before tagging Chase back in. The Naturals were using quick tags to stay fresh and healthy, they want this more than anyone right now because The Naturals, being former NWA World Tag Team Champions, want to get back in the top spotlight and win those titles again. They had the chance last night on “iMPACT!” in the NWA World Tag Team Championship Match against America’s Most Wanted but they were robbed by Roode and Young and that’s why tonight we have this match. The Naturals want to exterminate Team Canada and refocus on the gold. Douglas showed this determination by book ending Roode from the top rope as Chase insured the attack by kicking Eric Young in the gut on top of the rope sending him on the ropes between the legs. The Naturals took a blow once Chase missed his dive and hit the guardrail outside. D’Amore was able to get some cheap shots in as Eric Young was now beating on Chase Stevens in the ring. Roode later pulled Stevens’ neck backwards on the ropes from the outside and when it comes to situations like this you don’t want to see anyone seriously hurt. Chase Stevens had a broken neck a few months ago on “iMPACT!” but with the Canadians, they could care less, they'll do anything to win. Momentum turned though when Chase kicked Eric Young with a step up that had Young fall flat on his face to the outside. A1 carried Eric Young back in the ring to tag Roode. Moments later, Douglas looked to have had this match won with a high knee hit to the jaw and a twisting tornado style DDT but that couldn’t put them away. Roode went for the full nelson slam but later all wrestlers in the match would suffer with the Tower of Doom Superplex! The Natural Disaster was later broken with the distraction of Scott D’Amore, which enabled Young to hit Andy with the hockey stick that handed them victory. The Naturals were once again screwed by Team Canada.

Winners: Bobby Roode & Eric Young.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 14:23:55

Backstage, “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown told Christian Cage that he wouldn’t be able to handle "The Alpha Male" tonight. Larry interrupted the interview and told Monty that TNA has ensured an even playing field tonight because Earl Hebner will be the referee. Monty responded by saying that no one would level out the playing field but him with the POUNCE, period.

This match was all about family and revenge. “Bullet” Bob Armstrong, who broke out in the wrestling business in 1962, had his mind set on taking out Konnan. BG James was in the LAX corner working on Homicide but Machete was there to cheap shot BG enabling Homicide to take him down with a diving clothesline. Konnan then illegally attacked BG as you could see the slapjack hanging out of Konnan’s pocket as we all wondered when that would come into play. BG took the punch to Machete in the middle of the ring so to speak but the split second distraction by Homicide cost BG more pain. Kip James grew furious with the referee as all three LAX members in the corner were now attacking BG. These street thugs were going to do whatever they want, whenever they want. After being isolated the entire time, BG finally was able to tag in Kip James. He went ballistic and took charge but again, Machete was there to help Homicide and the fight took forth outside. In the ring now was “The Bullet” who took Konnan right out of the ring. The 66-year-old man was beating Konnan up with some vicious shots. After those wicked shots by Armstrong, he went back in the ring to help his son, BG James. They sent Homicide out and now it was three on one against Machete. Kip took Machete for The Boat Ride to put this one in the bag for The James Gang.

Winners: The James Gang & “Bullet” Bob Armstrong

Backstage Eric Young said we had to be quiet because Sting was in the bathroom. Eric Young somersaulted on the ground across the hallway into the bathroom. They thought Sting was there but in fact it was AJ Styles. Eric Young asked if Sting was here with him but AJ said no. AJ told Alex Shelley what might be a piece of advice and that this camera business he’s doing for Jarrett is going to get him hurt. We went back to the ring.INTERNATIONAL X SHOWCASE:
Sonjay Dutt of India started this match against Japan’s Puma. Puma went for a quick arm drag for a near fall as Sonjay reversed out. Petey Williams initiated a blind tag on Sonjay to enter the ring. Sabin did the same to Puma so he could face his archrival, Petey Williams. The two former X-Division Champions were now using their athletic abilities to perform poetry in motion in the ring. At this point, all four members were in the ring because of the competitive nature in the match of representing their countries. Sonjay Dutt dropped Sabin with a kick to the face and while falling, Sonjay grabbed Sabin’s legs and went for a pin but it was broken. Petey Williams later worked on Puma in the ring with a leg drop on Puma’s neck. Puma hit Petey with a series of chops across the chest as Petey saved himself with a drop kick to Puma’s knees, taking him down. Sonjay Dutt now tagged himself in and continued the work on Puma right after Petey. Later on, Sonjay was caught with an elevated drop kick by Chris Sabin in the corner, almost like he was floating in the air before coming down hard on Sonjay’s face. Puma now had Sabin suffering with swiftly stiff kicks across the chest and back. They then traded in the middle of the ring with Sabin chopping and Puma kicking. Petey Williams went back on the offensive with kicks in the corner before turning him over in the corner and singing O’ Canada. Things rebounded on Petey however as he was taken out along with Sabin and Puma by Sonjay Dutt from the top rope outside. Back in the ring, Puma swung with a lightning fast kick to Sabin’s head, he was dazed. Puma continued his dominance with a Brain Buster on Petey with Sonjay swinging around for a neck breaker on Sabin. The action was never stopping as Petey now locked in the Sharpshooter on Puma. Sonjay then broke it with a drop kick followed with chops but Petey had the adrenaline rush in him and tried the Canadian Destroyer but before the flip piledriver could fully complete, Sonjay dropped Petey straight on his head and twisted the neck. This match was all over the place and during the thick of the action, Petey was able to recuperate and hit the Canadian Destroyer on Sonjay Dutt. Petey was then taken out of the equation by Sabin and Puma as Sabin then turned and hit the Cradle Shock on Puma for the win just after Sabin was going to suffer from the Canadian Destroyer just as Sonjay did.

Winner: Chris Sabin

Backstage while the fans were chanting, “That was awesome”, James Mitchell was proclaiming that the weapons of mass destruction would be unleashed tonight during the Eight-Man War. Just as Jeff Jarrett was beginning to speak, Eric Young told Jarrett that they couldn’t find Sting anywhere but they’re going to keep looking. Jarrett said it's wasn’t needed, he’s done looking for Sting. It’s now time for Sting to hunt Jarrett if he really wants him.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 14:43:46

At 3/16/06 02:16 PM, XKingdom_HeartsX wrote: Im going to post my Wrestlemania match predictions.

Interesting predictions...I'll add my two cents if you don't mind...

MITB ladder match- RVD or Matt Hardy if he qualifies.

Agreed, but I doubt Hardy woudl get the MITB, simply because they're pushing RVD harder at this point.

Chris Benoit vs. JBL- Benoit, if JBL's hand is not healed by then, Chris can take advantage of the injury.

Possibly true, but what if JBL cheats? Also, let's hope the Boogeyman stays OUT of WM22, because he'd cost JBL the win if he did.

Mick Foley vs. Whiny-Baby Edge in a HARDCORE match- Mick Foley, expect Mr. Socko nd the barbie(barbed wire wrapped around a baseballbat).

I certainly hope so. Things didn't go as well between Foley and RKO...

Carlito and Master Dipshit vs Big Show and Kane- Do i really need to say it? Show and Kane will win. Watch Show break the masterlock if Masters has the manhood to use on him.

Somehow, I feel that Carlito and the Master Fuckup will win. Not to my liking, of course. Besides, you have to have one match on the card at least that generates the heel win. If they're going to do it with any match, this will be it. I really really really want to know why they're pushing the Master Fuckup so much!! I understand Carlito (especially lately with his random kickass moves), but Masters???? I guess we're back to the WWE-likes-guys-with-big-muscles-that-canno
t-wrestle syndrome. Here I thought they were getting better with that when they had Batista do his cardio and get some endurance.

HBK vs. Vince- HBK will win, and if you dont expect Shane to pop up, you must be on the same drug that Steph spiked Shawn with.

No doubt that HBK will do his Pop-up of Magic Mightiness...but you really expect him to win? Come on, it's Vince McMahon...you know he'll do whatever necessary to win. Besides, if HBK won against Vince, you know that would cause Vince to fire him in the storyline.

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry- Perfect way to end a feud. Perfect way to end a career. Perfect man to do the job. Undertaker takes win.

Let's hope so. I mean, I really fucking hope Taker doesn't retire this match. We're all waiting for it, and who knows when it will happen. It better not be against this fucker, cause even if Taker loses to him, noone will respect him anyway. What a waste of an undefeated WM streak...

Triple Threat match Rey vs. Kurt(c) vs. Randy for the WHC - I thinkeither Rey or RKO cos Angle cant take two talented wrestlers like them at once.

No doubt Angle will lose the belt. Honestly, though, I really don't want Rey to win. Not that I don't like Rey Mysterio, but I'm fucking sick of the "Eddie help me" storyline. And you KNOW they'll have him win.

John Cena (c) vs. Triple H for the WWE championship- Triple H, he has a lot of experience and is a 10-time WWE champion. Soon to be 11-time.

The standard default WM win. Vince's son-in-law will pull it off again. And I'll be glad to have Cena off the belt. Hell, they might actually heel-turn Cena and make him fucking interesting again.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 15:21:42

At 3/16/06 02:43 PM, EagleRock wrote: His two cents.

You have some good points there and maybe you're right about Master Fuckup having a big push.
Also, excused me for taking up a lot of posts to do theTna recap, next time im going give a direct link.

After the match, new X-Division Champion Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles shook hands in the middle of the ring respecting each other and the X-Division code. Samoa Joe on the other hand was tripping on himself in an irate manner. He was livid about this loss, he couldn't pass "The Ultimate Test".

Backstage, Christian Cage told Monty Brown that his record in NWA World Heavyweight Title matches would be the same as his record in Superbowls – winless. That’s the way “Captain Charisma” rolls here in TNA even though he’s going into this match not 100% with a few cracked ribs. An injury he sustained 2 weeks ago on “iMPACT!” stemming from a brutal attack by Monty Brown.

The match began with Christian tied up in the corner with Monty Brown. Referee, Earl Hebner broke it up as the combatants restarted their offensive plans against one another. Cage started out with a headlock on The Alpha Male in the middle of the ring as Monty then threw Christian away on the ropes and met him back with a shoulder block. The feeling out process was coming to a close as Christian began with chops on Monty. The wrestling match quickly turned into a brawl to the outside in the crowd. Christian was getting the better of this brawl, at least short term. Monty tried to fight back but Christian in his determined state was far more superior at the moment. At the beginning of this match before Christian Cage had to hand in his NWA World Heavyweight Title to Earl Hebner, Christian gave the title a good look almost like it was feeding him confidence and determination. He closed off that mental state by kissing it. At this time, Christian ducked a chair shot on the outside but in the ring he couldn’t duck a clothesline in midair. Monty Brown then took Christian and crashed him down on the outside before having him eat steel on the guardrail. Monty’s plan of attack then shifted to the wrapped ribs of Christian Cage. Monty Brown continued his resentless attack even if he was receiving some blows, Monty was still attacking and forgiveless. Monty then on the opposite side of the rope threw Christian Cage with such great velocity into the turnbuckle. Christian Cage was finally able to gain somewhat of a momentum shift in his favour when he started out with some chops and then a swinging DDT. Christian was using all he had left in his tank after being punished with a long lasting attack by Monty Brown. Christian was now coming at Brown with clotheslines and then a legdrop after an attempted Pounce by The Alpha Male. Christian took a fall in the match when he was dropped ribs first on the turnbuckle. Monty now was trying to take Christian down with a suplex but Christian held onto the Ultimate X structure to save himself from such a high impact drop. Monty was knocked down and Christian dropped down in a senton-like move on him. Monty Brown came at Christian with various power moves including a powerbomb, a torture rack drop, and the Alpha Bomb. The match came to a finish when “Captain Charisma” Christian Cage pinned Monty Brown after hitting the Unprettier as Earl Hebner counted to three.

Winner & STILL NWA World Heavyweight Champion: “Captain Charisma” Christian Cage

After the match, Jeff Jarrett broke the celebration by saying that he was now going to focuss his sights on Christian Cage and once again the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Christain told Jarrett that giving him a title shot as not his call, but kicking his ass was his choice. They broke out into a brawl in the ring with Monty Brown joining followed with Abyss and Team Canada. Rhino came down to try and help Christian but the numbers were too much. Christian was dropped in the torture rack position and now Chris Harris handcuffed Christian Cage while Alex Shelley was taping this footage. Jeff Jarrett was now whipping Christian with a leather belt as he traded off with members of Team Canada, AMW, and finally Abyss. Finally though, “Sting” Steve Borden came to the save and cleaned house . He came in full force without the face paint and he was cleaning house! He sent all members of the Jarrett army out with physical force until Eric Young was left. All he had to do to Eric was yell and that had him running. Steve Borden now had the leather belt and started whipping Jeff Jarrett like crazy across the back. He then locked Jeff Jarrett in the Scorpion Death Lock. Then out of no where was Scott Steiner! This was Jeff Jarrett’s masterplan, he hit off a belly-to-belly suplex and then a t-bone bomb. “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner is now in TNA and is a new member of Jarrett’s army, but what does this mean for TNA Wrestling and Sting? The rest of the Jarrett army came in to continue the attack as Scott Steiner was now choking Sting in the Steiner Recliner finisher. Jarrett sat right in front of Sting and nailed him with the guitar; total humiliation towards the legend known as Sting.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 17:24:22

At 3/15/06 11:49 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: they couldn't put carlito in that possition since he obviously can do much better work on the mic than masters? man those wwe guys be smart huh?

Yeah, I know it. Sometimes I don't favor their decisions though.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 17:28:46

I really cannot wait to see John Cena drop the titles to HHH. I honestly do not want Rey to win the SD title but if he does, you know the reign will not be very long. My obvious choice is RKO because he is the best thing going today..(just my opinion). Anyway, it will not bother me as much for Rey to win as long as Cena gets his ass kicked.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 17:32:57

Seeing as how some people are predicting the Mania results I guess I'll do the same.

MITB Ladder match-RVD. Look for him to steal the show and win the match.
Benoit and JBL-I think Benoit will keep the title a bit longer so he'll win.
Foley-Edge-Don't really care its gonna be a violent match and that's all I'm looking for.
Masters and Carlito-Show and Kane-Masters and Carlito will win just because SHow and Kane have been champions for a while.
HBK and Vince- HBK has been getting his ass kicked as of late so he'll beat Mcmahon even with interference from Shane and the gay cheerleaders.
Taker and Henry-I'll let you guys guess on that one.
Triple Threat Match-Orton will win. Why? Its his destiny. ( I hope).

HHH and Marky Mark- I'm going with the upset of the century wigger power will triumph one more time. The WWE is going to use a last ditch effort to get Cena over with the fans. Would this be a stupid by the WWE? Yes. Which is why I think it will happen.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 18:59:45

Kurt Angle winning the WM22 match would be the least likely thing to happen, which is unfortunate, because it would also be the best option. If Kurt holds it, they can have a Kurt/Orton feud, which not only would be very neat, but it would give WWE plenty of time to get away from using Eddie's name.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 19:08:41

I'd like to join the club. I really think that the club shouldn't just focus on the WWE, but other promotions such as TNA who is becoming evermore popular. Plus some great former WWE stars are in TNA such as Rhyno, Kevin Nash and the Dudley Boys.

XBL Gamertag: Champigne [Reggae Club] Offer some insight..

I double dog dare you to click my ads!!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 19:11:32

At 3/16/06 07:08 PM, Champigne wrote: I'd like to join the club. I really think that the club shouldn't just focus on the WWE, but other promotions such as TNA who is becoming evermore popular. Plus some great former WWE stars are in TNA such as Rhyno, Kevin Nash and the Dudley Boys.

Its a wrestling club. Of course you an discuss TNA wrestling.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 19:34:06

At 3/16/06 07:08 PM, Champigne wrote: I'd like to join the club. I really think that the club shouldn't just focus on the WWE, but other promotions such as TNA who is becoming evermore popular. Plus some great former WWE stars are in TNA such as Rhyno, Kevin Nash and the Dudley Boys.

Welcome yo the club, you are member #189 (is that right?)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 21:00:28

Actually Champigne is # 190.

And we do talk about TNA, just not as much as wwe at times. But we just had a ppv re-cap for tna so things will be in that direction until SD, and of course continual WM talk.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 22:23:18


The first money in the bank Smackdown participant has been officially named : Fit Finlay. Finlay defeated Lashley on SD which will air tomorrow night (here in the US) to qualify for the match.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-16 22:38:23

I don't like Rey and the Eddie storyline, but at least no more "Eddie is watching me" stuffs if Rey wins. If it is inevitable, let it be. :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 00:30:35

If Rey wins, then that pretty assuredly means the heel is winning at Mania. I've also heard Carlito said in an interview that H vs. Cena is the main event for the show, for what that's worth. My personal feeling in this one may be to possibly keep the belt on Cena, turning him heel in the process, at least until a face H can take him at Backlash. Right now the expectation is that H will kick Cena's ass and win the belt at Mania. So this actually would be a good swerve to pull to get people talking, regardless if it works or not...like when Austin turned after beating Rock with Vince's help that one year. I think it was Wrestlemania 17.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 01:54:13


I missed the first hlf hour of SD! due to it being temporarirly moved this week.

But i gathered that Finlay won.

Paul Birchill gave a very impressive display and seems to have a legion of fans already! his finisher is just awesome! He won a mixed 2 on 2 match with Krystal against Regal and Jillian Hall.

Bogeyman seems to be gaining popularity too, mainly because of Booker's and Shamel's great acting skillz.

RO,Kurt and Rey had a 3-way interview CNN correspondent style! Pretty much Randy ran things, talked, bitched yada yada.

JBL commentated in Benoit's match against Orlando(wow, he isnt dead). Benoit won, JBL whacks Benoit with a PLASTIC BEER CASE! Looks like it would hurt as much as getting stepped on by an Ant!!

Huzzah! Animal Has gone HEEL **FIREWORKS** Yes, a new look for Animal, fought Matt Hardy for a MITB qualifying match! He initially won via Brass knucks, but ref saw it and reversed the decision, mean Hardy is in MITB. The third SD! spot will be filled out next week Battle Royal Style! My guess is that either LAshly or Animal will win that.

Now, ME time! The WM22 ME Crew vs Henry, MNM!

RO avoided tagging the entire match, Rey and Angle did there thing. Rey 619'ed one of the MNMers they RKO blind tags in, chucks Rey out and pins for the victory!!

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 01:56:45

At 3/17/06 12:30 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: at least until a face H can take him at Backlash.

Did you say HHH, as a face??!!11!

Leave...Leave now....


Cena heel, maybe. But H as face, NEVER!

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 02:53:13

I don't think Triple H will ever be a face. And even if he were he would still be pretty heelish. lol

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 09:30:21

HHH could be a face until he beats Cena and then turn back into a heel. Remember when he came back from his quad injury he was a face and a month or so after winning the title he turned heel. I picked Cena to win at Wrestlemania and I really believe the WWE will put him over.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 10:41:33

I have a question on the HHH-Steph relationship:
Are they acknowlegding on TV that Steph and HHH are married, and that the baby is his?
I'm confused by all the TV marriage and break-up thing, then an actual marriage. Did HHH and Steph ever make up on TV?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 10:46:36

They had a moment a whileback on RAW. There eyes met, they both said "Hey" to each other. It would've made Keanu Reeves proud.....

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 10:59:42

Stephanie made metion of being pregnant to HBK a week ago but they didn't mention HHH. Besides everyone knows who the dad is.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 11:25:51

As far as a storyline of anything, no they have not mentioned them being actually married, but we all know about it so why bother? Plus it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense since they were "married" as a storyline a few years ago and then divorced.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 11:36:40

At 3/17/06 11:25 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: As far as a storyline of anything, no they have not mentioned them being actually married, but we all know about it so why bother? Plus it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense since they were "married" as a storyline a few years ago and then divorced.

I'd say that they'd try to pass it off as a one night stand between the two, and then perhaps try to get them back together.
Or they might not exploit it, but that's not Vince's style.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 12:38:54

iam in i love wwe

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 12:58:50

At 3/17/06 10:41 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: I have a question on the HHH-Steph relationship:
Are they acknowlegding on TV that Steph and HHH are married, and that the baby is his?
I'm confused by all the TV marriage and break-up thing, then an actual marriage. Did HHH and Steph ever make up on TV?

Yes, the baby is his, he said it during a press conference. The Tv marriage was a storyline but they really did wed.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-03-17 13:11:16

Heres an interview WWE.com had with Shannon Moore:

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, but Shannon Moore is now an exception to that rule. Released from WWE last July, the Cameron, North Carolina native re-signed with the company this week. WWE.com caught up with the former WCW Hardcore Champion to get his thoughts on returning to WWE and more.

WWE.com: What was your reaction when you found out WWE was interested in re-signing you?
Moore: I felt real good. I felt like I had another opportunity to show them what I can do. Being gone from WWE gave me a chance to really find myself, and to let my real character shine through. I feel like I’m fully ready to come back.

WWE.com: What was the process like when you were released last July? Were there any hard feelings, and was the door left open?
Moore: There were no hard feelings at all. They pretty much said it was a budget cut, because I wasn’t really involved in anything at the time. Right before I left last summer, I was just starting to really let myself shine through as “The Prince of Punk,” but I never really got a chance to complete that transformation. I was able to do that while I was away, and now I can give the fans something to watch.

WWE.com: What have you been doing over the last nine months?
Moore: Well, I’ve been keeping busy on the independent circuit, and I went over to Japan for a while, which was great for me. I also did some work down south. Plus, I opened a small wrestling school, and I have four students that I’ve been training down here over the last few months.

WWE.com: What made you decide to come back? Was there any indecision or hesitation on your part?
Moore: Not really. I love wrestling, and I love being on the road. WWE’s schedule is heavy, and there’s a lot of overseas stuff going on right now. I like that heavy schedule, being on the road and touring the world. I’ve been keeping busy, but my schedule has been nowhere near what it’s like in WWE. It almost felt like too much time at home. I’d sit here and say man, I wish I was on the road wrestling. Like I said, I love wrestling and being in front of the crowd, so I’m excited to be back.

WWE.com: Do you have a preference as to whether you’d want to be part of RAW or SmackDown?
Moore: Either one would be great. I’ve never been on RAW, so I wouldn’t mind experiencing that. They say characters are welcome on the USA Network, and I’m definitely a character. As for SmackDown, there’s a lot of business I could take care of there too. Whichever brand I’m on, as long as I’m wrestling I’ll bust my ass and give the fans 110 percent, just with a lot more character involved this time.

WWE.com: What are your immediate goals now that you’re back?
Moore: Well, like I said a lot of that depends on whether I go to RAW or SmackDown. Matt Hardy is on SmackDown again, and I wouldn’t mind hooking up with him and seeing what we can do together. This time it won’t be as his Mattitude Follower, but I wouldn’t mind tagging up with him. SmackDown also has the cruiserweights, and another former partner of mine (Gregory Helms) is the champion. He’s running around with the attitude that he’s the best cruiserweight in the world, so I wouldn’t mind getting in the ring with him and testing that theory.

WWE.com: What can the fans expect to see from Shannon Moore now that you’re back?
Moore: They can expect to see a different side of Shannon Moore. You’re going to see the character that I really am, and it will be a lot more entertaining this time around.