Oh wow, I guess TNA is getting much better now than WWE? WWE need to get back where they belong. I am in the need of watching TNA.
Oh wow, I guess TNA is getting much better now than WWE? WWE need to get back where they belong. I am in the need of watching TNA.
stiener isn't even all that healthy to still be wrestling. Remember how bad he stunk up the ring during his wwe and his late wcw run? There is something wrong with his feet to begin with, and add all that extra muscle weight and whatever damage the steroids have done or are still doing makes him an in ring hazard.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
i remember the 'ol WCW days. When he had the championship, he didn't do too bad of a job acting as the ultimae "bully" champion. He seemed like an unnstoppable force with the "Steiner Recliner". But, his career went downhill after that....
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
hey guys, yeah guess who is poping in. anyway let's cut to the chase. WWE still blows. not looking forward to SD tonight. I think angle will retain the belt. taker si a part timer so why give him anything since he is their for 2 months and gone for 4 months. I see on WWE.com that they say the wwe has broken ties with marty jannety. which if that is a true thing and not some stunt. who didn't see that coming? I mean marty in his time was good and the wwe just paraded him around like a shit and put him down then had him stare at vinces ass on monday. that is low shit and if marty after the show told vince to go fuck himself then that is awsome.
looking forward to TNA tomorrow. I am always looking forward to TNA. seeing as how we are in march, I think either tomorrow or next week. TNA will say that they will move the show to thrusdays since WWE is putting on that saturday night show which will suck. for those of you to dumb to get why the WWE is doing that. they are bringing back the saturday show to keep the WWE talent happy. what do I mean? since TNA is grabbing WWE stars like christain and Rhino. wwe does not wnat to lose anymore talent and since heat and that other show suck. and the wwe talent want TV time. they are bringing back that saturday show to give the MCB (Middle card bicthes) Tv time so they don't get pissy and jump to TNA. Well that is all for now. my fingers hurt and I have to grade papers. SEE you gusy around.
Steiner I imagine would be on the menu due to the fact that he is an attraction for many fans still, in much the same way that Sting popped interest for them. I wouldn't look to him to have a significant role in the company. Like I doubt he'll take anyone's title or anything, but he could be a good short term boost for them as they move into prime time.
Dudes! They're not showing WWE in my area! just the fucking news!
*sigh* eaglerock, I'm counting on your smackdown re-cap, homie.
Eaglerock hasn't posted here in quite a while. Maybe he's busy, or maybe he gave up on the WWE. I hope now, I enjoy his recaps as well. I was depressed that I didn't get Chris Masters' shine factor for this past monday.
eaglerock or lordkooler, I ain't picky.
damn news.
I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet but they just announced JBL vs. Benoit for the U.S. Title at WM. Maybe JBL will keep his hair intact and get some gold back around his waist. He is the wrestling god after all.
wow that main event kicked so much ass! Taker and Angel put on a classic. We actually had some good matches this week.
we even had that lod guy heel turn we had been hearing about. At least matt gets to stay face for a while.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Well i've been spying on you guys and now im wondering if i can join the club.
Oh yes, ill just put a SD recap for the heck of it.
(This is my first time so don't blame if there's mistakes)
Smackdown! recap
Booker T vs. Tatanka
Well, the match-up started quite not-interesting. Tatanka got an early lead i guess, then Booker came in with some slaps and some slaps back from Tatanka. Then it was an all-out slap-fest for a while. Booker started owning, then Tatanka came back, hit the tomahawk, Booker came back. Sooner or later t3h Boogeyman's music caqme up and super-thick smoke came out. Booker pissed his pants. (nearly) Then ol' Boogey came right behind Sharmell (who at the announce table) and scared the holy ghost out of her. Tatanka used Boogey to the advantage, pinning Booker and stealing the win. Book and Sharmell ran. Boogey in the ring. Over.
Matt+mystery dude V.s. MNM
Well MNM came out as usual. Matt then arrived and brought out *drumroll please* Road Warrior Animal! Anyway... I barely watched it, I wasn't that interested until the beginning of the end of the match. There was a SHITLOAD of doubleteaming on Matt and Animal. They went for the doomsday device. (Here's the catch) Animal was going on the ropes. :O Well Nitro interrupted it and more massacrew came. Some ownage double ownage by Matt. Then MNM came in for the win after a snapshot or double-DDT or something. Then Animal started to kill Matt and stuff. Over.
Lashlay V.S. Finlay
Lashey went into full rage mode and killed Finlay for so long. He came in with alot of hit, Finlay almost hit with the shilleagh or whatever. I;m not sure if there was a pin, but i know i saw Finlay throw steel chair high in the air trying to hit Lashley. Finlay tried to hit Lashley but he had a chair of his own. The chairs collided but Finlay got hit. A brawl broke out. Security came. More brawling. Over.
Oh yes, RKO vs. Supah Crazay
I never really cared for the match, I know who would win. Some domination my RKO, some by super crazy, Over and over till Randy hit the RKO. Oh, did I mention that Randy has a new theme song? Back to the topic, after the RKO, Super lost the match. Yawn.
Angle v.s. The Undertaker
This match was crazy. I can't describe it well. Taker got to hit his leg drop. Angle got the ankle lock, 5 to 7 times. The Tombstone Piledriver was revrsed twice. Abgle survived the fury of the triangle choke twice and Taker countered the move he fell to at No Way Out. There was a super-plex off the ropes and I think two Angle Slams. Eventually Angle fell to the might of the Tombstone and got the 1-2-3 pin. NOT. Mark Henry and his goon Daivari attacked before the one count. The reason i knew taker would win is because Angle was out throughout the massacre on Taker. Mark just killed him. Then obliterated Undertaker by using him to break the Spanish announce table. Yes, the Spanish one. Oh sorry, i forgot to mention that Angle reversed an Irish whip into the steel steps and hurt Taker knees badly. No winner, end.
Overview of the show.
Well todays show had agreat title match and maybe only one mediocre match being the RKO vs. Super Crazy match. I wasn't suprised about Mr. Nofriggintalentatall Henry coming out and interrupting. The Taker and angle match was amazing to me and the highlight of the show. Ok well im out.
LordKooler's Friday Night Smackdown review
1.Booker T vs Tatanka
During the match, The Boogeyman came out and distracted Booker T. Tatanka won the match because of the distraction. Last week, Boogeyman squashed The Dicks in their final match in WWE. The real reason why the Dicks got fired was because of a fight between Chad & James Dick at a Smackdown house show in Mexico.
2.Randy Orton vs Super Crazy
Randy Orton came out to new enterance music and defeated Super Crazy at the end. Randy's new theme is by Killswitch Engage and will appear on the next WWE Forcable entry CD.
3.MNM vs Matt Hardy & Road Warrior Animal
After teaming up with Tatanka at No Way Out and last week's Smackdown, Matt Hardy replaces him with Animal, Who hasn't wrestled on Smackdown since Heidenreich got released. After MNM won, Animal attacked Matt Hardy and turned heel. I think there will be a match between Animal & Matt Hardy at Wrestlemania 22. Wrestlemania 22 will be in Chicago and Animal will have home field advantage there. Why would they team Matt Hardy & Animal together anyway? Matt Hardy has bad blood with Animal's brother John Laurinaitis who is the Vice president of talent relations. John Laurinaitis played a big role in Matt Hardy's release from the WWE last year during the love triangle involving Matt Hardy, Edge, and Lita.
4.Lashley vs Finlay
During the match Lashley started attacking Finlay with weapons and got disqualified.
5.Kurt Angle vs Undertaker
It was a good match until Mark Henry came out and ruined it. When Mark Henry interfered, Undertaker won by DQ. But Kurt Angle is still World Heavyweight Champion.
XKingdom_HeartsX you is # 188. Welcome!
As I said I enjoyed sd.. hmm I didn't know about the matt/ talent guys's situation. thanks for the info LK.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
A lot of good matches tonight. I didn't think any of them were bad or sloppy matches at all. Booker and Tatanka could have been better, but it wasn't a terrible match. Tatanka's in remarkable wrestling shape for however old he is.
P.S. Randy Orton's new theme song sucks. His old song was an EXCELLENT song, and he replaced it with crappy heavy metal.
I thought the Booker match was pretty good, when Booker hit that sidekick to a AirBorne Tatanka.
Is someone gonna post Satuday ME ReCap, cause I doubt that we'll be seeing it here in Australia anytime soon...
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
At 3/3/06 08:17 PM, redface wrote: Dudes! They're not showing WWE in my area! just the fucking news!
*sigh* eaglerock, I'm counting on your smackdown re-cap, homie.
They didn't show it in my area, either. So I guess I have to wait 'till Saturday.
At 3/3/06 08:35 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: Eaglerock hasn't posted here in quite a while. Maybe he's busy, or maybe he gave up on the WWE. I hope now, I enjoy his recaps as well. I was depressed that I didn't get Chris Masters' shine factor for this past monday.
Haha...I'm glad some people noticed...I had a really bad week this past week, as well as a lot of schoolwork to do. I would have posted my usual SD recap tonight, but the damn thing wasn't on. I'll probably write a recap tomorrow if they bother to show it in my area. Otherwise, we'll get to see the Chris Masters Scorecard next week. :-)
I knew someone would interfer in the match for the World Heavy Weight Championship. IT will look bad if Undertaker loses legit, and that would be a short title reign for Kurt. Course Undertaker won't tap out. But I was thinking some how Undertaker had to get into Wrestlemania. So I bet you it's gonna be UnderTaker vs Mark Henry at Wrestlemania 22.
so now supercrazy is a jobber?
why is it always the good wrestlers?
I wouldn't call him a jobber since he has been winning up till now. And besides Orton didn't dominate the entire match and Crazy got some good moves in.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 3/4/06 02:28 AM, EagleRock wrote: Otherwise, we'll get to see the Chris Masters Scorecard next week. :-)
I love the Chris Masters scorecard. That was a stroke of genius.
At 3/4/06 10:59 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I wouldn't call him a jobber since he has been winning up till now. And besides Orton didn't dominate the entire match and Crazy got some good moves in.
I dont really see why they chose Super Crazy to face him though. It couldn't have been a much more obvious result.
And so much for Gregory Helms defending his title every week on Smackdown. I hope they didn't degrade that to Velocity.
i noticed neithe lordkooler nor the new guy's re-cap had greg helms, who was his victim last week?
okay, here's an interesting news flash for ya...
monday on RAW,
John Cena And Triple H will be facing Kane and The Big Show in "wrestlemaina rewind" matches.
My Boy, Cena, will be facing Big show, the man he won the U.S Championship from in WM XX
While The Game will go against Kane, who he fought in WM XV, I think.
Full Story here
I'm Tellin' ya, people! HHH/Cena for the World Tag champs! and you heard it from me first!
NO. The WWE doesn't need to give Cena another title its bad enough with him having the WWE title.
This is incrdible now TNA is in talks with Rikishi about signing him to a contract. What the hell is TNA doing?
At 3/3/06 05:46 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: Maybe they are looking for a TNA version of "Mark Henry". All bulk no talent....
Mark Henry Is actually a decent fighter.
I remember His first match promptly after returning to the WWE, it was a handicap match between three guys who I never heard of.
They Three were totally jobbing, But I was surprised at how much Henry was thinking out of the box...
At 3/4/06 12:12 PM, redface wrote:
I'm Tellin' ya, people! HHH/Cena for the World Tag champs! and you heard it from me first!
No no no, you got it wrong. Cena v. Big Show and HHH v. Kane are SEPARATE matches. They're not challenging them for the tag titles.
I don't think that Cena or HHH will win the title. Why don't you read the full story closely.
At 3/4/06 03:08 AM, AnzRage wrote: I knew someone would interfer in the match for the World Heavy Weight Championship. IT will look bad if Undertaker loses legit, and that would be a short title reign for Kurt. Course Undertaker won't tap out. But I was thinking some how Undertaker had to get into Wrestlemania. So I bet you it's gonna be UnderTaker vs Mark Henry at Wrestlemania 22.
Everyone with a brain knew that it would be Taker vs Henry after the fat ass cost Taker the chance of pinning Angle. I am not saying that Henry is the worst, I have seen many worse wrestlers than him. But Henry is not wrestle mania worthy. In other words, he is not good enough to wrestle at mania. Even if he goes there, I wonder why the WWE creatives will have him jobbing to Taker instead of someone like Lashley. (Lashley vs Finlay can be on SD!) Bottom line: Taker's legacy is too great for Henry compete in the same ring.
At 3/4/06 11:28 AM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: I dont really see why they chose Super Crazy to face him though. It couldn't have been a much more obvious result.
And so much for Gregory Helms defending his title every week on Smackdown. I hope they didn't degrade that to Velocity.
The reason why Randy Orton faced Super Crazy was probably because Chavo who attacked RO last week refused to job clean because of the whole Eddie's issue. (Damn you, Rey) So WWE had to pick up another Latinos for RO to build his momentum before WM.
At 3/4/06 02:49 PM, JohnCena751 wrote: I don't think that Cena or HHH will win the title. Why don't you read the full story closely.
At 3/4/06 02:43 PM, cornontheconn wrote: No no no, you got it wrong. Cena v. Big Show and HHH v. Kane are SEPARATE matches. They're not challenging them for the tag titles.
I know that, Morons!
I am merely Predicting a tag match between HHH/Cena and Show/Kane.