At 1/30/06 01:09 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: I'd much prefer the Undertaker retiring sooner and making a proper impactful retiremnet, rather than him holding out for as long as he can and his not being able to go out with a bang due to any injuries.
That's why I think he might be retiring at WM22. If he wins the match against Angle for the title and hands it back to him, that will not only have him hold the title for one last time, but also allow him to keep his WM streak. Also, this way, he can really go out with a bang at WM. The "torch" will really be passed onto Angle at that point, which will rocket him further.
He still has his unbeaten streak at WM, so I see him laying down his legacy to someone at WM, like Randy, showing him respect, and putting a younger superstar in the spotlight.
That works, too. They really pushed Orton too soon when he won the title for a day. They should have pushed Batista at that point and had Orton go through what Batista went through. Then, maybe he wouldn't have turned into a douchebag.
At 1/30/06 01:18 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: The fact that Mark Henry even received a title shot shows that things are really headed in the wrong direction.
Hear, hear!
However, World Title matches are normally at least twenty-five minutes which is enough to create a real snooze fest with Rey at the helm.
The whole "I'm the little guy that has a very small chance of winning" IS a bit hackneyed. Oh well. I have nothing against the guy, though. I wouldn't mind seeing what antics he can pull as champ.
At 1/30/06 01:31 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I don't think Rey will even be in the Main Event at wrestlemania. I'm not convinced that the WWE wants Rey to be champ wouldn't be surprised if someone (Orton) beats him for the number one contender's spot.
I have heard rumors to this effect.
At 1/30/06 01:41 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: I hope you are right. I honestly think that someone like Orton has the kind of talent to thrive. Basically, Rey just doesn't have the ability to cut a decent promo. Look at KBL for example. He isn't the greatest wrestler but he can talk and entertain. That's what made him a formidable champ. I really hope that this whole Rey push is for him to tribute Eddie and then move on.
JBL is one of my favorite wrestlers. Why? He made holding the title for as long as he did interesting. He found a new way to piss us off every week, and it was great. We need another champ like that.
At 1/30/06 01:57 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I'm completely ignoring the above poster to say this:
Tonight on RAW its the Rematch: John Cena Vs Edge forthe WWE Title (GO Eddge)
Ooh! Another title shot I don't give a shit about!
Big Show and Kane vs Carlito and Masters.( Go Carlito and masters)
Hmm...any match with Chris Masters is boring. However, seeing him attempt the Master Lock on one of those two should be interesting, so let's go with it.
A long HHH promo. Probably whining about losing the Rumble
Oh, it'll be funny and you know it!
And.. The Return of RVD to RAW. HuzzaH
Let's hope he's a little less rusty tonight.