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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:02:23

At 1/30/06 01:09 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: I'd much prefer the Undertaker retiring sooner and making a proper impactful retiremnet, rather than him holding out for as long as he can and his not being able to go out with a bang due to any injuries.

That's why I think he might be retiring at WM22. If he wins the match against Angle for the title and hands it back to him, that will not only have him hold the title for one last time, but also allow him to keep his WM streak. Also, this way, he can really go out with a bang at WM. The "torch" will really be passed onto Angle at that point, which will rocket him further.

He still has his unbeaten streak at WM, so I see him laying down his legacy to someone at WM, like Randy, showing him respect, and putting a younger superstar in the spotlight.

That works, too. They really pushed Orton too soon when he won the title for a day. They should have pushed Batista at that point and had Orton go through what Batista went through. Then, maybe he wouldn't have turned into a douchebag.

At 1/30/06 01:18 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: The fact that Mark Henry even received a title shot shows that things are really headed in the wrong direction.

Hear, hear!

However, World Title matches are normally at least twenty-five minutes which is enough to create a real snooze fest with Rey at the helm.

The whole "I'm the little guy that has a very small chance of winning" IS a bit hackneyed. Oh well. I have nothing against the guy, though. I wouldn't mind seeing what antics he can pull as champ.

At 1/30/06 01:31 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I don't think Rey will even be in the Main Event at wrestlemania. I'm not convinced that the WWE wants Rey to be champ wouldn't be surprised if someone (Orton) beats him for the number one contender's spot.

I have heard rumors to this effect.

At 1/30/06 01:41 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: I hope you are right. I honestly think that someone like Orton has the kind of talent to thrive. Basically, Rey just doesn't have the ability to cut a decent promo. Look at KBL for example. He isn't the greatest wrestler but he can talk and entertain. That's what made him a formidable champ. I really hope that this whole Rey push is for him to tribute Eddie and then move on.

JBL is one of my favorite wrestlers. Why? He made holding the title for as long as he did interesting. He found a new way to piss us off every week, and it was great. We need another champ like that.

At 1/30/06 01:57 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I'm completely ignoring the above poster to say this:

Tonight on RAW its the Rematch: John Cena Vs Edge forthe WWE Title (GO Eddge)

Ooh! Another title shot I don't give a shit about!

Big Show and Kane vs Carlito and Masters.( Go Carlito and masters)

Hmm...any match with Chris Masters is boring. However, seeing him attempt the Master Lock on one of those two should be interesting, so let's go with it.

A long HHH promo. Probably whining about losing the Rumble

Oh, it'll be funny and you know it!

And.. The Return of RVD to RAW. HuzzaH

Let's hope he's a little less rusty tonight.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:14:14

I don't know if you guys go to any independent feds but here in Maryland, MCW is back and the New Age Outlaws (My idols, hence the alias) are supposed to make an appearance. www.marylandwrestling.com for details. I cannot wait.

Anyway, about Raw tonight. I don't think Edge has a chance of getting the title back. I knew there was a reason that they left the belt as a "spinner", it was pretty obvious that Cena was getting it back and will probably keep it for a while althought I would prefer Edge to have it. Has anyone noticed that Edge has basically become the new Chris Jericho?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:27:41

Yes. Unfortunately Edge is becoming the new albeit less talented Chris Jericho about the tag match if I'm not mistaken the titles are on the line meaning Show and Kane will probably lose the titles.. hopefully.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:34:29

At 1/30/06 02:27 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Yes. Unfortunately Edge is becoming the new albeit less talented Chris Jericho about the tag match if I'm not mistaken the titles are on the line meaning Show and Kane will probably lose the titles.. hopefully.

God knows they haven't done anything as a tea, except for the rumble, for the past month. They were a good idea for a formidable team, but they both follow singles careers over tag. Currently.
Though, I don't think they should give Masters and Carlito the belts. It might help to push them a bit, but they are also singles competitors. it just seems they are trying to rape the tag divisions again.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:40:55

I know what u mean WWE is like a soap opera
old school wwf is what i'm into
Hey wanna join my club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:42:23

Are any of you fans of MNM. I must say that I am because Joey Mercury used to be a local hero here in MD. He was known as Joey Matthews at the time and was MCW cruiserweight champ for a very long time. I like MNM because they are a pure tag-team. There aren't many of those left in the WWE. It was great to see them give Tatanka the snapshot during thr Rumble last night. I was impressed how long they lasted in the Rumble match as a team. That's my two cents. Since the New Age Outlaws are long gone (from the WWE), MNM is my new fav. tag-team.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:44:10

Scotty to Hotty is the man (was the man)
oh and i'll join

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:48:07

Actually it's lvl 3

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:51:11

What no# am i ?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:54:18

Yeah John Cena has the worse finishing moves ever (Oh and wrestling moves)

FU is basicly a crappy version of a death vally driver (Christopher Danials verson is much better and its not even his finishing move)

and the STFU is a shitty wigger vision of the STF which can be a great submission if used right (another user for the STF is Samoa Joe who converts it from a powerbomb which is cool)

I know I keep comin back to TNA wrestlers, but at least I can look at a finishing move on the show and say " that could work"

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 14:56:53

Canadian Destroyer is probably my favorite finisher. Unfortunately, I hate Petey Williams. Maybe someone will eventually steal it and take all of the credit like Stone Cold did to Mikey Whipwreck.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 15:13:45

By the way, I'd like to join this club. If anyone is in charge and assigning numbers, let me know and I'll gladly put it in my sig.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 15:19:21

At 1/30/06 02:14 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: I don't know if you guys go to any independent feds but here in Maryland, MCW is back and the New Age Outlaws (My idols, hence the alias) are supposed to make an appearance. www.marylandwrestling.com for details. I cannot wait.

Sorry, but I don't really watch any of the independent federations. My friend Chris does, but I really only watch WWE and TNA on occasion.

At 1/30/06 02:27 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Yes. Unfortunately Edge is becoming the new albeit less talented Chris Jericho about the tag match if I'm not mistaken the titles are on the line meaning Show and Kane will probably lose the titles.. hopefully.

Ehh...I'd really hate to have Chris Masters win any title. I'm sorry, I just think he sucks. Carlito is funny enough to be a consistent mid-card, but I don't see him as tag-team material, especially with Masters.

At 1/30/06 02:34 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: Though, I don't think they should give Masters and Carlito the belts. It might help to push them a bit, but they are also singles competitors. it just seems they are trying to rape the tag divisions again.

Agreed. We lost all the good tag teams, like the Dudley Boyz. Even the Basham Brothers weren't bad, as they were consistent tag-teamers.

At 1/30/06 02:42 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: Are any of you fans of MNM.

Ehh...don't really like them.

I like MNM because they are a pure tag-team. There aren't many of those left in the WWE. It was great to see them give Tatanka the snapshot during thr Rumble last night.

Okay, I'll give them that. They are pure tag. The thing that bothers me though is that they have no real tag team competition. What new tag teams can even hold a candle to...well...anything? The Heartthrobs? Please. How about those idiots that look like Chippendales? WTF is that? The only thing that I can even think of is Simon Dean's little cronies, who as far as I can tell, are just more potential suck.

At 1/30/06 02:54 PM, PJ-Sharp wrote: I know I keep comin back to TNA wrestlers, but at least I can look at a finishing move on the show and say " that could work"

I have no problems with TNA, but it just doesn't appeal me that much. The X-division wrestlers are fun to watch, as they pretty much are standard Rey Mysterios when it comes to airtime. But other than that, it seems like it's exactly like WWE to me. I honestly don't see the huge difference.

I'm sure there are many that will disagree with me on this, and I am fine with that. Maybe I just don't "get" TNA, though. If enough wrestlers quit WWE or get fired and shift over to TNA, I might consider watching it more regularly.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 15:25:08

Ehh...I'd really hate to have Chris Masters win any title. I'm sorry, I just think he sucks. Carlito is funny enough to be a consistent mid-card, but I don't see him as tag-team material, especially with Masters.

Masters sucks in the ring and on the mic.I want to see Carlito with a title simply because he's from the same place I am, but i don't think they'll win Carlito eliminated Masters from the Rumbe match and Kane and Show were fighting each other maybe Kane ends up feuding with Show and Masters with Carlito but where would that leave the Tag Titles?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 15:28:29


Tonight on RAW its the Rematch: John Cena Vs Edge forthe WWE Title (GO Eddge)

Haha I think WWE realized their mistake :)! If Cena retains im going to be VERY angry. And wtf was that? Cena winning the belt by submission?? Its BS he fucking makes them tap in the span of 20 seconds...

I guess after the WHC match Angle turned heel? Personally I dont care because I like him both ways :)

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 15:44:51

At 1/30/06 03:25 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Masters sucks in the ring and on the mic.I want to see Carlito with a title simply because he's from the same place I am, but i don't think they'll win Carlito eliminated Masters from the Rumbe match and Kane and Show were fighting each other maybe Kane ends up feuding with Show and Masters with Carlito but where would that leave the Tag Titles?

Didn't Carlito already win the Intercontinental Championship? Also, I'm sure the writer monkeys will just draft up some huge feud between the two teams and end up having Kane and Show lose the title. I'd really like to see Carlito's Cabana on more often. Having him on mic is always good.

At 1/30/06 03:28 PM, Puzzled wrote: Haha I think WWE realized their mistake :)! If Cena retains im going to be VERY angry. And wtf was that? Cena winning the belt by submission?? Its BS he fucking makes them tap in the span of 20 seconds...

I think the mistake is having this charade continue. I certainly hope Cena loses the title again. This way, Edge can lose it to someone good and push them come WM22.

I guess after the WHC match Angle turned heel? Personally I dont care because I like him both ways :)

He did? I know he's fighting Taker, but that doesn't make him heel. I really think that whole buildup is for Taker's retirement.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 17:00:43

At 1/30/06 03:44 PM, EagleRock wrote: He did? I know he's fighting Taker, but that doesn't make him heel. I really think that whole buildup is for Taker's retirement.

I agree. It is possible that tehre will be a face vs face match. To say it hasn't happened in the past would be B.S.

One example would be Hogan vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X8. That went down as one of the best WM matches of all time! I think Angle will remain a face and nevertheless battle Undertaker at WM, causing him to lose the belt.

Now, what about Mysterio? I'm damn proud that he won the Royal Rumble but if Undertaker is fighting Kurt at WM, then Mysterio will either lose his No. 1 contender spot, or will face the WWE Champion. Man I'd love to see Mysterio on RAW....

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 17:02:23

At 1/30/06 04:34 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: It's incredibly unlikely that Edge will take back the championship tonight. I hate it, but it's the truth. No worries though. Wether he wants to admit it or not, when Vince hears the boo's Cena recieves he's going to realize how wrong he is.

You know, it's almost fun watching Cena get booed when he is so blatently disliked. I'd really like to see how much longer Vince tries this shit. But enough about Cena. I think we made our point.

Tonight the Tag Titles are finally recognized in the year 2006. Personally, I would love to see Carlito and Masters win the titles (and for those of you who says Masters sucks in the ring you're obviously just followers, especially since he's drastically improved from a year ago and can hold his own in a match. Same for Carlito.), but I doubt it will happen. It seems that they're trying to turn them against one another, or so thats what sources are leading ME to believe.

Well, the whole turn-against-one-another thing is obvious, as I think both teams are going to be pissed off with their teammate. They hide these things so well in matches like the Royal Rumble. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into two annoying backstage contemplation sessions, one for each tag team. And we all know how interesting it is when Kane talks backstage. I can barely stay awake with his ten-words-per-minute speeches.

I have to agree that Carlito can hold his own. I can't agree with Masters, as I just think he's horrible. Yes, he's improved, but he still really lackluster in his wrestling. I still don't buy the stupid Master Lock, either. However, differences aside, I can't see the two working as a tag team. Carlito and Masters are worth more separate than together.

On a side note, fuck Kane and Big Show as Tag Champs. It worked with Taker/Kane for one reason. They used the belts, and defended them against legit players, like Trips/Austin and Rock/Sock.

Hah...to be honest, I forgot they were even the title holders until tonight's card was brought up...shows how amazingly influencial their title reign is.

RVD returns to Raw, but don't get your hopes up. Honestly, don't. He's getting stuck with something lame I gurantee you.

That's a hard statement to argue against...I'd have to agree fully. Also, RVD is too rusty right now to do anything spectacular. He screwed up one too many times in the Rumble.

Mysterio...he deserves it. End of discussion.

True. Let's just hope the whole "Let's milk Eddie's death" phase dies down a bit. I don't mind them paying homage to Eddie, but don't try to have him live through Mysterio. Please.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 18:22:02

177 abd 178 for teh two new members. the BBS is being weird, telling me i put a word not used and won't let me post. go

With RVD back he could be teh one to win the IC title from Flair. He could do some good stuff with it. here

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 18:41:43

At 1/30/06 06:22 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: 177 abd 178 for teh two new members. the BBS is being weird, telling me i put a word not used and won't let me post. go

Could I be included in this list? I'd like to post here on a regular basis.

With RVD back he could be teh one to win the IC title from Flair. He could do some good stuff with it. here

That would be nice. Let's hope he can get back into his game soon...

I'm actually looking forward to Raw tonight. All this wrestling talk is getting me interested again!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 19:26:48

At 1/30/06 02:56 PM, TheNewAgeOutlaw wrote: Canadian Destroyer is probably my favorite finisher. Unfortunately, I hate Petey Williams. Maybe someone will eventually steal it and take all of the credit like Stone Cold did to Mikey Whipwreck.

Actually, Petey Williams is an amazing wrestler. He is my second favorite wrestler on TNA (next to captain charisma).

I'm so angry John Cena won it back. I was almost crying from how angry I was. Since I was at the theatre, I booed so hard. Cena is really like a heel, because even JBL and even Goldberg are better than him. I wish they would bring Jericho back to the spotlight.

Congrats for Rey Mysterio, but Randy Orton deserved that more. I can't believe Carlito was the 5th last one. The one that really anoyed me was that they let Triple H last so long. There isn't no way a washed up wrestler like Triple H could pull that off. Iff only Batista was in the Royal Rumble. Batista would have taken Triple H out so fast, your head would be spinning.

As for this Royal Rumble, last year was better, because the wigger John Cena got destroyed in a million pieces by Batista. There was no way Cena would stand a chance. I hope Batista comes back on Raw and gets a Championship match against Cena. Cena would lose so fast, they would only have to ring the bell once(one starting and finishing the match).

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 19:49:23

At 1/30/06 07:26 PM, MegaGold wrote: I'm so angry John Cena won it back. I was almost crying from how angry I was. Since I was at the theatre, I booed so hard. Cena is really like a heel, because even JBL and even Goldberg are better than him. I wish they would bring Jericho back to the spotlight.

Jericho left the WWE. Though, Cena lost his luster a long time ago. We really need to just move him to the mid card for a while to let him regenerate a new image.

Congrats for Rey Mysterio, but Randy Orton deserved that more. I can't believe Carlito was the 5th last one. The one that really anoyed me was that they let Triple H last so long. There isn't no way a washed up wrestler like Triple H could pull that off.

Are you serious? HHH sold the other wrestlers in the Rumble so well! He really made the first third of the Rumble great.

Iff only Batista was in the Royal Rumble. Batista would have taken Triple H out so fast, your head would be spinning.


As for this Royal Rumble, last year was better, because the wigger John Cena got destroyed in a million pieces by Batista. There was no way Cena would stand a chance. I hope Batista comes back on Raw and gets a Championship match against Cena. Cena would lose so fast, they would only have to ring the bell once(one starting and finishing the match).

You're almost talking like the WWE isn't scripted...

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 21:39:53

EagleRock you are # 179. welcome!

man, Rvd missed a spot. i've only seen him screw up a move once, and that was during a ladder match between him and Jeff Hardy. Hope he gets back in the grove soon.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 22:53:19

At 1/30/06 09:39 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: EagleRock you are # 179. welcome!

Thank you very much...I am honored!

man, Rvd missed a spot. i've only seen him screw up a move once, and that was during a ladder match between him and Jeff Hardy. Hope he gets back in the grove soon.

I'm sure he'll get back into the groove soon enough. Being out on injury for so long will take a bit of time for him to get back into it. I have my faith that he can recoup.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 23:24:48

Yeah. You guys hear the "Boring" chants in RVD v. Snitsky?

So, RAW tonight. Far from kickass, but I thought it was really funny. Tonight's show was just weird as hell. Goldust, "Mama," Lita hitting Edge with the belt, Spirit Squad... But it was still kinda funny. Mama and the oxygen mask... haha.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 23:29:09

I found the show to be a little disappointing overall but I did enjoy the Trish/Mickie segment. I like what they are doing with that. I cannot say the same for Cena's title reign. I really cannot stand him and I'm anxious to see who gets the next big push.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 23:39:32

Honestly as soon the spirit squad showed up I changed the channel. Between Micki and her unwatchable promo's and the squad being annoying, I had had enough. On a side note, I somehow got Boomerang added to my channels and I was watching Pink Panther while this was going on. Far more entertaining.

Anyone else think the HHH thing was kinda tasteless?

heh I was against it before, but it is a bit funny watching benjamins "momma." Goldust lost too, so I wonder if he is re-hired or just there for that match?

Lots of tension between Masters and Carlito, but they seem to be moving towards a Carlio/RVD fued which actually makes sense. For those of you who don't remember, Carlito attacked RVD when he showed up for the Cabana.

Shane vs HBK anyone? Your thoughts on this?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-30 23:42:09

Sorry if I upseted anyone on this website. I'm just stating my opinion.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-31 00:25:01

At 1/30/06 11:35 PM, Placebo wrote: So what's the deal with Lita hitting Edge? Is she showing that she doesn't like him anymore? Or is there some condition in the rematch clause that says that Edge gets the belt if he win's by DQ? I'm really confused. The show just ended before they explained anything so now we have to wait until SD (most likely RAW though...) to find out what the deal is.

Anyone have any ideas?

Yes, I do believe that Edge gets his rematch, since he won by DQ. I believe it was the same situation with Kurt and Cena after Unforgiven.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-31 00:28:05

I wouldn't worry too much about it.

As for the Lita thing, she missed and hit Edge. not too hard to figure out. Edge will be pissed at her and a possible break up may happen. Going the other way of her going with Cena doesn't make a whole lot of senes, but anything is possible at this point.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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