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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-22 14:36:50

Good observation, but I see Kane and Angle as more of being in-between being face and heel. Especially with Kane, who with Big Show nearly turned heel during the SD/RAW feud. Angle is clearly not a heel anymore, but only moderately a face wrestler.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-22 16:42:43

Fuck the Cruiserweights, Huzza for X.

hey don't bag the cruiserweights they r the bomb man. there have been some great cruiser weights i.e rey mysterio, billy kidman, ultimate dragon, tajiri

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-22 18:09:40

At 1/22/06 01:26 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote:

World Heavyweight Champion -- Kurt Angle -- Babyface

The best in the buisiness right now

United States Champion -- Booker T -- Heel

A decent champion, better then Orlando Jordan but Randy Orton deserves this.

Cruiserweight Champion -- Kid Cash -- Heel

Not that good. Vince was an idiot of releasing The Juice.

WWE Tag Team Champions -- Mercury & Nitro -- Heels

The only good one in the group is Melina.


WWE Champion -- Edge -- Heel

I prefer him than John Cena anyday.

Intercontinental Champion -- Ric Flair -- Babyface

Too old for the championship.

WWE Women's Champion -- Trish Stratus -- Babyface

The best Diva in the business.

World Tag Team Champions -- Kane & Big Show -- Babyfaces

They are undefeatable.

Yeah, I seemed to notice that too. These were my opinions on them.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-22 18:45:15

At 1/22/06 06:09 PM, MegaGold wrote:
At 1/22/06 01:26 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote:
United States Champion -- Booker T -- Heel
A decent champion, better then Orlando Jordan but Randy Orton deserves this.

Cruiserweight Champion -- Kid Cash -- Heel
Not that good. Vince was an idiot of releasing The Juice.

WWE Tag Team Champions -- Mercury & Nitro -- Heels
The only good one in the group is Melina.


WWE Champion -- Edge -- Heel
I prefer him than John Cena anyday.

Intercontinental Champion -- Ric Flair -- Babyface
Too old for the championship.

World Tag Team Champions -- Kane & Big Show -- Babyfaces
They are undefeatable.

I'm thinking masters and carlito are most likely to beat kane and big show.I mean there the toughest competition they have.Seriously there are no good tag teams on raw besides kane and big show and carlito and masters.As for wwe champ I perfer HHH as champ plus I really dont mind him as champ.Who says your to old to be a champion.Espically in Ric Flairs case.I agree Melina is the only real good one in mnm.Man shes hot.Though her expressions are poor and it's fucking hilarious when sometimes when she dose them.Yeah I wish did'int release the juice.I wish Funaki beats Kid Kash and becomes champ again.as for the us belt yeah I agree orton should be champ.But I thin orton is gonna babyface again if he gets into a rivalry with booker.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-22 19:11:58

At 1/22/06 06:45 PM, drewthedude wrote:
I'm thinking masters and carlito are most likely to beat kane and big show.I mean there the toughest competition they have.Seriously there are no good tag teams on raw besides kane and big show and carlito and masters.As for wwe champ I perfer HHH as champ plus I really dont mind him as champ.Who says your to old to be a champion.Espically in Ric Flairs case.I agree Melina is the only real good one in mnm.Man shes hot.Though her expressions are poor and it's hilarious when sometimes when she dose them.Yeah I wish did'int release the juice.I wish Funaki beats Kid Kash and becomes champ again.as for the us belt yeah I agree orton should be champ.But I thin orton is gonna babyface again if he gets into a rivalry with booker.

Well Masters is pretty good, but Carlito is worse than John Cena, so I'm not expecting anything from the stupidest wrestler (that being Carlito) doing anything good in the WWE.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-22 19:22:18

well really unless a really good tag team comes along there the most likely

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-22 23:31:15

At 1/22/06 02:55 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:

Were'nt impressed? I loved it! You can't say you've seen a lot of what he he was doing. I love that kind of european roughneck style that we don't get to see very often (In part to Regal being Velocity fodder). I look forward to more Finlay!

well not in that particular match, but yeah the european style is pretty cool. Maybe I just missed something when watching it, or was more in thinking how much I hated them jobbing Hardy to notice. i'll give him a bit more of a chance next time around.

Does anyone want to tell me what happened to Kid Kash? It's been two weeks since he's been on television and there hasn't even been a single breath of him. Why thell is the cruiserweight division, my FAVORITE division, always overlooked and ignored? Don't they realize that, with the right kind of booking, the cruiserweight division could be the most exciting and dominant division in all of the WWE?

I think Kid Kash got hurt. I belive someone posted something about it not too long ago. And I agree with you whole hardedly about how poorly wwe books the cruisers, and if they did it right they could have one hell of a division. They have some major talent on their hands, and they are wasting it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-23 00:37:56

I believe Kid Kash supposedly suffered an elbow injury. Sorry for the lack of response lately kids, been feeling a little "off" this week, I'm not quite sure why...maybe I'm getting sick or something.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-23 06:27:10

well whatever it is I hope ya get better :)

You know, i was thinking and i came to the conclusion that I like not knowing all the participants in the RR. To me it adds to the match if there are some spots that we don't know about. in the past wwe has done that to either debut telent, or bring back someone who has been gone for a while like RVD. But on RVD it is a good thing to advertise since that can generate interest. So yeah, thats what I think about it.

oh yeah and today is monday, so Raw be on tonight. Wonder what stuff will be going down.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-23 09:14:41

At 1/21/06 05:47 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
At 1/21/06 03:45 PM, Puzzled wrote: You never know with Vince he might give Henry the belt...
Angle winning is a safe bet. But there is a chance that Vince screws up his mind and gives the belt to Henry. If it happens, it will be as stunning as what George Town did to my team. Yea, fuck it, Duke lost. >:(>:(>:(

Lol sorry about the loss. I would have to believe aview with henry not getting the title. Since Angle is becoming more netrual maybe face they wont have him give the title away plus its to early when's the last less than a month title reign.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-23 09:52:08

This might be alittle random but I was wondering how a wrestler cannot kick out of a weak ass FU yet they could easily kick out of a fucking superplex.. WWE needs to get their shit right if someone hit with an FU I wouldnt stay down for more than three counts!

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-23 12:53:37

How could you say masters is better than Carlito? Carlito is much better on the mic, and has more in-ring skills than masters, and title wise Carlito has held both the US and IC while Masters has held none to date. The only thing Masters really has over Carlito is he's more muscular.

And in truth, I don't have a problem with Carlito's neck breaker either. It works for him and it looks good when he does it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-23 17:03:04

Will really finishers are'int that big of a deal.Like seriously.The only purpose of a finisher is too finish off your oppoment and thats what his neckbreaker dose.Besides it's been awhile since did'int have a good superstar with a neckbreaker as his finisher.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-23 20:54:39

hell yeah I will.I think he should call the neckbreacker.........The Coolbreaker.The name suits his character perfectly

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-23 22:50:05

oh....my...god...... Take a good look guys. That spirit squad or whatever they are called is a future wrestlecrap entry.

Damn that HBK/Benjamin match was freakin awesome!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-23 23:14:09

What the fuck was that spirit squad bullshit?

And what kind of lame-ass surprise was it to have Masters be Edge's big partner?

And what kind of lame-ass finish was it not to have Flair win it for the team instead of Cena?

An OK RAW otherwise, though.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 01:27:38

It is the time for me, DoD to predict RR matches, folks!
1. Edge def Cena to retain. (Did you see Cena standing tall tonight? It never happened on the very last episodes of RAW before PPVs when he was the champ. This time, he is going down! Mark my words.)
2. Kurt Angle def Mark Henry to retain. (Who is Mark Henry?)
3. Randy Orton/HHH wins the Royal Rumble. (I am not sure about this one, it depends on if RO can beat Benoit clean on the SD!, he will win. Otherwise, HHH will win.)
4. Ashley def Mickie James. (It is obvious that Trish will cost James' match which will start the feud between them.)
5. The Boogeyman def JBL (Sorry JBL, The Boogeyman is an Undertaker-like figure which means that you have to job to him clean.)
What do you guys think about the matches? Welcome to predict.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 01:57:58

The winners will be Edge, Ashley, Boogeyman, and Angle. As for the RR itself, there are too many superstars to predict who will win. I'd narrow it down to HHH or Big Show, though, which would fuel the feud quite a bit.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 03:03:36

At 1/23/06 05:03 PM, drewthedude wrote: Will really finishers are'int that big of a deal.Like seriously.The only purpose of a finisher is too finish off your oppoment and thats what his neckbreaker dose.Besides it's been awhile since did'int have a good superstar with a neckbreaker as his finisher.

Finishers are a way to end a match yes, which is why they should not be kicked out of multiple times. The whole point of a "finisher" is that you don't get back up from it. While I tend to disagree with someone like JBL who will bash a Masato Tanaka/Mike Awesome match for being all about them kicking out of each other's finishers and taking hellacious abuse, I think it makes sense because they know each other so well, and have taken the moves so often. But to be able to have that "holy shit! He kicked out of his finish! How tough is this son of a bitch?" you need the finish to work 9 times out of 10. Kicking out of the Tombstone isn't impressive unless the Tombstone beats just about everyone else who's taken it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 08:14:12

-Mitsubishi- Raw Recap -- Ready To Rumble

Brought to you by: www.wwe.com

Ever since Edge cashed in his Money in the Bank title shot and defeated John Cena at New Year’s Revolution, the former Champ has been itching to get his hands on the Rated R Superstar. Cena will get his chance at the Royal Rumble in a rematch for the WWE Championship, but he was able to get a small taste on RAW, just six days before the Rumble.

It was a Pick Your Partner Tag Team Match. Edge tried all night to get a partner, but was not having much success. Despite Lita using all of her assets, she was unable to convince Big Show to join Edge’s side. Triple H also turned down Edge, citing that he’s no longer taking charity cases, and is only focused on winning the WWE Championship. With Edge almost out of options, “The Masterpiece” Chris Masters stepped up to the plate. But no one could trump Cena’s choice as a partner.

No one even knew he had been cleared for competition. But with RAW emanating from right in the middle of Flair Country, in Charlotte, N.C., the Nature Boy laced up the boots once again and was ready to exact revenge on Edge from their Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match the week prior.

Cena started the match, but the raucous Charlotte crowd demanded Flair get in the ring. When the Nature Boy stepped through the ropes, the roof almost exploded, and Flair went to town with chop after chop on The Masterpiece. Masters and Edge were able to catch Flair off guard, though, and cut the ring in half. The duo focused on Flair’s vulnerable back, and he seemed ripe for the pickings. But, with the crowd cheering him on, Flair was able to muster up enough strength to make the desperation tag to Cena.

The former Champ cleaned house and hoisted Edge up for an FU. Lita hopped up on the apron, however, and grabbed Edge and pulled him outside the ring. With Cena focused on Edge, Masters was able to grab Cena and try to get him in the Master Lock. Flair joined the fracas, though, and took out Masters’ leg. With Edge and Lita retreating up the ramp, Cena hoisted Masters up for an FU and then made him tap to the STFU.

Earlier in the evening, Shelton Benjamin took on Shawn Michaels. This one promised to be an instant classic as it was, but before the match could begin, Mr. McMahon came out and declared that if HBK were to lose, he would also lose his spot in the Royal Rumble. These two are arguably the two best pure athletes on RAW, and they didn’t disappoint. This one was going back and forth, and it looked like it might end similarly to how things ended in their clash from last year’s Gold Rush Tournament. In that one, Shelton went for a move off the ropes, only to be caught in mid-air by Sweet Chin Music. Benjamin took to the air once again on RAW, but this time he saw the superkick coming. Later on in the match, HBK was tuning up the band once again, but Shelton’s momma got on the apron and distracted him. Benjamin then rolled up HBK, but the ref was still admonishing Shelton’s momma. HBK reversed the roll-up and pulled on the tights for the big victory. The Showstopper had saved his spot in the Royal Rumble.

Mr. McMahon caught up with HBK backstage after the match. He said that Lady Luck was on his side. He also said that he wants to turn back the clock to the days of sex, drugs and rock n’ roll and asked Shawn to join him. HBK turned him down, however, and Mr. McMahon said that his luck would run out at the Royal Rumble.

Last week on RAW, Carlito said that no one would be able to eliminate him from the Royal Rumble. Kane didn’t like what he heard and came out and tossed him out of the ring after shoving an apple in his mouth. The two squared off on RAW to settle their differences. Carlito was able to sustain some offense, but he couldn’t keep the Big Red Monster down. He became so frustrated that he grabbed a chair and walloped Kane in the head. Carlito seemed pleased with his handiwork, but then Kane sat up as if it hadn’t fazed him, which sent Carlito into a full retreat.

Women’s Champion Trish Stratus teamed up with Ashley to take on Victoria and Candice. When Mickie James found out about the match, she confronted her idol, Stratus, and wondered why she was tagging with Ashley instead of herself. Mickie was broken up about it, but said she’d have to learn to accept what Trish wanted to do.

Trish and Ashley worked well as a team, and Ashley was able to land a flying bodypress on Victoria for the pin. Following the pinfall, Mickie James stormed the ring and attacked Ashley. Trish and the ref tried to separate them, but Mickie went right back at Ashley and leveled her with a kick. Mickie finally left, but the damage had been done. It was later announced that Mickie will face her new nemesis Ashley at the Royal Rumble and Trish would be the special referee.

The Coach, who participated in last year’s Royal Rumble and lasted an amazing 27 minutes, took on Jerry “The King” Lawler to see who would get the final RAW spot in the Royal Rumble. Lawler looked to have things well in hand, but then five male cheerleaders called the Spirit Squad broke onto the scene. They began running and flying around the ring, cheering for Coach. Lawler was distracted by the unannounced visitors, and Coach was able to roll him up and use the ropes for the pin. Thanks to the Spirit Squad, Coach will be representing RAW in the Royal Rumble once again.

Lance Cade, Rob Conway and Gregory Helms had all previously lost Royal Rumble qualifiers, but had a chance at redemption in an Over the Top Rope Second Chance Sweepstakes. If any of them could throw Big Show over the top rope, they would qualify for the Royal Rumble. Big Show was too much for any of them to overcome, though, and none of them could cash in on the golden opportunity.

Quick Match Recap

The Coach def. Jerry "The King" Lawler (Royal Rumble Qualifier)

John Cena & Ric Flair def. WWE Champion Edge & Chris Masters

Shawn Michaels def. Shelton Benjamin

Women's Champion Trish Stratus & Ashley def. Victoria & Candice Michelle

Big Show def. Lance Cade, Rob Conway and Gregory Helms (Second Chance Sweepstakes)

Kane def. Carlito (DQ)

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 11:06:14

I can only remember Kane kicking out of a tombstone.. was there someone else?

Just think, right after the rumble we will be seeing RVD on Raw again... yay!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 14:22:17

At 1/24/06 01:27 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: It is the time for me, DoD to predict RR matches, folks!
1. Edge def Cena to retain. (
2. Kurt Angle def Mark Henry to retain.
3. Randy Orton/HHH wins the Royal Rumble.
4. Ashley def Mickie James.
5. The Boogeyman def JBL

I agree with most of it.But I think the rr winner is going to be lashley.Because of the speech he made when it was the start to the road to the royal rumble.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 14:26:13

while I agree lashly has been good thus far, don't you think it might be rushing it if he won so soon? I think he needs to have more ppv matches against established stars to see what he's made of. so far his ppv matches have eithe been squashes, or when he has multiple tag partners. put him up against someone like benoit and see what he can do.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 14:28:31

At 1/23/06 08:41 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
At 1/23/06 05:03 PM, drewthedude wrote:

Besides, he hasn't even got a name for the finisher yet. he's had it since forever and yet, no name.

Carlito needs a cool finisher with a cool name. Not just another modified neckbreaker. Picture this.... the Coolplex! A dragon suplex pin called the coolplex!

Well before using the modified neckbreaker he does he used to do a move called the Overdrive it was really neat he performed it once I think and when he did it I was like wow thats gotta hurt! I have no idea why he stopped using the Overdrive....

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 14:38:40

At 1/24/06 02:26 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: while I agree lashly has been good thus far, don't you think it might be rushing it if he won so soon? I think he needs to have more ppv matches against established stars to see what he's made of. so far his ppv matches have eithe been squashes, or when he has multiple tag partners. put him up against someone like benoit and see what he can do.

Well they did'int seem to wait to make hulk hogan champ when he debut.I mean just look at how big of a star he became.Also kurt angle and big show got the title in less then a year.Seriously I think lasheley has this one in the books.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 17:14:08

Talking about Cena's new finisher STFU, it was such a stupid moive. Basically, the movement is nothing but a rip-off of Chris Benoit's crossface. In order to increase wigger Cena's superman power, opponents have been tapped within 3 seconds once the STFU (shut the fuck up? lol!) is locked. So far, I have not seen anyone break the lock yet. God, Cena's superman gimmick needs to rest in peace!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 18:00:59

WWE.Com have again changed the list of participants for Sunday's Royal Rumble pay-per-view, as of Tuesday morning at 3AM eastern time, the list now reads:





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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 18:58:19

Time for my predictions of the Royal Rumble.
1. Edge defeat Cena- Cena can't rap or wrestle for his life. His rap about Lita didn't even make sence.
2. Kurt Angle defeat Mark Henry- The Big Show is stronger than Mark Henry and Kurt Angle is the most skillful wrestler in the WWE.
3. Ashley defeat Mickie James DQ- I think Mickie James will choke her out or something.
4. Boogeyman defeat JBL- Well duh.
5. Lashley,Orton or Matt Hardy is making it to the top. I hope Matt Hardy wins, that would easily boost him as the best Hardy, although he is already the better Hardy. I'm guessing the 3rd person coming in the ring is Chris Benoit. He cam #1 2004 and #2 2005.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 20:28:45

Why do some of you love to take crack before you make PPV predictions?

1. Edge defeats Cena- Cena is rebuilding his cred, if WWE is smart, they'll keep him hovering near the main events for a couple of months, and then try giving him another run on top. I think they realize that, and are going to give Edge the victory here, they may try flipping the belt back onto Cena at Mania.

2. Kurt Angle defeats Mark Henry- Henry is not the future, nor was he the past, Henry has been a terrible disappointment to Vince, and while I think it's possible he might get a new contract, it'd be for less money, less years, and he'd probably be the guy who's at or near the top of the card, but never the champion. Angle is going to be shouldering the load for the SD! brand for a little while it seems.

3. Mickie James defeats Ashley- Trish is turning heel with Mickie here I think, unless they've decided that it really would be a good idea to make the Women's Champion the biggest idiot ever.

4. Boogeyman defeats JBL- If they're going to continue to push Boogey (and it seems that they will) then he should beat JBL here, or at if he does lose, he should be dicked out of the win (honestly, they'll probably go with some stupid finish where JBL runs away and is counted out, or gets himself DQ'ed)

5. Either Orton or H is winning this year I think. Why are some of you even ENTERTAINING the idea of Lashley? The guy is too young, and too green to be given a shot right now. If anybody brings up Brock Lesnar, I'm going to smack them, because Lesnar trained for three or four years before his debut. Conversely, Cena has worked just as long if not longer (I remembering hearing what a hot prospect he was way back in 2000 or so), so I'm amazed at how limited he seems to be.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-24 20:43:01

-Mitsubishi- Royal Rumble Picks

WWE Champion Edge vs John Cena -- To be honest, I'm actually not totally sure of this one. However, after Raw, I have become a bit more confortable in my selection. Before Raw, I was putting the odds at 75% for an Edge victory, and 25% in a Cena victory. After seeing Cena stand tall on Raw (and we all know what THAT means), I am now putting the odds at 85% Edge victory, 15% Cena victory. Therefore, I'm sticking with the Rated R Superstar!

World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry -- Kurt Angle. Period I mean, lets get serious. The only reason Henry is on Smackdown! right now is because WWE wanted him to DO something instead of sitting at home collecting his 6-digit paycheck. He is going to make a great push for Angle, and will complete Angle's transformation into a heel.

The Boogeyman vs. JBL -- The Boogyman (possibly by DQ). Right now, its The boogyman who is getting the push. JBL is likely to be a simple jobber in this one.

Mickie James vs. Ashley -- See my scenerios:

Scenerio #1 -- Trish turns heel and helps Mickie get the win. I'm not too confident about this one, but hell I've seen the WWE do some wierder things in my time! :)

Scenerio #2 -- Straightforward match. Possibly ending in DQ with Ashley the winner.

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