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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 00:30:42

FINALLY cena lost,its about damn time,now i hope edge burn that piece of trash title and bring back the original wwe title belt...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 01:03:13

Edge def. John Cena to become new WWE Champion

WWE Champion def. Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Kane, Chris Masters and Carlito to retain (Elimination Chamber Match)

Triple H def. Big Show

Intercontinental Champion Ric Flair def. Edge by DQ to retain

Women's Champion Trish Stratus def. Mickie James to retain

Shelton Benjamin def. Viscera

Ashley def. Victoria, Candice, Torrie Wilson and Maria (Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match)

Jerry "The King" Lawler def. Gregory Helms

And thats a wrap for NY Resolution cant wait for Royal Rumble.. But the only 2 people who impressed me at this PPV was Jerry The King Lawler and Ashley. Every body else sucked!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 01:05:18

Hey, Edge promises Live sex tomorrow night on RAW. Neat.

Reminds me of when I thought up a concept of "Adults Only Wrestling." It would have profanity, nudity, and violence all in one show. It would be glorious. Unless it's already been done.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 01:18:16

At 1/9/06 01:03 AM, TheGhostOfNewGrounds wrote: Edge def. John Cena to become new WWE Champion
And thats a wrap for NY Resolution cant wait for Royal Rumble.. But the only 2 people who impressed me at this PPV was Jerry The King Lawler and Ashley. Every body else sucked!

What about Edge. I never really hated him, but he is the best on Raw. He is the Wigganater. Edge has a huge fan. And about Jerry Lawler, he really surpised me. I guess Gregory Helms still sucks. I felt bad for Kurt Angle. He was so close to making John Cena tap out. Edge is god.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 01:40:44

Edge pulled a "Justin Credible" and yeah, Ryo called it. Thank God! I might actually give a damn about RAW tommorow now that I know Cena's reign is over, and he'll more then likely NOT be facing the H at Mania for the belt (please Vince, let this feud go for a little while, Edge deserves the run, even if his personal decisions of late have been icky...)

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 01:46:36

It's about damn time Cena lost the belt (went on since the last Wrestlemania) but who else but Edge and even though he won it the way he did which i expected him to i still think it's about time he won the WWE title,as for Wrestlemania it depends on who wins the Royal Rumble cause the winner DOES get to choose whether he faces the World Heavyweight Champion (Batista) or the WWE Champion (Edge) but as for me i would like to see Bobby Lashley win the rumble but i think it's too early for that to happen.

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 01:52:16

Oh, great. Batista has ANOTHER injury. This time to the triceps while fighting Mark Henry. They really need to give Batista some time off.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 03:18:34

wIGGER Power is dead!


major rapage!

Go edge!

Cena shouldn't have won teh EC match but Fuck him!


"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 03:35:56

At 1/9/06 01:52 AM, cornontheconn wrote: Oh, great. Batista has ANOTHER injury. This time to the triceps while fighting Mark Henry. They really need to give Batista some time off.

True they work him hard so damn much he wrestles every damn week not even Cena wrestles that much... If i was Batista i would A. Ask for a raise and B. Go on a vacation.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 03:47:04

Sorry for the double post but i thought i should say this.

Edge has been with the WWE for a over 7 or 8 years and has never got a "Push" like this and I for one think that he deserved it. He is a very talented superstar and even if say he ran into the ring and hit Cena in the head with a hammer and won he would have still deserved it.

Cena was old *VERY OLD* and to the people who wanted Cena to win come on 9 months 9 FRIGGEN MONTH! With that guy. I mean he was cool for the first 4 to 5 months with the title but then it just got BORING AS HELL. Same storylines OVER AND OVER AGAIN the fued with Kurt Angle was pretty good. But then got boring when the "You can't see me match" happend.

And thoes "Freestyles* my friend Mr.Freedom would dominate Cena in a Rap Battle thats how damn bad Cena is at Rapping. Well all i have to say now is congratulations Edge for your victory of become WWEC. *If Cena wins this back within the next month i will go fucking nuts!*.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 06:42:01

all I can say is.... PWNED! hahaha man that was good, Edge is the new champ! WHOOOOOOO (can you tell I'm happy about this one?) Edge has finally accomplished his life-long dream, and Cena has finally been knocked off as champ. Lets just hope they don't pull a kane title run on this.. you know.. lose it back the very next night. Edge has the shotest IC title run to my knowledge the first time he held the belt. He won if from Jeff Jerrett in a house show, and lost it back on PPV the next day.

man am I looking forward to Raw now! Edge deserves to headline at Mania, not cena. Edge has been there longer and paid more dues than cena, despite his bad choices backstage.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 07:46:36


Cena will probably win it back tonight >:(

-Mitsubishi- New Years Revolution Recap

Edge def. John Cena to become new WWE Champion

They say timing is everything, and that saying was never more appropriate than at New Year’s Revolution. Ever since WrestleMania 21, Edge has been biding his time. He’s been sitting back and waiting for the perfect moment. Finally, just more than nine months since he became Mr. Money in the Bank, and with a bloodied John Cena slouched over in the corner, Edge cashed in his open contract for a shot at the WWE Championship.

After Cena rolled up Carlito to win the grueling Elimination Chamber Match, Mr. McMahon came out and said that the evening was not over. After congratulating Cena, he informed the raucous Albany crowd that Edge was cashing in his Money in the Bank shot.

Almost as soon as Cena was finally able to get to his feet, Edge steamrolled The Champ with a vicious spear and went for the cover. As the ref’s hand was coming down for the three count, Cena just got a shoulder up and the match continued. But not for long.

Edge anxiously waited for Cena to get back to his feet, and when he did, Mr. Money in the Bank leveled him with another vile spear, and this time the pin was academic. Edge became WWE Champion for the first time in his career. Edge and Lita were very emotional as they celebrated in the ring as well as on top of the Spanish Announce Table. Edge proved that patience is indeed a virtue, as he waited until Cena was the most vulnerable. And like a shark smelling blood in the water, Edge pounced and captured the WWE Championship.

WWE Champion John Cena def. Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Kane, Chris Masters and Carlito to retain (Elimination Chamber Match)

WWE Champion John Cena was used to having the odds stacked against him, but one thing has always remained – The Champ was still here. Cena never backed down from anything or anyone, but he also never had to defend the WWE Championship inside the Elimination Chamber. In order to walk away from New Year’s Revolution with the gold, he would have to defeat five men inside the unforgiving Elimination Chamber. To make matters worse, Cena was the second man in the match, meaning he would have to go the distance to win.

Shawn Michaels was at the same disadvantage. After losing a match to Kane the week before, Mr. McMahon told HBK that he would have to be the first man inside the Elimination Chamber. Kane, on the other hand, had earned the right to be the last man inside the Elimination Chamber.

Earlier in the evening, Carlito found Chris Masters and convinced The Masterpiece to form an alliance and take everyone else out in the Chamber and then fight to see who was the best man.

HBK and Cena didn’t waste any time going at it. They both tried to use the Elimination Chamber’s steel chains as weapons, but they were both able to avoid it. Carlito came in next and was on fire. But it was nothing compared to when Kurt Angle entered next. The merciless wrestling machine delivered German suplexes to anything that moved. Then Angle immediately sought out Shawn Michaels and suplexed him over the ropes and onto the steel. He then slingshotted HBK into the steel chains, busting him wide open, and threw him face-first into one of the Chamber’s glass doors. Angle went back into the ring and hooked Carlito in the ankle lock, but Masters was the next to enter and made the save.

Angle then moved on to John Cena and got him in the ankle lock as well. But the Showstopper popped up from out of nowhere and leveled Angle with Sweet Chin Music for the 1-2-3. Angle was shockingly the first one eliminated from the Elimination Chamber.

Kane finally made his entrance and started handing out chokeslams like they were pieces of candy on Halloween. Carlito and Masters showed that their alliance was strong, though, as they teamed up on the Big Red Monster. With Kane down, Masters press-slammed Carlito onto the fallen monster and they both covered him for the pin and the second elimination.

The final four was Masters, Carlito, HBK and Cena. After Masters had DDT’d Cena on the steel floor of the Chamber, the Champ was also busted wide open. HBK also went after Cena and hit the flying elbow from the top rope and followed it up with Sweet Chin Music. Before he could make the cover, though, Carlito swooped in and hit his inverted swinging neckbreaker for the surprise pin.

Carlito and Masters’ alliance had proven to be very fruitful, but all good things must come to an end. Carlito told Masters to get Cena in the Master Lock and the Masterpiece obliged. But then Carlito turned on his partner and delivered a low blow to Masters and rolled him up for the pin. Cena came right back with a roll up for his own on Carlito and pinned him for the win. The Champ had once again defied the odds. But unfortunately for him, his night was not over yet.

Continued in next post

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 07:52:10

Triple H def. Big Show

After watching Triple H brutalize the legendary Ric Flair, Big Show confronted the Cerebral Assassin, saying that he was sick of The Game bullying people. It was clear then that it was only a matter of time before they met in the ring.

Then, at the contract signing, Triple H broke Big Show’s hand with a sledgehammer. But it turned out the Cerebral Assassin’s plan could have backfired. Big Show came back the following week with a giant-sized cast. Big Show couldn’t use his right hand for the chokeslam, but at the same time, he was now wielding a powerful weapon every time he swung his right hand.

Big Show tried to use his cast as a weapon early and often, but Triple H was able to avoid it. Big Show thought he had Triple H cornered at one of the ring posts, but Triple H moved, causing Big Show to wallop the post with his broken hand, causing the cast to crack in the process. Triple H saw that the cast was cracked and pounced on the weakness, ultimately tearing it off and exposing Big Show’s broken hand.

Big Show was able to survive the pain and even went for the chokeslam, but his broken hand was not strong enough. Big Show then accidentally knocked the ref out, prompting Triple H to grab his trusty sledgehammer. Before The Game could use his weapon of choice, however, Big Show superhumanly broke it in half with his injured hand. The action spilled to the outside and Triple H went back to the injured hand. He took a steel chair and slammed it against Big Show’s hand, which was on top of the steel steps. Big Show screamed in pain, but was able to muster up enough strength to hit the Cerebral Assassin with a giant spear.

Big Show, showing a tremendous amount of heart, called for the chokeslam once again. But with the ref still down, Triple H picked up the broken sledgehammer and slammed it into Big Show’s head. As the ref started to come to, Triple H hit the Pedigree for the win.

Intercontinental Champion Ric Flair def. Edge by DQ to retain

For weeks Edge had been verbally attacking Ric Flair about his personal problems. From his pending divorce to his alleged road rage incident, Edge pulled no punches in his verbal diatribes berating the Nature Boy. Flair, who is never at a loss for words, couldn’t even defend himself, because his lawyers had advised him not to talk about the topics. But at New Year’s Revolution Flair had his chance to let his actions speak louder than words.

Edge dominated the match early on, targeting Flair’s well-documented vulnerable back. But Flair made a come back and started to target Edge’s leg. Flair looked about ready to put Edge into the Figure Four Leglock, but Lita hopped up onto the apron. Flair then turned his attention to the lovely Lita. Edge tried to sneak up behind him, but Flair saw him coming and backdropped him out to the floor.

With that, Flair tossed Lita into the ring and set her up for the Figure Four instead. He had it locked in, but Edge came back with his Money in the Bank briefcase and blasted the Nature Boy in the head, busting him wide open. Edge wasn’t satisfied with just one blow, though, as he delivered two more, leaving the Intercontinental Champion laying in the middle of the ring.

Edge didn’t win the Intercontinental Championship, but it would still end up being a historic night for the Rated R Superstar as he made another appearance later in the evening.

Women's Champion Trish Stratus def. Mickie James to retain

Mickie James is Trish Stratus’ biggest fan. But at New Year’s Revolution, RAW’s newest Diva had her first Women’s Championship shot against her idol. In the weeks leading up to the event, Mickie had kissed Trish and cornered her in the shower, causing the Women’s Champ to be very flustered. Mickie was getting inside of Trish’s head but was it intentional?

This one started out with Mickie showcasing her happy-go-lucky attitude, but before long this turned into one of the most brutal women’s matches in recent memory. These two Divas were giving it all they had, pelting each other with hard rights and lefts. The action soon spilled to the outside and Mickie picked up the Women’s Championship belt and seemed to be mesmerized by it.

The action returned to the ring, but Mickie couldn’t seem to focus completely on the task at hand. After an offensive flurry from Trish, Mickie was able to come back with Stratus’ own finishing maneuver, the Stratusfaction. It looked as though a new Champion would be crowned, but Mickie waited to make the cover, thinking it was in the bag. Mickie then went for the Mick Kick, but Trish ducked and came back with her Chick Kick for the 1-2-3 to retain the Women’s Championship.

Shelton Benjamin def. Viscera

Shelton Benjamin’s recent losing streak on RAW is well-documented. He seems to come so close in every match, but a big win has been eluding him for quite some time now. After a recent loss on RAW, Shelton received a phone call from his mama informing him that she would be showing up to help shape him up. She told Shelton that Benjamins don’t take ass whoopin’s, they dish them out.

Shelton’s vocal mama also accompanied him to New Year’s Revolution. She was on a mission to find him some good, wholesome food in catering, but instead ran into the World’s Biggest Love Machine Viscera. Viscera said he wanted to show Shelton’s mama that he was her papa, but this only infuriated Shelton’s mama.

Later on in the show, Benjamin and his mama came to the ring and called out Big Vis. Visera answered the challenge and looked to have Shelton off his game in the early goings. But Shelton was able to come back and worked on the big man’s leg. Viscera came back with a huge Samoan Drop, though, and followed it up with a mammoth elbow. Shelton was able to kick out at two to stay alive. After the embarrassing Visagara, Viscera missed a big splash. With Viscera near the ropes, Shelton’s mama hit him the head with her pocketbook twice. Shelton hit a dazed Viscera with a dragon whip for the big win. Shelton finally got off the snide. It was later learned, however, that Shelton’s mama’s pocketbook was loaded with a brick, which helped lead to the win.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 08:20:17

Ashley def. Victoria, Candice, Torrie Wilson and Maria (Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match)

Even though five lovely Divas were competing for supremacy in the first-ever Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match, the real winners in this one were the fans.

Maria and Candice started this one off, and Candice jumped out to an early advantage taking off Maria’s top. Maria bounced right back, though, and after a drop toe hold, she was able to rip off Candice’s top revealing a bra that matched her wristbands. Candice then went upside down and had Maria in the Candylicious, but the bubbly RAW interviewer was able to pull off the GoDaddy girl’s pants for the first elimination.

There was no time for Maria to rest as Torrie Wilson was the next competitor. Maria was able to pull off Torrie’s top to even things up. The two Divas then rolled around and were even on top of the ref at one point. Torrie confronted the referee after that incident, allowing Maria to rip her pants off for another elimination.

Victoria was next, and Maria’s streak of good luck was about to come to an end. Victoria physically dominated Maria and hit a backwards splash and ripped off Maria’s pants. Then Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young made a surprise appearance. Victoria didn’t know what to make of their entrance, and before long Mae Young started stripping like only Mae Young can. Moolah and Mae were even able to rip off Victoria’s shirt before it was all said and done.

Once Moolah and Mae left, Ashley came to the ring. It didn’t her long to come away with a win as she rolled through Victoria’s Widow’s Peak attempt and ripped off her pants. Ashley then gave the fans an extra treat and she took off her shirt and skirt in a victory celebration.

Jerry "The King" Lawler def. Gregory Helms

Gregory Helms went on WWE.com Unlimited and said that there’s a conspiracy in WWE to hold him down. And he accused Jerry “The King” Lawler of being the biggest culprit. He said that Lawler has always made a joke of his career, especially when referencing his former Hurricane character. Helms could not take it any longer and confronted The King face to face on an edition of RAW. Lawler didn’t back down and challenged the angry Superstar to a match at New Year’s Revolution.

Helms dominated this match early on and seemed to be backing up his tough words. But Lawler is a wily veteran, and you can never count out someone with that much experience. Helms was so cocky, though, that he even joined in for some color commentary during his own match. His cockiness caught up to him, though, and he missed a running charge. Lawler took advantage of the miscue and hit the fistdrop for the win.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 08:24:10

Oh yeah, info from: www.wwe.com

Better say that before I get sued :P

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 09:14:31

At 1/9/06 01:40 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Edge pulled a "Justin Credible" and yeah, Ryo called it. Thank God! I might actually give a damn about RAW tommorow now that I know Cena's reign is over, and he'll more then likely NOT be facing the H at Mania for the belt (please Vince, let this feud go for a little while, Edge deserves the run, even if his personal decisions of late have been icky...)

see I told you. I forgot who did it in the past. thanks for thr reminder avie. I agree with you as well. give this to edge. he has the talent and the skill to be a great heel and make this work. I just hope they don't fuck it up and make his title run a short one so that they can just brush him aside. I have to tell you folks something. for the frist time in months I am really amped up to watch raw. I am telling you that this is a good thing and hopefully this will make the wwe wathcable again.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 10:16:10

Cena is probably going to be a heel did anyone else see his reaction when he got booed during his entrance this is like The Rock all over again the face getting booed every time and eventually becoming a heel,

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 12:16:53

wow so Carlito was the final guy to be eliminated, and Angle was the first to go? Man how weird is that?

HHH in the past had wanted to work with Edge in the title picture, could his wish to do so be comming true? Cena obviously will fued with Edge for a while, but hopefully not get the title back as Edge will be a much stronger champ than Cena was.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 12:18:08

Cena was old because he made gay jokes and had no in ring talent. I hope Edge's reign is long, but not too long. I'm sure many people would like to see the belt shifted around a bit.

Watch Raw, when Cena bitches and moans, Edge will be cheered and clapped. Yet when Cena's not out there he'll get heel reactions. Freaky, huh?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 15:24:05

Yeah i was surpirised to see edge as the champ now.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 15:43:34

From what I heard, Edge got a MASSIVE pop when he came out and won the belt. He was like the white knight saving the crowd from Cena it was described to me. I'm not sure turning Cena heel is neccessarily the way to go, because like some pointed out, Cena has heat with the male fans in much the same way Michaels did in 96, they DON'T want to accept this guy as a main eventer I think (and that's what I hear from this thread as well), so turning him heel won't do anything, people would probably start cheering him then, just to mess him up more. I think Cena's biggest problems are that his character is portrayed, and booked, like the worst excesses of the attitude era, and frankly? That teen audience that I think they want him to appeal to is just not there anymore. So Cena is bombing, and hopefully WWE has finally tapped, and decided to listen to their fans, try to tweak the character to get it over better, and maybe Cena will up his game as well, and he can make another run at being the standard bearer after.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 15:45:56

At 1/9/06 03:24 PM, drewthedude wrote: Yeah i was surpirised to see edge as the champ now.

You need to stop making one line posts like this that only generally reply to the topic. They are annoying to read, and they begin to piss off my mod senses, and make me wonder if you just make crappy posts like this for post count upment. If you're not going to post here like what this is, a discussion club of wrestling, or add anything beyond a sentence, there's going to be consequences. Just pointing that out to you.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 16:48:48

Being among the middle cards with likes of Chavo, Benjamin, and Tomko is Cena's inevitable destiny. I hope that WWE has seen it by making Edge beat him at NYR. It is cool for Edge to be the champ. But here is another problem: Who will Edge face at RR to defend his title? Edge is a heel, so he needs to face a face unless he turns face which is very unlikely. There are not too many faces at RAW right now. Big Show is still feuding with HHH. HBK does not want the title. Kane has the tag team belt to defend. Masters and Carlito showed lots of potential in the EC, but they are still not ready yet even any of them (probably Masters since Carlito gave him a low blow) turns face. Cena will not turn heel because they are way too many heels at RAW. I am afraid that Vince may have Cena winning the belt right back at RR and have him against HHH at WM22. If that is the case, I will be bored to death. In fact, there is a key to solve all the mess which is to turn Angle face. Angle has been a face before, so that he will get used to that quickly. If he turns face, he can battle against Edge, HHH, Masters even Cartilo at WM22 which will be much better than any match that Cena involves. WWE, it is the time to screw Cena over once and for all and takes him out of the WWE championship contension. But did Vince really see it? I doubt it.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 17:12:13

I still would of rathered Angle win the belt but meh Edge is good enough. As long as Cena doesnt have the belt im pretty fucking happy..!

Wow Angle eliminated first by HBK? Does anyone smell a feud brwing?? Anyways im still strongtly sticking with Angle deserving the title!!!

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 17:57:32

One thing I think everyody is happy to hear that Batista has held the World Heavyweight Title longer than Cena on holding the WWE Championship. One thing I hope that happens is that maybe Batista can somehow make it in the Royal Rumble after facing his title shot match and maybe, just maybe Batista can be the next undisputed Champion. Lashley will probably win this year though, so who knows. If Vince really wanted to surprise the audience like he did at NYR, he would go with my plan.

Top 50 Reviewers

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Follow me on miiverse MELLOWYELLOWHDR

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 18:01:54

Yes, the wigger power is 0 now! That was the best finish I have seen in a long long while. Props to Edge. I am pissed that Show lost though I thought he should have won. O well, it was a good PPV none the less, best one in a year!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 19:09:43

What's gonna happen with Show and Kane there's no tag teams on RAW, Kane doesn't have a feud going and the HHH VS Show feud seems to be over so what now?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 19:11:26

At 1/9/06 07:09 PM, pepeatumi wrote: What's gonna happen with Show and Kane there's no tag teams on RAW, Kane doesn't have a feud going and the HHH VS Show feud seems to be over so what now?

I wish they would have 3- people tag titles again and bring undertaker over to RAW and have him Kane and Show as a team, that would be amazing! Brothers of Destruction and Big Show.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 19:22:57

Yeah true but you got ot remeber undertaker works part time and dose'int wrestle as much as he use too.Man I HHH to be the one to bring Cena down.It would have been more awesome to see and to see edge use his money in the bank at wrestlemania.But meh like the dude up there said edge is good enough.It was'int a bad idea.No saw it coming.Poor Cena do you think he'll go to tna because of this.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 19:26:01

I hardly think Cena would go to TNA. he is getting so much exposure and money at WWE. This exposure is helping his"rapping" career, he wouldnt get nearly as much at TNA.