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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 16:45:29

At 1/8/06 03:16 PM, X-Naut wrote:
At 1/8/06 03:03 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Some news for anyone who cares Stephanie Mcmahon is pregnant it will be the first child of HHH and Steph.
No wonder HHH isn't the main eventer as he used to be.

If the rumor is true, HHH will spend so much time taking care of the baby which means that he will be a part-time worker soon just like Taker. Edge, you are the last hope of stopping Cena's wigger power before it takes over the world. It is time for you to step in and deposit your money in the bank.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 17:26:07

yeah I agree cena has gone insane with annoyity.If that's even a word{LOL}.So yeah If not edge then HHH will beat him.That is of course if HHH dose'int let his baby stop him from work.So I gotta ask Why dose taker be a part time worker

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 17:47:54

Well, Cena appears to have been bothered by the boos lately. It's possible that he won't even want the championship if it gives him so much heat.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 17:56:46

we will have to see at new years resolutions.So anyway I think trish is goint to beat mikki james who agrees with me.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 18:17:56

At 1/8/06 05:56 PM, drewthedude wrote: we will have to see at new years resolutions.So anyway I think trish is goint to beat mikki james who agrees with me.

Trish has held the title for a loooong time so I think Mickie James will win it and keep the feud going.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 18:21:01

I dont think she's going to win.I think the person whos going to beat trish is either victoria or candice.At wrestlemania or a edition of raw

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 18:44:54

At 1/8/06 06:17 PM, pepeatumi wrote:
At 1/8/06 05:56 PM, drewthedude wrote: we will have to see at new years resolutions.So anyway I think trish is goint to beat mikki james who agrees with me.
Trish has held the title for a loooong time so I think Mickie James will win it and keep the feud going.

Feud eh? anybody remember HLA? >:D

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 18:49:53

maybe mikki will screw trish out of the title accidently.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 19:48:33

HBK and Angle will be the last two men in the chamber.. Its that simple.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 19:56:24

At 1/8/06 06:44 PM, X-Naut wrote: Feud eh? anybody remember HLA? >:D

Yeah...I remember that. It was a way to bring in more male viewers. Although I enjoyed it sometimes, it will go down as one of the dumbest storylines WWE has EVER come up with!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 19:59:22

At 1/8/06 07:48 PM, Puzzled wrote: HBK and Angle will be the last two men in the chamber.. Its that simple.
At 1/8/06 07:48 PM, Puzzled wrote: HBK and Angle will be the last two men in the chamber.. Its that simple.

HBK, Angle & Cena will be the final 3. Its anyone's game from there!

Btw, sorry for the double-post

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 20:00:41

did you read what I sid at top.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 20:23:09

Ladies and Gentleman, NYR Coverage starts NOW!

Brought to you by: www.4w-wrestling.com

The show opens with a video recap of the past few weeks for the Elimination Chamber match contestants with commentary from Triple H and HBK talking about how the chamber can be a "career ending" event.

Pyro erupts and NYR is underway. We're live from Albany, New York and you can just feel the jitters as we take a look at the chamber hanging from the rooftop in the Pepsi Arena.

Intercontinental Championship
Ric Flair vs. Edge

As Flair was taking off his robe, he was attack behind by Edge as the bell rang and the match starts. Edge gained control for a bit but Flair came back with some thundering chops to the chest. Flair followed up with some stiff rights to the forehead of Edge.

Edge takes control of the match back after Lita distracted Flair. Edge works on Flair in the corner and chokes him with the boot as the ref counts 5. Irish whip by Edge and Flair goes down with a clothsline. Edge is slowly dissecting the veteran Flair.

Flair fights back with more chops to the chest of Edge. Outside the ring, Flair is standing ringside and as Edge goes for a running plancha off the apron, Edge stops him with a thundering chop. Flair then plants Edge groin first on the black ringside barricade. Back inside the ring now, Flair climbs the rope and Edge tries to fight him off but Flair gives him a poke in the eye. Lita tries to fight Flair off and she gets a poke. Flair lands a fist drop from the top rope.

Lita gets on the apron and Flair approaches her. Edge comes running up from behind and Flair ducks, which sends Edge up and over the top rope. Flair flips Lita into the ring and locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock. The crowd is going wild! Wait! Edge is in the ring with the brief case and he hits Flair!

The ref has called the match and Flair is the winner.

The winner: Ric Flair

After the match Edge slamed Flair again with that steel brief case and Flair is completely unconcious with a bloody, bloody face.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 20:25:00

At 1/8/06 06:49 PM, drewthedude wrote: maybe mikki will screw trish out of the title accidently.

Or just plain screw her. :-D

Does anyone have a place where live NYR results are being updated? WWE doesn't do the bell-by-bell thing anymore. :(

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 20:34:26

well she seems to be quite sacrificful with trish but who knows.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 20:35:46

Nevermind my question, guys. 4-W is making updates on NYR. I'll just refer to them.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 20:37:52

updates about what?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 20:40:25

Kurt Angle Backstage

An interview with Kurt Angle backstage. He said he hopes the US loses the Iraq war, he likes France better, he is not fond of black people and that it didn't matter what he said because people will cheer for him anyway. The crowd at the arena then cheered for him!

A video recap of Mickie James and Trish Stratus is shown.

WWE Woman's Championship
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James

Mickie is out first followed by Trish. The match begins and they lock up. Mickie is really touchie feely with Trish.

Trish is getting pissed and gets really, really phyisical with Mickie. Trish drops Mickie on here head badly. Mickie is kind of taken back by that and launches Trish out the ring.

Trish gets back in the ring as Mickie holds the rope open for her. Trish smiles back at her and then is back on the attack. Trish is dropped with a kick to the face, but Trish trips Mickie as she heads for the rope.

Trish is whipped to the rope but she counters with a Lou Thez press but Mickie battles out of. Trish is gaining conrtol of the match now.

Trish sends Mickie to the corner and lands the Stratusphere. 1...2...But Mickie kicks out!

Mickie gets control of the match briefly, she lands the STRATUSFACTION! She is so shocked she got the move in she is kind of stunned, she goes for the count but Trish kicks out!

Trish goes for the Stratusfaction but Mickie counters. Mickie goes for a roundhouse kick but misses. Trish comes back with a kick of her and lands it for the 3 count!

Winner: Trish Stratus

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 20:55:25

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs Gregory Helms

King is out first followed by Helms. The match starts and the two lock up in the center of the ring. Helms is quite confident taking on the verteran Jerry Lawler.

King goes for the cover and gets a 2 count. Helms whips King but King telegraphs with a couple of s tiff right hands. Helms comes back with a head full of steam but Lawler only laughs at him and launches Helms out the ring.

Helms gets a 2 count as he works on the left arm of Jerry Lawler's. Helms gets another 2 count and continues to work on that arm. Hemls lands a picture perfect suplex... make that a double...no...a triple!

Helms gets a 2 count then locks on a reverse choke hold on the King. Crowd encourages King to get back into this thing and he does briefly but Helms manages to drop him again and get yet another 2 count!

Helms lifts up the King for a back breaker. Helms then clothslines King out of the ring and King lands right on the back of his neck. King is launched into the ring post head first! Helms gets to the RAW annonce table and gets on the broadcast mic a bit.

Back inside the ring Helms gets yet another 2 count. Helms cannot put the King away who began his career about 35 years ago. The verteran Lawler is holding his own tonight.

Lawler lands some right hands and is beginning to fight back. He lands another right followed by his signature round house right. He gets a 2 count on Helms.

King goes for the piledriver but Helms counters with a backbody drop. Helms goes to the top rope, but King slams him off! King lands a falling fist drop and gets the 3 count!

Winner: Jerry Lawler

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 21:23:41

The Big Show vs. Triple H

The Big Show is out first to a huge ovation. The Game Triple H (and soon to be father) makes his way out (man, imagine Triple H being your dad...) the crowd delivers for Hunter. The give him a huge, huge ovation.

Hunter is a bit cautious about entering the ring as he eyeballs a huge cast on the injured right hand of the Big Show. The ref calls for the bell and the match is underway. Show bolts after Hunter but he dodges out of the way. Hunter locks with the Show but it is shoved out of the ring.

Hunter gets back into the ring and is layed out by a headbutt from the Big Show. Hunter dragged into the corner where show chokes then lands that massive hand of his right off the chest of Triple H. Hunter is then bodyslamed and topped off with a 500lbs elbow from Show.... make it a double! Hunter wisely roles out of the ring.

As Big Show exits the ring after Hunter, he tries to head back into the ring quickly. Hunter manages to get Show momentarily caught up on the ropes. Show gets in though and launches Hunter into the corner and he bounces up and over the ropes to the outside.

Big Show heads out the ring and shoves Hunter back inside. Hunter takes advantage and lands a Harley Race like knee smash on Show as he tries to enter the ring. Outside, Show takes a swing and misses with that cast slaming hard into the steel ring post and Show is just in pain now favoring that right hand.

Triple H continues to work on that injured right hand of the Big Show. Hunter snatches the busted cast off the hand and lands some hard knee drops on it. Hunter then whips Show to the ropes - on the other side of the ring Hunter pulls down the ropes - Big Show is launched out of the ring and lands on that injured hand.

Triple H is working on nothing but that injured right hand. Show is crying out in pain. Hunter climbs the rope and brings down all 260lbs of himself onto Show's hand. Show could be out of action after this match. Hunter is trying to hyperextend that wrist and twist the fingers of Show's hand.

Show flips Hunter over. Hunter tries to comeback by launching himself at Show but that's countered by a huge right forearm from Show. Hunter is laid out by a sidewalk slam and Show now has Hunter in the corner and he rams Hunter a couple times in the corner before dropping with a clothsline.

Show goes for the chokeslam but Hunter counters. Show takes a wild swing and misses Hunter lays out the ref! Show is favoing that hand now and Hunter is headed out to ringside in search of his great equalizer! He finds the hammer and the ref is out and Show is screaming in pain!

Hunter has the hammer but Show takes a swing and breaks the Hammer in half! WOW! Hunter bolts after the Show again but meets his boot instead. Show heads out the ring and is setting up the steps. Hunter comes from behind with a chair and shmashes Show's hand agains the steel steeps with the chair!

Back inside, Show signals for the chokeslame. But wait, Hunter is clutching the other half of that sledge hammer and the ref is still out! Show gets Hunter up and for the chokeslame! Hunter swings with the hammer and lands it off the head of the Big Show! Hunter tries to gather as much energy as he can to pick Show up for the Pedigree. Hunter gets Show up. He has him all set up and lands the Pedigree...the ref is in position! 1....2....3!

Winner: Triple H

Hunter exits the ring limping and clutching his ribs and mouths to Big Show "I told you so."

This is the last update I am posting. Please visit www.4w-wrestling.com for further results. Remember, I will be posting a full NYR report tomorrow!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 22:43:39

Screw the whole no spoilers thing Cena was the first to enter the EC and he won again the whole crowd during his entrance booed him but still wigger power won, This Sucks.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 22:46:42

Edge is the new WWE Champion. Cena won EC, Edge cashed money in Bank n won

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 22:51:10

Holy shit that was brillian Edge won he's the Champ wigger power is no more OH happy Day

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 23:06:20

Holy motherfucker. Edge is the new Champ, and he wasn't even scheduled to be a competitor. Rhino winning NWA HWC comes to mind...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 23:51:03

Edge is the new champion!!! Goodbye, nine months' fraustration, goodbye, wigger power! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best PPV ever, I am going to order it!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-08 23:54:41

Fuck, I am a genius! Check my post on page 347! :D

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 00:03:07

For once, I'm actually gonna look forward to Duma posting. He's gonna make the thread real cheery. ^_^

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 00:11:15

At 1/9/06 12:03 AM, cornontheconn wrote: For once, I'm actually gonna look forward to Duma posting. He's gonna make the thread real cheery. ^_^

you bet your sweet ass I am. first thing I am going to say is that wrestling is very predicatble. second. I fucking called THIS ABOUT 3 MONTHS AGO. 3 months ago I posted that edge would do something just like this. I know because me and avie had a lengthy talk about it and sure enough, after CEna won the chamber he came in and took out cena to become the champ. Now I am glad cause this means cena is a lost wigger but holy shit I am good. but what happenes now is what I know will happen. fans will go through the stage where it sucks to see cena without the belt. and cena will foloow the stone cold route. where he will go to the rumble, win it, talk smacka nd out of bullshit air, he will beat edge at WM to regain his title. but for right now I am enjoying the moment. Happy days are here again and folks listen to me. when I call something. bet you bottom dollar that I will be right. go through my posts if you think I am lying. I called it and it has happened. Praise jebus and the pie master cause John cena lost and edge is a champ. YAY. now I defy anyone to say that cena losing is a bad thing.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 00:16:09

So... what of the rumors of HHH v Cena at WM22, then? If that were to happen, Edge would have to lose it mighty fast, wouldn't he?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-09 00:26:39

Edge is a god. No more loser Cena, we got a real Wina. This was the best PPV this year. Edge is the coolest wrestler on Raw. No one and I mean no one is cooler than Edge.

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