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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 04:18:07

well any thing is possible in the elmination chamber but im still puting money on john cena coming out with his title unless it totally back fires and he turns into a heel....i hated him as a heel a wanna be white rapper who got dissed by kurt angle...but the new john i like...and we have enough heels on raw so i still got moneys on him hehe, but it would be real neat if HBK won w00t w00t

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 07:20:43

ok, so here is my review of raw last night. It was ok, was not great, was not bad, it was ok. I thought the HBK thing was a bit chessey. it reminded me of a storyline of the past that I could not put my finger on.
the whole vince thing where he said he will take crap no more. he already did that which of couse means he will be the evil nazi person fucking with the face people, (IE what he did to HBK)
the whole helms thing. that is exactly what happened with (I forgot which exactly) but it was a toss up between Raven or TAZZ where they got into it with one of the play by play guys and they had a match at a PPV.
The first blood match was egh, it could have been better.
the whole HHH, show thing. that has happened in the past where a guy gets a cast and then it is a weapon.
That whole thing with shelton. come on dude that just was a uber stero type. some big black lady with a belt and such. come on dude that is just a major racist thing.

Finally, yes I heard the boos just like everyone else did when Cena came out. so here is what will happen cause this makes sense. Cena will lose the belt since his fan base is falling. the fans will get upset and those who booed cena will get behind him in the hopes he regains it at WM. so when cena wins the rumble and goes to WM he will win back his title and his fan base will be renewed. it has happened in the past and it is a smart thing to do to keep the flavor of the month on top. well youguys have a good one. school is restarting for alot of you. best of luck with that and post again soon!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 10:00:21

-Mitsubishi- Raw Recap

WWE Champion John Cena already had plenty on his mind as he will be defending the gold inside the Elimination Chamber Sunday at New Year’s Revolution against five other men. But, for his own enjoyment, Mr. McMahon decided to pit the Champ against his arch-rival Kurt Angle in a First Blood Match on the first RAW of 2006, just days before the impending hellacious battle.

Early on in the contest, Angle’s associate Daivari exposed one of the steel turnbuckles. Angle got out to an early advantage and managed to ram Cena’s head into the unforgiving steel, but Angle was unable to draw blood. Angle connected with an Angle Slam, but the only way to win this First Blood Match was to be the first to make your opponent bleed. Frustrated, Angle went to the outside and grabbed a steel chair. Angle took a big swing at Cena, but the Champ ducked out of the way.

Amidst the chaos, the referee was knocked out, but Angle grabbed the chair again. Daivari interfered yet again, and Cena had his attention diverted. This allowed Angle to grab the chair again, and he took another mighty swing at the Champ, and this time he connected. Angle pounced on the fallen Cena and continued to pound his head with repeated blows to the head. It was only a matter of time before Cena was bleeding profusely. But Cena would not go down quietly.

The referee was still down, and Angle tried to do more damage. He tried to add insult to injury and hoisted Cena up for an FU, but the Champ reversed it into an STFU. With blood streaming down his face, Cena pulled back with all his might, screaming with intensity making Angle tap. Daivari revived the referee who realized Angle drew first blood and gave the Olympic Champion the win.

Trying to gain a possible advantage heading into the Elimination Chamber, Chris Masters and Carlito stormed the ring and attacked Cena. Then Masters showed it was every man for himself as he got Angle hooked in the Master Lock. Kane wanted in on the action as well and came to the ring and cleaned house. Just as he was about to deliver another chokeslam, Shawn Michaels came from out of nowhere and hit Sweet Chin Music. But Cena was able to get up, just barely, and hit HBK with an FU.

Mr. McMahon kicked off the show by reminding the fans that last week he had announced that he was following a zero-tolerance policy. He was no longer taking any crap from anyone. There would be no more Mr. Nice Guy. He said that everything he would do from now on would be for his own personal amusement. And that’s why he made the first match of 2006 – Kane vs. Shawn Michaels. But there was a catch. Shawn Michaels’ Sweet Chin Music was outlawed. If HBK used his patented maneuver, he would be immediately disqualified.

HBK endured an early onslaught from Kane and went on the offensive. He tried everything he could from DDT’s, to neck breakers to a flying elbow, but nothing could keep Kane down. Growing frustrated, HBK tuned up the band. Mr. McMahon got up from his chair at ringside and told the Showstopper that if he used the maneuver, then he would be eliminated from the Elimination Chamber Match entirely. Kane caught a distracted HBK and delivered a bone-crushing chokeslam for the victory. During WWE.com Unlimited, Mr. McMahon made Todd Grisham tell HBK that as a result of the loss, Michaels would be the first man to enter the Elimination Chamber Match. History certainly is not on the Showstopper’s side as the first man into the Chamber has never won the match.

Triple H addressed the crowd, and let them know that everything he does is premeditated. He surveys every situation and comes up with an appropriate plan. Weeks ago Big Show said that the only thing he needed to beat Triple H would be his fists. The Cerebral Assassin remembered this and that’s why he broke Big Show’s hand with a sledgehammer. Big Show interrupted The Game and came to the ring, and he was sporting a mammoth cast enveloping his entire right hand. Big Show stalked Triple H on the outside and The Game picked up a chair to defend himself. Big Show smashed right through it with his cast. Triple H then picked up a monitor, but it was no match for Big Show’s cast either. Triple H thought he gave Big Show a handicap when he broke the largest athlete in the world’s hand, but he may have given him a weapon instead.

And Edge addressed the crowd once again this week. He claimed to have amateur video footage of Ric Flair’s alleged road rage incident, which has made tabloid headlines in recent weeks. When he played the video, however, it was clear that Edge had made his own video spoofing the incident. The video showed Edge impersonating Flair, driving in a car, complete with a Flair ring robe. When it was all said and done, Edge (as Flair) had the driver of the other car in a figure four leglock in the middle of the road. Flair couldn’t take it any longer and chased Edge into the ring. He tried to get him in the figure four, but Lita jumped on him. Edge retreated, so Flair did the next best thing and got Lita in his signature hold. The two will meet at New Year’s Revolution for Flair’s Intercontinental Championship.

Last week on WWE.com Unlimited, Gregory Helms called out Jerry “The King” Lawler for making fun of him and his days as The Hurricane. This week Helms came out to confront Lawler face to face. Helms said that if anyone should be made fun of for being a joke, it was the King. Lawler responded by saying that as The Hurricane he was at least half-entertaining, but now he’s just a guy that sucks. Helms slapped the King in retaliation, but Lawler came right back with a hard punch. Helms retreated, but Lawler challenged him to a match at New Year’s Revolution. Helms accepted and will have a chance to back up his words Sunday night on pay-per-view.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 10:09:09


Also, while Maria was in the ring conducting the “Kiss Cam” for WWE.com Unlimited, Victoria, Torrie Wilson and Candice Michelle came to the ring. Victoria discussed her displeasure with Maria not caring about what happened to her at the hands of Carlito last week. Maria didn’t know she was scheduled for a match against Victoria, but the angry Diva let her know by giving her a swift kick to the mid section. Victoria dominated Maria, who is more used to interviewing Superstars backstage. The former Women’s Champion got a little too cocky, though and missed an avalanche in the corner. Maria rolled her up for the shocking pin. Victoria, Torrie and Candice took out their frustrations on Maria and triple-teamed her. Ashley tried to make the save, but Torrie and Candice gave her a double-DDT. Mr. McMahon then announced on WWE.com Unlimited, that at New Year’s Revolution there would be the first-ever Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match. Again, he added that this would be only for his personal enjoyment.

Shelton Benjamin once again tried to get away from his losing ways, and had things going his way early on against Chris Masters. But Masters trapped him in the Master Lock, and Benjamin had to submit. Following the match Shelton had a surprised guest in the locker room – his mama. She said that Shelton was soft, and she didn’t raise any soft boys. She said that he’s a Benjamin, and Benjamins don’t take ass whoopings, they give them. She warned him that she would be around until he got his mind right.

Plus, one week after shocking Trish Stratus with a special holiday kiss, Mickie James was in another compromising situation with the Women’s Champion. Frustrated that Trish wasn’t returning her calls, Mickie found Trish in the shower. She took her towel and wouldn’t’ give it back until Trish heard her out. Mickie finally gave Trish her towel back, but not before complimenting her on her breasts.

Quick Match Results:

Kurt Angle def. WWE Champion John Cena (First Blood Match, non-title)

Kane def. Shawn Michaels

Chris Masters def. Shelton Benjamin

Maria def. Victoria

Personal RAW Notes:

* Holy crap was the crowd ever LOUD last night! Even Jerry Lawler said "I don't remember the last time the RAW croud was so into a match!"

* We officially saw the introduction of Shelton's Mama. Considering its a pretty lame angle, she did an alright job. Hopefully, it will bring some more light and humour to RAW.

* For people in the Eastern Timezone that live in Canada, some of RAW was not aired. Instead of post-poning RAW, TSN simply cut into RAW live, so I missed the Shawn Micheals vs Kane match. I know hockey is big in Canada, but to simply cancel part of a show is a bit of overkill...

* I found the Big Show/Triple H bit to be VERY funny! "Not the footage I wanted....but hell, we're live, I'll just wing it!" Kinda reminded me of ol' DX. As well, it will be interesting to see how bloodied Triple H gets now that Big Show has "Modified Sledgehammer" as a hand...

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 11:10:37

I'm going out on a limb here. I bet my bottom dollar that either HBK or Kurt Angle walk out the EC with the belt. Thats my prediction for the EC match up.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 11:24:26

Sorry for the double post but I just wanted to mention that if you watch the beginning of the first blood match (on unlimited) the fans cheered "Lets go Angle" for awhile then after Half the arena was cheering 'Lets go Cena" then the other half would reply with "Lets go Angle". If you look at Angles face he looked suprised lol! Anyways I just wanted to point that out.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 12:32:06

I think they are selling the STF-U a lot too much. It makes a mockery of apparent submission kings like Angle, and to some extent Masters, if they can't stay in an STF for more than 5 seconds. Angle is famous for his technical style, and I don't know why he has allowed himself to be lowered to tapping so easily. And Masters, I was under the assumption that he is one of Vince's up-and-comers. So I really don't understand why two of the biggest submission-ased type wrestler are being made to TAP to Cena. They can't revive Cena, they shouldn't try.
I half expected Cena to bleed all over Angle and for the ref to mistake Angle for bleeding first, or have angle be cut open and somehow loose still. I'm glad it didnt happen though.
Normally HHH's segments are too long, but I think his segment in Raw was nicely done, especially after the video. Its shows that he has skills on the mic, and I do quite like him. Though he might be quite limited in his match at NYR. There's only so much you can do with a 500 pounder.
I can't see how the WWE could justify letting Cena carry the title ast NYR, and I can't currently see how they could justify giving it him back, especially not at WM. I say they demote him to the IC title. Maybe he could work his way back up to the top, who knows. As for the EC, it makes sence that HBK would win. If i'm not mistaken, Shawn Michaels is renowned for over coming the odds. Just look up the trivia on Wikipedia about Shawn Michaels. The first fact is that he was in the very first HIAC, the very first ladder match, the very first Ironman match and the very first EC match, he WON the royal rumble after entering first. I'm seeing a pattern with the number one and success. I think that Michaels will enter first and outlast the competition. Its only natural that he would be the first to win the EC from entering first. Apart from my HBK conpiracy theory, i truly want Carlito to win. He is probably the only wrestler i actually like in the Elimination Chamber match, and I do't care what they do with him afterwards, I just want him to win :P

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 12:50:27

i kinda saw that too, hbk has done what many said was against the odds before.

It looks like a lot of you are pulling either for HBK or Carlito. So no one wants masters to win, or kane? well... good. Masters is nothing more than a new vfersion of lex luger, and kane, well.. he could one day maybe get to be champ again, but with teh way his career seems to go they will put him in a really stupid story instead of going after gold. course his movie will be coming out soon so maybe they will push him harder to get exposure.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 12:52:26

At 1/3/06 11:10 AM, Puzzled wrote: I'm going out on a limb here. I bet my bottom dollar that either HBK or Kurt Angle walk out the EC with the belt. Thats my prediction for the EC match up.

Hmm...I have to agree. Except, I feel that either Angle, HBK or Cena could walk out the champion.

Kurt Angle could easily become a great Heel Champion. You know, someone you love to see as champion, but at the same time, hate his guts.

HBK would be a nice Babyface champion, and would give the WWE time to come up with a new championship motive after the disaster Cena turned out to be. I mean this because WWE doesn't want HBK has a champion, however he can hold the title and the fans for as long as the comapny needs to turn things around.

Cena is kissing Vince's ass. Thats enough of a reason to make him a pick... >:(

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 12:57:25

At 1/3/06 12:50 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: i kinda saw that too, hbk has done what many said was against the odds before.

It looks like a lot of you are pulling either for HBK or Carlito. So no one wants masters to win, or kane? well... good. Masters is nothing more than a new vfersion of lex luger, and kane, well.. he could one day maybe get to be champ again, but with teh way his career seems to go they will put him in a really stupid story instead of going after gold. course his movie will be coming out soon so maybe they will push him harder to get exposure.

I actually don't want to see Master's or Carlito walk out the champion. Both of them have HUGE futures in the WWE and, in the meantime, would make excellent Intercontenental Champions. However, there time simply hasn't come yet to reach the top of the ladder.

As for Kane, I'd like to see him regroup with Big Show after the EC match and continue as Tag Team Champions. Then, after that gets old, have a quick rivalry with Show and proceed toward the WWE Championship.

Therefore, I;d like to see good ol' HBK walk out as champion. Or even Angle. Hell, I'd like to see anyone BUT Cena walk out of there champion!

PS. Sorry for the double-post!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 16:29:04

I would like to see Kane winning, he's a good wrestler...HBK would be fine too. Mah, let's see what happens this Sunday.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 17:50:01

Lol i watched the "Montreal Screw Up" last night pretty funny when Bret spit in that S.O.B. face. Vince really deserved that i mean why would he think Bret would go to WCW with the belt *NO WAY!*.

Bret is such a nice guy i mean HE WAS SOOOOO PISSED OFF and he still walked over to teh fans and shook there hands. I mean your boss just screwed you over and you sill shake your fans hands.

That sounds like a really nice guy to me. Lol i guess now HBK knows how it feels to be screwed over lol. "I gave you every thing why are you doing this??!?!" OMG what a little bitch!! Bret Hart didnt whine or complain.

He just spit on/knocked Vince the fuck out! Lol and your right about that Angle unlimited thing he does look really shocked i bet Angle will turn BabyFace and Cena will turn Heel.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 19:28:48

At 1/3/06 05:50 PM, TheGhostOfNewGrounds wrote: Lol i watched the "Montreal Screw Up" last night pretty funny when Bret spit in that S.O.B. face. Vince really deserved that i mean why would he think Bret would go to WCW with the belt *NO WAY!*.

Its actually called the "Montreal Screwjob." As for Bret taking the belt to WCW, a former Woman's Champion (can't quite remember hername) took the Woman's title with her to Nitro when she left. Considering WCW was leading in terms of ratings, the WWF would have been screwed had Bret taken their most coveted title and humiliated it on WCW for the world to see!

Bret is such a nice guy i mean HE WAS SOOOOO PISSED OFF and he still walked over to teh fans and shook there hands. I mean your boss just screwed you over and you sill shake your fans hands.

Yeah, he was a pretty good guy. However, I don't think you know the FULL story. Bret Hart gave his 2-month notice to Vince about leaving to WCW. As part of the negotiations of the WWF not paying out the rest of Bret's contract (which was 1.5 million a year; 0.5 million more than Undertaker) Bret was given his last 30-days "Creative Control", meaning whatever he said, happened. However, the "Wrestling Code" is to put someone over before you go. Well, Vince wanted Bret to put the title on Shawn Micheals, then leave. Since the match was going to be in Canada and Bret considered himself a "hero" there, he refused. This gave Vince, Shawn Micheals & some members if the WWF Creative Team no choice but to screw Bret out of the title, so that he not only didn't discrace it on National TV, but also so that he does the job of "Putting Over" before he left.

That sounds like a really nice guy to me. Lol i guess now HBK knows how it feels to be screwed over lol. "I gave you every thing why are you doing this??!?!" OMG what a little bitch!! Bret Hart didnt whine or complain.

I'm not sure what your talking about there. I know Micheals could sometimes be a whinning little prick, but at least he didn't destroy thousands of dollars worth of equipment!

He just spit on/knocked Vince the fuck out! Lol and your right about that Angle unlimited thing he does look really shocked i bet Angle will turn BabyFace and Cena will turn Heel.

Well, your half right. He spat in Vince's face, but backstage when he "punched" Vince, Vince took a dive. It even looks fake on the biography "Wrestling With Shadows". In terms of your theory about Angle & Cena switching off, it could very well be possible!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 20:07:46

At 1/3/06 07:28 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote:
I'm not sure what your talking about there. I know Micheals could sometimes be a whinning little prick, but at least he didn't destroy thousands of dollars worth of equipment!

Well last night on RAW Vince screwed HBK hey sadi "If you use your Sweet Chin Music you will be DQ'ed and kicked out of EC Match" so HBK didnt use it the whole match so then he went outside the ring and said to Vince "Why are you doing this to me i gave you everything".

Well, your half right. He spat in Vince's face, but backstage when he "punched" Vince, Vince took a dive. It even looks fake on the biography "Wrestling With Shadows". In terms of your theory about Angle & Cena switching off, it could very well be possible!

Wow i thought and herd that Bret punched Vince in the chin then Vince fell down and broke his ankle?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 20:16:40

At 1/3/06 05:50 PM, TheGhostOfNewGrounds wrote: Bret Hart didnt whine or complain.

Obviously, you have not read much of Bret's various columns, articles, just about any interview he's ever done anywhere. Bret has been just as obssesed with that night as Vince has been.

Kane won't win, he's booked to face Batista at No Way Out (dunno if that's cross-brand, or Kane will be traded). HBK COULD win, as it could continue this "Michaels vs. Mcmahon" rehash storyline with exactly the same jist as Austin-Mcmahon started with Vince trying to get the belt off him.

Cena has a following of women and kids (I know some women that really like him) men hate him pretty much. It would appear the days of a subpar worker with an over character able to run with the ball are over...or Cena just didn't "click" the way guys like Rock and Hogan did in a similar position. I think the belt needs to come off Cena at or before Mania, and then he needs to work near the main event level, but not quite at it (so that he dosen't neccessarily lose his spot like JBL after his long reign) and then they can try again.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 20:47:53

The day that the fans will not cheer "You Suck" during Angles entrance will be the day I have been waiting for since Angle started wrestling. Even when he was a babyface (on SmackDown) he still got cheered "You Suck"... Do you guys think the fans will ever stop cheering that?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 20:50:53

At 1/3/06 08:07 PM, TheGhostOfNewGrounds wrote: Well last night on RAW Vince screwed HBK hey sadi "If you use your Sweet Chin Music you will be DQ'ed and kicked out of EC Match" so HBK didnt use it the whole match so then he went outside the ring and said to Vince "Why are you doing this to me i gave you everything".

Ok...sorry about that. In my area, the first half hour of RAW was never aired, so I didn;t see that part.

Wow i thought and herd that Bret punched Vince in the chin then Vince fell down and broke his ankle?

I believe they used the "punch" from Bret in a storyline that included Vince "breaking his ankle."

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 20:51:28

At 1/3/06 01:49 AM, cornontheconn wrote:
No matter who ends up winning it, I find it very hard to see Cena winning this one. Even Vince has to be aware that Cena just isn't a popular wrestler anymore.

Here's the storyline I would make: HBK wins the Elimination Chamber for the gold, and fuels the fire between Vince and himself. Vince, out of dislike for HBK, influences his lapdog, Cena, to turn heel, thus starting a Cena-HBK feud.

I think the best thing they could do would make Kurt Angle and HBK the two last people still in the elimination chamber. Now that would be gold. Shawn Michael could try to give him Sweet Chin Music while Angle reverses that with Ankle Lock then * tap tap tap*. If Vince had brains, that is what he would do.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 20:51:46

At 1/3/06 08:47 PM, Puzzled wrote: The day that the fans will not cheer "You Suck" during Angles entrance will be the day I have been waiting for since Angle started wrestling. Even when he was a babyface (on SmackDown) he still got cheered "You Suck"... Do you guys think the fans will ever stop cheering that?

No way! LOL even if he turned BabyFace again and ran into the crowed and hugged ever single on of them lol they would still cheer "You Suck!!!!" even if people stopped there would still be a few who still said it lol.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 20:59:57

Yeah, the whole "You Suck" thing is pretty much tradition by now. "You Rock" doesn't have quite the same ring to it, even supposing that he did turn babyface.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 21:19:17

At 1/3/06 01:49 AM, cornontheconn wrote: Actually, Outlaw, the WWE site says that HHH became the first to win 2 Elimination Chamber matches, so HBK winning wouldn't make him the first.
No matter who ends up winning it, I find it very hard to see Cena winning this one. Even Vince has to be aware that Cena just isn't a popular wrestler anymore.
Here's the storyline I would make: HBK wins the Elimination Chamber for the gold, and fuels the fire between Vince and himself. Vince, out of dislike for HBK, influences his lapdog, Cena, to turn heel, thus starting a Cena-HBK feud.
That, or Kane wins, and HHH eventually screws Kane out of the WWE Championship and the World Tag Team Championship, partially because of his feud with Big Show. The feud between HHH and Show could go on, and be concluded by Big Show beating HHH for the Championship.
Or suppose that Masters or Angle won? I'd make a feud between the two, not sure how it would end, though.
Let's get creative. What storylines would YOU guys make/like to see?

Nice try. But I still see Cena winning at NYR. If it was a few years ago, Angle would win for sure. However, Vince is not the old Vince anymore. All he knows now is bringing money to the company. Since Cena is the guy who is considered to be his money maker. Vince is going to make him carry the belt until WM22. He just does not care about wrestlers'skills anymore. Let's face, wrestlers like HBK, Angle and Kane are all going to job Cena again and again until WM22. We all know that most teenagers like Cena's wigger power. Vince thinks that they are the majority of the market since their parents will come as well with them. Face it, Cena will win at NYR in a superman style again although we all want him to lose.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 21:26:47

At 1/3/06 08:47 PM, Puzzled wrote: The day that the fans will not cheer "You Suck" during Angles entrance will be the day I have been waiting for since Angle started wrestling. Even when he was a babyface (on SmackDown) he still got cheered "You Suck"... Do you guys think the fans will ever stop cheering that?

If i am not mistaking that if you watch No Mercy 2003 you would know that everyone (including me) that we cheered for Angle and everyone still say "You Suck" anyway. I mean let just face it. I like Angle, He is a great Olympic Gold Medalist. But i just don't know why they chant "You Suck" even he is on the good side?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 21:32:43

Current Headlines for January 3rd

Note: This will once again be a double-poster, as I already took up too much room on the previous page with my RAW Recap.

More WWE News: Leyla, Cena, Jericho, Guerrero, & More

Todd Montgomery sent this in: Just wanted to tell you that I was watching "Deal or No Deal" on TV and noticed that one of the girls on there is Leyla who was the runner up to Ashley on the last Raw Diva Search and figured all of you may like to know.

Richard Bermingham sent this in: I just wanted to point out that on the promo that ran on Smackdown, December 30th, promoting the return of Fit Finlay he points out how he is from Belfast, which as most people would know, is in Northern Ireland-a part of the United Kingdom. However, at the end of the promo they show his new logo over a Republic of Ireland flag-traditionally a tricolor of green white and orange. The Northern Irish flag has a St. George's cross defaced with a red hand, a six pointed star, and a crown. This might not seem like a big deal to some people, but to me, an Irishman, it kinda ticks me off that once again WWE forgets the differences between Northern Ireland and The Republic.

Cody Drennen sent this in: I just bought the new "American Pie Band Camp" DVD from the store and I opened it up and John Cena is inside advertising RAW on Monday nights. It is the one where it says John Cena Champ.

Erin Hayes sent this in: I was watching a program on MuchMusic called video on trial and it just so happened that Chris Jericho was one of the guest judges.

Jon Edgar sent this in: I don’t know if this piece of information is newsworthy for your website, but in yesterday’s edition of The Sun newspaper in the UK, Eddie Guerrero’s death was mentioned once again in an “end of year” review segment along with other famous celebrities and dignitaries who have died during 2005. What’s really amazing is, Eddie’s death was reported alongside that of Pope John Paul II. Wrestling might be popular over here in the UK, but to see a wrestling-related news item in a mainstream newspaper is quite rare. It was a nice touch though.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

More Backstage TNA News: Contracts, Test Update, Spike TV, More

As previously reported, Samoa Joe and TNA are in negotiations on a new contract. It is believed Samoa Joe is either earning $500 or $750 per appearance. Despite Samoa Joe denying rumors he was upset about TNA brining in Sting, Joe was said to be unhappy when he learned what Kevin Nash was earning ($5,000 per appearance) in his last TNA stint. WWE is keeping a keen eye on the current discussions between Joe and TNA. WWE officials believe TNA has breached his current deal, since Joe wasn’t paid for his Impact appearances in vignette form leading to his TNA debut. Remember when WWE creative writer Brian Gewirtz attended a recent Ring of Honor show? According to Dave Meltzer, Gewirtz was asked by Samoa Joe to attend the show to let him know he is willing to leave if he doesn’t get what he wants with TNA. John Laurinaitis is said to be interested in Samoa Joe once again, believing he could be a top level heel in WWE. You can bet that TNA will be doing everything they possibly can to keep him.

There are still ongoing talks with Andrew “Test” Martin and TNA management.

The Diamonds in the Rough vs. B.G. & Kip James is rumored for Final Resolution.

Spike TV is considering older TNA tapes as filler programming and to test ratings in different timeslots.

There is talk of TNA bringing back Shocker to join the new Konnan, Homicide, and Apolo faction.

Sources: www.wrestlingobserver.com & www.tnawrestlingnews.com & www.prowrestling.com

TNA Notes: Triple H Cussed Out, House Shows, Borash, Radio, iMPACT!

As noted on TNAWrestlingNews.com last week, TNA is planning to run house show events in certain markets in 2006. Most of the shows will be financed by local promoters based on what is known at this point. Besides the ECW arena in Philadelphia being talked about as a possible location, other locations include Detroit and Pittsburgh. We are aware of a report stating that Jeff Jarrett met with WrestleBirmingham this week about joint events with TNA talent and local legends.

Jeremy Borash will be hosting an internet show on TNA's official website. The show is being designed for video podcasting.

TNAwrestling.com recently added a new "iMPACT! Radio" section that includes interviews with TNA stars and news updates hosted by Brian Fritz.

Must See Video: Want to know how BG James and Kip James feel about Triple H? http://www.youtube.c..ch.php?v=Jz46dHxK_Do

Sources: www.tnawrestlingnews.com & www.pwinsider.com & www.prowrestling.com

Sting-TNA Update, Year-End Awards, Styles/Tanahashi, More TNA Notes

Once again, the info contained is EXTREMELY long, and won't fit in 2 posts. Click here to view.

Vince McMahon A Potential Candidate For 2008, Hogan’s Resolution

Currently featuring in the New York Post is a note from Hulk Hogan saying his New Year’s Resolution is to get back into wrestling shape and to add more animals to the family.

Yahoo is featuring an overview of the 2008 election and lists about 50 potential candidates. The list consisted of names like Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Mark Warner, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, George Pataki, and even Condoleezza Rice. They also listed CEO of the WWE, Vince McMahon. This was not to be taken as a joke. Ventura’s name also made the cut as well.

Sources: www.wrestlingobserver.com & www.prowrestling.com

Continued on next post...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 21:45:07

...Continued from previous post.

Backstage RAW News, Shelton's 'Mamma', & NYR PPV Matches

It was announced on RAW and Unlimited that HBK will be the number one entrant in this Sunday's Elimination Chamber at New Years Revolution from Albany, NY. With last weeks win, Kane will be the last entrant in the Chamber.

Also announced on RAW and Unlimited was a first-ever bra and panties gauntlet match at New Years Revolution this Sunday. The participants will be Victoria, Ashley, Maria, Torrie Wilson and Candice Michelle. Already announced is Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James for the Women's title.

Big Show vs. Triple H, Ric Flair vs. Edge for the IC title, Jerry Lawler vs. Gregory Helms, and the Elimination Chamber have all been announced for the PPV as well.

Ric Flair is said to be OK with WWE storylines pertaining to his road rage case. His attorneys have advised him not to speak publicly about it which is why he has had no mic time against Edge. Flair is in major debt and basically needs to stick with WWE in order to pay the bills.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

Who Was Shelton Benjamin's 'Mamma' On RAW Last Night?

I just saw RAW tonight and immediately recognized the lady who plays Shelton's Benjamin's mother. It was actress/comedian Thea Vidal. For those who are not familiar with her, she has been a decently popular comedian in the black comedy circuit for years after appearing in a special hosted by late comedian Rodney Dangerfield. She also briefly had her own show on ABC titled "Thea" in the early 90's that also starred a young Brandy Norwood.

Sources: Mr. Freeman (wrestling fan) & www.prowrestling.com

What You Didn't See On RAW Last Night

Dark Match:

Chavo Guerrero pinned Mike Mondo. Standing ovation and "Eddie" chants for Chavo's entrance. Chavo scored the pin with a top rope frog splash.


Gene Snitsky pinned Val Venis with a big boot to the face.

The Heartthrobs defeated Fred Sampson & Scotty Charisma. They looked for two "Hot Jersey Girls", who of course were Trinity and the blonde in the front row, who were brought in the ring to dance with each other. This gave the Heartthrobs a chance to attack their opponents.

Matt Striker's Classroom: Striker's lesson is about Striker. He started talking about being a teacher and the fans chanted "You got fired." He went on about himself, getting heat. He said it was important for the fans to know who he was, because he was their teacher and was going to educate and reprogram them. It came off like an introductory segment. Striker was good with his delivery.

Viscera pinned Tyson Tomko with a sitdown powerbomb.

Sources: www.pwinsider.com & www.prowrestling.com

What Happened After RAW Went Off The Air

Andrew sent this one: Ryan, after Raw went off the air, Vince McMahon came out, with Angle and Cena down in the ring, and said "You think this show is over? do you whell i think not tonight where gonna have a WWE Title Match right now in a Triple Treat Match, with you do in the ring"(Angle & Cena), and this Man, then Triple H's music hits and he walks out. Match begins and Triple H and Angle lock up for most of this contest, then Triple h Throws Kurt into the ringpost, and then Triple H and Cena Exchange Blows, and Triple H hits Cena with a Closeline, and picks him up for the pedigre, and nails it, but before Triple h can get a cover The Big show runs out and chases Triple H out of the Ring and up the stage, and out of the arena, then Angle gets up and picks up Cena, Cena reverses and hits Angle with the F-U covers Angle, 1,2,3 match over.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

Who Flair Beat Up On RAW?, Last Kiss Match, Cena/Angle/HHH, More

Larry sent this: In the filmed segment of Edge as Flair on the street he attacked 1/2 of the ECWA (Delaware) tag team champions (Valadictorians) & NYWC (New York) Superstar Rob Eckos. Eckos also played a security guard during and Edge/Matt Hardy angle.

Ratman also added: The driver that Edge attacks in his Ric Flair road rage parody is indy wrestler Rob Eckos, one half of a tag team called The Valedictorians. I have seen him and his partner Billy Bax perform at recent Chaotic Wrestling shows.

Hardrocker sent this one: During an OVW broadcast an ad came up an upcoming RAW event in Louisville on January 20th. They advertised a main event of Cena vs Angle in a steel cage for the WWE title. Take it for what its worth.

James sent this one: X-106.3 in Huntington WV is running ads for the Jan 14th house show. John Cena defends against Kurt Angle and HHH, Ric Flair defends against Carlito, The Masterpiece vs Shawn Michaels, The Cutting Edge, and Trish Stratus vs. Mickey James in a "Last Kiss Match".

Source: www.prowrestling.com

WWE-Albany Press Conference, Cena, Batista, & More News

There is a new "5 Questions with the Champ" segment up with John Cena for this week.

The latest edition of the Power 25 is now up on WWE.com. Rounding out the top five this week includes John Cena at No. 1, Kane at No. 2, Batista at No. 3, Shawn Michaels at No. 4 and Triple H at No. 5.

A press conference for the New Year's Revolution PPV will be taking place on January 3 at the Pepsi Arena in Albany, NY at Noon. Those scheduled to attend include John Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Chris Masters, Candice Michelle and Todd Grisham. We will be in attendance at this conference and will be bringing you the latest backstage news here on the site. We'll also be live at the Pepsi Arena in Albany for the PPV.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

SmackDown! Brand Advertises Before Title Changes Hands

Recently at the SmackDown! Tapings this past week, Batista and Rey Mysterio lost their tag team championship title to former champions, MNM.

The ironic part about the whole situation is that WWE was advertising MNM as the champions for a show on Sunday, January 8th, 2006 at the Turning Stone Resort while Batista and Rey were still champions.

Sources: Dave Silerstein (wrestling fan) & www.prowrestling.com

Rob Van Dam Update, Trish Pics, Cena, HHH, More

Click here to view. I don't have enough characters rremaining to post this article.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 22:01:12

Well, RAW was ok for the most part. Cena must lose the title at NYR. He is obviously getting booed to hell lately. When he came out, I heard a mixture of boos and cheers. When the music stopped, boo's, all boo's. Then, through out his match, we heard Angle getting cheered for and Cena getting more boos than cheers. Be honest, I actually like Angle now. He's got great athletic ability and I'd like him to be (I think) five time WWE Champion. Hell, at SummerSlam, (after he beat the hell outta Eugene) I started saying "You Rock!". But that changed when he attacked a much cooler Cena (back then).
But,before I go, I would like to show my predictions on New Year's Revolution.

Match one
Jerry Lawler vs. Gregory Helms-Jerry Lawler, 'nuff said.
Match two-Women's title match
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James- Trish Stratus, is there any doubt that she'll lose? Thought so...
Match three- Intercontinental title match
Ric Flair vs. Edge w/ Lita- Edge, clearly because Flair is in deep shit right now.
Match four
Big Show vs. Triple H- Big Show, who knows? That cast could be used to his advantage.
Match five- Bra and Panties gauntlet match
Victoria vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle (that how you spell it?) vs. Ashley vs. Maria- Hm...tough decision. Dont really care for this match, either. Ah, what the hell,..Ashley.
Match six- Elimination Chamber match for the WWE championship
John Cena vs. Carlito vs. Chris Masters vs. HBK vs. Kane vs. Kurt Angle
Well, this is a toughy. But, I'm hoping either HBK or Angle wins. Cena sux!

Now, let's see how this unfolds. Anyone else with predictions?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 22:09:24

At 1/3/06 10:01 PM, StevensA wrote: Now, let's see how this unfolds. Anyone else with predictions?

Yep..but first (to make things easier), here is the Current Card for NYR:

Elimination Chamber Match for WWE Championship
John Cena vs. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Masters vs. Kane vs. Carlito

Triple H vs. Big Show

Intercontinental Championship
Ric Flair vs. Edge

Womens Championship
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Gregory Helems

Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match
Victoria vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Maria vs. Ashley vs. Candice Michelle

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 22:15:39

At 1/3/06 10:09 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: Yep..but first (to make things easier), here is the Current Card for NYR:

There...hopefullym this will allow for a more organized list for everyone (even if it does require a double-post).

Elimination Chamber Match for WWE Championship
John Cena vs. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Masters vs. Kane vs. Carlito

This is a tough one. If Vince can see the light before Sunday, I'd say either Kurt Angle or HBK. However, if he still enjoys having Cena's head half-way up his ass, then Cena will walk out the champ.

Triple H vs. Big Show

I guess I'd have to go with Big Show, though any match with Triple H is hard to predict!

Intercontinental Championship
Ric Flair vs. Edge

Ric Flair. I know its a long shot, but with Wrestlemania 22 not that far away, since, (because of some magical reason that the Creative Team came up with) Edge's contract is now for the WWE Championship instead of the World Heavyweight Championship, I can't see them making Edge Intercontenental Champion.

Womens Championship
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James

Trish Stratus. I can't see James coming out the winner.

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Gregory Helems

Jerry Lawler and I won't bother with a reason.

Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match
Victoria vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Maria vs. Ashley vs. Candice Michelle

I don't know and I don't care...as long as I see some underwear......lol

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 22:37:46

At 1/3/06 04:18 AM, MrFreedom wrote: well any thing is possible in the elmination chamber but im still puting money on john cena coming out with his title unless it totally back fires and he turns into a heel....i hated him as a heel a wanna be white rapper who got dissed by kurt angle...but the new john i like...and we have enough heels on raw so i still got moneys on him hehe, but it would be real neat if HBK won w00t w00t

You see, the reason why Cena is still the champ is because teenagers like you still love him. If you read through the last 5 pages of posts here, you will have a new look at Cena.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-03 22:41:20

At 1/3/06 10:09 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote:
Yep..but first (to make things easier), here is the Current Card for NYR:

Elimination Chamber Match for WWE Championship
John Cena vs. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Masters vs. Kane vs. Carlito

Angle deserves to and he will be the new WWE Champion.

Triple H vs. Big Show

Big Shows gonna win. Did you see him smash through the table!

Intercontinental Championship
Ric Flair vs. Edge

I think Ric Flair will cheat to win, but Edge will probably be the new WWE Champion at Wrestlermania 22.

Womens Championship
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James

Trish is the women icon, she has gotta be the winner.

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Gregory Helems

Plane and easy, Gregory Helms.

Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match
Victoria vs. Torrie Wilson vs. Maria vs. Ashley vs. Candice Michelle

I'm hoping Candice Michelle wins. She's my second favorite Diva.

Aside from NYR, does anyone know about the upcoming Royal Rumble. Royal Rumble is my favorite match and I can't wait for it.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-04 00:03:12

I don't know why all you guys think wwe is going to get rid of Ric Flair. Do you know how quickly TNa would jump at the chance to bring him in? Flair is an internationaly recognized star who may not have much left wrestling wise, but he could do plenty as a manager or some other on air character. WWE needs to keep the nature boy as long as they can, for both their sakes it seems. He needs the money, and they can always find something for him to do.

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