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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 19:25:43

At 12/31/05 03:49 PM, JohnCena751 wrote: i am wonder who called that about TNA is better than WWE? Any thoughts of anyone would do that?

Probably someone who thought they were being a rebel, or would get attention for TNA. But Grisham was over the line in calling the guy a "retard" there's no excuse for someone in his position to be saying that to what (one assumes) is the paying customers.

Haas is not coming back, that rumor has been shot down by the reputable sites, Haas and writer Dave Lagana have a lot of heat (Haas even admits to it), never say never, but it's pretty clear that was the reason Haas was let go, and as long as Lagana is there, a return is unlikely.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 19:30:05

I almost puked all over the place when I saw Melina celebrating with Mark Henry. I understand that WWE wants to put over Batista by making him beat Henry. However, we all know that it will actually de-push him since he will wrestle against such a bad wrestler. Someone should spit on Vince's face if he decides to go with Batista vs Henry at RR. In addition, the Dicks also need to fuck off for good. They behave so gay. I mean, come on, nobody wants to see their gayness. RAW sucks already thanks to Vince and his ass licking Cena. Now it is SD!'s turn due to the recent craps.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 19:42:22

At 12/31/05 07:25 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Probably someone who thought they were being a rebel, or would get attention for TNA. But Grisham was over the line in calling the guy a "retard" there's no excuse for someone in his position to be saying that to what (one assumes) is the paying customers.

So true. He not exactly got a secure position either. They have bajillions of peopel who do the same thing as him, and quite a few divas that can't wrestle who are more eye candy than him.
Why did they put Booker back on the mic to announce a second match? Damn, he's a good wrestler, and good enough on the mic, buy the way he stutters and talks at the announce table just makes me feel like muting the TV. I'm sure they could have Sharmell announce in replacement for him and he seldon chips in.
There was only so far i could fast forward through the Melina segment, and quite honestly i was glad I was able to fast forward through any part of it. Why do theydedicate so much time to horrible storylines like that? Well, i assume it was crap, i was too bored to pay attention to the parts i heard.
Also, can someone tell me why they are bringing back a retired road agent in Finlay? They have plenty of suitable talent in OWV im assuming, why not them instead?
I have some positive talk though. I saw TNA for, probably, the third time today. Only a 5 week delay :P Even though i have seen AJ styles wrestle only 2 times at most, I'm gonna say that he is my favourite wrestler there. Is Christopher Daniels out with a concussion? I quite likes what i saw of him before :(

Happy New Year to everyone as well.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 19:47:36

Whats AWOL?

And does a wrestler lose their job if they attack a fan or verbally attack them?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 19:53:53

At 12/31/05 07:47 PM, Puzzled wrote: Whats AWOL?

Away Without Official Leave. Perhaps referring to RKO planning to retire early in the storyline, or am i missing something behind the scenes?

And does a wrestler lose their job if they attack a fan or verbally attack them?

Hypothetically i'd guess, but I bet its dependant on how important the employee is to the company, so i wouldn't have thought that Randy would get released. Maybe if he was called Rhino..

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 20:11:01

At 12/31/05 07:53 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote: Away Without Official Leave. Perhaps referring to RKO planning to retire early in the storyline, or am i missing something behind the scenes?

Randy went AWOL and was kicked out of the military (forget what branch) over it. That was pretty stupid of the fan to attack him about that.

And does a wrestler lose their job if they attack a fan or verbally attack them?

Depends on what went down. If the fan touched him first, it's self defense, verbal dosen't do anything, the physical stuff is what to worry about. Like I say, if let's say, Randy takes a swing at the guy first, Randy would more then likely be gone right then and there. If the fan were to swing at him first, well, the fan can be stomped into oblivion, and it's all legal cause it's self-defense.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 20:16:17

At 12/31/05 08:11 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Randy went AWOL and was kicked out of the military (forget what branch) over it. That was pretty stupid of the fan to attack him about that.

Oh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up. That takes patriotism a bit far really.

Depends on what went down. If the fan touched him first, it's self defense, verbal dosen't do anything, the physical stuff is what to worry about. Like I say, if let's say, Randy takes a swing at the guy first, Randy would more then likely be gone right then and there. If the fan were to swing at him first, well, the fan can be stomped into oblivion, and it's all legal cause it's self-defense.

Well, apperently, nothing did definately go down, and it could just be speculation. It seems quite unlikely to me, from the way the actions of the security guard were described. It is his job to keep the order, and keep the fans seperated from the wrestlers, and he wasn't doing a very good job if he got caught up in the moment. If anything had happened, he might not have been in the position to do his job. But alas, its just specualtion until more proof is given right?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 20:19:10

At 12/31/05 04:55 PM, cornontheconn wrote: Sonny Siaki is one of TNA's lesser wrestlers. He's only been in two matches on TNA since the move to Spike, one he jobbed out to someone in a singles match (might've been Samoa Joe), and another to AMW.

Siaki lost 2 matches on iMPACT since the show's move to Spike TV. But you made a mistake when you mentioned that singles match Siaki lost. Siaki didn't lose to Samoa Joe, He lost to Abyss. Here's an interesting fact, Siaki was an X Division Champion during TNA's early years.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 21:12:17

Oohhh, that's right. It was Abyss. Thanks for clearing that up.

So, at Midnight (EST. 9:00 for us westerners) AJ Styles and Fallen Angel are fighting AMW for Tag Team Championship. That should be interesting.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 21:45:29

LordKooler's TNA iMPACT review
1.Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown vs Shark Boy & Kenny King
Shark Boy is one of TNA's most popular wrestlers but TNA uses him as a jobber. He never won a championship in TNA but he won lots of championships in the indipendent curcuit. Right now Shark Boy is focused on his lawsuit with Miramax films involving the movie The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. Will Shark Boy win the lawsuit or lose the lawsuit? Jeff Jarrett & Monty Brown won at the end. Then Sting starts playing mind games on Jarrett again. Jackie Gayda was once again after Jeff Jarrett and Gail Kim. Backstage Jackie Gayda says that her a Jarrett made a deal but Jarrett ended up making Gail Kim his valet instead of Jackie Gayda.
2.A-1 vs Rhino
I think Rhino won the match. Then Team Canada & Abyss attack Rhino.
3.Samoa Joe vs Roderick Strong
Shannon Moore wasn't on iMPACT but Dave Hebner was. He was once again writing on his clipboard while watching the match. What's he writing anyway? When Dave Hebner first appeared on iMPACT, Many people thought it was his twin brother Earl and many people started chanting "You Screwed Bret"! But those You Screwed Bret chants were censored. Why were they censored? In Canada, People who were involved in the Montreal Screwjob like Shawn Michaels, Vince McMahon, and Earl Hebner are usually booed but did they ever get chants of "You Screwed Bret" in the United States and other countries? Samoa Joe won at the end. Roderick Strong is the current ROH Tag Team Champion with Austin Aries and is a former X Division champion. But Roderick Strong never won TNA's X Division Championship, He is a former NWA Florida X Division Champion. The X Division championship was created when TNA was part of the NWA and because of that, Many NWA territories created their own X Division Championship.
4.AJ Styles vs James Storm
Last week it was Christian Cage vs Chris Harris, This week it's AJ Styles vs James Storm. James Storm won after hitting Styles with a beer bottle then Christian Cage, Gail Kim, Chris Harris, and Christopher Daniels get involved.
5.Larry Zbyzsko's announcement
Larry Zbyzsko announces that the first iMPACT of 2006 will have a Tag Team Championship match with AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels against AMW and Zbyzsko talks about a big announcement on New Year's Day.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 21:50:47

At 12/31/05 08:16 PM, HeartbreakHoldout wrote:
Well, apperently, nothing did definately go down, and it could just be speculation. It seems quite unlikely to me, from the way the actions of the security guard were described. It is his job to keep the order, and keep the fans seperated from the wrestlers, and he wasn't doing a very good job if he got caught up in the moment. If anything had happened, he might not have been in the position to do his job. But alas, its just specualtion until more proof is given right?

Essentially, yes. In addition, the main source that I got this info from (www.pwtorch.com) hasn't always been to factual in the past and have been known to stretch the truth a little bit. However, I will continue to monitor the source sites and post the info as quickly as I can.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 21:59:47

God damn is the power 25 really stupid. Cena in 1st still, he sucks and Kane deserves it. Do you guys remember when Batista destoyed not only Vader, but also Goldust and Coach? Batista was still number 2. Batista had to do miracles to get to #1, but sometimes when Cena lost, Cena was still at #1. Cena sucks!!!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 22:09:30

At 12/31/05 09:59 PM, MegaGold wrote: Cena sucks!!!

John Cena....member #017 of Vince McMahon's "Kiss My Ass" club :)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 23:12:17

This may sound pretty wierd but I miss Christian on WWE. He was just so cool it sucks how they didnt give him any pushes at all. I mean I would see Christian main eventing PPV. I think they really lost it big with Christian... Is Christian still a heel on TNA? and do the TNA fans cheer him?

(Sorry I dont watch TNA :S)

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 23:22:47

I think he's a face on TNA. He has been going up against Jerret and his team so yeah the fans cheer for him.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-31 23:23:59

At 12/31/05 11:12 PM, Puzzled wrote: This may sound pretty wierd but I miss Christian on WWE. He was just so cool it sucks how they didnt give him any pushes at all. I mean I would see Christian main eventing PPV. I think they really lost it big with Christian... Is Christian still a heel on TNA? and do the TNA fans cheer him?

(Sorry I dont watch TNA :S)

Actually Chistian Cage is a Baby face. He's one of the most cheered TNA superstars right now, and he might be the TNA champion soon.

Top 50 Reviewers

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 00:57:35

LordKooler's TNA iMPACT review
1.The Big Announcement
Christian Cage does the countdown to 2006 and Mike Tenay does his big announcement. It involves Sting. Then Jeff Jarrett comes out and talks trash about Christian Cage then Jarrett, Cage, AMW, Rhino, Monty Brown, and Team 3D get into a big brawl.
2.America's Most Wanted vs AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels
The first Championship match of 2006. During the match when Daniels and Styles had a chance of winning the NWA World Tag Team Titles, Shannon Moore came out and attacked AJ Styles. Helping AMW retain the titles. Shannon Moore is using "The Prince Of Punk" gimmick that he used in WWE in 2004-2005. With a few modifications, Shannon Moore now has spikier hair and is using more eye makeup. He recently turned heel. He was a jobber in WWE and competed in the Cruiserweight division. But in TNA, He'll compete in the X Division and feud with the X Division's biggest stars and he might be a future X Division champion. And we might see Shannon Moore wrestle AJ Styles at Final Resolution.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 01:11:04

Well, Happy New Year's Day, everyone. I'm sure everyone seen the TNA special that was on just recently. What a sad way to lose a match. Damn Shannon Moore. But, it looks like the X-Division did get "punk'd" after all.

In other news, WHY MARK HENRY!?!? Damn that guy sucks! That Sexual Chocolate gig he did years ago made me sick. And it still does. If Vince keeps doing shit like this, he'll eventually get his ass beat by TNA (w00t!)

Now, about my statement about the X-Division getting "punk'd". I'd like to see him go in a match against Samoa Joe. But, I got a question about that submission hold Samoa Joe does. What is the name of the hold?

To wrap this all up, it was nice seeing Shark Boy. All though he wound up getting the piss beaten outta him. And, another question. On SD vs. RAW, what does C.L.B. mean?

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 01:44:50

Samoa Joe's submission hold is called the "Rear Naked Choke." I believe they use it in the UFC as well.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 09:06:40

CLB= Creepy Little Bastard

damn i missed all of TNA... But it is good that TNA is actually going to use Moore since wwe did absolutly nothing with him.

Happy New Year everybody!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 10:48:06

happy new years to all my friends in the WWE club. let's hope for another year of good shit to happen n wrestling for us to rag on and poke with a stick. TNA was cool last night. I don't think they said that sting was coming cause I didn't hear it so I guess that means next saturday it will be sid that sting will join TNA.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 12:45:20

So next Saturday Sting is making his in ring appearance?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 14:38:58

At 1/1/06 01:11 AM, StevensA wrote: On SD vs. RAW, what does C.L.B. mean?

It was a nickname given to Christian by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. It means Creepy Little Bastard :)

In other news, there was yet to be any new info on the alleged Randy Orton incident. However, I did find these hedlines on my usual rounds...

Current Headlines for New Years Day 2006

WWE Edits Byte This, Jericho Not Labeled As Wrestler

As reported last night, there was a segment on Byte This where a caller told Todd Grisham that “TNA is better than WWE” and hung up. Well it appears that WWE has edited that comment out of the program and you can no longer hear it.

Chris Jericho was a featured guest as a judge on Much Music’s “Video Trial” show. The premise being that they pick five videos and make fun of them with a panel of musicians, comedians and other celebrities. Jericho was only classified as a actor/musician. There was no mention of him being a wrestler.

Sources: www.pwinsider.com & www.prowrestling.com

Newspaper Insults The Rock’s Movie, Cena/American Pie Ad, More

In the weekend section of today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch, it listed Doom as the No. 2 position for worst movies for 2005. It also stated that the problem with the movie is “they tried to make The Rock act.” Wait until “The Marine” comes out.

This week Amazon.com is listing the top selling pro-wrestling DVD’s and Books as is:
(Note: rankings, overall ranking in parenthesis. * indicates product has not yet been released, based on advanced orders)

1. Survivor Series (1,138)
2. The Bret Hart Story (1,220)
3. Tombstone: History of the Undertaker (1,605)
4. UFC 53: Arlovsky vs. Buentello (2,966)
5. Wrestlemania 21 (3,463)
6. Wrestlemania complete anthology (3,570)
7. Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior (3,813)
8. Ultimate Fighter season one (3,991)
9. Jake Roberts (4,013)
10. Armageddon Orton vs. Undertaker (4,816)*

1. Heartbreak and Triumph by Shawn Michaels (873)
2. Cheating Death, Stealing Life by Eddie Guerrero (998)
3. Tangled Ropes by Superstar Billy Graham (11,019)*
4. Are We There Yet by Robert Caprio (12,402)
5. More than Just Hardcore by Terry Funk (19,293)
6. To Be The Man by Ric Flair (21,568)
7. Death of WCW by Bryan Alvarez and R.D. Reynolds (28,998)
8. Sheik of Baghdad by Adnan Al-Kaissey (31,396)
9. Forgiven by Vince Russo (34,976)
10. Walking the Golden Mile by William Regal (35,696)
11. Mysteries of Wrestling Solved by Adam Kleinberg and Adam Nudelman (36,999)
12. Divas Uncovered by Michael McAvennie (37,618)
13. King of the Ring by Harley Race (37,941)
14. Making the Game by HHH (41,075)
15. Tributes II by Dave Meltzer (42,283)

In the new American Pie DVD booklet section you can find a plug for RAW with John Cena. They must have got a good deal considering the movie was made by Universal, which is part of the NBC umbrella, as is the USA Network.

Sources: www.wrestlingobserver.com & www.prowrestling.com

WWE Releases The Official 2006 Royal Rumble Poster & Scales Back Legal Fight Against Brock Lesnar

I have recieved some promotional materials for the 2006 Royal Rumble that I am sending you. WWE is going with the "Ancient Rome" theme for this year’s Royal Rumble as they released the promotional poster in several different markets in anticipation of the Royal Rumble.

The short preview of the event reads as follows:

30 Superstars. One goal ­- to be the last man standing and earn a shot at the title at WrestleMania. Don't miss the over the top action of WWE's Royal Rumble. RAW and SmackDown present Royal Rumble, Sunday, January 29th, live at 8pm ET/5pm PT, only on Pay-Per-View.

The poster itself is unique in that it doesn't contain any WWE Superstars but rather a background of a Roman or Greek Coliseum with both the Smackdown! and RAW logos painted into the top. Above that we have the logo "World Wrestling Entertainment" with an all new Royal Rumble logo. There is also a small logo for WrestleMania contained in the bottom corner with the date and time for the Royal Rumble.

World Wrestling Entertainment has reportedly withdrawn its attempt to prevent Brock Lesnar from wrestling at next week's New Japan Pro Wrestling event, reports WrestlingObserver.com.

After coming to the realization that it would not win the motion to prevent Lesnar from wrestling, WWE reportedly decided to pull out of the hearing.

The lawsuit that will ultimately determine Brock Lesnar's future as a pro wrestler, however, is still ongoing.

Source: www.prowrestling.com

Update On The Rock’s New Movie, More

Neilsen recently started a new system on December 26, 2005 which includes TIVO’d and watched within a day or a week. That is the reason why the ratings have been taking a little longer to get out.

In today’s edition of the Boston Herald, it states that Disney is looking at Massachusetts as the site for The Rock’s next movie, “Daddy’s Girl.”

Sources: www.wrestlingobserver.com & www.prowrestling.com

Update on Jim Duggan Rumor

Recently this week there was a rumor going around the internet that former WWE and WCW wrestler, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan had passed away. The rumor was "supposedly" passed by TNA announcer Jeremy Borash. However it turns out that the person that claimed to be “Borash” was a fake. The real Borash is currently on vacation in Puerto Rico. So in conclusion, we can assure you that Jim Duggan is alive and well.

WWE News: SmackDown!, Lesnar, JBL, Ratings, More News

Sorry, but once again the headline I wanted to post was too long. Please follow the link to read. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anyway, I would just like to quickly wish everyone a safe and happy new year!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 17:43:28

Another reason why I hate Cena is because Vince makes great wrestlers like Angle job to him ALL THE TIME. It will be Angle vs Cena tomorrow in a first blood match, expect Angle to job to Cena for the 12345th time. >:(

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 19:18:32

At 1/1/06 12:57 AM, LordKooler wrote: LordKooler's TNA iMPACT review

I forget about this part.

2.America's Most Wanted vs AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels
The first Championship match of 2006. During the match when Daniels and Styles had a chance of winning the NWA World Tag Team Titles, Shannon Moore came out and attacked AJ Styles. Helping AMW retain the titles.

Damn I wanted AMW to lose but good to she Moore get a push. if AMW lost they would win it back for 53906 time in 2 weeks anyway.

fine posting -Mitsubishi- .

At 1/1/06 05:43 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Another reason why I hate Cena is because Vince makes great wrestlers like Angle job to him ALL THE TIME. It will be Angle vs Cena tomorrow in a first blood match, expect Angle to job to Cena for the 12345th time. >:(

Yeah Cena is starting to make his hardocre regular fans turn agianist with superman wins every ppv, his wigger fuck fans are still keeping him alive. Actually this is the raw before NYR so cena will get beat down and stand tall at the ppv.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 20:21:58

Hello everyone! can i join this amazing club? well about wrestlin g my favourite wrestler ( despite his retirment ) is ultimo dragon ( picture is here http://www.wrestling..t/Ultimo_Dragon1.jpg


if people can give me there opinions on him i would love some feedback

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 20:36:14

At 1/1/06 07:18 PM, iscRulz wrote: fine posting -Mitsubishi-.

Thank you very much. Glad to pass the info along :)

At 1/1/06 08:21 PM, Skullheadclock wrote: Hello everyone! can i join this amazing club? well about wrestlin g my favourite wrestler ( despite his retirment ) is ultimo dragon ( picture is here http://www.wrestling..t/Ultimo_Dragon1.jpg


if people can give me there opinions on him i would love some feedback

Welcome to the WWE Club! :)

I don't know much about Ultimo Dragon, however I do know that he was an excellent wrestler!!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 22:22:50

Im not really into the high flying wrestlers. The only one I enjoy watching is probably Rey.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 22:57:42

At 1/1/06 10:22 PM, Puzzled wrote: Im not really into the high flying wrestlers. The only one I enjoy watching is probably Rey.

Rey Mysterio's pretty much the reason I'm a wrestling fan. If it weren't for him, I'd just be another 'wrestling is fake and stupid' person.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-01-01 23:04:45

At 1/1/06 10:57 PM, cornontheconn wrote:
At 1/1/06 10:22 PM, Puzzled wrote: Im not really into the high flying wrestlers. The only one I enjoy watching is probably Rey.
Rey Mysterio's pretty much the reason I'm a wrestling fan. If it weren't for him, I'd just be another 'wrestling is fake and stupid' person.

Yeah. Rey is one of the few people left that keep me into wrestling. When I was younger, there was Mankind, Shawn Micheals (@ his prime), The Undertaker (@ his prime), The Rock & Steve Austin. Now, all of them have either retired, or are on the brink...

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