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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-22 16:48:30

I guess I should have checked in...I am back -_-

Anyways...Can someone answer me why SD moved to Fridays? I have s*** to do on fridays, like going out, why the f*** would they switch?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-22 16:52:07

At 12/22/05 04:48 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: I guess I should have checked in...I am back -_-

Anyways...Can someone answer me why SD moved to Fridays? I have s*** to do on fridays, like going out, why the f*** would they switch?

I am wonder why too. They should put it on Saturdays.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-22 18:19:26

It has been a while since I posted here last time. (Yea, I got banned again, tough luck.) RAW has been boring like hell for a while. The matches are so predictable and it is the same shit going over and over. By the way, wigger Cena WILL win the EC match at NYR, I saw a commercial saying that the WWE champion John Cena would wrestle against Angle on 16th Jan. for the WWE tittle. We all know that Angle is going to job to Cena again, damn it! On the positive side, I was very surprised to see that Undertaker beat Randy Orton in the HIAC match. There is a rumor saying that Taker wants to be a 5-times WWE/World Heavyweight champion. If WWE can make him be the champion for a while (from RR to WM22, lose it to RO) before he retires, that's going to be awesome. In all, RAW continues to sink, SD! continues to raise. It will be just a matter of time for SD! to pass RAW in ratings.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-22 20:30:46

alrighty, guess I'll be the one to reply to DuMa_RyoHahn

New faces are causing old ones to be shoved aside is the basic problem here and yes I do agree that it is happening. Here are the main problems and I guess reasons why that happens

1) When they get big names, or ones that most will know they have to take advantage of that. Take Christian for example, in WWE he was so very very close to being a regular main even guy, so once he went to TNA they had to use that fact to their advantage, so Christian fans can still root for him, while new fans jump on the bandwagon.

2) Time restraints play a huge role in this too. With only an hour long show they can only show so much. And to expand their fanbase on characters that they are trying to push that are already popular is their main concern. So guys that aren't know as much like guys that they hire from teh independent scene don't get much air time.

3) They got a huge group of new, recognizable, and very popular wrestlers in a very short amount of time. and because of this they had to put them all on tv as well as keep their more popular TNA guys like Abyss and AJ Styles on screen. So you kinda see them struggle to show off others that we know.

4) Jeff Jerret. If he wasn't such a tv hog then maybe they could show off more stuff, rather than have him give the same promo, bitching about management, we could easily fit and X division match in their.

so yeah thats what I think about it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-22 23:46:13

that has absolutly no merrit to what we are talking about.

hmm I also think I missed a bit of the question. Will it cause tension? Former WWE guys coming to TNA by the masses... Well.. yeah sure it would. Guys who TNA have brougt up only to get sidelined by someone who has jumped ship is bound to cause tension.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 00:12:12

TNA should concentrate more on the future AJ Styles,Abyss and less on has beens like Jarret and Sting TNA is better than the WWE right now but at the rate its going TNA will be another WCW.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 00:14:44

At 12/22/05 11:46 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: that has absolutly no merrit to what we are talking about.

hmm I also think I missed a bit of the question. Will it cause tension? Former WWE guys coming to TNA by the masses... Well.. yeah sure it would. Guys who TNA have brougt up only to get sidelined by someone who has jumped ship is bound to cause tension.

Without a doubt, TNA is doing all it can to take over WWE. So for, WWE still has the edge. But if Vince continues to make shitty moves like he is doing now at RAW, TNA will pwn WWE badly very soon. :(

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 00:39:35

At 12/21/05 10:19 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: so they are just letting Richards sit at home? wtf?! What a horrible waste of talent.

Especially when you stop and consider that they were using tapes of Richard's matches at backstage meetings telling the wrestlers he was a model of what they wanted from the guys in terms of ring work. WWE really is bizzarro world these days.

That ECW dvd would be an awsome buy for me as I have not seen many of those matches before. I am definatly going to buy it when it comes out. Guess Vince has realized their is indeed money to be made from ECW.. Strange that no WCW dvd has shown up at all. Sure it was uber crappy during it;s last few years but it did have some good moments that could be re-released on dvd. If I had all that material at my disposal I would use it. Think about it, everything that WCW and ECW had on tape is now in Vince's vault. He is a fool to let it all go to waste. At least he is using the ECW brand.

WCW isn't getting used in any way other then to prop up a DVD for existing stars because Vince STILL hates them like he's fighting them. I mean, he tanked the Invasion angle, he hired Eric Bischoff only to humiliate and then "fire" him for the last three years. It all adds up, I think it's insane too not to use more of the better WCW footage as ways to build up existing talents like Booker T who came from there, but I do have to agree with the thinking that WCW wouldn't draw any substantial money with a reunion show or anything like that, since I think they pretty much eroded their fan base at the end. Not to mention most of their top acts are now, or were at the time, more closely associated with Vince.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 01:04:45

Raise your hand if you think Joey Styles should work alone and then with guest commentators, like foley, every once in a while?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 01:32:09

No a reunion wcw show would not do well since it left it's fanbase with some very sour notes. But using stuff from the past, like for example a best of Booker T could make some money. Hell a best of the cruiserweight division which was a true highlight from wcw could be made to further push guys that wwe now has like Rey, Chavo, and Juvey.

I think that having a 3 man job on announcing Raw is a bit much. WWE obviously has faith in Joey as they signed him for a 5 year deal so he shouls stay right where he is. Coach on the other hand... He's just not as good. He has gotten better I will give him that.

How come they have done nothing to the Sd cast I wonder... Maybe it would be best if they switched every now and then, like have Tazz in The kings place and vise versa? Though in all honesty I like the team of Tazz and Cole. If you look up Cole's bio on wwe.com you will learn that he has done a lot of news journalism before he came to the wwe, in fact he won "Several major awards" for his documentary, “Voices of Bosnia”. I never knew he covered some of this stuff.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 04:54:28

My friend and I were aurguing about who was the strongest wrestler. I said it was Triple H. And he said that it was Stone Cold. Who do you guys think is the world's best wrestler?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 05:20:18

Well I am glad that outlaw replied to my post. thank you outlaw I always know I can count on you or avie to respond to me. Well from a long time fan stand point here is what TNA needs to do. get spike to make it a 2 hour show, mix macthes with current TNA people and new people that way the fans get to see old faces again and the new stars that will be big names one day. Really cut down on mic time. I know they barely do it now but to the guys of TNA, they have no mic skills plus in such a small arena you don't get the same fan reaction that you would in a really big arena like MSG, or some other place. I mean TNA can very well be the wave of the future but it is like someone in this club said (I forgot who) if TNA keeps up pushing people aside and fucking up they very well could be the next WCW and we all know how that ended.
TNA needs to stay on track, give everyone a chance and stop hiring WWE people. that is the same move WCW did, they took WWF and ECW people and tried to make theselves better yet they crashed and burned. Well that covers RYO's morning two cents. you gives have fun and I will be back later to talk with you all. Also I know today is the last day of school for alot of people and that means winter break so I should expect to see more of you around here posting like crazy.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 09:42:17

At 12/23/05 05:20 AM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: Also I know today is the last day of school for alot of people and that means winter break so I should expect to see more of you around here posting like crazy.

I've been off for a week already, which is good in some respects, but which also means that i go back to school two days after new years day.

About that TNA thing, they could turn into a WWE wannabe by pushing the old faces like Sting, it reminds me of a smaller scale Hulk Hogan thing. But perhaps Sting actually has some skill. Who knows, but I can't wait to be able to watch TNA more up to date. I won't have to ignore all of the TNA related posts anymore.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 11:58:52

WCW's biggest problem was that they kept the old guys on top and didn't push the younger guys. They also refused to change things around and kept up with lame storylines that got old.

WWE is at least getting some of their younger talent ready to keep the company going, with guys like randy and Carlito.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 12:24:50

At 12/23/05 11:58 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: WCW's biggest problem was that they kept the old guys on top and didn't push the younger guys. They also refused to change things around and kept up with lame storylines that got old.

WWE is at least getting some of their younger talent ready to keep the company going, with guys like randy and Carlito.

I don't have a problem with Carlito but Cena sucks ass. Carlito is a great heel and as the chmap he wouldbe good. that charcter is goodand could become better. as for teh school thing, I have been off for more then a week and since I am graduating college I don't need to go back but I am to get my masters. anyway. i say give TNA 6 months. by that time we can see wither or not TNA will be it's own force or another WCW in the making.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 12:56:11

Some potentially major breaking ECW news:

Eastern Championship Wrestling founder Tod Gordon has successfully challenged World Wrestling Entertainment's ownership of portions of the ECW video library and the United States Bankruptcy Court District of New York will hold a hearing on the case on 1/26/06 in White Plains, New York.

Gordon's attorneys filed a motion with the court on 10/11 to move on whether the Eastern library was rightfully part of the ECW estate and to determine to what extent the ECW bankruptcy proceedings had on WWE's usage of the Eastern library and Gordon's likeness. Gordon is claiming that the June 2003 sale by the bankruptcy trustee of ECW's assets and library to WWE should not have included his likeness and ownership of Eastern Championship Wrestling.

Gordon claimed that his Eastern Championship Wrestling, Inc. was a different entity from Extreme Championship Wrestling (which was later sold to WWE as part of the bankruptcy proceedings of ECW parent company HHG Incorporated) and that Eastern should not have been included for sale alongside the remainder of the video library. The motion noted that the sale simply lists the library of "ECW," does not denote between the two companies, that WWE only has the rights to the bankruptcy estate, and that the rights to Eastern should not have been sold as part of that estate as the bankruptcy court did not have the rights to do so.

The October motion noted that Gordon's attorneys notified WWE in January 2005 that they were using Gordon's likeness and the Eastern video library for WWE's TV, DVD, and Video on Demand outlets without properly having the rights. WWE responded that they had purchased all ECW rights during the HHG bankruptcy proceedings, which lead to Gordon's attorneys filing their motion with the court. Gordon's attorneys claimed they provided WWE with documentation that Eastern and Extreme were two distinct and separate entities at that time. Noting that WWE has "made millions" from the ECW library, Gordon asserts that WWE should only have the rights to the assets that were properly owned by HHG's Extreme Championship Wrestling, not his Eastern Championship Wrestling.

A hearing was held on 11/10, at which point United States Bankruptcy Judge Adlai S. Hardin Jr. ruled that the June 2003 sale did "not convey any ownership interest in either the intellectual property owned by Eastern Championship Wrestling, Inc. or the likeness of Tod A. Gordon.” He also ruled that the bankruptcy sale does not prohibit Eastern and/or Gordon from "enforcing their rights in any court." Deciding there was "sufficient cause", Hardin set a December date to hear Gordon's case, which was later pushed back to 1/26/06.

On 11/21, attorneys for Barbara Balaber-Strauss, who was the Trustee of the HHG, Inc. estate after it went into its 2001 bankruptcy proceedings, filed a statement with the court that she was taking no position in the matter. She wrote the sale of the assets featured, "the name 'Extreme Championship Wrestling', 'ECW' and variants thereof [and]...the entire ECW video library of footage...". She also noted that the sale included, "..without limitation, copyright ownership of the entire ECW library of footage and no party, including, without limitation, Tod Gordon or any affiliate, has any Claim against the ECW library..." She noted that the situation was between WWE and Tod Gordon and that the motion has no bearing on the bankruptcy estate or HHG's creditors. She also noted that she had delivered all of ECW's books and records to WWE at the time they purchased the assets.

NWA Eastern Championship Wrestling ran its first show in 1992 and changed its name to Extreme Championship Wrestling following an 8/27/94 angle where ECW champion Shane Douglas won the NWA title in a tournament, then rejected and threw down the belt, instead declaring the ECW title a "World championship." Gordon announced the name change for the promotion on their TV show the following week. At some point during the spring or summer of 1995, Paul Heyman took over the company with parent company HHG Inc. being the major financial backer from that point on. Extreme Championship Wrestling ran its final live event in January 2001 with HHG, Inc. filing for bankruptcy in March of that year.

WWE purchased the HHG assets in June 2003 and immediately began using the ECW video library as part of their corporate synergy. The WWE released DVD "Rise and Fall of ECW" was a huge seller, becoming the second best moving WWE title ever at the time of its release. The success spawned the return of ECW with last June's ECW One Night Stand PPV in New York City, which (to date) has recorded over 300,000 PPV buys. The ECW brand is also a regular part of WWE 24/7, which features a "History of ECW" show hosted by Tazz. A new DVD "ECW's Most Extreme Matches" is scheduled for a 2/7/06 release.

This case would not be the first time WWE has ended up in court over the rights to an ECW related property. In May 2003, musicians Harry Grivas (p/k/a Harry Slash) and Roderick Kohn sued WWE in the Southern District of New York for copyright infringement over their usage of the ECW “This is Extreme” theme song during the 2001 Invasion storyline. That case was settled out of court in December 2004. Shortly therafter, WWE purchased of all of Slash and Kohn’s original ECW music, likely as part of the settlement, and has since incorporated them into all of their ECW-related projects.

When contacted at his Philadelphia office Thursday afternoon, Gordon declined to comment on the case, noting that he was advised by his legal counsel to not discuss the proceedings.

The case will be heard on 1/26/06.

I'll be back after work to answer any questions this may raise in people's minds, if I can. I'm sure this is a confusing development for some of you who aren't extremely (no pun intended) well versed in the history of ECW.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 12:58:50

Well, I think that Carlito would be a damn good champion. Cena, no. He got way too sour with the bullshit he's doing. Anyways, I got a question. A few, actually.

1) Where the hell did Gregory Helms go? He was there for about one night and poof, he goes away.

2) Let me go back to ECW One Night Stand for a moment. Chris Jericho was there as an ECW guy. And Eric Bischoff was there to kill ECW, right? So, how the hell did those guys get along after that? I mean, they were buddy buddies when they wanted to take out Cena. But not a damn thing happened to him at ECW One Night Stand. So, does anyone have an explaination for that?

Well, that's all the questions I got for now. Guess we'll see what happens on SD! tonight....

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 15:10:25

Hey does any body have the game WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2006? Well heres a question if you have it... In the story mode for SmackDown Teddy Long gets hit by a car and of the Smackdown wrestlers did it.. Did this really happen on Smackdown or was it just somthing for the Video Game?

And Outlaw thanks for the Change on the list!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 16:53:44

At 12/23/05 12:24 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: I don't have a problem with Carlito but Cena sucks ass. Carlito is a great heel and as the chmap he wouldbe good. that charcter is goodand could become better. as for teh school thing, I have been off for more then a week and since I am graduating college I don't need to go back but I am to get my masters. anyway. i say give TNA 6 months. by that time we can see wither or not TNA will be it's own force or another WCW in the making.

Yea, Carlito is cool, especially when he spits on other people's faces. However, I don't think that he is ready for being the champion yet. His finisher is neck breaker which is very weak. I mean, it is the damn neck breaker and wrestlers like Angle, HHH can kick it off easily. In order to be the champion, Carlito needs to develop a stronger finisher or he or look weak. By the way, I agree that Cena sucks on both mic and in ring skills----That's why RAW is so messed up right now.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 18:47:38

Is the X division kind of like the cruiseweight division?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 18:52:15

At 12/23/05 12:24 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: anyway. i say give TNA 6 months. by that time we can see wither or not TNA will be it's own force or another WCW in the making.

Hopefully we won't be comparing it to any other promotions, whether it be WWE, WCW or ECW.

At 12/23/05 12:56 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I'll be back after work to answer any questions this may raise in people's minds, if I can. I'm sure this is a confusing development for some of you who aren't extremely (no pun intended) well versed in the history of ECW.

Yeh is it a good or a bad thing for ECW fans and/or WWE fans, and for ECW in general.

At 12/23/05 12:58 PM, StevensA wrote: 2) Let me go back to ECW One Night Stand for a moment. Chris Jericho was there as an ECW guy. And Eric Bischoff was there to kill ECW, right? So, how the hell did those guys get along after that? I mean, they were buddy buddies when they wanted to take out Cena. But not a damn thing happened to him at ECW One Night Stand. So, does anyone have an explaination for that?

It would have been suicide for Y2J/Bischoff/Vince if that would have happened. You don't want a highly anticipated ECW PPV overrun by WWE storylines. Especially ones involving Cena :P

Well, that's all the questions I got for now. Guess we'll see what happens on SD! tonight....

It's a best of show, meaning nothing new will go down.

At 12/23/05 04:53 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: However, I don't think that he is ready for being the champion yet. His finisher is neck breaker which is very weak. I mean, it is the damn neck breaker and wrestlers like Angle, HHH can kick it off easily. In order to be the champion, Carlito needs to develop a stronger finisher or he or look weak.

You can make any finisher look devastating if the wrestlers sell it enough. Think about some of the most well known wrestlers and their finishers:
Hulk Hogan had his Leg Drop. A fucking leg drop. The "Most Electrifying Move in Sports Entertainment" is an Elbow Drop. The Stone Cold Stunner is a glorified Jaw Breaker. Hell, the Pedigree is just a double underhook facebuster.
Carlito has two inishers, both of them modified neckbreakers. He hasn't used he leg cradle one recently, but he hardly ever uses finishers anyway. That could be his thing, he acually hasn't won a title match by using a finisher yet. He cheated against Cena and Benjamin.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 19:02:21

At 12/23/05 06:47 PM, Puzzled wrote: Is the X division kind of like the cruiseweight division?

From the episodes of TNA I've seen, yes it is.

Current Headlines For December 23rd, 2005

Update: Luger, Ivory, Ashley, More

"The Harris Poll" had a poll for the worst celebrity hairstyles of 2005. Under the category of the male celebrity with the worst blonde hairstyle, Hulk Hogan was the winner.

Lex Luger was finally released from the Hennepin County Jail's custody on Tuesday morning at 10:51 a.m. after a two week long stay in the slammer. Luger has to stay in Minnesota until at least tomorrow though as he has a court date at the Hennepin County Government Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday afternoon.

Lisa Moretti (Ivory) recently won the CCW Women's Tag Team titles with Bambi from Krissy Vaine and Amber O'Neal. After Ivory gave Vaine a powerful facebuster, she and Bambi picked up the win for the tag team titles. Bambi wrestled on a few NWA shows in the late-80's/early-90's not to mention on for the short-lived WOW promotion in 2001.

Speaking of the blonde Krissy Vaine, she recently confirmed that she got a breast augmentation.

Independent women's wrestler ODB has recently gotten a bit of a makeover to look more "girly." She was also dating Ken 'Kennedy' Anderson at one point.

Maxim Online has a page for Ashley Massaro featuring pictures, video and a brief Q&A.

Sources: www.pwinsider.com & www.prowrestling.com

Huge TNA Update: Titles, Gail Kim, Pierzynski, iMPACT!, & More Inside

MLB.com has a story on White Sox player A.J. Pierzynski signing a new three-year deal with the Chicago White Sox. The articles says there is nothing in the contract that prevents him from working TNA wrestling. This entire angle was huge publicity-wise for TNA.

TNA drew a record for their iMPACT! replay rating this past Monday night with a .6 for about 636,000 viewers. The regular show on Saturday did a .7 but has been averaging a .8. This is obviously great news for TNA as their product is being seen by over one million people on a week to week basis. The PPV's have been drawing anywhere from 15,000 to 40,000 buys. When TNA was on Wednesday nights before FSN and Spike TV they had been averaging about 6,000 buys. WWE PPV's average around 250,000 buys per show.

Gail Kim has posted a message on her official website. She mostly talks about recently filming her role in the independent film Princess. She says that was the reason as to why she was off TNA programming for a few weeks. Visit TheGailKim.com for more.

TNA officials are thinking about creating X-Division tag team titles in 2006. They are also thinking about creating a women's title.

TNAWrestling.com issued the following Press Release yesterday: Ring In the New Year with TNA, Nashville, TN (December 21, 2005) End 2005 and start 2006 by watching the most exciting, unpredictable, adrenaline rush on Spike TV -- TNA iMPACT! This double dose of TNA action starts off at 8PM ET on New Year's Eve with a primetime showing of iMPACT! NWA World Champion Jeff Jarrett will team up with "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown for some tag team action. The ruthless X-Division Champion Samoa Joe will be in action and in the main event, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles will battle one-half of the NWA Tag Team Champions, "Cowboy" James Storm. Also, relive all the most "impactful" moments of the year with a special look back at TNA in 2005. Everything from Christian Cage's shocking TNA debut to Rhino's rise at "Bound For Glory" to "The Controversy In Canada" to the Team 3D Funeral will be covered during this year-end retrospective. Then at Midnight ET, kick off the new year with "Captain Charisma" Christian Cage and witness the official announcement that will change the face of TNA Wrestling in 2006. Then in the very first wrestling match of 2006, a championship will be decided! Make your resolution now to start your New Year right with the intense action that only TNA can deliver!

Sources: www.prowrestling.com

Loads Of WWE Notes: Cheney, White, Hogan, Booker T, RAW, Cena, HHH

"The Harris Poll" had a poll for the worst celebrity hairstyles of 2005. Under the category of the male celebrity with the worst blonde hairstyle, Hulk Hogan was the winner.

Thanks to Adam Lebow for sending this in: Hey, Well, add this one to WWE just looking to get good publicity. US Vice President Dick Cheney was at Bagram Air Field and made a speech to the troops there. Of course, this is the same location WWE held the Tribute to the Troops edition of Raw a few weeks back. So, Cheney mentions in his opening remarks that while he is glad to be back at the airfield, he is "sorry I didn't come earlier this month. Somebody told me I missed a chance to meet Vince McMahon, Big Show, and Triple H". Of course, once WWE caught wind of this, they immediately posted it on their website . Unfortunately, there is nothing more to the story and it was just the V.P. getting a Mick Foley cheap pop to warm up the crowd.

Booker T and Sharmell on the cover of the latest issue of Smackdown! Magazine. The photo used for the cover looks like a prom picture. The magazine notes that Booker and Sharmell are WWE's new "Power Couple." The magazine makes two glaring errors about Sharmell when it says that she was Miss Black America in 1999 when it was actually in 1991. Also, the magazine says she was a Nitro Girl, however, they got her mixed up with former Nitro Girl Chiquita and thus they printed a photo of Chiquita instead of Sharmell when talking about her pre-WWE life.

There is a new video feature on WWE.com that is being hosted by Tazz and Michael Cole. The video feature is called "Talkin' Smack" and it will debut this afternoon. Tazz and Cole plan to "shoot from the hip" and it looks like it will be controversial.

There are plans to continue the Tim White storyline on WWE television revealing that he is not actually dead. Go Vince!

TheStreet.com has posted an article about the RAW vs. SmackDown! game and how it is helping THQ. This is the same website that JBL writes for.

John Cena vs. Triple H for the title will headline the 1/21 house show in Bristol, TN.

Sources: www.pwinsider.com & www.prowrestling.com

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 19:49:17

Sorry for the double post, but there is a Preview for this Weeks RAW here. I didn't post the article, as it contains possible spoilers!

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-23 22:21:43

SD! sucked today. I have watched every single episode of SD! since 2003, and I knew what went on in 2005. There was no point to waste two hours and show the cold rice. What a waste of time!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-24 00:19:44

Helms has been on Heat mostly. He went up against Tajiri in his last match before leaving for japan.

Ghost- It was just a video game storyline, though a car hitting a guy thing has been done in the past.

Avie- So let me get this straight if I can... The guy who owned Eastern Championship Wrestling which was basicly ECW before they changed it to Extreme is saying that it;s two different things and wants his footage and royalties? I'm not so sure I agree with that...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-24 00:53:07

I think it is his business...what everyone should go against is the fact that WWE "owns" names...for instance, the Dudleys...team 3D on TNA...Christian...Christian Cage on TNA...and Rhyno...now Rhino on TNA...which is better anyways :-D

But wtf!! This has to stop...they should not be able to do that...especially with People like the Dudleys who did not start in WWE to begin with!!!

Who agrees??

Oh, SD = Bleh. They have gotten much better and if they push Orton and maybe MNM...they could overtake RAW in RAtings...because as of now...RAW = SHEET!! =-o

Final Note... RKO > JOOO!!! >:o

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-24 01:03:19

At 12/23/05 03:10 PM, TheGhostOfNewGrounds wrote: Did this really happen on Smackdown or was it just somthing for the Video Game?

Specially created for the game...nobody spoil the solution to this one now ; )

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-24 01:07:02

At 12/23/05 06:52 PM, HHerod_The_Great wrote: Yeh is it a good or a bad thing for ECW fans and/or WWE fans, and for ECW in general.

Depends on what is actually happening here. If you're a pure WWE fan, you aren't effected by this. If you are an ECW fan who has been watching WWE 24/7 and it's ECW programs, a win for Gordon would take away a chunk of footage you could watch on the history program. It could be a benefit to ECW fans if Gordon were to win the footage, and begin serializing it on DVD commercially. But this is probably more then likely a money grab, and that is what WWE is claiming.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-24 01:15:34

At 12/24/05 12:19 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Avie- So let me get this straight if I can... The guy who owned Eastern Championship Wrestling which was basicly ECW before they changed it to Extreme is saying that it;s two different things and wants his footage and royalties? I'm not so sure I agree with that...

Yep, that's exactly what he's saying. As a fan and scholar of ECW since 1999, I can assert that while Eastern footage HAS been used on pre-WWE commercial ECW DVD releases, a title history for Extreme Championship wrestling does not recognize any of the title holders from the Eastern era, and that there was essentially a clean break with that era. But it does seem to me the footage and anything to do with the history, and operation of the "two" (I use the term loosely until there's a court ruling on this) entities was not contested in any way, shape, or form. Gordon left the industry and was content to let Paul Heyman market his likeness, and contributions to ECW in commercial releases on DVD, dating from late 1999 until the end of the company's operations. Not to mention Gordon was featured on footage sold through more independent outlets like RF Video for several years prior. Fact is, this DOES look like just an attempt by Gordon to get a settlement, or a job, as WWE asserts, that posting will follow this, as I've run out of room here for it.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-24 07:45:22

At 12/23/05 04:53 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Yea, Carlito is cool, especially when he spits on other people's faces. However, I don't think that he is ready for being the champion yet. His finisher is neck breaker which is very weak. I mean, it is the damn neck breaker

dude not to get off on a rant here at 7:45 am but do you remember a guy called the Ulitimate warrior? youknow what his finisher was? it was a splash on your back. ok it does not matter what the finsiher is, if the person has enough hype any finsher can be good. Talking of neck breakers I know one guy who had that as his finsher. Ravishing Rick Rude, if you remember him, his finsher was the neck breaker and it worked. Like I said, if you take a really popular guy and give him a shitty finsher it will work cause the hype of that person will give off the illusion that the move is bad ass.