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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 11:08:58

In that case: Hanshinboy you are # 167

If i have missed anyone who has requested to be a member please let me know. Also if you see an error on thsi list which you can find here please let me know and I will fix it right away.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 11:26:08

At 11/29/05 11:08 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: In that case: Hanshinboy you are # 167

If i have missed anyone who has requested to be a member please let me know. Also if you see an error on thsi list which you can find here please let me know and I will fix it right away.

Thanks very much. . . I will try to be a model poster but mostly I will be reading peoples posts to get my daily up to the minute posts on what is happening in the world or rasslin'

HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 11:30:53

to the new guy welcome to the club and Boogeyman only stepped in the ring once at Survivor Series helping Theodore Long beat Bischoff.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 12:30:49

At 11/28/05 11:17 PM, cornontheconn wrote: Bischoff came out to announce that the night's main event would be Masters, Angle, and Cena in a Championship Triple Threat No DQ or Count-Out Submission match.

Am i the only one that didn't actually see how this could be bad outcome? It was either a new WWE champion, or new GM. Saying that, I've grown accustomed to Eric's style of GMing, and I can think of people I like more than Angle or Masters, but it still remains, either option was good.

HHH came out to discuss his victory over Ric Flair at SS. After saying that no man would stand up to him, Big Show came out in Flair's defense and stared HHH down, HHH backing down and walking away.

I wanted Big Show to turn heel and congratulate HHH.

Apparently Snitsky and Tyson Tomko are a tag team now. Good for them I say, since they appear to have broken from their original 'henchmen' roles. Unfortunately for them, they came short of winning the Tag Team Championship from Show and Kane.

I say, Kane and Big Show turn heel and go on a rampage, like they have been doing the past few weeks, but just with more of an evil attitude.

Cena managed to KO Angle out of the ring, and crack the chair against Master's knee TWICE. More surprising, though, was Cena actually knowing a submission hold which took advantage, and he obtained.

The STF, just one more comparison with Austin 3:16

After the match, Vince was shown backstage saying that next week, he would 'Take out the trash.'

I don't think he will fire Shane-O-Mac, just to screw him over. I'm feeling a bit negative today....

And that's COTC's RAW Review of the week!

If you don't mind me asking, what does your name mean?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 15:06:28

Raw sucked ass yesterday. The HBK/Carlito match and HHH segment were the decent parts, but the rest was pure crap. I have seen Trish, Ashley and James wrestle against Victoria, Candice and Torrie at least 5 times and it is getting extremly stale. Wigger Cena reversed the odds once again and retained. By the way, his STF was so retarded. With Shane rising as the GM, it looks that wigger Cena will keep the damn belt until WM22. No wonder why he was booed so much recently, the fans are getting tired of watch John Cena the "superman". Like it or not, you have to admit that RAW has entered a dark period as the same old stories repeat themselves. RAW has many great wrestlers such as HHH, HBK, Angle and so on, but I strongly doubt that they have been used well enough.It also sucked ass that Edge was injure. So nobody can finish off the wigger now. (If WWE wants Angle to be the champion, they would have given him the belt long time ago.) It also sucked that they turned Benjamin to a jobber----that guy has tons of talent. Believe it or not, with Randy Orton and Taker, SD! is quietly becoming the better brand. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 15:18:16

I find putting Shane as the new GM is a bad idea. I've never liked Shane he's just lucky that his dad is Vince. Firing Bishoff is a bad move he might be an asshole sometimes but he does have experience and does know how to run the show.

Oh yea just wondering who thinks Randy will be the nect world champ. I think so he's one of the best wrestlers today and probably a futur hall of famer.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 15:28:39

At 11/29/05 03:18 PM, Puzzled wrote: I find putting Shane as the new GM is a bad idea. I've never liked Shane he's just lucky that his dad is Vince. Firing Bishoff is a bad move he might be an asshole sometimes but he does have experience and does know how to run the show.

Oh yea just wondering who thinks Randy will be the nect world champ. I think so he's one of the best wrestlers today and probably a futur hall of famer.

Finally, you are right once----RO indeed rocks. As a matter of fact,, I am counting him to be the champion at the next PPV. This time, he should hold the belt for more sometime as HHH screwed him up 1 month after he became the youngest WHC. As RAW sucked ass recently because of the repetition of some old storylines, SD has become the better brand and RO is the leader. You cannot imagine how much I am looking forward to see RO wrestlig against Taker in a Hell in a Cell match. I started to watch wrestling because of Taker in 1993. when I was 8. The match between two great wrestlers of all time must be classical as they each represent a generation. :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 16:00:27

Randy Orton is great BUT im still pulling more for Taker.

Taker's my Favourite wrestler. Do you think Undertaker could get gold again?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 19:44:13

Nobody likes RAW anymore now but i do hope that Shane got hire as GM on RAW. Servivor Series was good though that the Taker made his return. And tonight on SD! special will be Rey vs. Big Show. I will watch that show if costs.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 20:37:35

Was I the only one that was hearing boo's towards Cena last night in the triple threat match for the title? Because they should boo Cena he's a dumb wigger that ruines the roots of REAL wrestling.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 21:09:10

I heard the boos as well. That was interesting.

To Heartbreak: My real life name is Connor. My first online game was THPS4, so when they requested a username, I started typing my real name but realized 'oh wait, this should be something clever and internety. I had already typed out 'Conn' so I just kept that. Since then, it's been my universal online alias, and I had a few catch phrases such as "King Conn," "ConnTheftAuto," and "Corn on the Conn," hence my NG Username.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 21:13:35

Smackdown is on live now I guess there isnt going to be a show on friday. I wonder whats on this week on friday. Or whatever the SD special is. Lets see if LK does a review.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 21:24:25

WTF!!? I tuned in to UPN for SD and it wasnt on! Either I missed or the fucking bastards at WWE lied about the time!

Ok, calming down. Even if I did miss it(hopefully thats a fat chance), could anyone tell me the results? Thanks alot. Also, with SD being on today, will this mean that they wont be on Friday?

RAW is really sagging. They're screwing over good talent (AHEM, Shelton Benjamin) and giving crap stars the spotlight. Now, I'm not saying that I'm anti-Cena, but he's held on to the damn title for quite the while now. But, hopefully Shane-O-Mac doesn't screw things up even worse. RAW needs help, badly, I might add. And another thought. Why dont they just merge RAW and SD back together again? Just a thought, I'm listening.

Well, I'm going to check again to see if I didnt miss SD's Tuesday show. I hope not.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 21:26:33

Well the Tuesday special is giving im watching it right now... Check your local listings again!

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 22:00:48

Wow Orton just took Taker out. I'm in shock he school'd the dead man.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 22:07:21

About that Smackdown special, I won't be able to do a review because the channel that shows Smackdown in canada, The Score, Isn't showing the Smackdown special. But The Score will show Friday Night Smackdown this week. But it'll be on the day before UPN airs it. That's why I do my Smackdown reviews on Friday.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 22:59:16

Wow....good to be back....just bought my new computer....its Great, howz everyone doin!...Stand Back! THERES A GREGORY HELMS COMING THRU??.....damnit.

Meh, still keepin the name....

RIP Eddie.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 23:29:59

At 11/29/05 07:44 PM, JohnCena751 wrote: Nobody likes RAW anymore now but i do hope that Shane got hire as GM on RAW. Servivor Series was good though that the Taker made his return. And tonight on SD! special will be Rey vs. Big Show. I will watch that show if costs.

Really? :O I thought that you were an iron-hearted Cena fan. If even you can see Cena's ugly wigger face, everyone can. But still, congratulations on growing up. :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-29 23:47:21

Not much to report really on the special sicne there was only two matches.

Booker T vs. Benoit in match # 2 of 7
This was a pretty good match that saw Booker getting the win. The score is now 2 to 0

Rey vs. Big Show
Also a really good match but went to a no contest. Kane came out and they did the double choke slam, then taker came out and beat them both up until Randy beat taker up. He then put him on the back of the lowrider rey came out on and drove backwards into teh Sd set causing it to explode.

Is there stil a Sd this friday? I wasn't clear on that....

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 00:52:19

Yea outlaw there still a SD on friday this was just a speaical they did. And can i join?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 01:06:39

Holy fuck the ending was wild. Smackdown was short, but it was pretty intense. The ending leaves a tiny little opening for a Taker-Rey alliance, but Taker hasn't actually been allied with anyone for a long time, so that's a bit of a long-shot. =/

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 01:20:58

WestSideRidah you are # 168. Welcome and thanks for the info!

Taker has indeed been alone for a while but since Randy's issue was with taker and taker alone I doubt rey will have anything to do with it. Well he did save rey.. kinda.. a bit too late as he came out after the double choke slam.

and to answer whoever asked the question "Will taker ever get gold again"
While almost anything can happen in the wwe as we've been told countless times, a taker title run of any kind is very far off. He is definatly getting up their in age but he is still in great shape and can still have some awsome matches. so it's not impossible that he could get a title again. He may never get the top belt again but there is alwasy the possibility of him getting an ally and scour a tag title run or further establish whoever will have the us title.

What I really think is this: Taker's role now is to help get younger stars over in hopes of them keeping the company afloat. As you can see many of wwe's biggest stars are no longer there. and the few big established names they have left don't seem to have the drawing power of those who are not. As good as HHH is, he can't match Rock or Stone cold in drawing power. So in his fued with RKO taker can get Randy over with teh crowd as a main player. and once his fued with randy ends who knows who he'll go up agains next. But it is evident that he has a few years left in him so he will definatly be around.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 03:46:19

Taker is basically part-time these days, though with Eddie's death, they have supposedly been asking him to step things up a bit schedule wise. Taker is right now going to try and get Orton ready for the inevitable feud with Batista. From there? I'm not sure...Kennedy seems a good possibility for Taker's next feud. Right now they're very smartly ringing what they can out of his star power in the time he has left (similar to Shawn Michaels on RAW) which is the right way to do it. You're not going to get a better way to make future stars then to have them work with the guys who have been successful in the past (especially during the Attitude era, and Taker and Michaels are actually among the few who remain that actually can say they've bridged the gap between the success of Rock and Wrestling and the Attitude era).

I don't see what firing Bischoff of of RAW will really get them in the end, Shane is decent on the stick, and in the ring, but he isn't someone I want to see "running" the show every week. I don't see what else they can do with Bischoff other then use him as a GM, or if they demote him, make him Shane's new toadie or something...which might be fun for a little while, but any possible demotion of Bischoff should be a temporary move, culminating in him being restored to power...the only problem with this scenario is that it will probably not help the career of anyone currently on RAW (since they would probably make Shane and Bischoff wrestle, rather then say, getting them to have one wrestler who is the "boy" of each man and making them wrestle each other).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 05:17:43

Did you guys watch survivor series? I actually Cheered when the crowed chanted "Cena Sucks" during his match!
He's the biggest poser!

HEre, Ill run down the match for you.

Angle was dominating Cena (as usual), the crowd were cheering interchangebly "Lets Go Angle!" and "Lets Go Cena", but by the tones of Voices, you can tell the older people were rooting for Angle, and the Kids+Women for Cena. After Angle continues his domination via Anklelock, the crowed begin chanting "CENA sucks" over and over again.

This also happened on RAW! While Masters was ABSOULUTELY Dominating (hes only 22, maybe Ortons record will be short lived) the crowed chant "CENA Sucks".

You see, the crowed tend to hate heros that win cheaply. I was very surprised, not really, but how many fans were cheering for HHH on Raw as he came out. I half-expected him to get the booing of a lifetime from the crowed aftyer putting Flair at his place, but a legend like HHH, who actually is a charismatic talker (unlike cena) seems to have a cult following in RAW! (Hes my fav wreslter).

Cena was likable in the time period between Him being a Heel,turning into a Babyface, and before he lost his U.S title to Carlito. After that, he really gone downhill on his popularity. He a favourite amongst children, and hardcore Wiggers, but thats it!

It had to be said, to save Cena career, he must become a Heel.
(Not hard to do, bitch about being insulted, make fun of the home town etc.)

"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"

Ronald Reagan

Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 09:15:03

Do you guys see a futur Cena Vs Angle rematch for the title? Nothing would make me happier than to see Cena losing his title and taping out like a little girl. Cena doesnt belong in the WorldChamp Class he's more of a intercontinental/U.S Champ. The faster they make him lose the belt the better it will be. Although I think they might be doing something about that since Cena has been getting boo'd A LOT these past few events.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 14:21:06

possible Spoiler it sounds like Orton will win the Royal Rumble and beat Batista at wrestlemania this all depending on Batista's injury he might drop the title to Orton before Wrestlemania. Another bit of news for whoever may care the Boogeyman will make his debut on Smackdown this friday against Simon Dean.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 15:01:17

Is the Orton and Taker saga over for good?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 15:31:05

At 11/30/05 03:01 PM, Puzzled wrote: Is the Orton and Taker saga over for good?

No. Orton and taker will have a Hell in a Cell match at Armageddon I'm guessing that will be the end of that saga also the current plan is to have Rey Misterio team up with Batista and have them go against Big Show and Kane also at Armageddon.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 15:39:05

At 11/30/05 02:21 PM, pepeatumi wrote: possible Spoiler it sounds like Orton will win the Royal Rumble and beat Batista at wrestlemania this all depending on Batista's injury he might drop the title to Orton before Wrestlemania. Another bit of news for whoever may care the Boogeyman will make his debut on Smackdown this friday against Simon Dean.

Another rumor says that WWE has decided to let wigger Cena carry his belt OVER WM22. It is said that he will beat HHH at WM22. We all know that Cena is just an average wrestler who should not have been on the top of the roster. By pushing him over and over, it will only ruin his career and RAW. Most people believe that Cena cannot beat superstars like Angle and H in one-on-one action. Since WWE consistly forces him to be the superman and win that matches that he cannot win due to his wrestling skills, RAW's fan base has taken a dive in the ocean already. Soon, all the fans will leave RAW since they do not want to watch predictable craps. The bottom line is that CDena is not Taker, not Stone Cold, not Hogan. He is not a good wrestler, he even sucks at entertaining the fans. Overpushing Cena will only destroy RAW, enough said.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-30 15:56:15

Don't b surprised if there's a heel turn in the future for Cena.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!