I was thinking the same thing, Stevens. Then Angle and Y2J could both come back as face and be anti-Bischoff. At least that's what I thought might happen.
I was thinking the same thing, Stevens. Then Angle and Y2J could both come back as face and be anti-Bischoff. At least that's what I thought might happen.
Does anyone remember that former WCW wrestler Lash LeRoux? He recently signed a contract with WWE to wrestle in Deep South Wrestling. Does anybody think that Lash LeRoux will be succsessful in WWE? I don't. I think that Lash LeRoux will be used as a jobber on Heat or Velocity.
At 11/24/05 07:41 PM, cornontheconn wrote: I was thinking the same thing, Stevens. Then Angle and Y2J could both come back as face and be anti-Bischoff. At least that's what I thought might happen.
The reason why Y2J had a "you are fired" match against Cena was because he had some personal issues to deal with and would be gone for a few months. Trust me, Y2J will be back at the New Year's Revolution. There is no point to have Angle "fired" for a few months as he is one of a few guys who can wrestle. The reason why Cena is still the champion is because the fans love his wigger power. But I heard that the fans started to boo him in recent RAW episodes. So my guess is that Edge will use the money in the bank and finish Cena off in the New Year's Revolution.
At 11/24/05 02:39 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I really love the fact that if you play an SD! season, you can defend the honor of ECW! We all know where I went when given the choice about which show to defend : )
yeah that was cool. I am tried of the wee. mostly loving the game sinceit is better then the show. seriosuly what is with all thenew faces in here. soon this willbe nothing more but 14 yr old wiggers talking baout cena non stop
At 11/24/05 08:20 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
The reason why Y2J had a "you are fired" match against Cena was because he had some personal issues to deal with and would be gone for a few months. Trust me, Y2J will be back at the New Year's Revolution. There is no point to have Angle "fired" for a few months as he is one of a few guys who can wrestle. The reason why Cena is still the champion is because the fans love his wigger power. But I heard that the fans started to boo him in recent RAW episodes. So my guess is that Edge will use the money in the bank and finish Cena off in the New Year's Revolution.
Well, he might have issues of his own. We just dont know it yet. But yes, I do believe that Edge will be our new WWE champion. Sooner or later, he'll have to cash in his "money" to take out Cena. Well, thats all I have to say. Any one else? Thanks for your insight, Dream of Duke.
Edge has a really good chance at being WWE champ. they have been putting him in high profile kind of matches with plenty of air time. I think it's only a matter of time before we see Edge as champ. When and who he faces is another story.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 11/24/05 02:39 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I really love the fact that if you play an SD! season, you can defend the honor of ECW! We all know where I went when given the choice about which show to defend : )
Then i'm glad i chose to do the Raw season first. I will defend ECW as Eddie Guerrero.
Irish whips aren't as hard as i first thought they would be on the game. You just have to press the triangle as well as th circle, or hold it and you're there. I thought that you had to grab hold of them first :S
God, i struggle on GM mode, but if i can get the hang of it, it should be fun. I much prefer this game to last years.
If you remember Edge was the one who basically started the whole Raw Vs Smackdown thing which means the WWE was giving him a huge push before getting injured.
At 11/25/05 10:46 AM, pepeatumi wrote: If you remember Edge was the one who basically started the whole Raw Vs Smackdown thing which means the WWE was giving him a huge push before getting injured.
Is Edge injured now? So that would be why he isnt wrestling. I thought he might be saving himself to take his shot at as title match after Angel had finished with Cena. But if he's injured...
At 11/25/05 01:57 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Edge has a really good chance at being WWE champ. they have been putting him in high profile kind of matches with plenty of air time. I think it's only a matter of time before we see Edge as champ. When and who he faces is another story.
Thats true. The rivalry with Matt Hardy a few months back really put him on the map. However, there have been talks about him possiblt going to TNA with Christian Mid-2007 (that's when his contract expires). These cannot be confimed however.
At 11/25/05 11:10 AM, -Mitsubishi- wrote:
Thats true. The rivalry with Matt Hardy a few months back really put him on the map. However, there have been talks about him possiblt going to TNA with Christian Mid-2007 (that's when his contract expires). These cannot be confimed however.
Edge will probably re-sign with WWE mostly because of Lita.
Well, Edge got injured? Thats crazy, when the hell did that happen? Well, I hope he comes back soon. That way he can cash that money in the bank and win the title. So, anything else happen that I , unfortunately, dont know about in the WWE?
At 11/25/05 12:01 PM, StevensA wrote: Well, Edge got injured? Thats crazy, when the hell did that happen? Well, I hope he comes back soon. That way he can cash that money in the bank and win the title. So, anything else happen that I , unfortunately, dont know about in the WWE?
It was a pec injury he was gonna have surgery but I'm not sure how long he'll be out
Damn thats gotta suck. Edge's surgery and injury, I mean.
Well, I know is that Batista got slammed through a table at a SD taping. It was on the headlines yesterday. I hope its still on the website. But, I'm guessing that Batista wont be able to do the big tag team match. Then, they'll have Taker replace him and SD would win. Course, thats what I'm thinking at the moment. This is open to anyones opinion. I just wanna know your say in this.
You guys would be proud of me. In honour of Eddie, i'm playing as him in season mode, and who should i come up against in a parking lot brawl? Cena. I ended up driving my blue car into the limo with him inside and getting a KO. This new game is quite good.
Dood, get a load of Smackdowns first match. Booker T and Benoit. They got each other in a pin. And I think Benoit won. Hell, i dunno. Well, on with the show.
Well, I know is that Batista got slammed through a table at a SD taping. It was on the headlines yesterday. I hope its still on the website. But, I'm guessing that Batista wont be able to do the big tag team match. Then, they'll have Taker replace him and SD would win. Course, thats what I'm thinking at the moment. This is open to anyones opinion. I just wanna know your say in this
Its been said that Batista has been wrestling with a back injury for about a month but Batista decided to keep on wrestling even with the injury.
Damn, Smackdown had a show tonight. Turns out, I was right about Batista getting slammed into that table. Well, now Im starting to cheer for SD and starting to boo RAW. Well, RAW's got a few good guys I still like, but they suck and stay with some stupid storylines. Smackdown, however, just gets to the fucking point! Plus, they got some excellent talent. Hell, I missed the finalization of matches to Survivor Series. So, can anyone tell me what they all are? Thanks.
At 11/25/05 10:10 PM, StevensA wrote: Damn, Smackdown had a show tonight. Turns out, I was right about Batista getting slammed into that table. Well, now Im starting to cheer for SD and starting to boo RAW. Well, RAW's got a few good guys I still like, but they suck and stay with some stupid storylines. Smackdown, however, just gets to the fucking point! Plus, they got some excellent talent. Hell, I missed the finalization of matches to Survivor Series. So, can anyone tell me what they all are? Thanks.
Hey, the brawl in the end was awesome. It looks like that Big Show is turning heel under Kane's influence. With his back injure, I doubt that Batista can do much in SS, so Team RAW should have the edge there in case Taker does not get involved. The WHC match could be a bit longer before RAW superstars invaded the ring. :P But anyway, it was a pretty good SD! and I am looking forward SS.
LordKooler's Friday Night Smackdown review
1.Booker T vs Chris Benoit
This match had a controversial ending which saw Booker T and Benoit pin each other. Theodore Long comes out and watches the replay. After seeing the replay, Theodore Long declares the US Title vacant. After that, Long announces a best of 7 series match of the US Championship match between Booker T & Benoit and the first match will happen at Survivor Series. This is the first time the US Title became vacant since July, 2004, When then Smackdown GM Kurt Angle stripped John Cena of the US Title. And the first WWE championship to become vacant since the World Heavyweight Title in December, 2004. This will be like the best of five series matches between John Cena & Booker T for the US Title last year. But with Seven matches instead of Five. I think that match 7 will take place at Armageddon or at a Smackdown after Armageddon. Who will win the best of seven series for the US Title? Booker T or Chris Benoit? Chris Benoit's contract will expire in late 2005 or early 2006. Will he go to TNA when his contract expires? Or will he sign a contract extension?
2.The Dicks vs LOD
I'm not kidding here. But Smackdown's newest tag team are called The Dicks. Like the Bashams, They are a team consisting of fake brothers. Smackdown hasn't had a team of fake brothers since the summer when Danny Basham was traded to RAW breaking up the Bashams. After the bashams broke up, Doug made two appearances on Velocity in september with his Bash-man gimmick and Danny made one appearance on Heat using his Damaja gimmick. Both were sent to Ohio Valley Wrestling later that month. Rene Dupree & Steven Richards were also sent to Ohio Valley Wrestling. I have a feeling that Doug Basham, Danny Basham, Rene Dupree, and Steven Richards will get released from WWE. The Dicks won at the end.
3.Ken Kennedy vs Matt Hardy
Ken Kennedy, The man Eddie Guerrero wrestled in his final match in WWE before his death, Wrestles Matt Hardy this week. With Batista injured, I think that Matt Hardy should be the fifth member of Smackdown's Survivor Series team. Matt Hardy won by DQ.
4.Melina vs Christy Hemme
If Melina wins the Women's title from Trish Stratus at Survivor Series, Will Melina go to RAW? Or will the Women's Title become exclusive to Smackdown? Melina won at the end.
5.Nunzio vs Juventud
Nunzio's second reign as Cruiserweight Champion was short. Juventud won back the Cruiserweight title on today's Smackdown. What was the deal with Nunzio losing the title to Juventud after winning the Cruiserweight title in Rome, Italy?
6.JBL & Rey Mysterio vs William Regal & Paul Burchill
Carlito & Chris Masters from RAW attacked Rey & JBL during the match.
7.Lashley vs Orlando Jordan
After his feud with Chris Benoit ended, Orlando Jordan became a jobber again. Expect Orlando Jordan to appear on next week's Velocity. Lashley won at the end. Who would win in a match between Lashley & Samoa Joe? Both are getting Goldberg pushes in WWE & TNA.
8.Batista vs Randy Orton
Everyone from RAW interfered in this match and then Kane & Big Show chokeslam Batista through the announcers table.
I don't think anyone will replace Batista at SS I think he'll wrestle but he won't do much.
Strange how short Nunzio's second title reign was huh? Shows how much wwe really cares about that belt..
Edge was injured? i must have missed that somewhere. But to answer a question that was asked if Edge would go to TNA.. i don't think he would., Edge is actually getting pushed, and used pretty well and if in fact going to get a title match not too far down the road. So since he is being used well on tv he has no reason to abandon ship now. With Christian they were useing him wrong and not to his potential and he knew it so he left for hopefully better waters.. (Whats up with the nautucal terms all of a sudden?)
I kinda figured Richards was at OVW. Thing is his name is still listed on the SD side of things on wwe.com. I would have a mixed feeling if they released Richards.. On one hand WWE is still the #1 in wrestling and proably pay him much more than any other promotion, especially the independant scene. On the other hand WWE isn't using him to his full potential and he could have a better shot in TNA. It's a hard call.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Man, I don't wanna see Big Show as a heel. :(
But Randy Orton turning so much cooler makes up for it. RKO's on HBK and Carlito on Monday, and on the cowboys tonight! Badass.
My little brother and I were considering that Undertaker might take the place of Batista at SS. Sure, he's not on good terms with RO, but SD and RAW are both already hosting team members that normally wouldn't get along, so don't disqualify that possibility, guys. Some of you think that Undertaker will screw SD, but I think he might actually be their savior.
At 11/26/05 12:40 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Strange how short Nunzio's second title reign was huh? Shows how much wwe really cares about that belt..
Yep, that's about the size of it, I'm getting to the point of just saying "push it, or get rid of it and release those guys" all of them could be great for TNA and the X Division, which is why Vince is probably going to keep the belt around and pay lip service to these guys actually having a shot at being featured.
Edge was injured? i must have missed that somewhere. But to answer a question that was asked if Edge would go to TNA.. i don't think he would., Edge is actually getting pushed, and used pretty well and if in fact going to get a title match not too far down the road. So since he is being used well on tv he has no reason to abandon ship now. With Christian they were useing him wrong and not to his potential and he knew it so he left for hopefully better waters.. (Whats up with the nautucal terms all of a sudden?)
I agree, Christian was unhappy, and rightly so. When you're merchandise is selling at main event levels, you're on the cusp of a main event spot, with every implication that the fans believe in you to do it, and you're yanked away from that situation, then never even pushed near it again? There's no way to feel but misused. Christian took a gamble, and while it's too soon to tell, I think it's going to pay off for him in the long run.
Edge is going to be a headliner, ever since winning that money in the bank match, you knew that was going to make him a headliner. They've been building him up, and I imagine it's entirely possible he could be put into a program with Cena very soon, the current plan with Cena is to make him a long term champ (as evidenced by his run thus far, and posters of certain upcoming events), but I think Edge could be a good opponent for him, and is certainly a good investment in as a top heel because of his youth and obvious abilities.
I kinda figured Richards was at OVW. Thing is his name is still listed on the SD side of things on wwe.com. I would have a mixed feeling if they released Richards.. On one hand WWE is still the #1 in wrestling and proably pay him much more than any other promotion, especially the independant scene. On the other hand WWE isn't using him to his full potential and he could have a better shot in TNA. It's a hard call.
At 11/26/05 01:09 AM, cornontheconn wrote: Man, I don't wanna see Big Show as a heel. :(
Well, far as I can tell, WWE's gonna make him one. Too bad, I really like the guy.
But Randy Orton turning so much cooler makes up for it. RKO's on HBK and Carlito on Monday, and on the cowboys tonight! Badass.
Yes it does! Randy might become a face again. I'm gonna be so happy when he does. I admire the RKO once more.
My little brother and I were considering that Undertaker might take the place of Batista at SS. Sure, he's not on good terms with RO, but SD and RAW are both already hosting team members that normally wouldn't get along, so don't disqualify that possibility, guys. Some of you think that Undertaker will screw SD, but I think he might actually be their savior.
Hell, cornontheconn, thats exactly what I was thinking. Course, I never thought about Orton and Taker not getting along. But, I think that SD will prove to RAW that they are superior and RAW just plain sucks. Thanks for sharing that by the way.
Kane and Big Show continued their dominance over Batista, double-chokeslamming him through the announce table on SmackDown heading into Survivor Series.
did yall watch theat when it happened i was like wtf.batista is tha bomb and he got his a** kicked.
sleepyshocker you are # 163. Welcome to da club!
I was watching Heat last night and one of the matches featured is Carlito vs a local guy named Taylor Phoenix (who is also featured in a match vs Simon Dean on Velocity). And it was kinda funny in the sense that the fans did not in fact cheer for their local guy, in fact they were chanting for Carlito the entitre match. I think it actually caught him off guard when he was on his way to the ring. And I can see Carlito as a really good face, his character is a fun one to watch. I have to admit it, I have gotten to like Carlito. He is indeed cool.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 11/26/05 11:37 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: sleepyshocker you are # 163. Welcome to da club!
I was watching Heat last night and one of the matches featured is Carlito vs a local guy named Taylor Phoenix (who is also featured in a match vs Simon Dean on Velocity). And it was kinda funny in the sense that the fans did not in fact cheer for their local guy, in fact they were chanting for Carlito the entitre match. I think it actually caught him off guard when he was on his way to the ring. And I can see Carlito as a really good face, his character is a fun one to watch. I have to admit it, I have gotten to like Carlito. He is indeed cool
Trust me when Carlito becomes a face he will be a huge star this is the first he's ever been a heel in his pro wrestling career.
At 11/26/05 11:54 AM, pepeatumi wrote:
Trust me when Carlito becomes a face he will be a huge star this is the first he's ever been a heel in his pro wrestling career.
Whoa, Carlito was wrestling before WWE? When the hell was that? Then again, he would be an awesome face. All I know was that his father was a wrestler. But, nice info , noneoftheless.