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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-08 22:59:21

awsome, I'll have to pick it up when it comes out.

so he signed with TNA already? I guess he didn't have a no compete clause in his contract like so many others have had in the past. I hope he gets the main championship there, if nothing else just to prove to the WWE that they could have and should have done so while he was there.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-09 06:31:23

At 11/8/05 08:13 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: Still here? Ok, the word making the rounds is that Jay "Christian" Reso has signed with TNA. Damn that was quick, but good timing also, as Reso is at the peak of his popularity, and TNA can do some good business with him I think.

who didn't see that coming a mile away? it is only going to happen more and more. people will be getting sick and tired of being a joke on WWE so they will go to TNA where they can become a bigger star

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-09 09:16:04

it's certinaly happened before. We can only hope that he enters in a main event capacity.

I hope they don't make a jobber out of Davari. That would just suck.

I was just checking the superstar list on wwe.com and I just noticed that they have that striker guy on raw. I didn't even know he was hired by the wwe.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-09 11:46:29

Striker only fights on Heat now. He's in a feud with Shelton Benjamin.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-09 16:19:27

heh shows how much I really pay attention huh?

speaking of heat, havent seen either bashum on heat or velocity. Wonder if they are working dark matches or what?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-09 19:59:00

Well ya i can't wait for the new game RAW vs. SMACKDOWN 2006 on PS2! r am really can't wait and did u see on RAW? It going to be Edge vs Batista on SD! i really cant wait!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-09 22:41:54

does anyone know what wrestlers are going to be included in this version? And what differences are there from the last one come out? I'll probably get the game when it comes out too, if they don't sell out anyway.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-10 00:26:35

At 11/9/05 04:19 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: heh shows how much I really pay attention huh?

speaking of heat, havent seen either bashum on heat or velocity. Wonder if they are working dark matches or what?

I saw them on Velocity and Heat before they went internet-only. I forget which one stayed with which brand, I think Doug's on RAW. Anyhow, the Smackdown Basham now sports huge sunglasses and goes for the 'cool' thing, while the RAW Basham turned into a 'dark' type, saying he's tired of being a team player. He has black and orange face paint now. And wears a hood.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-10 00:29:21

Uh-oh, guys. Batista got a back injury on Tuesday while taping Smackdown. Does this mean Edge won?

"World Heavyweight Champion Batista injured his back at the SmackDown television taping Tuesday night in Indianapolis.

Earlier today, Batista traveled to Birmingham, Ala., to be seen by Dr. James Andrews. While meeting with Dr. Andrews, The Animal was informed that he had a decision to make concerning the treatment of the injury. He could either rehab his back, or opt for surgery. If he decides to go with the surgery, Batista could be out of action for as long as three months.

Batista plans on making his decision by the weekend."

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-10 00:47:53

Poor Batista. Oh well pass the championship.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-10 01:40:48

At 11/10/05 12:47 AM, AnzRage wrote: Poor Batista. Oh well pass the championship.

Which is what might exactly happen, Batista may have to forfeit the belt.

Christian shall henceforth be known as Christian Cage according to his new trademarks.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-10 02:01:30

Christian Cage, huh? I still think Jay Reso's a cooler name, although calling him anything other than Christian would be just weird by now.

Batista may have to give up the belt. Trish Stratus went for, what, 5 months on injury without giving up the belt? But that's probably because people care a lot less for the Women's Championship than the World Championship.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-10 10:42:50

damn, a hurt back? I feel bad for ol' Dave.. If he decided for rehab, I wonder how long that would take?

Lets just say he does have to give up (Or lose in a match depending on how WWE handles this) his title, who should get it? If they give it to Orton, this may lead to a WM match in which Batista could probably be back in time for. Eddie is also a good choice, but again who knows at this point...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-10 23:24:49

I hope SD is good tomarrow, with a batista/ edge street fight to look forward too it had better be. Thing is I will have to tape it since I'll unfortunatly miss it due to work. I just hope they drop the jr division and teh boogeyman soon. horrible waste of tv time...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 00:25:08

Looks like I've been screwed once again on buying Hardcore Homecoming, as apparently a shipment went out where they took two discs of the event, and slipped them into the same case, but with a wrong label on them. If anyone has a copy of this DVD, could you PLEASE run down what's on your "Disc 2" so I can be sure this is indeed a manufacturing error, this has happened on copies I bought from two different stores, I've had these sorts of things happen before on other DVD's. I'll probably take it back Saturday, any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 00:26:34

I havent gotten around to joining this but Id like too. My neighbor use to work for WWE. It was awsome. Id just see these big fancy cares pull up and all the sudden these famous wrestlers would come out. It was pretty cool. I got to meet them sometimes, I will show pictures eventually. And just for your information, Rey Mysterio's eyes are actually really dark brown, And its creepy seeing them not bright blue.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 00:49:43

At 11/11/05 12:12 AM, FlamingDeath911 wrote:
I got SD vs raw 2006 reserved it releases next tuesday which is 11/15

Day of Reckoning 2 is better. Better gameplay in my point of view.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 01:10:17

At 11/11/05 12:26 AM, Kaabi wrote: I havent gotten around to joining this but Id like too. My neighbor use to work for WWE. It was awsome. Id just see these big fancy cares pull up and all the sudden these famous wrestlers would come out. It was pretty cool. I got to meet them sometimes, I will show pictures eventually. And just for your information, Rey Mysterio's eyes are actually really dark brown, And its creepy seeing them not bright blue.

That's fucking cool. I'd like to meet some pro-wrestlers sometime. They all seem pleasant.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 02:13:23

At 11/11/05 01:10 AM, cornontheconn wrote: That's fucking cool. I'd like to meet some pro-wrestlers sometime. They all seem pleasant.

Some are, some aren't. I met Ted Dibiase and Sean Waltman, Dibiase was very pleasent and appreciative, Waltman tried his best, but he was subbing for Tatanka, and wrestling Roddy Piper later in the day, plus this was back when just about everything sucked, so I can't blame him for being a little off. He wasn't unpleasent or anything, just didn't seem like he was enjoying himself a huge amount being there.

Met the Smoking Gunns when they were managed by Tammy Sytch (Sunny to those of you who only watched WWE). Sytch was very nice, and Mike Barton (Bart Gunn) was really pleasent and friendly, shook your hand and took a moment to talk to you a little bit rather then just making it a cattle call, even though there was quite a line. Billy Gunn was an ASSHOLE! Absolutely did not want to be there it seemed, actually looked at Sytch with this bored look as I got up there and said "Sunny, do you think I look too much like Shawn Michaels?" Sytch looked at him and seemed genuinely disgusted and just said "Jesus Billy" if he was trying to work us, Sytch didn't seem to be in on it. He would smile for pictures, but the minute the flash faded, he was back to looking bored and like he wished the whole signing would be over. It's soured me on the guy ever since.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 09:43:50

Yeah, WWE is just sucking lately. TNA getting Jay Reso is awesome. But I hope that on TNA Genesis that Rhino wins back the NWA heavyweight championship.

To change the subject though, I recently bought the Ultimate Warrior dvd. His name was Jim Helwig(think thats how ya spell it). Then he changed his name to "Warrior". Yeah, I think this guy was a wacko. He undoubtedly burned out. He had his time, and now it is over.

As for Genesis, does anyone know what matches are gonna happen? Well, thanks ahead of time.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 09:55:30

At 11/11/05 12:49 AM, MegaGold wrote:
At 11/11/05 12:12 AM, FlamingDeath911 wrote:
I got SD vs raw 2006 reserved it releases next tuesday which is 11/15
Day of Reckoning 2 is better. Better gameplay in my point of view.

Yeah right, gamecube games suck ass compared to PS@'s wrestling games, they are just awesome, you can't top em'.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 11:24:44

As far as meeting wrestlers go, I went to a signing a few yers ago in which the Rock and D-lo were there. This was around the time Rock was having a fued with mankind and had just lost the belt to him for the first time. Both were very nice but didn't have time to talk as teh line was huge. I almost didn't get an autograph as the mall we were at was two stories, and the line was up there and one of the officials told us all to leave as there would not be enough time to get to everybody. So when my Dad and I want downstairs we saw where they were and I slippeed into the line and got through. I still have those autographs.

I recently met Mick Foley at a Scooter book signing. I posted about that when it happened. you can find pictures here

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 12:04:55

I come back from my BBS ban. :) Back to the topic, as Batista injured his back, I wonder how SD! will deal with his belt. I hope that Randy Orton can take it. But I want him to beat a HEALTHY Batista ALONE. (He has the ability to do so.) However, there is a very big chance that the belt will be on vocation during Batista's break. Remember last year? That is the way how they started the feud for the main event of New Year's Revolution. So my belt is that SD! is going to vocate the belt for Batista's case. What do you guys think?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 12:41:31

I've met about 40 wrestlers and there are only a few I could complain about. The nicest by far was Big Show, I met him in 2001 when he was the champ. He let me hold the belt and we talked for about 2 minutes, he seemed like a real down to earth guy. The worst I met was Shawn Michaels. I was at a signing with Michaels, Goldberg, Flair and Nash. They were all nice and I get to michaels. I got a pic with everyone of them and I get to Mihaels and he said no pictures and he didnt even sign my poster. That little bitch, he's lucky I wasn't only 13 then. Another funny one was when I met Edge at his signing, I was wearing Diesel shirt so I go up to him and he's like " Are you going to the show tonight, if you are you'd better get a better shirt than that!" We laughed, he said an EdgeHead needs a good shirt and he gave me one, he only gave out like 5 of them out of about 300 people.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 22:33:22

LordKooler's Friday Night Smackdown review
1.Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio
A great match to start off Smackdown. Rey Mysterio won by DQ I think. Then while Randy Orton's attacking rey mysterio, Matt Hardy comes out and saves rey. I have some questions to ask about matt & jeff hardy. What's the difference between Jeff Hardy's release from WWE and Matt's release from WWE? Who has a larger internet fanbase? Matt or Jeff? Which release did people give a bigger deal about? Jeff Hardy's release from WWE or Matt Hardy's release from WWE? What did Jeff Hardy say about Matt's release from WWE? And who has had a more sucsessful singles career? Matt or Jeff?
2.MNM Segment
Melina has a bad back that's preventing her from doing her famous ring entrance and she says that she should be at home. Then Michelle Deightman from America's next top model comes out and MNM is about to attack her until the Mexicools come out and save her. The Mexicools turned face. Who will be the no.1 contender to Juventud's Cruiserweight title? And when will Super Crazy & Psichosis wrestle MNM for the tag team titles? Next week? Survivor Series? or Armageddon?
3.Lashley vs Orlando Jordan
Lashley squashes Orlando Jordan to gain a spot on Smackdown's survivor series team. Orlando Jordan isn't a jobber like Simon Dean or Nunzio, But Orlando was a jobber before he turned heel.
4.Eddie Guerrero vs Mr.Kennedy
Eddie guerrero won by DQ after Kennedy used a steel chair. Then Kennedy makes guerrero a bloody mess.
5.Pierohito vs Todd Stone
Smackdown's new Junior division is stupid like the boogeyman. Pierhito won at the end.
6.JBL vs Chris Benoit
JBL won at the end.
7.Smackdown vs RAW segment
The street fight between Edge & Batista was a set up. RAW superstars Big show & Kane came out and attacked batista.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 22:37:10

I am very irated and upset what the old fuck Bob Orton is doing. He makes Randy Orton who should be the SD! top wreslter look like a high level jobber. RO has been losing a lot and it is all because of his old fuck dad. RO is the legend killer, so I wonder why he has not RKOed his dad who brought him down. To be honest, I really miss Randy Orton when he was still a face. It looks like that RO suddenly lost his ability to win since he turned heel which really sucks. RO has been in the Survior Series twice and I really hope that he can be there for the third time since he and The Undertaker are my favourite. I doubt that Randy Orton is going anywhere with his dad dragging him down. SD! can only ruin RO if the old fuck cowboy does not die for good. I persionally hope that RO can realize his dad is ruining him and RKO him. Otherwise, I will appreciate if he can be a face again so that his dad can fuck off. By the way, it is announced that Batista will defend his belt against Eddie and RO. We all know that Batista has back problem, so in case he decides to rest, he is going to lose the belt next week. As I mentioned in previous posts. I want RO to win, but I prefer his clean victories when he was a face. With his dad fucking around, I would rather see him lose and realize what role his dad is playing. Anyway, the world heavyweight championship belt will probably change hands next week. In the end, I have some questions for you WWE fans. What do you think about the fact that Bob Orton is dragging RO down? Should RO be a face again? Welcome to discuss.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 22:39:40

What i don't know why that Kane and Big Show came to SD! and distroying the place. Chris Master Master lock Teddy Long. It was all a setup.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 22:54:53

Damn you guys. I never met a wrestler in my life. Could never afford the tickets, for one. Now, those are some pretty damn good stories. Do ya know when the next WWE show is coming to Indiana?

Now, about the release of SD vs RAW 2006. One, three Hulk Hogan's will be on it. One is the Red and Yellow underwear wearing one, "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, and the Hogan of today. Also, I heard Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase will be in it as well. And another thing, the Hardcore belt is brought into this one. Course, thats what I heard. Good thing it is on the PS2. I played the original SD vs. RAW and that was pretty good. Hopefully this is better.

As for Day of Reckonging, I kinda disliked it. Too damn confusing on the Gamecube controller. The controls, I mean. As for everything else on SD vs RAW 2006, I'll have more updates on it later, for those who dont know.

On a final note, SD sucked ass badly tonight. They need to shut up and get some real talent in their. Batista isnt gonna do all the damn work, ya know? And RAW cant keep coming in and having dumbasses and slutty divas parading around. Please, WWE, get back some people who know what they're doing. Like the legends. Even though they're old, doesnt mean ya cant bring 'em back. Hell, they brought Piper and Bob Orton Jr. back, so why the hell not? Well, unless RAW gets better this week, I'm sticking with TNA. But, does anyone know what matches are happening at Genesis this Sunday? Thanks for telling me ahead of time.

PS: Hardcore Homecoming, was it? Well, Avie, I never heard of it's release. Well, until then, I'll be watching TNA and old reruns of WWF/E (when they had talent and great story lines.) Stevens A. has spoken.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 23:02:52

Dream of Duke, was it? Well, lemme tell ya something. Your thinking like me in a way. I thought "If Bob Orton Jr. is a legend, why doesnt Randy give him an RKO?" I dont know why. All I know is that Bob Orton is an old fuck who needs to retire. He makes Randy look weak and very gay. If WWE knew what they were doing, they'd have a father/son fued. Hell, I'd pay money to see that. Anyone else got an opinion? Well, thanks for bringing up that discussion. Gives people something new to talk about. Stevens A. has spoken for the night.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-11 23:15:47

Thanks, StevenA. Yea, there should be a father-son feud. I really want to see the old fuck get destroyed. Thanks for the idea. :)

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