At 10/16/03 09:18 PM, RugbyMacDaddy wrote:
I dont agree with Goldberg bein a mid-card preformer. He brings to the table something not very many people can do.
Please reply to this and tell what it is that he does that others dont. Lesnar is stronger, everyone has a better arsenal of moves, everyone can do better interviews/promos..... I still dont see this hidden talent or whatever it is that makes you obsessed with goldberg.....
First of all they didnt hype up Goldberg nearly as much as some other people making returns (remember how much hype there was for HHH before he came back from the lge injury)
HHH deserved the hype. He recovered from such a devastating injury. But beyond that he is one of, if not the top guy in the business. Anything goldberg can do HHH can do better.
He has so much raw power in him that he impresses everyone(how many of you people were not impressed by the jackhammer on Mark Henery or any of his other huge hits like the spear on three minute warning putting one through the security wall).
Ummmmm that "jackhammer" on mark henry wasnt even a real one. It was just a suplex. I mean kurt angle and lesnar have done more impressive thingd to the big show..... OH WOW!!!! he put some guy through a rigged security wall. thats what i call impressive. Youre comparing him to michaels, foley and others who do real high spots and insane manuvers. Going through a fake wall is nothing..... You must be easily impressed..... I still dont see how anyone could be impressed with henry vs goldberg. it was one of the worst matches ever.
And after all he did go for a long time without losing, including a win for the heavyweight title in wcw, his first loss was to Kevin Nash. He is a diamond in the rough for WWE. Remember, eric thought austin would never amount to much in the WCW, look how wrong he was.
That was the most phoney-balognay streak ever. For Christs sake they counted his wins at house shows. WHo does that? Another thing about that run, who did he beat along the way? Hugh morrus 10x? Virgil 6x? Glacier 8x? you make it sound like he beat the cream of the crop. well he didnt. A diamond in the rough? bullshit! more like the dirt surrounding flowers.
and once again im forced to ask: are you goldbergs mom or an obsessed homosexual fan?
Also please stop posting if you are only going to make false claims and tell lies. I have no problem when people are fans of anyone, but when you start to make shit up about them, thats to much....
EX: big show is the most agile wrestler in history!
La Parka has the best promos ever!
it sounds like bullshit and I hope you realize you sound like shit when you tell tales of things that never happened.
Why do you have to invent memories? also dont forget to respond to my above point on your first "claim"