Well, they won't be released, SD!~ need them for some new competition in the cruiserweight division. Good guys...just stuck in a bad faction that is only gonna hurt their reputation.
Well, they won't be released, SD!~ need them for some new competition in the cruiserweight division. Good guys...just stuck in a bad faction that is only gonna hurt their reputation.
At 7/2/05 06:26 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Good guys...just stuck in a bad faction that is only gonna hurt their reputation.
I say its likely that they get sent back to OVW and get repackaged singally and hopefully come back more respectable. But maybe i shouldnt comment so much right now, they have had two appearances and only gone further than a beat down in one of those. Maybe they wil have some exciting double teams to make me forget about their faction
Ya, you never know what kinda of things cruiserweights will be pulling out of their asses.
only time will tell.
The crusierweight division is going to get very intersting soon, now that Juventud and Psychosis, A.K.A. Akula are on SD! It would be cool if La Parka would comeback, but that won't be happening in a long while. As for the Mexicools as a group, it's one part of etnicity that hasn't been touched since Razor Ramon left the WWF, back when it was the WWF back then. Of course there is going to be a fued with other wrestlers who represent Latinos, I can see a battle right now between Juventud and Mysterio, it would be a good one.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
Those 2 used to have epic battles in WCW while exchanging the cruiserweight championships. Always my favourite matches to watch were the WCW cruiserweights. on the note of La Parka " chairman of the board" lol. he won't come back. He wasn't even really a high flier anyway.
I'm bored, so I will just ask, who is everyones most hated wrestler ever in the WWE?
You are right about La Parka, but his pressence was cool though. It seems as though when the Cruiserweight Chapionship was about to get interesting, Ultimo Dragon split. On a different note, whatever happened to Norman Smiley I think it was and Alex Wright? This is very old news, very old news, but I once read out of a magazine that those two were to show up in the WWF then. I guess it's not happening now, it's not like they would be able to do much.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
At 7/2/05 06:59 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Always my favourite matches to watch were the WCW cruiserweights. on the note of La Parka " chairman of the board" lol. he won't come back. He wasn't even really a high flier anyway.
La Parka is famous in Mexico. Also who is going to get tickets for Summer Slam in Washington DC this August or getting tickets to watch WrestleMania XXII in Chicago?
At 7/2/05 07:03 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: I'm bored, so I will just ask, who is everyones most hated wrestler ever in the WWE?
For me, it would be Triple H today or use to be Brock Lesnar.
My most hated wrestler by far in the WWE is none other than Randy Orton....i just can't stand the guy...i cheered when he got drafted to SD!.
At 7/2/05 07:03 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: I'm bored, so I will just ask, who is everyones most hated wrestler ever in the WWE?
Well, since you said most hated wrestler ever, pertaining to anybody who tried to wrestle in the WWE, it would be wither Vince or Shane to me anyways.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
At 7/2/05 07:08 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: My most hated wrestler by far in the WWE is none other than Randy Orton....i just can't stand the guy...i cheered when he got drafted to SD!.
He should stay at Raw. Now he is going to make Undertaker's career go crazy.
Nah, they need Orton on SD! they want to oush the under-taker feud abit more, they also want to push the orton-batista feud...remember when orton said he wasnted his revenge? guaranteed orton will be the world heavyweight champion again, i think he will be next to take it from the animal, i'm pretty sure JBL won't be batista for the title and Great American Bash.
At 7/2/05 07:14 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Nah, they need Orton on SD! they want to oush the under-taker feud abit more, they also want to push the orton-batista feud...remember when orton said he wasnted his revenge? guaranteed orton will be the world heavyweight champion again.
Yeah, your right, the only fued on SD! now is Guerrero-Mysterio. That's a great fued.
At 7/2/05 07:11 PM, Mast3rMind wrote: Well, since you said most hated wrestler ever, pertaining to anybody who tried to wrestle in the WWE, it would be wither Vince or Shane to me anyways.
HAHA. =)
At 7/2/05 07:14 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Nah, they need Orton on SD! etc....
Oh yeah, I forgot about that rivalry. Well, its good SD! has Orton, Batista, and Taker all together now.
I have a question, what was that thing that Rey Mysterio didnt want Eddie to tell everyone on SD?
That was the only part of SD! that i missed, i had to take a shower, when i came back, the mystero-eddie part was over, i was hella dissapointed.
I just bought WM21 yesterday, and it's not that good, but I don't regret buying it. Also I didn't know Christy Hemme was in Playboy!
I'm back. Call the Police
lmao, u didn't know that?...wow who hasn't seen those pictures......i can't believe you did not know that christy hemme was in playboy....it was a big thing in the episodes of RAW for awhile...not been watching?
At 7/2/05 09:54 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: lmao, u didn't know that?...wow who hasn't seen those pictures......i can't believe you did not know that christy hemme was in playboy....it was a big thing in the episodes of RAW for awhile...not been watchin
I just started watching WWE again right after WM. Maybe 2 weeks before Backlash.
I'm back. Call the Police
HOLY SHIT!!!1!1! I just found teh best naked WWE diva site.
I'm back. Call the Police
Here are some pictures from The Rocks upcoming movie Doom .
I'm back. Call the Police
I freaking hate the rock!!!!!! he abandoned all of his loyal fans to make movies because he lost interest in the business...what an asshole.
Yea but he was teh shit on teh mic! Remember his concert?
I'm back. Call the Police
With the exception of Grenier, I think SD! got a nice mix of strong mid-card hands that can improve the programming a bit whereever they get put.
Sylven Grenier could help SD! more than Richards, Simon Dean, Candice and Regal...lol
Nah Sylvian Grenier isnt thbably just end up on Velocity. None of the wrestlers being traded are good.. None will make a dramatic impact anyway.
At 7/3/05 03:39 AM, Arnold12 wrote: Nah Sylvian Grenier isnt thbably just end up on Velocity. None of the wrestlers being traded are good.. None will make a dramatic impact anyway.
Maybe Kenzo may make a few Raw shows but mosty Heat.
You guys are forgetting about Dupree, Jindrak and mostly chavo, those 3 men will be making impacts on RAW in the near future.
At 7/3/05 12:02 AM, The_Hurricane wrote: Sylven Grenier could help SD! more than Richards, Simon Dean, Candice and Regal...lol
How do you figure that? Grenier is going to wind up unused like Dupree, the other guys are at least good hands, veterans that can help get some new guys over.
Not to dis Chavo, but I think history has taught us Cruiserweights don't get pushed on RAW, I see him and Tajiri having a long series...on HEAT...because creative is too stupid to know what else to do with them.