I meant John Cena. I forgot about the draft, working long hours will warp your mind after awhile, but yes, John Cena.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

I meant John Cena. I forgot about the draft, working long hours will warp your mind after awhile, but yes, John Cena.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
Heh, i was wondering what you were thinking, its all good tho, work flusters me also.
Excuse me Hurricane, but were you just trying to call ECW bush league? You mean the promotion that produced former World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit, and former WWE Champ Eddie Guerrero, stars who would not have gotten over elsewhere? Who taught Steve Austin to cut a promo? Who brought Cruiserweights to the american audience? Who created storylines and characters that were then stolen by the bigger companies?
WWE EXISTS right now because they had ECW to plunder, if they hadn't, they wouldn't exist right now cause they were going bankrupt in 96, and they turned it around with the talent, and the kind of content, that ECW had been putting on the air for three whole years, and proving it would draw.
Well, if you would have a memory, Benoit and Guerrero officially hit it big in WCW, when Guerrero had the match of the year of Mysterio and Benoit was a founding member of the 4 Horsemen. And if anyone didn't know, Chris Benot was the World Heavyweight Champion of WCW when it went under. he had it for about 1 month. WCW was the main base for Guerrero and Benoit. WWE is just exploiting the fact that ECW held Guerrero and Benoit, so people just think they were huge there. WCW gave the pushes to Eddie and Chris that they originally deserved, a place where they could show-case their" real" talent. Not shed blood and get thrown through tables for a living.
Thank you.
And how does ECW producing Benoit and Guerrero, make it not Bush-League? they were bush league, they were held out of local community centres and had a very low budget.
ECW had PPV, ECW was considered the third national promotion, and actually, Guerrero was quite big in ECW (watch his last match with Dean Malenko, the fans chanted "Please don't go!" throughout), ditto Benoit. My point was that WCW and later WWE only exploited what ECW did with, and for those guys, because neither promotion was knocking down there door before they got in ECW. ECW was a launching pad for the whole wrestling boom, that's my point, granted, they weren't running on the same level as the "Big Two" but what they did with the little money they had makes me respect them a lot more since both of those companies bled money (WCW bled more in a year then ECW lost over it's entire existence) and were only being sustained by the fact that they either had a large family fortune (WWE) or were being bankrolled by a huge corporation (WCW). I don't understand why you can't except that ECW had a major impact on the business, and that WWE probably wouldn't even be around right now if it wasn't for them, Vince Mcmahon is certainly not afraid to admit how much they helped his product out.
At 7/2/05 12:22 AM, The_Hurricane wrote: a place where they could show-case their" real" talent. Not shed blood and get thrown through tables for a living.
Thank you.
Hey, Eric Bischoff! With that comment about "getting thrown through tables for a living" you just proved you haven't watched enough ECW to get an accurate depiction of the product. Go watch Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko, 2-out of-3 falls, their final ECW bout. Pure fucking wrestling, athleticism at a level neither man was ever really allowed to produce since. ECW had guys who were great scientific wrestlers, and were allowed to shine just as well as the hardcore guys. If you had watched more of the product, rather then listening to bullshit reports, or fabrications that people have put out there since it's demise to devalue it, you'd know that.
La Resistance can be formed again after the trade. Hopefully Vince accepts Brock's offer and he can face Batista for the World Heavy Weight Championship.
no no no no no Brock made a promise to join nfl and he hould join something that isnt FAKE like wrestling scripts .vs. real action whitch is betta
Weeks before WM21, JBL said that he was the wrestling god and would beat Batista within minutes if he chose to face him. As Batista got drafted to SD!, I am expecting a JBL-Batista match on the "Great American" PPV.
At 7/2/05 06:01 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Weeks before WM21, JBL said that he was the wrestling god and would beat Batista within minutes if he chose to face him. As Batista got drafted to SD!, I am expecting a JBL-Batista match on the "Great American" PPV.
A second rival has started on SD! too. It's the contuing of Randy Orton and the Undertaker since WM21.
At 7/2/05 02:31 AM, AnzRage wrote: La Resistance can be formed again after the trade. Hopefully Vince accepts Brock's offer and he can face Batista for the World Heavy Weight Championship.
If Brock Lesnar join Smackdown, I would like Smackdown more than Raw for the first time...
Hey, we both have our points, i'm exagerrating when saying they got thrown through tables for a living, i know there was lots of wrestling involved. ECW was alright, but to say WWE wouldn't be around if it wasn't for them, its just stretching the truth. It was said by mcmachon, when ECW and WCW was around, there was 5 men that kept the business alive, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Mankind, Undertaker and Stone Cold. Those are the 5 that brought the ratings back to WWE RAW. Those are the men you should be thanking.
all though, thx for the in depth debate, its been fun. good forum talk.
At 7/2/05 03:26 AM, cloudstrife335 wrote: no no no no no Brock made a promise to join nfl and he hould join something that isnt FAKE like wrestling scripts .vs. real action whitch is betta
Brock has been cut from nfl coz he is shit. At the moment he cant wrestle until around 2010 becasue of WWE. He is not going to go near WWEever again coz he despises the shit outta them.
RAW and SmackDown! agree to 11-person deal Reply with quote
WWE.com has learned that RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff and SmackDown! General Manager Theodore Long have agreed on a blockbuster 11-person deal that will likely have a big impact on both rosters.
RAW brand gets:
* Mark Jindrak: Former WCW Tag Team Champion
* Rene Dupree: Former WWE Tag Team Champion; former World Tag Team Champion
* Danny Basham: Two-time former WWE Tag Team Champion
* Kenzo Suzuki (with Hiroko): Former WWE Tag Team Champion
* Chavo Guerrero: Five-time former Cruiserweight Champion; two-time former WWE Tag Team Champion
SmackDown! brand gets:
* William Regal: Four-time former WCW Television Champion; three-time former Hardcore Champion; four-time former European Champion; former Intercontinental Champion; four-time former World Tag Team Champion
* Candice: 2004 RAW Diva Search contestant
* Sylvain Grenier: Four-time former World Tag Team Champion
* Simon Dean: Former RAW sponsor
* Steven Richards: Former two-time ECW Tag Team Champion; former 21-time Hardcore Champion
Watch RAW on Monday (9/8CT; Spike TV) for more on this trade.
This is from OWMF foums.
Sounds quite interesting but the wrestlers they are trading are pretty shit.
Smackdown wins because they got Simon Dean. =P
Raw can make Kenzo Suzuki pretty big though.
The Trade has already been covered in this forum, and Brock Lesner has talked to Mr.Mcmahon and he is going to be taking away the lawsuit. Brock is heavily considering coming back to the WWE. All this has been covered for the past week.
I really can't see what's the big deal about Brock Lesnar. Is it that important to have him back in the WWE when the WWE can take another wrestler instead and give them a shot, like Bradshaw, before he became JBL. As for what was said about Stevie Richards, chances are that he can make an impact some how, all he needs he needs is a shot at title, mostly a Cruiserweight title and there might actually be some potential in him to actually become active a lot more now.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
Yes but, you have to remember the age is creeping up on Richards....WWE is interested in their young talent. Richards will be done soon, you have to pushed waay over and have a good image for age to not have a factor for a wrestler, examples would be Shawn Michaels ( 40 years of age) and Batista ( 39 years of age) even the Undertaker. Richards age will be a factor in how he will be used in the future.
The best example of age not being a huge matter would be the now deceased WCW. They had a lot of old wrestlers there, most of them being legends, but back to the WWE. The current examples I can use besides the ones that you put up would be Ron Simmons I think it was, Ric Flair, Mick Foley every now and then, and others that I've forgotten. The main point that I'm trying to make is that even though the WWE is getting interested in young superstars, there are always people who like some of the old school wrestlers, even if they were a heel, or even just had a drop kick for a finsher or body slam.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
At 7/2/05 01:26 PM, Mast3rMind wrote: The main point that I'm trying to make is that even though the WWE is getting interested in young superstars, there are always people who like some of the old school wrestlers, even if they were a heel, or even just had a drop kick for a finsher or body slam.
The people that you mention though are, as The_Hurricane said, very popular, and have been put over. Another example would be sargeant slaughter. He appears every now and again, because the popular oldies add another dimension to the show. Stevie Richards gets ovelooed because of Vince's immpression of him, and him thinking he is too old to have any real potential to become what Vince wants
3 guys that you are going to see WWE use alot to their full potential in the future will be Christian, Shelton Benjamin and Carlito. Christian is great in the ring and on the mic. Carlito is great on the mic, but still a little green in the ring.. Benjamin is unbelievable in the ring, probably the best wwe has, but he is horrible on the mic. Once these 3 guys develope to their full potential, you are going to see them turn into huge things.
I hope Benjamin does become something big. I have always liked him.
At 7/2/05 05:44 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Benjamin is unbelievable in the ring, probably the best wwe has, but he is horrible on the mic.
They are obviously planning big things for him, as he beat Triple H two times in a row, nearly as much as Batista. And that leap across the ring was frikkin awesome (until he got his head kicked off)
ooooo....your giving me goosebumps thinking about that sweet chin music....i was reading an article saying how HBK and Benjamin only rehearsed that stunt once and screwed up trying, when they did it on RAW, they executed it perfectly. Thats why the call him the ShowStopper.
At 7/2/05 06:03 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: ooooo....your giving me goosebumps thinking about that sweet chin music....i was reading an article saying how HBK and Benjamin only rehearsed that stunt once and screwed up trying, when they did it on RAW, they executed it perfectly. Thats why the call him the ShowStopper.
It was so good, i almost fell out of my chair from its awesomeness.
On another note, what is everyone's impression of the Mexicools?
Why do these wrestlers agree to such a degrading storyline?
I'm not fond of the guys....i with they could have came in as solo wrestlers, wrestling for the cruiserwieght division....but the idea of the Mexicool faction is horrible....did u hear those guys on the mic last time....wow. I remember back when Juvatude and Psychosis wrestled in WCW, they were geniouses, but i can now see that psychosis is getting older and has lost a step. Juvatude is still quite good though.
All in all i think the faction is a bad one....just judge it by how bad the name is, lol
Mexicools...wow, who was the creative guy behind that.
At 7/2/05 06:20 PM, The_Hurricane wrote:
Mexicools...wow, who was the creative guy behind that.
Maybe the same one behind Muhammad Hassan and La Resistance
Yeh I can see them coming on for the next 3 shows then probably getting released. Not a good idea at all.