No advertisments in such a great topic time please. Vengeance and the draft brings great Forum talk.
No advertisments in such a great topic time please. Vengeance and the draft brings great Forum talk.
just for a change in pace:
Brock Lesnar was recently quoted in the "Bismark Tribune" as saying he would like to settle his current lawsuit and return to WWE.
"I'm ready for it now. With the lawsuit and everything going on, I just hope we can resolve this thing, and Vince can open his doors to me and just give me a second chance. I have no idea (where it stands). I guess it stands on the end of your pencil, when it gets out on the internet. That's probably where he'll catch the news. It's either that or me calling him. But I don't know what else I'd be. What else is there for me?" Lesnar continued, "I wasn't ready for what (WWE) put on my plate. I couldn't eat it all. I tried to, you know. That's just me being me. He asked me, 'Are you ready for this?' and I just said, 'Bring it on. Let's go.' I wasn't ready to be traveling 300 days a year. I wasn't ready for the money. I wasn't ready for the responsibilities. I wasn't ready to be a father. I wasn't ready to be a husband. I wasn't ready for a lot of things. I had a lot of growing up to do. I was forced to grow up."
Lesnar offered many other pretty complimentary comments toward McMahon in quotes that didn't get used in the story itself, talking about McMahon giving him his big break, written at
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Ya...i read that same article, i don't think its gonna happen tho
He's just suckin up to mcmahon.
I would be really surprised if they hired him again.
It would be great with Lesnar Returned to Smack Down, then Smack Down will be so much better. You guys know Lesnar admitted to hating the gays?
At 6/26/05 11:18 AM, The_Hurricane wrote: Ya...i read that same article, i don't think its gonna happen tho
He's just suckin up to mcmahon.
I would be really surprised if they hired him again.
I wouldn't be suprised if Brock was coming back. Take a look at SD! It's almost like they need stars like him to comeback to add some spark to the roster, and to make it interesting. Chances are that he might be hired again.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
I hope Lesnar comes back too. He was the youngest WWE Champion. He left the WWE as a heel, and he'll come back as a face.
I'm back. Call the Police
I'm not sure how to feel about that one. Sure he has done well in the past, but is he worth bringing back again? It's a tough call to make. We don't even know if Vince even wants to bring him back. Just because Lesnar wants to doesn't mean Vince will let him.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 6/26/05 04:36 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm not sure how to feel about that one. Sure he has done well in the past, but is he worth bringing back again? It's a tough call to make. We don't even know if Vince even wants to bring him back. Just because Lesnar wants to doesn't mean Vince will let him.
You have a good point, but do you remember that Stone Cold controversy when he didn't show up to work and he was fired, and said never to comeback. I think that it just might happen again, although, the only difference is if SD! needs him. I'm sure that Vince has the pocket money to let in Brock Lesnar, he doesn't have much to lose. The main thing is that it's all up to Vince, although something tells me that Brock is coming back, if not to SD!, then Raw, where either HHH gets exchanged somehow, or someone else from there, like Kane, revivng the Brother of Hell story again, or the feud. There are many possibilites to come play here.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
At 6/26/05 02:12 PM, MattAC wrote: I hope Lesnar comes back too. He was the youngest WWE Champion. He left the WWE as a heel, and he'll come back as a face.
Correction, lesnar is not the youngest champion....Randy Orton is.
Its orton's career highlight.
Carlito vs Benjamin- Carlito wins using exposed turnbuckle.
Christy vs Victoria- Victoria picks up the W in a crappy match.
Edge Vs Kane- Kane wins from chokeslamming Edge
HBK vs Angle 2- HBK wins, it was the best match of the night, they stole the show.
Cena vs Jericho vs Captain Charisma- Cena wins with F-U, retains title.
Batista vs HHH- Batista wins with Batista bomb, it was an all out bloody brawl.
all in all, it was a fantastic PPV, but ya HBK vs Angle was the match to check out.
Austin payed his dues, and did a lot for the company, he has the respect of everyone in that locker room, and I think everyone deep down knew Austin only did what he did because of complete burn out and frustration with a system that was fucking with his career in what Austin knew to be the last years of it (a lot of guys are publicly and privately suffering because of the ineptitude of Creative), Lesnar took a walk after having the push and spot of a lifetime just literally handed to him, and he walked out when things didn't go the exact way he wanted them to. That's something that dosen't sit well with the rest of the locker room, and I'm sure most of the fans are still pissed off at the way Lesnar just abandoned them as well. I think Lesnar coming back would ony be a short term solution that wouldn't fix any of the major problems, and would I'm sure do more harm then good.
At 6/26/05 11:25 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Carlito vs Benjamin- Carlito wins using exposed turnbuckle.
he would lose the tilte that fast.
Christy vs Victoria- Victoria picks up the W in a crappy match.
Well it could have been worse Christy winning
Edge Vs Kane- Kane wins from chokeslamming Edge
Well I guess thats ok edge still has the briefcase.
HBK vs Angle 2- HBK wins, it was the best match of the night, they stole the show.
Of cousre they would it a recipe for success. well I guess at survivor series they will have a rubber match.
Cena vs Jericho vs Captain Charisma- Cena wins with F-U, retains title.
Damn I wanted Captn too win looks like Cena keeping the wwe title for a while now.
Batista vs HHH- Batista wins with Batista bomb, it was an all out bloody brawl.
NOOOO H lost a hiac damn. well lets hope that feud is done with.
all in all, it was a fantastic PPV, but ya HBK vs Angle was the match to check out.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
i enjoy playing on Smackdown! vs Raw . The graphics are exelenta. Who agrees with me?
At 6/27/05 01:43 AM, Elfqueen wrote: i enjoy playing on Smackdown! vs Raw . The graphics are exelenta. Who agrees with me?
if I played x-box I think wresltmania 21 would be better but the new ps2 game usually comes out in november I havent heard anything about it but my guess its better than the previous one.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 6/27/05 01:43 AM, Elfqueen wrote: i enjoy playing on Smackdown! vs Raw . The graphics are exelenta. Who agrees with me?
Its a great wrestling game. But I let my friend borrow it and now I am dieing to get it back, but he lives kinda far from me and hasnt visited. >:(
Well everyone, lets get a good topic going, everyone predict who RAW is going to get tonight.
My prediction is.....Eddie Guererro
He isn't being involved in the title match on SD! and his thing with Mysterio is going a little long. Time for a change.
I would think Eddie Guererro as well because he lost to Mysterio again. I cant wait to watch it though.
that would be bad for SD but probably really good for Raw and Eddie. I'd liek to see him on Raw to fight some new people.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Anyone get the results from Sunday's PPV yet? Just wondering. I know its a bit early for vids to come out but dammit I've been waiting for this one for long enough.
At 6/27/05 01:36 PM, ShadowBaofu wrote: Anyone get the results from Sunday's PPV yet? Just wondering. I know its a bit early for vids to come out but dammit I've been waiting for this one for long enough.
Look on the previous forum page, i posted all the results.
Videos can be found on torrent sites like or wrestling media forums like or
Does anyone think the thing between Batista and Triple H is over?
At 6/27/05 09:59 AM, The_Hurricane wrote: Well everyone, lets get a good topic going, everyone predict who RAW is going to get tonight.
My prediction is.....Eddie Guererro
He isn't being involved in the title match on SD! and his thing with Mysterio is going a little long. Time for a change.
Eddie isn't all that bad of a prediction. I could see that, but I can also see Kane going in his place, if not HHH.
Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.
Wow so John Cena retained his WWE title. I won't give up yet. Tonight Cena may lose the title if there is a Championship match and that person gets drafted. Other wise smack down is screwed. Even crappier if they draft Cena back.
At 6/27/05 04:37 PM, Poopsonu1230 wrote: Does anyone think the thing between Batista and Triple H is over?
Lets watch Raw in 18 minutes to find out. Well I think the last draft loto pick is going to be some besides a wrestler like Tazz but having eddie on raw would be awesome.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
hehe that was a pretty good raw.
The pick was relly unexpected:RVD
he probably wont be in action for a while now because of the stint ccc pulled on him, that sux.
The diva search is boring as it was last year altough i want alexis : P
Kurt is totally the man i still cant beleive he made flair tap.
the tag match was pretty good but cena went overboard and bowed to hogan a couple times is enough but he did it like 20 times i am suprised he didnt sux his dick lol.
overall an ok raw.
Well I missed the second half from Angle vs Fliar. I guess hurricance was right with big show as a draft pick.
Tajiri got smack in the back of the head badly. I was hoping he buzzsawed the bastard masterpiece.
Damn CCC is temporay on my hait list for reinjury rvd.
I went to walmart and got 80's dvd I am going back tommorow for one night stand they better have there.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Darn tootin i was right...if anyone is wondering i predicted Big Show about 4-5 days back.
RVD wow....that caught me off guard, i was so pumped when i seen him.
Shelton Bejamin will go to SD! along with Christian/Y2J/ of those 3.
At 6/27/05 11:35 PM, iscruLz wrote: I went to walmart and got 80's dvd I am going back tommorow for one night stand they better have there.
It dosen't come out until next Tuesday I was told...or did I read the thing wrong? I don't think I read it wrong.
At 6/27/05 11:46 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Darn tootin i was right...if anyone is wondering i predicted Big Show about 4-5 days back.
Yep I see
RVD wow....that caught me off guard, i was so pumped when i seen him.
Was a surpise for me.
Shelton Bejamin will go to SD! along with Christian/Y2J/ of those 3.
They needsomeone big like HBK.
At 6/28/05 12:13 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:At 6/27/05 11:35 PM, iscruLz wrote: I went to walmart and got 80's dvd I am going back tommorow for one night stand they better have there.It dosen't come out until next Tuesday I was told...or did I read the thing wrong? I don't think I read it wrong.
It said available tommorow whereever videos are sold. Anyways Tuesdays are the time most dvds are released.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)