At 6/21/05 03:57 AM, X-Naut wrote: lmao,the writers are going to hell for Kane tombstoneding the priest.
I dont know you could easily tell it was a fake when he was staring at lita chest, but theres probably some moms complianing.
At 6/21/05 08:34 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: heh well. Guess I was wrong on all accounts in my last post. it was Carlito, and shelton lose the IC title on Raw. Guess anything can happpeb in the WWE. Damn them for playing matts theme
Well I would think its ironic or coincidentally that carlito won the IC title but I kinda of knew he was going to win and by cheating too.
At 6/21/05 08:37 AM, The_Hurricane wrote: There is also a creeping suspiscion that Batista will go also. We'll see.
I only thinking of that because of the titles, but it would get hjim away from H then randy can have a fued.
At 6/21/05 08:40 AM, -Dawkins- wrote: Also, I was pissed when Shelton Benjamin lost the IC title. But that interview with carlito and that RAW girl (forget her name) was HILARIOUS
A interview maria and christian had was hiLaRiOuS.
Maria: (says just what happened and asks why)
Christian: Did you get your jounralism degree from the back of a coco puffs box.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)