I can't beleave I waited 2 hours just to find out Kurt was the pick. Huge waste of time, but thats just my opinion. The begining was Stone Cold made up for everything.
I can't beleave I waited 2 hours just to find out Kurt was the pick. Huge waste of time, but thats just my opinion. The begining was Stone Cold made up for everything.
I was readin an interesting note...remember on this RAW when HHH said, woah, its hot in here. well, the truth is, it really was. Apparantly the building got really hot and everyone was boiling. This also explains all the sweat on angle and HHH. Just thought u guys might want to know.
I'm back. Call the Police
Some probably know, but i know who the draft pick was for this Thursday, i read the sppoiler...if anyone does not want to know, just tell me, i'm pretty sure you all want to though.
Cable companies are expecting a buyrate in the realm of 800,000 buys for ECW:ONS, which you know, I'll side with Dave Scherer in his stance of "I'll believe it when I see it".
Joey Styles has signed a multi-year deal to work on ECW DVDS and ECW Footage on WWE 24/7, excellent news there.
I have also heard my theories, and several fans's theories on ECW overtaking SD! are not to be at this time. Eh, it seems to me they have to be doing something drastic with it by drafting away it's main eventers.
people may say that wrestling is fake but i cant just see how. if the injuries were sure fake. then they must have a time stopper and put fake blood on. but i think wrestling is real.
At 6/15/05 02:10 AM, darkwolfman wrote: people may say that wrestling is fake but i cant just see how. if the injuries were sure fake. then they must have a time stopper and put fake blood on. but i think wrestling is real.
ok. wrestling is fake. but the injuries are real. these people put there life on the line just to entertain you every monday and thursday night. They don't intentionaly try to hurt each other. It's only show. and when they say, ohh Kurt ANgle broke his ankle, he didn't really, it just means that that guy went on a little vaction. but when rvd gets injured, it's because he put his life on the line just to entertain you. they never mean to intentionally hurt each other.
Very true, do you guys remember when Kane came out after Bad Blood and crushed HBK's throat with the chair? well they did that plot, because HBK's wife was having another child and he needed to go through that process.
Also, they UNdertaker has been out of action for like a month, because they also just had a little baby girl born. You gotta take time off work for these sorta things.
Anyone who watches wrestling is trailer trash, because all of its fake. Fucking dumbass americans.
I like making movies, music, and smoking weed. Call me crazy.
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The only parts I think is fake are most of the storylines, because it's World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT. If you remember the old "Don't Try This at Home" ads, it says the injuries are real, but it is entertainment.
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At 6/15/05 09:18 AM, _Pyro_ wrote: Anyone who watches wrestling is trailer trash, because all of its fake.
Im not trailer trash
Fucking dumbass americans.
Im not american either.
You dont have to come in here to start shit.
I'm back. Call the Police
At 6/15/05 11:11 AM, MattAC wrote: So Dawkins, can I join?
I dont make that decision, I think youll have to talk to Outlaw when he comes on. If you do join, I think youre number 135.
My previous post was unnoticied by you guys, well, whatever, i wanna join here too... Wrestling rox...
that is all...
Later i shall see my number (i barely care about the number, i care about the chat, the discussion, a good and old wrestling chat... ;)))) ]
Adieu o/
Once again, i'm putting it up for grabs, i know who the 2nd smackdown draft pick, i'm sure anyone who has certain wrestling websites to visit knows, but if yall wanna know just let me know......too many knows....
I'm back. Call the Police
No wait, I just went on a website and found it.
Randy Orton was chosen as the second draft pick for SmackDown last night in Hershey, Pennsylvania at the SmackDown tapings. This will air on Thursday night on UPN. We will have a full report up soon from the tapings, including how Orton's debut took place with the return of another WWE star.
Aww man I knew one of them was gonna be Ortan! I knew it! I didn't know Smackdown was taped.
I'm back. Call the Police
Dude, i don't know how this forum works....but what if people wanted to wait until Thursday, thats why i was asking...don't just blurt it out. He comes out and RKO's the undertaker during his match, grabs the mic and says " i'm officially Smackdown!"
At 6/15/05 05:21 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Dude, i don't know how this forum works....but what if people wanted to wait until Thursday,
At 6/15/05 05:21 PM, The_Hurricane wrote: Dude, i don't know how this forum works....but what if people wanted to wait until Thursday, thats why i was asking...don't just blurt it out. He comes out and RKO's the undertaker during his match, grabs the mic and says " i'm officially Smackdown!"
Uh dude, you didn't have to be hippocritical.
I'm back. Call the Police
I figured me stating what happens wasn't that big of deal considring the pick was revealed, besides i'm guessing most people knew it was Orton if they had sense and any logic on predicting WWE.
I knew one of the picks was gonna be Orten. I also predict that Bischof of HBK will be drafted to Smackdown!
I'm back. Call the Police
At 6/15/05 05:40 PM, MattAC wrote: I knew one of the picks was gonna be Orten. I also predict that Bischof of HBK will be drafted to Smackdown!
I don't understand....Bischoff of HBK? did u mean Bischoff and HBK? i need to clerify this.
I'm back. Call the Police
Bischoff and HBK are yur predictions? considering Bischoff would be a poor choice for any interest and HBK is feuding with angle all the way till Vengeance, it seems your predictions are a little off, but you never know with WWE! i would maybe suggest Kane or Edge going, and obvioulsy the winner of Triple threat at Vengeance, SD! needs a champion.
There will be one at the end of the month as Teddy Long says.
I'm back. Call the Police
We will see in good time my friend. But still, i highly doubt bischoff would be going. HBK, maaaaybe, at the end of the month, but with his power in the company, he could convince mcmachon to keep him on RAW. HBK is best friend with HHH in real life after all.
At 6/15/05 09:11 AM, The_Hurricane wrote: Very true, do you guys remember when Kane came out after Bad Blood and crushed HBK's throat with the chair? well they did that plot, because HBK's wife was having another child and he needed to go through that process.
Also, they UNdertaker has been out of action for like a month, because they also just had a little baby girl born. You gotta take time off work for these sorta things.
Guys get hurt EVERYTIME they go out there, seriously, even just bouncing off the ropes is a science (I remember an autograph signing Ted Dibase and X-Pac did once (back when he was the 1-2-3 Kid) and he was asked about one of the most painful things when you're learning, and he said hitting the ropes, because they don't have as much give as you would think, and you have to basically build up a callous or some such to be able to keep doing it without wrecking yourself). With injuries on TV though, you basically have to assume their fake unless you hear different, most times if somebody gets hurt in the ring, they don't put huge amounts of focus on it, you can also try watching the ref when it looks like a guy is hurt, because if he's REALLY hurt, the ref is going to make an X with his arms so that everyone in the back knows a legit injury occured. The only way to really know though is to go to a reputable site, because WWE dosen't feel the need to tell you when somebody gets legit hurt or something, they like to make up such genius angles as the guy getting stabbed in a night club or something.