this is a way to try and balance the talent and make both shows better
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
this is a way to try and balance the talent and make both shows better
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 6/10/05 07:10 PM, NewlyFoundPhantom wrote: Agreed. SD doesn't suck anyway!
If they used all the tallent they have the right damn way it could be just as good as SD!
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
No right now Smack Down sucks. I never liked John Cena but Cena for Benoit isn't a good trade, plus we lost the WWE title. I don't know what the hell they are going to do, but Smack Down always gets screwed. Triple H could of been on Smack Down, but no.
The WWE title will be back, Cena on RAw is just a teaser...C'mon!
A few weeks ago, Christian said that he can beat Cena to become the new WWE champion. Now I feel that it might come true, then he can be drafted to SD. What do you think?
as I said, I like that idea. would be a cool thing to happen.
Well the ECW PPV is tomarrow. And I coundn't get off work! Those bastards..... So I'm going to need some good reviews.
Btw, I didn't mention this before, but I think the idea of Extreme heat is a bad one. I'm almost positive they will put some matches on it and not include it on the PPV. Kinda wrong WWE, don't make a reunion PPV and exclude some of them from PPV air time. Watch they stick Stevie Richards there.. just not right.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I like I'm starting to like ECW a bit more, still wish more WCW werestlers would come back though =( I miss WCW.
At 6/11/05 12:14 PM, Ghaleonx5z wrote: I like I'm starting to like ECW a bit more, still wish more WCW werestlers would come back though =( I miss WCW.
Me too.
WCW had some of the best wrestlers there are and some great luchadors.
I wouldn't be suprised if they have something with WCW in the future.
At 6/11/05 05:49 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: A few weeks ago, Christian said that he can beat Cena to become the new WWE champion. Now I feel that it might come true, then he can be drafted to SD. What do you think?
It's 50-50 answer...
No. like I said earlier that was just a teaser. It's like John Cena's "Planet of the apes" . Defending the WWE Tiltle on an odd world. If the WWE maintains him as the WWE Champion, he will definitely go back to Smackdown becuase the WWE title is logically the Smackdown world title.
Yes. I can really feel on how he piss John Cena everytime he holds the mic since before Cena came to Raw. If ever Chriostian became the WWE Champion. He will not be drafted, he will be automatically become a Smackdown superstar. Like I said ear;lier, the WWE title is the Smackdown title. The SD locker room has no choice but to accpet Captain Charisma as their newest top tier...
I hear Joey Style and Mic Foley will call the show.
Tanaka vs. Awesome has officially been added...OH MY GOD!!!
This show is gonna rock me thinks, review and thoughts forthcoming when I get home tommorow from it.
CENA ROCKS! and omg how much of a dickhead is eddie guerrero?
SD was quite good this week. I was really suprised to see Benoit get drafted. I enjoyed watchin Booker T beat the shit outta Angle and I enjoyed watching Benoit beat the shit outta JBL. He would've tapped out if it wasn't for Angle but hey ECW beat WWE so its ok. Does anybody else find it annoying that the new ECW fans are the ones who originally put ECW out of business in the first place? it's just stupid. They're bloody glory supporters!
dam right nooooooo *cries* my poor john cena...on.. RAW!!!!! *cries* woo hoo! Raw has 2 main champs now!
Uh....i haven't been on Newgorunds in awhile.....but i was a core member of the WWE club, so ya...i'm back....howz it the way HBK got his MRI's back for his knees, he is fine and will be back in action before Vengeance.
glad to have you back. It's also good to hear that HBK will be ok and back soon.
I can't wait for your review of One Night Stand, please kep us posed about it
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
OUTLAW88!!! i remember you, awesome...k i know i'm in the right forum. Uh, hey, i have some good predictions for the draft in the coming weeks. It would be interesting to see Jericho and Carlito on the same show...they could fight over which guy has the better talk-show. I think it could be a very interesting feud. hmmm, what else. lol, i have alot to talk about. do you guys remember back when HBK came out after wrestlmania 21 on RAW, and promised the fans there would be a HBK-Angle 2...well, maybe that is foreshadowing for one of those guys to switch brands...just some predictions...tell me whats you guys think and share some predictions.
good point, having either HBK or Angel switch brands to continue their fued would be awsome, but one of the brands would lose a huge draw.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I have an interesting piece of information for you guys if you didn't already know....if you watched WCW, you would remember the mexican cruiserweight juvatude guerrera...well, he signed a wwe development deal, which means he will be kept off t.v. train in OVW and then eventually be brought up to one of the 2 brands. Likely SD! with the cruiserweight division.
Not to mention Frankie Kazarian signed in the WWE. And also CM punk was offered by the WWE...
Well, the WWE crusaders got fucked up in the ECW PPV! But the good thing's only one night!
That's a better match by match recap then I can give, I'd rather just do my thoughts on the show overall, in a plus minus sort of situation.
Plusses: You had a hot crowd right from the beginning, and the decision to bring Joey Styles out with the ECW theme, and his emotional reactions just really set the tone for the entire night I think. It was a night to remember, and to have fun, and to prove to the world that ECW was still just as good as everyone remembered...Mic Foley did a very good job on color I feel, I think he was a bit nervous in the role at first, but unlike some other people who I've seen in the role where they tend to fight the play by play guy to get their time, or feel the need to get themselves over by taking shots at their partner, Foley worked very well with Joey, cracking him up, and in general staying out of Joey's way, only talking and cracking jokes when it was appropriate, and looking pretty solid in the position. I think with more polish, Foley could be a solid broadcaster...The atmosphere was electric, and purely ECW, the tribute section to the fallen ECW wrestlers was excellent, although I do wish that they had gotten Rick Rude on the tape as well, but I guess they're feeling was Rude had made his name elsewhere, and they didn't want to overshadow these guys who would have been at the show, the segment was incredible, and Gary Wolfe was perfect to introduce it, when it ended, I was clapping along with my friends, and tears stood in my eyes...The promo by RVD was incredible, and I think it will either bury him further, or serve to finally make Vince realize how much he has underestimated RVD...Paul E. was right on the money, thanking the fans, and pissing all over "the crusaders"...While I wasn't a fan of having them there, I must say that for the most part, they kept the WWE guys roles to a minimum, and that they really did a great job in letting the ECW guys take shots, and get over the fact that they had come into "their house" and we're making asses of themselves...they managed to provide a great show case of what ECW offered, they also managed to build into the more progressively violent bouts as the night progressed (and from the second bout on, provided at least one "holy shit!" moment to keep the crowd hot).
Minusses: There were some pacing problems in some matches in the beginning, but they picked up, but in one instance, it definitely hurt crowd interest (more on that when we hit matches)...Ok, it's PPV right? It's ECW right? So why is it that we had to have bleeping of the f-bombs, and the s-bombs, and basically anything else that if you said it on cable, you'd get the bleep? ECW used to run PPV's all the time where they cursed, hell, that was the only place you could actually hear a Rhyno promo because he wasn't getting constantly bleeped, I just don't see why that needed to be done, and it pissed me off...big props to WWE for taking guys that were contracted, and trying to revert them back to the characters they used in ECW (like calling Jericho Lionheart) but when calling the moves, shouldn't you have allowed Joey and Mic to call them by their ECW names (Like the Walls of Jericho being called the Liontamer)? Having Joel Gertner beg Eric Bischoff for a job was completely ridicolous, and the low point of the evening, I've heard Joel take shots at Bisch so many times, and to just have him come over groveling to him for a job made no sense to me, and is just a bone head move that seemed to only show that "hey, WWE creative still had a hand in this show!" it's certainly their brand of bad idea.
Matches next up, since I found I don't have enough room to cover them as in-depth here as I wanted to.
Storm vs. Jericho
Good opener, but it started out about a half a step behind the pace I expected these guys to be able to go at (they might not have wanted to go into the chain wrestling spots so early), but after the initial missteps, they turned in a solid competitive bout. I had no problem with the finish of Credible interfering, since that played to Storm's ECW character.
The Triple Threat match was very good, all the workers involved worked hard, and Crazy's balcony dive was NUTS! Good that they got Guido out early, and focused on Crazy and Tajiri's rivalry, since they can use that down the road with both men under contract. It was also smart to give Crazy the win here because of that fact, to anyone who bought this PPV as a curious observer who hadn't watched ECW, this was like Crazy's debut for them, so his winning makes him look like a competitor out of the blocks when he debuts later.
The Extreme Lucha match was disappointing I think, people were looking at this as match of the night, and Psichosis choosing to use rest holds and slow the bout down early on was NOT what people paid to see (as the crowd chanted things like "boring") I can understand they had certain restrictions on them, especially considering both men are under contract and WWE dosen't want them hurt (especially Rey since he's part of SD's top program right now) but for them to have not let more hang out there earlier really hurt the bout's ability to get the fans into it early, and something that was expected to possibly steal the show, only came out as another solid bout, but could have easily opened the show and warmed the crowd up. Not a good situation for the third match in.
Rhyno vs. Sabu was a pretty good bout, and showcased to me how WWE missed the boat on using Rhyno to full effect. While not a classic, it was definitely a good bout, and a good ECW bout, Sabu's stunt at the end was sick. It was also nice to see RVD able to involve himself physically to a degree as well, although ill-advised as hell I think, but if it fucks up his comeback, well, I think his promo made pretty clear that he's already missed the one date he really wanted to work.
Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero was a very good wrestling bout, and they incorporated the "no rules" nature of the event well. But as much as I got into the match, I couldn't help but feel like the luster was gone to a degree, now knowing that I could be watching these guys work on SD! this week if WWE gets a mind to do so. I know Joey worked really hard to try and drive home the idea that "this is the only time they'll ever get to do it ECW style, and let it all hang out", and I think Joey deserves credit there, and had a point to a degree, but to me? I just couldn't help but feel like they should have waited and moved Benoit to SD! this week, and put somebody else from RAW over there last week, so as to be able to say for tonight "you won't be able to get this match on either RAW or SD!". Still, that was match of the night up till then.
Masato Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome was nothing short of AMAZING! Let's get something straight: I do not like Mike Awesome as a human being. ECW gave Awesome his first full-time oppurtunity in the States, made him Heavyweight champion, and he then used the belt to breach his contract. Awesome is a bad human being for that, but as an athlete, he is pound for pound the best big man alive right now I think. Tanaka's ability to absorb abuse and dish it out is nothing short of incredible. They absolutely tore the house down I feel, and frankly, had the best bout I've seen either man in, and I think stole the show. My only problem with this match was...and I can't believe I'm typing this...some of Joey Style's commentary. I understand that Joey dosen't like Awesome because of how he held hostage the promotion that Joey held dear, and had made his life, but commentary like "I wish he would have killed himself right there" when Awesome took a dive at Tanaka and slammed his head into the guardrail. I may not be a fan of Awesome, but wishing harm...and more specifically death on another human being in that way, in such a serious tone, is something I found deplorable, and certainly shocking coming from Joey, I frankly hope he was working from a script there, because I'd hate to think a man I have so much respect for as a broadcaster would say such a thing, I know he apologized for his unprofessionalism, but to me? If it's on the air, it dosen't really wash for me. Other then that, this was a hellacious matchup, with a lot of spots that "should not be" but popped me every time.
The Dudleyz vs. Dreamer and Sandman was just violence, absolute fucking violence, and I knew that. The bWo bit was funny, and I liked Balls and Axel's involvement too, it was the right match to through that brand of "wtf is going on here?" sort of ECW chaos into things. When the actual match started, it was just one sickening spot after another, this thing came close to, and I'm sure probably did, violate so many state regulations, that if WWE dosen't pay some sort of fine or something, I will probably be surprised. I've seen cheesegrater spots before, but you could pretty much tell those were fake, I really absolutely believe Bubba was ACTUALLY GRATING DREAMERS FOREHEAD! I'm hardcore and all, and a huge Dudleyz fan, but that was a little too heavy even for me. The match was fun though, I mean, you know your inner sicko is gonna pleased when these guys work, and once they got away from the more disgusting aspects, this was a fun match. It was AWESOME to see Spike out in the old gimmick! That flaming table though was just INSANE! Beulah and Francine's run in was also great.
The ending was great, I think it was a a real gamble to use Austin, but I think he came off perfectly in the role, and just killing Bischoff after the way he was running his mouth all night was just great. Only wish JBL had gotten the same, forgot to mention it in the minuses section, but I have lost all respect for JBL at this point, just as I was starting to be ok with him, and his character, in small doses, the man made a total ass of himself tonight, and leading up to it. JBL runs his mouth like he's "shooting" and knows something about something, then I heard he went right after the Blue Meanie and shot all over him, JBL can have all the money in the world, but he's still a claseless son of a bitch, pretending to greatness, Fuck JBL.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
It sounded pretty sweet, i couldn't scrounge up 30 bucks in time for it..but hey, lets look word, Vengeance...Hell in a Cell, gonna be alright, its about 80% that Trips will win....c'mon, they won't let Batista beat him 3 times in a row. Also, i predict in a short while that muhammad hussan will be the next IC champion, i don't know when, but i can feel it.
Another good note....when Vengeance rolls around, Benjamin will have surpassed Randy Orton for the longest IC title reign of the last decade. So expect some bragging from Shelton if he doesn't loose at Vengeance.
hey, did anybody watch the ecw thing last night, i did and it was alot better than i thought it was gunna be
dude, i watched the entire ECW last night. IT ROCKED!!!
so I heard. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD.
It's really been that long for Benjamin having the IC title? I don't know id Hassan will get it next but thats a good option.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 6/13/05 12:10 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:
:It's really been that long for Benjamin having the IC title? I don't know id Hassan will get it next but thats a good option.
Hassan is an outspoken man. He gets disrespected by other americans because hes from arab decent. and thats racist.