I fetched some spoilers for you guys so if you don't want to look, DONT LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Booker T vs. Kurt Angle
Booker T pins Kurt Angle in what was said to have been a great match. Kurt Angle told Tazz before the match that he wanted an answer tonight before the end of Smackdown whether he would join Kurt Angle against ECW this Sunday or not.
After losing, Angle sits in the corner of the ring for a long time. He went outside and grabs a chair. Angle goes to Tazz and said he wanted an answer or he was going to sit next to Tazz all night until he got one. He then hit Tazz with a stiff microphone shot, busting him open. Tazz went to the back. Paul Heyman replaces him on commentary.
JBL fought Chris Benoit to a no contest after ECW and the Cabinet hit the ring. Benoit locked JBL in the crossface and the Cabinet stormed the ring. Tommy Dreamer, Rhyno, and the Dudley Boyz made the save. Kurt Angle, Carlito, and Matt Morgan hit the ring. Tazz's music hit (the place went insane). Tazz, Balls Mahoney, and Axl Rotten hit the ring. Team Extreme cleaned house on the WWE crew and celebrated to end the show.
The SD main event will be JBl vs. Chris Benoit
However to match will go "No contest" Cause the ECW and the Cabinet (along with Matt Morgan, Carlito and Kurt Angle) hit the ring and start a brawl. Then Tazz's Music will start and he along side of Tommy Dreamer, Rhyno the Dudley Boyz, Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten will clean out the WWE crew and Celebrate to the end of the show.