At 5/31/05 08:03 AM, Arnold12 wrote:
Agreed, he is a loser. Dammit where the fuck did all those guys come from during the table match between Benoit and Edge! Benoit was easily going to win that match!
Probably the same idealistic abortion that is making WWE think that they can't simply sell this ECW show as a tribute to the company that changed the face of the business, and helped bring it to it's highest levels of success. So they decide to put Eric Bischoff on it...well, hey, any self-respecting fan of EC Dub' hates Bisch, he fucked that company over more times then anyone, so hey, if he shows up to get killed, all the better, but then he gets a group of "volunteers" well, hey, if they turn and ditch his ass, again, so much the better. But it looks like this current group won't do that. Unless this whole thing is confined to a fast brawl in the parking lot to begin the show, with the WWE team getting run off by ECW (echoing what those idiots from XPW got in that real parking lot scuffle after Heatwave '00), they will absolutely bastardize and taint a night that should be all about the ECW fans, and wrestlers, getting a chance to reunite for a night, and then, to finally big each other farewell (if there is not destined to be anymore). With the exception of Edge, I can assure you that these other jobbers would have been nowhere near an ECW show, unless they bought a damn ticket, so that's just further insult to send these punks in there, and the only way to reconcile it to me is to just say "ok, you're there for the first 5 or 10 minutes, then you get fucking wrecked by that locker room, except Edge, you can run away because we can't have these guys ripping you up with everything we're doing with you" and then that's it.