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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-22 10:37:55

At 5/22/05 10:22 AM, LegendaryPancake wrote: what ever happend to morticai , ever since he lost rey he never came back and that was a year ago.

They sent him back to OVW because they didn't think he had enough experience.

so much for him as the next big thing.

Yeah, I knew it was a matter of time before they rejected him.
Just another gimmick.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-22 11:29:27

have any of you
realized that ever since Cena won the belt back in Wresltemania.
That he never gave a title defense to anyone until now at Judgement Day.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-22 15:14:22

At 5/22/05 11:29 AM, Drkdragon wrote: have any of you
realized that ever since Cena won the belt back in Wresltemania.
That he never gave a title defense to anyone until now at Judgement Day.

Cena I think still has work to do as champion, so I think that's why they're trying to protect him and have him do what he's good at, talking, which he really does sound like a champion on the mic, now his work just needs to get better (and I think a nice long program with Kurt Angle could do wonders for him in that department). Plus, they just don't book champs like they book The H, where he defends or beats the shit out of somebody every show (and of course, I must applaud Trips for taking time off of RAW, so that his bout upcoming with Batista can look almost fresh since he hasn't been all over our TV's trying to beat Batista up each and every week).

As per the USA question, that's hard to know honestly, USA hasn't done great without WWE around to help anchor their programming, but to me, there was a lot of "will teach you to use us and then throw us out" that seemed built into the deal (like the fact that USA keeps the ad dollars now), so I have to wonder if USA is going to feel like taking on something like SD and Velocity, far as I know, the only things they have contracted to take is RAW, and Heat, it's possible that WWE has at least had a single conversation with USA, just as a "hey, what if UPN cancelled it?" sort of discussion, but I could not honestly tell you what USA's thought process is on how much wrestling they really want, I do believe that certain WWE shows that run now (like whatever the fuck they're calling that morning show no one watches) are going to get cancelled, but SD! is a proven draw, so I think the chances are at least decent that USA might be interested in having that program, Velocity however has never drawn ratings well, and neither has Heat, so while I think SD! has a good shot at being brought over after next September, I have to wonder if that would mean the WWE would have to then cancel a program like Heat, to get USA to do it. Going to be interesting to watch.

All I know is that NOTHING is a sure thing with the way the business is now, but particularly USA, I've often outlined how it seemed USA was going to take ECW, and thereby save it from extinction, and then Paul E. confirmed for us fans that yes, we had gotten through to the network, and they were going to take our precious product, but at the last minute the president of the network rolled over, and ECW was left in the cold, and died.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-22 15:19:03

Is anyone playing the WWE Fantasy game at WWE.com
It is realy fun and I have done it since it started.
I would suggest for u guys to do it as it is free and you have time as the new period don't start till June 13th.
Go check it out.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-22 20:47:29

I got some Judgement Day results here.
Just some of it.

MNM (c) vs. Charlie Haas & Hardcore Holly - WWE Tag Team Titles
Nitro and Haas start. Back and forth, Nitro puts a key lock on Haas, but Haas works out of it, and hip tosses him through the ropes. They stand off, then tag partners. Mercury and Holly go back and forth, and Holly nails his big drop kick. Nitro distracts him, and Mercury chops on Holly in the corner. Holly reverses, chops back, Holly goes for the Alabama Slam, but Nitro saves Mercury with a superkick. MNM now go back on forth, working over Holly. Holly with a full nelson slam on Mercury, and Haas with a hot tag. Haas takes out both men, and hits a suicide plancha. Back in the ring, Haas hits his Exploder on Mercury, but Nitro breaks up the pin. Nitro sends Holly shoulder first into the ringpost, and Holly falls to the outside, and MNM hits the Snapshot on Haas to finish him off.
Winners and Still Champs …quot; MNM

Carlito Caribbean Cool (/w Matt Morgan) vs. The Big Show
Carlito gets chased around a bit, and Show catches him. Show slaps him around a bit, then hits the ropes, but Morgan pulls down the top rope. CCC distracts the ref, and Morgan slugs away on Show on the outside. CCC is all over Show, but Show keeps shoving him off. CCC bumps the ref. Show goes for the choke slam, but Morgan comes in with a big boot...Show bounces off the ropes, right back to Morgan who lifts up Show on his shoulders and hits the F-5!!! CCC can’t believe what he just saw, scampers over to Show, as Morgan puts the ref back in the ring for the pin!!!
Winner - Carlito

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-22 22:32:09

more judgement day

ECW Preview.

Recap of Booker/Angle.

Sharmelle T is warming up her man. She gets a delivery in a Victoria’s Secret bag. It’s some bras and stuff...then a pair of handcuffs...with a note that says ‘Gutter Slut’ HAHA. Booker runs off to look for Angle.

Paul London (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero - WWE Cruiserweight Title
Chavo beats down London to start, but London fires back, with some quick CW moves. London hits a dropsault, and goes for the 450 Splash, but Chavo gets his knees up...ouch. Chavo is now working on London’s ribs. Chavo with an abdominal stretch, London gets out, but Chavo is right back on London with kicks to the ribs. London off the ropes, nails a leg lariat. London then hits a running enzaguri for 2. London goes for an electric chair, but Chavo rolls though, and holds the ropes...but only for 2. Back and forth for a bit. London reverses a Gory Bomb, KO’s Chavo, then goes up for a 450, but Chavo rolls to the outside, and London goes for a Helo...but COMPLETELY MISSES CHAVO. Chavo back in the ring, this a suicide dive. They climb up the ropes, and it looks like Chavo is going for a top rope Powerbomb, but London reverses it into a back body drop, then hits the 450 for the win!
Winner and Still Champ - London

Booker is looking for Angle still...runs into a bunch of B-list SuperStars, but not Angle...however Angle is in Booker’s lockerroom with Sharmelle T. He tells her that after he is done with Booker, he will finish with her.

Kurt Angle vs. Booker T
Booker charges the ring, and jumps Angle. Angle quickly takes control, and starts wrestling Booker. Booker lays Angle over the top rope, and Booker runs across the apron, and scissor kicks Angle to the floor! On the floor, Booker tries to run Angle to the post, but Booker reverses it. Back in the ring, Angle is all over Booker. Angle goes for an Angle Slam, but Booker flips through, and this a Book End for 2. Angle then hits the Trifecta of Germans...but Booker rolls up Angle for the pin!
Winner - Booker

Sharmelle T comes out to congratulate her hubby, but Angle beats down Booker. Sharmelle T goes to check on him, and Angle rolls her in the ring. He gets the handcuffs, and goes to handcuff her on the ropes, but Booker gets back in the ring, and handcuffs Angle. Booker and Sharmelle T beat Angle down...and Sharmelle T kicks him in the nuts.

Both OJ and Heidenreich are in the ring, and Heidenreich picks out a friend, and reads a poem to her.

Orlando Jordan (c) vs. Heidenreich - WWE United States Title
OJ comes to the floor and jumps Heidenreich, and rolls him in the ring. OJ is all over Heidenreich for the first few minutes of the match, but Heidenreich fights back, and slugs away, and hits a big clothesline. Heidenreich with a big boot for 2. OJ fights back, then goes for his signature ‘O-J’ hand sign, but Heidenreich rolls him up for 2. OJ reverses a whip, the hits a DDT for the pin.
Winner and Still Champ - Jordan

Heidenreich’s friend gets in the ring and cheers Heidenreich up.

Matthews with JBL. JBL cuts yet another killer promo.

Recap of Mysterio/Eddie.

Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio
They go toe to toe to start the match. They quickly go outside, and Eddie tosses Rey into the ring post, then slams him on the announce table. He then hits another spine buster on the table. Back in the ring, Eddie is just beating down Mysterio. Mysterio fires up a bit, and runs into Eddie, but Eddie lifts him up and nails an toss over Powerbomb. Eddie locks on a one legged crab, but Mysterio boots out. Mysterio then hits an enzaguri, allowing some time to catch his wind. Rey launches Eddie across the ring, charges Eddie, but Eddie back body drops Rey over the top rope...only for Rey to catch on the top rope, land on the apron, then shoulder to the gut of Eddie, followed by a top rope (rope, not turnbuckle) headbutt. Eddie comes back, locks on a full Boston Crab...then turns it into a STF. Rey gets to the ropes, but Eddie tosses Rey on the mat, sliding him to the floor. Eddie starts setting up the ringsteps, but Rey fights out, and shoves Eddie back into the ringpost. Rey then runs and hits a 619 using the ringpost. Both men back in the ring, they go back toe to toe. Eddie with a big punch, Rey falls back to the ropes, but fires off, hitting a big boot, then hitting a springboard Crossbody for 2. Rey then hits a springboard senton for 2. Eddie in the corner, Rey charges, but Eddie moves, and Mysterio goes shoulder first in the ringpost. Eddie sets Mysterio on the top turnbuckle, then hits a TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX for 2. Eddie then hits the Three Amigos. Eddie has a chair, and Rey goes for a springboard, but Eddie slaps him right in the head with it!
Winner via DQ - Mysterio

Eddie attacks Mysterio some more, beating him down with the chair, but then the agents and refs come out.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-22 23:51:36

damn, so far that sounds like a good PPV.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-22 23:58:47

At 5/22/05 11:51 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: damn, so far that sounds like a good PPV.

I'll let darkdevil finish up, and won't step on his toes, but yeah, from the results I read, the show wasn't the disaster area I thought it could have been, but I guarantee the buyrate will be god awful.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-23 01:52:26

I dunno' if anybody's posted it, or if any of ya'll have seen it. But check this out http://www.wrestlecrap.com

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-23 05:10:44

I must say, this year's judgement day was a bit boring. First of all, even suckers like Orlando Jordan could retain his belt. Secondly, I thought that Rey and Eddie could put up a huge fight. But since Rey was not 100% covered from the injure, the game was a not as exciting as I expected. Rey won in the end, but after the match, it became a brual as Eddie smashed Rey with a steel chair. John Cena's match was ok, but I hate watching matches that even a three-year-old could tell the results. Lastly, I thought that Sharmell would take a betrayal like what Lita did to Kane. Unforturnately, it did not happen either. In all, this year's judgement day was sort of boring, hopefully, tonight's Batista vs Edge match will be a bit more entertaining.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-23 05:49:18


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-23 05:51:34


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-23 10:01:57

In all, this year's judgement day was sort of boring, hopefully, tonight's Batista vs Edge match will be a bit more entertaining.

Yeah i can't wait to see it tonite.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-23 11:17:18

yeah but kane will get involved. Thing is I'm not real thrilled with what WWE has done with Edge and Lita. They are trying to get the crowd to chant for kane instead of Matt.

some tidbits:
The Undertaker has been taken off the WWE full-time schedule to spend time with his wife who is said to be very close to giving birth this month. He isn't scheduled to make an appearance at the Judgment Day PPV tonight in Minneapolis as a result.

Antonio of The Heart Throbs tag team recently suffered a black eye after bumping into his own partner, Romeo, during a match on May 2 in Boston, MA. This became a running joke among some workers backstage.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-23 12:58:56

Can i join? I would have sooner, but i keep forgetting lol

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-23 14:21:48

At 5/23/05 11:17 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: yeah but kane will get involved. Thing is I'm not real thrilled with what WWE has done with Edge and Lita. They are trying to get the crowd to chant for kane instead of Matt.

good observation with the lita-edge deal Outlaw

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-23 20:54:51

Well. I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. and I just got back from Sunday's WWE Judgement Day live! Man that was wack seeing those pyros go off!!! Cena comes out in a semi!!!! Cena keeps title!!!! Eddie gets disqualified! Ohh my god. Nothing like WWE Smackdown superstars live, especially at a PPV in Minneapolis, the target center, live! and in person!!!! Sucks to be you guys! I live in Minnesota and it was here in my face!!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-23 21:00:50

that's........nice to know....

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 00:00:19

I couldnt watch the first part of RAW. It was sickening

The Ecw funeral was great, Vince, heyman and bischoff all in the same ring. a resurruction I dont think it will happen. I guess vince hads to earn around $500,000 from this ppv I am he will do it.

Well it was prretty predicatable that batista was going to win but they made it look like edge was getting the win. Then Flair was in the perfect postioin where you knew he was going to give teh low blow. A hell in a cell match Trips wanted.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 00:19:20

I missed RAW tonight on account of work and from what I heard it was an OK show.
My friend taped it for me so I will watch it tomorrow.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 00:31:09

The best of WWE is still in the Hulkemania days with the likes of "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, the late Andre the Giant, and many more individuals. As for tag teams, Bush Wackers, the heart-break kid's ex tag team "The Rockets", and many more. To compare with present days wrestler, the Hulkemania days are still stronger than the present days.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 00:35:34

At 5/24/05 12:00 AM, Iscrulz wrote: The Ecw funeral was great, Vince, heyman and bischoff all in the same ring. a resurruction I dont think it will happen. I guess vince hads to earn around $500,000 from this ppv I am he will do it.

One of those nights I wished I'd taped, those three men in the same ring. I have gone on record several times as thinking that if this show does well, there's going to be a resurrection of ECW, or at least an attempt at one. Vince know's he'll make money off the footage no matter what, and the show will also draw money no matter what. I think that these sorts of angles for the show aren't an accident, and that Vince is trying to plant the seeds for a future ressurection of the brand (though I think it would be much more helpful if there is a full-time return, the WWE tries to do what they were doing with the Alliance, and do an angle where Paul E. somehow buys the company back, and they let it run like a seperate enterprise). This is by far the most interesting thing WWE has going right now.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 00:52:23

At 5/24/05 12:31 AM, acs92003 wrote: The best of WWE is still in the Hulkemania days with the likes of "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, the late Andre the Giant, and many more individuals. As for tag teams, Bush Wackers, the heart-break kid's ex tag team "The Rockets", and many more. To compare with present days wrestler, the Hulkemania days are still stronger than the present days.

Srry I love those days but I have to disagree.
The attitude era is my era.
It is what I grew up with and was the most fun era with the roc, DX, shane mcmahon, stone cold and mcmahon and many other great wrestlers and feuds.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 05:05:08

It appears that a "Hell in the Cell" match is on the way. Hopefully, Triple H will break his bones and rest for at least half a year this time when he challenges Batista again. I have no clue why Eric gives Triple H so many chances to show up and challenge the champion. I mean, there is much more than Batista vs Triple H matches on Raw. In addition, the world heavyweight championship belt is not Triple H's property. I really hate it when he and Ric Flair storm to the ring and ruin classical matches like Edge vs Batista. To be honest, Raw is getting boring just because Triple H thinks that Raw is his own proporty and he believes that he should have the belt until he retires. So could Batista or someone else end his career after give him a beating? At least, I've seen enough Triple H.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 06:13:01

Jesus, I'v ebeen missing to much WWE. I gotta get back on track. I even missed RAW yesterday. Damn.

At 5/24/05 05:05 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Stuff...

I agree, I'm tired of seeing HHH so much, but it just isn't enough anger without him.

By the way, you need a sig. Take this blank one. If you can find someone with Photoshop or Fireworks MX, you can get them to add your name, and whatnot.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 08:01:14

Hey guys...Im Back!!

I think I will run down the list a bit...

1) Edge and Lita...yea...fiction imatating life...smart storyline.

2) That is th only good storyline...except for the ECW thing

3) No more triple h MOMMY AAAAAAAAAAAA!!...sorry.

4) Draft #3...I hope we have some serious changes around here!


and finaly....

6) John Cena...Bad gimmick from a great town [/Masspride]

Well, I will inolve you all in any more events that occur and Until the next PPV...this is Bibby_Ney saying...I stole Redangleprice's thing:

Fuck The Faces, Hazza For Heels!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 10:19:34

At 5/24/05 08:01 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Hey guys...Im Back!!
3) No more triple h MOMMY AAAAAAAAAAAA!!...sorry.

3) ....TH is back...I think that is what you were trying to say about him not being here.
5) Hell, He didn't look like he did when TH came back. He beat him as bad as he did
the Rock before backlash in 2000.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 10:33:36

hi Ghaleonx5z! your # 133 Welcome to da club!

You know what I find ironic? The fact that Eric takes so much pride in killing ECW, fans still continue to chant it, yet no one ever chants what Eric loved. WCW. Never ever have I heard a WCW chant since it's demise, and ECW is about to have a resurection.

damn visera and his parachute boxers of doom!!! MY EYES!!! THEY BLEEEEEEEEEEEDD!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 11:58:09

At 5/24/05 10:33 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: hi Ghaleonx5z! your # 133 Welcome to da club!

Thanks =D

You know what I find ironic? The fact that Eric takes so much pride in killing ECW, fans still continue to chant it, yet no one ever chants what Eric loved. WCW. Never ever have I heard a WCW chant since it's demise, and ECW is about to have a resurection.

I'm sure if they had a WCW resurrection there would be chants though.

damn visera and his parachute boxers of doom!!! MY EYES!!! THEY BLEEEEEEEEEEEDD!

I remember back before was Viscera, pants where even more scary >_> I couldn't tell if it was him or the pants. Freaky >_<

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-05-24 23:52:08

Welcome back Bibbey Ney hope to see the old motd soon.
Well, The great american bash is coming to my hometown so I am going to see it
w00t w00t for me!

BBS Signature