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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 01:37:39

Ok I will return as the TNA Impact reviewer, I was it back in july or august.
(just to refresh your memories or not petey williams has the best fucking finisher in the world, Candian Destory pwnz J0o.)

No RAW reviewer I could try it but I am in a student club and always forget what happens when I get back to my comp, but I could take notes.

Changing the number ranking, maybe, but Outlaw isnt dobio on the list around 50 or something.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 02:57:41

I never catch enough of the programs anymore to really review anything, any DVD with ECW footage I could review because I'd buy it, I could answer your questions on guys past and present pretty much, but I am always working on monday, or school on Thursday, so I only catch about the last hour or half hour of any given program, plus, shows like SD! are just getting so godawful anymore, they're mostly background noise when I have them on unless someone I really want to watch is working.

Speaking of ECW:

RVD did an interview talking about the upcoming ECW: One Night Stand show:

-RVD says that he will be unable to work it because of his knee injury

-He said they want to have a very authentic ECW feel to the show, and will indeed be contacting people who worked for ECW that aren't currently with the company (anyone who'd like to hear who I think should be contacted, and in what capacity, has only to ask, I don't want to just go into it and no one wants to hear it).

-He also said that this could wind up actually turning into an annual event, which I think would be sweet, and the buyrate of at least the initial show would definitely show them that there's money to be made in exploiting ECW, which I really don't give a flying fuck what Eric Bischoff says, that is the brand and promotion that WWE is going to get the most value for their money out of over time, and not WCW.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 07:58:03

I wonder who they will contact then? I also wonder how many of their current past ECW stars will be on there.

I can agree with that. ECW was something unique, while WCW was just a copy of WWE.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 11:01:08

God, how crap is WWE nowadays. Those ECW storylines you were describing sounded so awesome, and i remember when i first started watching wrestling, and i stayed up till 1am to watch PPV's like backlash live. It was the rock versus hhh with shane mcmahon special ref. That storyline was really exciting, especially when stone cold showed up and kicked ass. I remember the armageddon hell in a cell as well. Those were great, and worth staying up for, i was so excited to watch them. But nowadays, the storylines are so crap, and have NO depth to them whatsoever. Even the good storylines are forgotten about after afew weeks. Those who had rivalries a few years ago can end up as best friends nowadays. Its so terrible to watch. Its like they forget their own enemies in the WWE....

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 12:19:43

yeah, I miss those days. Lets just hope things don't get worse from here.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 13:38:50

At 2/24/05 07:58 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: ECW was something unique, while WCW was just a copy of WWE.

But you have to agree that WCW was some good entertainment. Disco Inferno was so cool. At least thats how I veiwed him back in those days. Didn't he go to TNA?

At 2/24/05 12:19 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: yeah, I miss those days. Lets just hope things don't get worse from here.

I hate to say this, but the way things are heading now, I bet $50 they will get worse. Somethings got to give, someone is going to snap. Then they'll wake up and realize how bad the situation has gotten, and start cleaning up.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 13:56:33

At 2/24/05 01:38 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
I hate to say this, but the way things are heading now, I bet $50 they will get worse. Somethings got to give, someone is going to snap. Then they'll wake up and realize how bad the situation has gotten, and start cleaning up.

I really really hope so. I want the magic that they used to have

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 14:23:53

At 2/24/05 01:56 PM, -Rhino- wrote: I really really hope so. I want the magic that they used to have

I do too. I miss the storylines that left you with unpredictable matches. Those were the golden days.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 15:53:44

The best thing to do right now is wait till after mania, when things begin again.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 21:21:16

dude, this is turning into a fuckin sobfest. but i agree.... it was so good when i used to watch more than 4 years ago. the storylines used to be exciting and you really got into them. now i talk online and on the phone and shit when i watch lol especially smackdown cuz it's not as good....

u give a guy a show or two off and everyone forgets him... like william regal, is he alive? lol when guys only have one time to shine per week shit gets boring. i mean the whole competing brands thing is cool, but we as the fans miss out on some shit. it was cool with the batista/hhh thing but overall i duno...

i do hope someone realizes what's going on... i say keep the whole general manager thing but let everyone be on everything... shit would be better

OH YEAH!!! i have a sweet 16 to go to tomorrow night and there's a live evet at MSG with batista and orton vs hhh and ric flair... if anyone is going, please post results. i've been dreaming of that matchup since i started watching again in mid january

one more thing... did anyone check out that german site? particuluarly aview.. it's at www.cagematch.de
check it out!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 21:36:54

hahaha did you notice the bowtie on the horns?

So far SD is ok, but the ceramony was a tad too long.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 22:02:48

LordKooler's Smackdown review
1.Eddie guerrero & Rey mysterio vs The Bashams
A great tag team match to start off Smackdown. It was also a good rematch of the tag team championship match at No way out. And with the same result, Eddie guerrero & rey mysterio win.
2.Kurt angle invitational
Kurt angle's never ending invitationals continue with Angle wrestling a guy from Philadelphia, Which is also the same place where Vince mcmahon fired Kurt angle as Smackdown GM after Mr. Mcmahon discovered that Angle was faking his injury last year. Angle won by making his opponent tap out.
3.JBL's celebration
A boring segment. JBL and his cabinet celebrate his victory in the Barbed wire steel cage match. But where was JBL's image consultant Amy weber? She left WWE after the Smackdown in Tokyo due to harrasment. JBL talks about becoming the longest reigning WWE champion in years. The Atlanta Braves' 13 year NL East championship reign lasted longer than JBL's WWE title reign. Then the Big show and John cena come out to ruin JBL's party.
4.Chavo guerrero vs Funaki
A good cruiserweight match. After chavo guerrero won. Paul london came out after the match and attacked chavo.
5.Undertaker vs Mark jindrak & Luther reigns
A good handicap match. Undertaker won at the end.
6.Theodore long segment
Theodore long comes out and talks about his job as Smackdown GM is in jeopardy. Then Carlito comes out and talks about the petition. After that Linda mcmahon decides that Theodore long will still be Smackdown GM. At the end, Teddy long says that he will have something in store for Carlito.
7.Big show & John cena vs JBL & Orlando jordan
A good tag team match to end Smackdown. Cena & Big show won at the end.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-24 23:34:05

At 2/24/05 10:20 PM, Brewtality wrote: thanks for the reviews Red and Kooler. I dont know how but i forgot about it and only caught the last half hour : ( so this really helped.

Yeah that mean reds SD rant is back.

Oh crap I completely forgot about it and missed. Oh well I can catch it later.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-25 03:18:43

At 2/24/05 10:02 PM, LordKooler wrote:

nice good little summary. Yeah i watched it today, but i believe raw is better even though i only have smackdown. Smackdown needs batista there isn't anyone big on Smackdown. John Cena is a punk , JBL sucks, Kurt was alright but now became lame. They should make Luther Reigns like brock but brock will always be brock, he was soo cool.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-25 12:17:57

whooo a double review!

heh poor carlito, now he's in big trouble now.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-25 12:21:54

At 2/25/05 12:17 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: whooo a double review!

heh poor carlito, now he's in big trouble now.

You got that right. Wonder what Theo has in store for him.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-25 15:06:09

oh, man i haven't posted here in a while....

anyway, SMACKDOWN last night was good. the whole JBL celebration thing was retarded though. everyone looked fake. and like we didn't see Big Show and Cena coming....

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-25 15:58:12

At 2/25/05 12:17 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: heh poor carlito, now he's in big trouble now.

Heh heh, he just walked into "Fuckedvill". LOL!

At 2/25/05 01:18 PM, zoheb_raja wrote: Open a can off whoop ass austin Fans!!!!!!

Heh. I am a fan of him, but not to that extreme. But thats cool, do you know what they are going to be called, or do you have any kind of information on them?

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-25 17:34:53

THE Tna Impact Review has begun again.

Before the show: Showed a clip of last week of the mystery guy setting his sights on Monty Brown.

A clip is shown of Jeff hardy and Abyss fighting in the cafeteria. Omg Jeff broke a plastic chair on the monster.

Commerical: During the last TNA ppv against all odds Billy Gun ,I think, and Sean Waltman show up.

6-man tag match: Team Canada Vs AMW and Dustin Rhodes LOLOMG Scott Da’more gets backbody dropped by Rhodes. Short and funny match. Team Canada wins when one of their members clothesline AMW member from behind. Sorry I didn’t catch their names.

Raven Promo- Raven vs Dustin at destination X in a bull rope match. Raven is Liek: That’s a girlly match back in Ecw I was in hardcore matches all the time. I think I heard him say a clockwork orange match.

Chris Sabin v. Cassidy Rilley competing for Ulimate X match destination X. That match had lots of different moves to it. mexican stretch, sit out scoopslam, Dudley dog?. Sabin wins with his finisher.

The Alpha Male does color commentary for the Kid Kash v. Buck Quatermain. The match started out as buck in control. Until Dallas attacks buck while Kash keeps the ref busy Kash wins with moneymaker (double underhook piledriver). The lights go out, All the lights go out my TV was pitch black. Ohnoes the mystery guy shows up and leaves into the fog. Will the alpha POOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNCCCCEEEE him.

Chris Candido w/ Naturals v. Elix Skipper. A great X division match. Damn, Elix uses the emerald fusion move to win. The Natural interfered in the match on more than one occasion. I don’t know where I am going with this but it was funny what the reaction of Mike Tenay was.

6 Man X-tag Contenders: Fallen Angel Christopher Daniel, Michael Shane and Kazarian Vs. Ron the Truth Killings, the poster boy of the X-division and Sunny Siaki. The truth was first to start of for the faces. The heels had him from tagging in. Later on in the match When Sunny is tagged in it was awesome one person setup their finisher but someone on the opposite team attacks that one person. E.g. Aj styles was ready to put the styles clash on Shane or Kazarian but the fallen Angel stops it. Then Daniel sets his finisher on AJ but the truth prevents it and so on… Fuck! a gay ass superkick by Kazarian wins it.

DDP v. New age outlaw (Billy Gunn) with Jarret commentary. The match was cancelled when Jeff stands up on the announce table. DDP intercepts Jeff when he dives at ddp. They brawl into the crowd. NAO comes and attacks DDP, and then Kevin Nash attacks NAO.
The Edn.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-25 23:42:39

i got 4 words for you "Holla Holla Holla Playa!!!"
teddy is stayin yeehaw
although i would like paul heyman as gm again

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-26 00:26:32

Tommy Dreamer is now contacting former ECW workers about One Night Stand, a name that has been specifically mentioned is James Fullington, better known to the ECW faithful as THE SANDMAN!!!

Whether this is to try and fuck up Shane Douglas's show he plans to run on the Friday before One Night Stand (I just keep using that title because it's supposed to be the working title). Whether that's the plan or not (and I won't get into the right or wrong of it, it's just good business for Vince to try and kill anything off that could harm his buyrate for that show). Also, with Shane Douglas behind it, I'd advise you kids not to buy tickets in advance, because if Vince is intent on making sure this show can't happen, and that he's going to be the only one with an ECW show that weekend, I can almost guarantee Shane's show will not happen, and I could easily see Shane taking a payday from Vince, to jump over and work the PPV show. Just basing that on Shane's track record.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-26 00:55:37

I got a little update on the list of names that have been contacted for the ECW PPV:

According to sources close to Shane Douglas' reunion show, you can add Justin Credible and Sabu to The Sandman on the list of names contacted by Tommy Dreamer with offers to appear on the ECW One Night Stand PPV on 6/12 in New York City.

I am so very pumped.

also, WWE has confirmed a couple of more matches for Mania that had been rumored, Angle and Michaels is one, but the match that I found most interesting in rumor and now in fact is this:

Orton vs. Undertaker

one word: Balls, I'll call it balls, and refrain from stupid, because honestly? I don't know how the fuck you book a finish to this that isn't gonna piss off at least some segment of the fan base.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-26 01:07:49

At 2/25/05 11:42 PM, darkdevil92 wrote: although i would like paul heyman as gm again

Wouldn't we all? You know, I think I really want to start one of those online petitions to AT LEAST have Paul Heyman put back on television, but even better would be to have him back on creative doing what he does best, making stars I actually give a damn about.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-26 10:10:59

he had he best ideas and thats how ecw got so big and was so great

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-27 00:28:11

At 2/26/05 10:10 AM, darkdevil92 wrote: he had he best ideas and thats how ecw got so big and was so great

It's just too bad everybody else stole them and had better marketing oppurtunities then he did.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-27 12:39:59

Orton vs Taker???? Man that is a tough one to book, especially at mania. Do they really plan on having Orton break takers record and really be the Legend Killer?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-27 18:01:25

At 2/27/05 12:39 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Orton vs Taker???? Man that is a tough one to book, especially at mania. Do they really plan on having Orton break takers record and really be the Legend Killer?

it would be a good way to live up to his nick name, but i mean c' mon that's Taker you're talkin about.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-27 18:58:18

At 2/27/05 12:39 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: Orton vs Taker???? Man that is a tough one to book, especially at mania. Do they really plan on having Orton break takers record and really be the Legend Killer?

I don't know, maybe they will. He has put down a lot of legends in his short time he's been with the WWE. But who knows. Maybe it's for the best, maybe it's a mistake. But I bet that they won't have him beat Takers record.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-28 07:56:34

I have no doubt that is will be a great match but ut still leaves the questiopn on how to finish it. And if they do a DQ ending a lot of people will be pissed.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-02-28 13:45:03

At 2/28/05 07:56 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I have no doubt that is will be a great match but ut still leaves the questiopn on how to finish it. And if they do a DQ ending a lot of people will be pissed.

I am hoping takers record is not beaten. It could be undertaker wins by tombstone piledriver. Then orton gets up after the 3 count. RKO's taker and leaves and they have taker still layed out, unlike were he usually sits up. Also the legend killer stuff works a lot better when he was a heel.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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