Iscrulz you are in lick i found the pic of mean street posse it ain't the best but i'll look for better later
Iscrulz you are in lick i found the pic of mean street posse it ain't the best but i'll look for better later
More SD vs RAW news!
As we know, there are more additions to the Heel-Face ratio since HCTP.
Now, you can play as face, neutral, or heel. But, now we have the bar that fills up to say whether or not you are more heel or face.
We know that dirty players(HHH) Get the Dirty meter that, when filled up, lets you perform a devastating low blow without the risk of a DQ(Witout the bar, a low blow gets you dqed). You fill up the bar by Breaking your own pins intentionally, removing turnbuckle, weapon and lowblow manuvers, and taunting from outside the ring while your opponent is inside. But, the face bar you have to be the opposite as a heel. Taunt normally to rally the crowd, highflying manuvers and finishers help raise the bar.When full, and this almost swayed me to the good side, your guy will become Invincible for a period of time and your finishers will be absolutely devastating and painful. Fun.
Tune in for the MOTD!
There aren't enough factions around. I miss them.
X-Factor... The only thing I though Albert was good in. And it was the only thing WWE really did With Justin Credible.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
LordKooler's Smackdown review
1.Carlito Carribean Cool vs Rico rating:***1/2
A decent match to start off Smackdown. Torrie wilson was the ring announcer and Carlito spit in her face when she was about to say, "And his opponent." Carlito won at the end.
2.Chavo guerrero segment rating:***
A good segment. Chavo guerrero comes out and talks about the Shooting star press that almost ended his career during the Chavo Guerrero & Jamie noble vs Billy kidman & Paul london match. Then Kidman comes out and at the end, Chavo said that he has a friend and then attacks billy kidman after saying "That friend wasn't you!"
3.Heidenreich vs Shannon moore rating:**1/2
A squash match. Heidenreich came to the ring wearing a straight jacket and destroyed shannon moore. After the match, Heidenreich talked about the Undertaker.
4.Eddie Guerrero vs Mark jindrak rating:***
A good match. Luther reigns was ejected from the ring after he got involved in the match. Then while the referee was getting Reigns out of the ring, Kurt angle came out and gave Jindrak the ring bell. Mark Jindrak won after he used the bell to avoid Eddie's frog splash.
5.RVD & Rey Mysterio & Booker T vs JBL & Kenzo Suzuki & Rene Dupree rating:***
A good match to end Smackdown. Booker T's team won at the end.
One note: The Miz from the real world is my TE favorite. I saw only one real world...his. He rules.
In other news...
It is...
Scissors Kick
Book, a face? Ok, just as long as he gets his title shot!
Another note...
More videos! Masked Kane vs Now Kane! Watch dayum you!
Tune in tomorrow for my Special Edition MOTD 4-ways-battle royal! It is sure to be a barn burner bitches! *No pun according with Kane and Burner*
At 10/21/04 06:01 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: Iscrulz you are in lick i found the pic of mean street posse it ain't the best but i'll look for better later
Ha good enough I wonder what was censored
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
That tough enough crowd looks.. well.. promising. Lots of guys who could actually make it to some degree.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 10/22/04 08:58 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: That tough enough crowd looks.. well.. promising. Lots of guys who could actually make it to some degree.
Damn I forgot to watch it. I dont get upn but it is on at midnight on fox.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
It look a lot more brutal this time around.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 10/21/04 10:20 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: More videos! Masked Kane vs Now Kane! Watch dayum you!
*sigh* Why couldn't Kane just keep the long hair, the mask, the myseriousnes, and the kick ass out fit, speaking of, I'm guessing thats from the new WWE game, the graphics are bad-ass, but I don't have a gamecube, and I've missed SD! and RAW for the past two weeks, but with all the reviews everyone is doing, I'm just fine, but I hope that they move RAW to TBS if they ever do, that way I won't have to bother with cable.
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
At 10/22/04 01:05 AM, Iscaryrules wrote:At 10/21/04 06:01 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: Iscrulz you are in lick i found the pic of mean street posse it ain't the best but i'll look for better laterHa good enough I wonder what was censored
i found it on a girls website and she was in it so i put it on my paint accesory and blacked it out
Here is the MOTD!
Here are the Special Edition Friday version's contenders:
IGN: Taker
TNA: Jeff Hardy
My Pick: Shelton Benjamin
VG: The Rock
So, I will be back later to say who has the MOTD!
Hey, the shot of the day goes to JJ with a guitar shot on Jeff Hardy! BLAM! Nice.
Ok, after a 4-man-battle-royale:
The above men, in my last post squared off. This is what happened:
Jeff Hardy nails Taker with a Swanton for a pin: Hardy eliminates Taker
Jeff Nails the twist of fate on SHelton: Hardy eliminates Shelton.
and, in perfect irony, Rock hits the rock spinebuster to the people's elbow. Rock wins.
The Move of the day is...
The People's Elbow
And, in great coincidence, the IGN people released the next legend videos including, Andre, Bret, and The rock!
Oh, and in a dissagreeable way, the Rock has the highest Ovr in the game with a 94 ovr and the second highest is Taker with a 93 ovr. It looks to be a great game. Here is the link:
Time now for....
Move of the week!
It has to must be this way!!!
The Pedigree
HHH is still the champ! He owns you all! Booyah Bitches!
Tune in on Monday for the MOTD and more fun stuff plus flying taco monkeys! Well, maybe not that...but other fun stuff!!
At 10/22/04 10:56 PM, CHAOSTHEULTIMATE wrote: if Kurt Angle got captured by terrorists, would it be possible to behead him? HE HAS A HUGE NECK
The axe or whatever they use would fuckin break, then he would kill all of them.
Well, IGN has no more people specified to be doing videos on. I guess they will now do their personal CAW matches untill it comes out on the 2nd of November in the US, 6th I believe in England.
if kurt was... what in the world... i'm going to pretend I didn't see that ok?
Rock with a 94 huh? He'll be a pain to fight.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
tell me, i know what TNA is, but IGN, VG, CAW. What do all of these mean. i live in england if that means i have an excuse for not knowing
At 10/23/04 10:15 AM, Rhino106 wrote: tell me, i know what TNA is, but IGN, VG, CAW. What do all of these mean. i live in england if that means i have an excuse for not knowing
No, they all have things to do with England too. VG = Video Game CAW= Create a Wrestler IGN= A website that gives people Inside Scoops on their favorite games. K?
i found the coolest pic today nWo japan i was thinkin what the hell the funniest pic i have seen in a while
ah, ok, so how do they relate to that MOTD thing that you do? Like with taker on IGN, and Rock on VG?
sorry if im being a bit slow. lol
Did anyone else notice that CCC stole the finisher that they gave Orton on Smackdown: Shut your mouth when he didnt hav his excellent RKO? The Overdrive!!
heres a cool pic of 1-2-3 kid (x-pac) and marty jannety winning the tag team titles
i never knew they did
At 10/23/04 04:36 PM, Rhino106 wrote: Did anyone else notice that CCC stole the finisher that they gave Orton on Smackdown: Shut your mouth when he didnt hav his excellent RKO? The Overdrive!!
Acctually, Primetime Over on TNA uses that move too. It is a good move.
The MOTD, for whoever asked, on friday is a SPecial Edition were I go to 4 sorces: IGN's website, A random pick by me, TNA's main match winner, and a 6 man elimination match. ThenI takethose 4 and put them in a battle royale and the winner, on the PS2 console by the way, is the MOTD! K?
Nice to see the rant again Red! Great job! Hazza motha-fucka!
thanks for clearing that up for me.
anyway, we dont have TNA over here. wait, i just found TNA explosion on monday. Featuring Chris vaughan vs. David young and others. is this an up to date episode, or old?
At 10/23/04 06:59 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: if kurt was... what in the world... i'm going to pretend I didn't see that ok?
kurt would snap their ankles in half
Rock with a 94 huh? He'll be a pain to fight.
I think thats a little to high. 94 it should be 88 at the most. I usually avoid rock when I am playing a season he just pisses me off.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
4:22 joo ask well baseball went to 12:25 then madtv and top model took another 2 hours SD didnt start until 2:25
Carilto spits in the face of anyone isnt cool including hot divas.
What a short first match CCC won in 3 minutes. with the overdrive or the move rtk uses I havent seen impact in two months so I would know. But at least he as a finisher. What shelton a powerslam or t-bone suplex.
..........did you send you wish to cena from
Welcome Back Chavo.
Hidenriech what crazy nut. git in the straight jacket.
Sweet attire s.moore mini-road warriors.
I hope they cut the blonde hair guy with the blue bandana from tough enough.
Rey and rvd had some high flying moves a triple leg drop, 10 cross bodies, etc. Booker gets in and hold rey up for the cfh from jbl but clears the ring I was hoping rey was cfh'ed
SD Phrase: Tazz: That tony chimmel is a dirty man....
some badass bear I wonder if the one in the top left is retard.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
awsome rant red. But the cena being stabbed thing isn't true. Thats the angel they are using while he is filming that movie.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
And a guy on team Canada on TNA is pissed because he actually got stabbed like that and he thinks the WWE is using the Cena agle like what happened to him. lol.
don't spam.
There are rumors going around that WWE plans to move Kurt to Raw and trade him for Benoit.
Christian will be getting a new theme soon.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 10/25/04 09:09 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: There are rumors going around that WWE plans to move Kurt to Raw and trade him for Benoit.
Why? I mean Angle is good, but Benoit is so much better, he doesn't fight dirrty.
Christian will be getting a new theme soon.
Urgh, and people still like this pice o' garbage?
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.