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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-19 08:12:39

well I voted this morning.

Steel Chair-- Cause I was tired and didn't want to think about possiblilties
Wears a Dress- I'm tired of hair vs hair
Edge- Just cause I like him.
Nurse uniform- Who really cares? Either way we are gonna see panty shots all night rom the diva's. including...
Evening gown match- I dunno why.. I really didn't care since this match will suck anyway, T&A is the thing here.
Steven Richards- It will most likly be either Batista, Benjamin or Christian in this match so I voted for the uber underdog.

I think thats it..

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-19 15:41:23

i don't remember this well obviously i was like 2 but 123 kid (x-pac) and bob holly (hardcore holly) were tag team champions before

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-19 16:55:19

damn.. look at them. So different looking now.

Speaking of the past I'm going to clear something up.

On Raw they are saying this: "Benoit is the man HHH has never beaten" or something to that effect. Actually thats half the sentince. the rest is "Since he went to raw" Remember when Benoit, Eddie, Saturn and Malinko jumped to WWE from WCW? Benoit lost to HHH that night. And I'm sure they've had matches since then where Benoit has lost. Just not recently.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-19 16:57:35

At 10/19/04 03:41 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: i don't remember this well obviously i was like 2 but 123 kid (x-pac) and bob holly (hardcore holly) were tag team champions before

LMAO! Hardcore with a mullet thats great. And pac has an equally bad hair do. *saves* That's even better than the fan with the Kurt Angle tattoo. Great find!

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-19 18:22:39

Just so it is documented, here are my bibby's bets again.

Bibby's Bets

Ok, Since I started over on that last PPV on SD, I am now 8/8 on PPV's! Now, for MY thoughts:

HHH vs ???- Hunter will win. Unless...nope, hunter will win.

La Resistance vs ???- La Resistance will retain via cheaing.

Christy vs Carmella- *Crosses fingers* c'mon Pillow fight! Christy will win then strip down to her Panties. *Drools*

Women's Title- I like These choices! however, trish will win. I hope they don't have some random Stacy wins thing happening here.

IC title- either Batista or Shelton. Anyone else, Jericho.

Eric and Eugene- Eugene. Meh.

Kane vs Steroid Snitsky- Kane, yep, Kane with help from lita probably. But Kane.


Orton vs The Nature Boy Ric Flair- Hmmm... I hope flair...but it will be Orton. Don't get me wrong, I like orton...just not as a face. Orton will win, but if flair does, I am still happy.

Tough ppv. Hope I stay 100% for this week too. Tell me if I missed anyone!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-19 22:25:37

Thanks to the good people at NODQ.com, i have all but one result!

IC Title: Chosen:SHelton Winner: Shelton My result: Win

Pillow Fight: Christy vs Carmella Winner: Christy My Result: win

Snitsky vs Kane: Type: Chair Winner: Sinitsky
My result: Loss

Tag Titles: Chosen... Edge and Benoit Winners: Edge and Benoit My result: Loss

Women's Title: Type: Schoolgirl Winner: Trish My result: Loss

I will keep you updated as it comes to me! The MOTD will be the winner of Shawn vs HHH.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-19 22:31:10

TT Part 2!

Eugene vs Eric: Type: Hair Winner: Eugene My Result: Win

Triple H vs ???: Chosen: HBK Winner: HHH My result: Win

MOTD will be the winner of the best match, not the Title match. Probably either flair or Orton!

I am 5/7 as of now, will it improve, or fall?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-19 23:03:33

TT Part 3!

Final Match:

Flair vs Orton

Type: Cage!

winner: Randy Orton

My result: Win

So, I went 6/8 and knew eric would be bald.

So overall I am 14/16 so far. 88% is not to shabby!

Move of the Day!

It has to be, my favorite move:


Randy won! Hell yeah! We will se what the reprocutions are in a week!

Tune in on Thursday for the MOTD and maybe some more updates on things.

And remember, Taker will show...you shall see. He will be there! Or not...but he will!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 00:00:44

Well I did 50/50 in my predictions for TT. My losses are Benjamin wins great. Snitsky is such a bad ass my new fav heel. damn you eugene. Edge and beniot are two time world tag team champions(together) so I am 9/16 ( 5/8 from NM) 56% hopeful SS will boost the score.

Sox are 3 outs from game 7. histroical.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 01:20:51

Damn it, Damn it, Damn it!

So... let me get this straight. I missed RAW last night, only catching the main event (and Michaels injuring his knee), AND today I missed Taboo Tuesday. Boy, my life doesn't really suck, but my luck sure has turned her back on me. Damn it!

Anywho, here were my predictions (honestly):
IC Match: Benjamin got selected and he won. My Bet: Loss

Randy Orton vs. Ric Flair: Steel Cage was selected, and Randy won. My Bet: Win

World Heavyweight Championship: HBK was selected (was this really voted on? If it was, I'm amazed he could wrestle, or he is a very good actor). HHH won: My Bet: Win

Snitsky vs. Kane: Chain was selected, and Snitsky won (Whoa). My Bet: Loss

Eugene vs. Eric Bischoff: Oh god, I wanted Eugene to fucking lose. HIS HAIR PISSES ME OFF! Ah well, at least Coach is wearing a dress. My Bet: Loss

Women's Championship: Did anyone really care what happened here? Trish won here. My Bet: Loss

World Tag Team Championship: See above for who got selected as the Contender. La Resistance lost, yay. My Bet: Loss

And I'm not even gonna bother with Carmella and Christy, since everyone knows that it was a filler match.

2/7 right. Boy, I suck. Ah well, at least this time I didn't lose cash.

And that's it from me. G-Bye, people's rectum!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 05:10:13

Yea, as Bibby Ney said, HBK, steel cage, Benjamin (the one I wanted to vote for but didn't have enough time), Chain, School Girl, Lingeree Pillow Fight, loser shaved bald. In voting results I was 2 for 7...unless you count I wanted to vote for Benjamin but didn't have time then I'd be 3 for 7. Dude, wtf? no Submission Match? and I was so looking forward to Orton pulling off a unique submission. Steel Chain? It's allready been done (No Mercy 2003 Undertaker vs. Lesnar...vote for the weapon you rarely see...damnit). School Girls? *gags himself* did I not allready tell you Stacy dresses like a school girl on a regular basis, so it's nothing out of the ordinary for Stacy. French Maid damnit. Loser shaved bald...I allready told you idiots...it's overdone. Angle...Big Show...Molly Holly...etc...vote something unique...idiots. I was kind-of looking forward to servant, but oh well. Results to be posted later.

If you don't like green, then you don't like me. If you don't like me, bite me. And if you don't like what was said right now, then GET OUT OF THE DARK WATER WORLD!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 05:30:51

At 10/19/04 04:30 AM, frogman0123 wrote: Oh yea, and I forgot results.

Let's start with La Resistance. If it's Edge and Benoit vs. La Resistance or Edge and HBK vs. La Resistance, La Resistance loses. If it's HBK and Benoit vs. La Resistance, HBK and Benoit will win.

Christy vs. Carmella. Carmella wins.

Fantasy Diva Battle Royal. Trish wins.

Eugene vs. Eric Bischoff. Eugene is currently in a slump. The only time he has won that I recall was when Randy K Orton helped him out, so I see Eugene winning, pulling Eugene out of his current slump, that and Mr. McMahon is mad at Eric, so Mr. McMahon sets up Eric's loss.

Chris Jericho vs. ?. I know the person will be a heel. if it's Coach, Jericho will win (Like they'd give Coach the title). If it's Hurricane, Jericho wins. (Like I said with Coach). If it's Christian or Tyson Tomko, it will be a close match, but Jericho prolly will win. If it's Batista...Batista will prolly win. btw, is Val heel or face, because I remember Kane beating Val up, and since gene beat Eugene up, that'd make Gene heel, also making Kane face, but would that make Val heel? Also since when would Chuck Palumbo and Rodney Mack get a title shot...I haven't seen them wrestle in like a hellufa long time.

Kane vs. Gene Snitsky. The last time I voted for a rookie, I lost, so this time I vote for the vet. Kane wins.

Randy K Orton vs. Ric Flair. If it's a submission match, Randy will probably win with an interesting submission hold (hopefully not the Sharpshooter). If it's a falls count anywhere match, Flair, just only because Flair could lure Orton to the Evolution locker room for an Evolution type beating. If it's a steelcage match...god forbid...Orton will prolly win.

Last, but not least, HHH vs. ?. No matter who the challenger is, HHH just gained the title and we're looking at yet another lengthy HHH title reign. HHH all the way.

as a recap, 100% decisions as of right now, Trish, Carmella, Eugene, Kane, and HHH. other decisions to be determined when Taboo Tuesday goes underway.

La Resistance...Edge and Benoit were selected. I said Edge and Benoit would win...Edge and Benoit won. +1

Christy vs. Carmella. I thought Carmella would win, seeing how Carmella lost the quarter of a mil...but unfortunately I was wrong. -1

(Fulfill your) Fantasy (Diva) Battle Royal. I said Trish would win and Trish won. +1

Eugene vs. Eric Bischoff. As much as I didn't want to see either of these two athletes shaved...Eric did get shaved >:(. No matter, I said Eugene was currently in a slump and that he'd win...and he did. +1

Chris Jericho...Benjamin was selected. I wonder if Mr. McMahon had something to do with Benji winning...because remember he did win Monday's (8/18's) Battle Royal...also winning Mr. McMahon's vote for Taboo Tuesday. Anywho...I count this match as a no contest because I was expecting a heel to challenge Jericho...not a face.

Kane vs. Gene Snitsky. wtf? First, at No Mercy, I vote for the rookie Luther Reigns...and I lost. So I figure WWE doesn't give rookie's pushes...right? wrong. this time to compensate for NM, I vote Kane, and I lose...yet again. -1.

Randy Orton vs. Ric Flair. steel cage was selected. I said Orton would prolly win...and he did. +1. Can I still say I wanted to see the submission match?

HHH...HBK was selected. No matter. I said HHH would win mo matter who the challenger was...and he did. +1

So I ended up being 5 and 2...not counting the Jericho match as I've said above.

next ppv...Survivor Series, and if I remember correctly Survivor Series will be a joint ppv. Looks like I can predict at Survivor Series I will also not be a perfect 100%

If you don't like green, then you don't like me. If you don't like me, bite me. And if you don't like what was said right now, then GET OUT OF THE DARK WATER WORLD!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 07:51:51

I had a feeling jericho would lose. WWE has been notorious for giving him short title runs. It kinda sucks though, I like Y2J as a champion.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 09:24:46

HBK may need surgery to fix his knee problem.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 13:25:29

from now on i will be the wrestling picture man ask me for any wrestlers picture and i will get it also any wrestling pictue and heres one for now, the original FBI from ECW

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 16:17:53

heres a pic of vicera he looks like a f'n hot air balloon

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 17:35:42

RED SOX FORCE A GAME SEVEN! But enough about that...

Dayum! He gave a whole new meaning to PARACHUTE Pants. lol.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 19:00:07

At 10/20/04 01:25 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: from now on i will be the wrestling picture man ask me for any wrestlers picture and i will get it also any wrestling picture

Do you have one of the mean street pose
uh yeah go sox

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-20 19:40:44

hah it's king mabel!

heh MSP huh? I member them, they were funny. They were the only team that constantly lost to kei en tie.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 00:16:25

At 10/20/04 07:40 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: hah it's king mabel!

heh MSP huh? I member them, they were funny. They were the only team that constantly lost to kei en tie.

I wish I could remember them. I just know they had shane as the leader or not.
In case you didnt know the Cardinals won Game 6.
and gene snitsky is a household name.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 00:53:47

Heh, all of these wrestling pictures are making me laughf.

Now lets see how good you guys memory is.

Who is this man?
What was his signature move?

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 04:30:04

At 10/21/04 12:53 AM, Demon_Inuyasha wrote: Heh, all of these wrestling pictures are making me laughf.

Now lets see how good you guys memory is.

Who is this man?
What was his signature move?

Aw, come on, man. That's Diamond Dallas Page, how the hell could someone NOT recognize him? And his move was the Diamond Cutter... whish these days is the RKO.

Aw man, that reminded me of when he Diamond cut the Big Show in Starrcade from the 3rd Rope. Good times, good times.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 08:06:23

I was gonna say that looked like DDP.

SD tonight. Hope it's good.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 08:17:59

the beating that Kane took last night from Gene Snitsky was to explain his absence while he is away filming "Eye Scream Man". Kane will join John Cena on the “away making a flick” list.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 08:23:25

I gots me some news today:
Here are the results from the IC Title poll on WWE.com. It is clear that Shelton Benjamin won quite easily.
Shelton Benjamin 37.48 %
Batista 20.11 %
Coach 7.01 %
Christian 6.69 %
Rhyno 5.77 %
Maven 4.23 %
William Regal 3.81 %
The Hurricane 3.77 %
Tyson Tomko 2.49 %
Tajiri 2.36 %
Steven Richards 2.24 %
Val Venis 1.69 %
Rosey 1.10 %
Chuck Palumbo 0.68 %
Rodney Mack 0.58 %

Shawn Michaels will be having surgery on his injured knee this week. It is not known at this time how long the operation and recovery will keep him out of action. With a meniscus tear, it could be extremely painful but not very serious, or it could require several months off. It's really hard to tell until they get in there and fix it up.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 11:32:44

At 10/21/04 08:23 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I gots me some news today:
Here are the results from the IC Title poll on WWE.com. It is clear that Shelton Benjamin won quite easily.
Shelton Benjamin 37.48 %

That's a pretty big of a difference between him and Batista....

Batista 20.11 %

But who wouldn't want Shelton Benjamin to win? He's got more tallent then the rest. But I do find it funny that the majority of the votes were for Batista and Benjamin. But hey, I stood be hind Benjamin, and I continue to stand behind him>

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 11:45:12

Diamong cutter is the RKO? hell no, the RKO is jump and slam. he is really atletic doing it, looks like he is gonna do the high jump, then grabs the head and smashes them on the mat. and the super RKO is probly off of the top rope, like the super ninja compared to the ninja.
Will kane come back as a face or heel? just think, it would be the first time we saw kanes real face as a face... makes you think

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 12:14:25

At 10/21/04 11:45 AM, Rhino106 wrote: Diamong cutter is the RKO? hell no

Basically, it's the same, only DDP didn't really jump, he just did the diamond cutter. RKO added the 'jump', so yea, it's about the same.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 17:29:07

Yeah, the jump is the key. Oh, one more thing...


Anyways, SD on the way and my move of the day! Will we see JBL's demise, right after this suprise.

Here is a link to some more legend movies for SDvsRAW! Mankind, LOD, Brutus, and the two I posted before: Snuka and Piper. These guys all have movies. For some reason, Mnkind's ovr is 89! Wow, too high for me.


Oh, and mankind is versus taker in a HIAC. Sweet. Another match I should do.

Bret will probably be the final ones along with Andre and taker maybe.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-10-21 17:49:15

At 10/20/04 07:00 PM, Iscrulz wrote:
At 10/20/04 01:25 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: from now on i will be the wrestling picture man ask me for any wrestlers picture and i will get it also any wrestling picture
Do you have one of the mean street pose
uh yeah go sox

give me till sunday and you'll have you pic of mean street posse but in the meantime heres a pic of the x-factor one of my favorite factions

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

BBS Signature