Smackdown could use the ministry. I watch RAW mainly cuz of evolution, so the ministy with smackdown would be a good idea.
Smackdown could use the ministry. I watch RAW mainly cuz of evolution, so the ministy with smackdown would be a good idea.
yeah I have to agree. SD is in need of a good stable.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
So, whats been going on in Smackdown the past few weeks? Whats the story?
Big Show made a return and the us title 5 series is up to match five.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
This post is going to be short. It's allready 8:00 p.m. CST, 9:00 NG time, late TNA Impact posting right? WRONG! sorry guys, I couldn't get you a review this week. I dunno about the following weeks.
If you don't like green, then you don't like me. If you don't like me, bite me. And if you don't like what was said right now, then GET OUT OF THE DARK WATER WORLD!
At 9/23/04 05:35 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: -StimulatedHigh- you are # 101 you did get a number when you first showed up, and there is is. Welcome back.
Oh, ok, cool thanks. Now I shall put that in my sig if it fits cause I need the URL...
I need a few things of the WWE:
1) E&C
2) Ministry of darkness.
or just the reunification of my favorite team: The Brood! Hell yeah! Bloodbaths bitches!
At 9/26/04 02:00 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: I need a few things of the WWE:
1) E&C
hmm, it may not happen for a while, plus Edge might come back as a face, you never know. :P
2) Ministry of darkness.
yeah, Smackdown needs a dominating stable!
or just the reunification of my favorite team: The Brood! Hell yeah! Bloodbaths bitches!
hehheh, yep, but Gangral would have to go over to RAW for that to happen.
Thanks to Ninjar for the sig. -NGSM
At 9/25/04 11:48 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Who here can just see "The Ministry" helping JBL on PPV? Or maybe.. they turn on JBL and help taker get the title and re-form the real ministry. or they could just be not signed and go home.
I am going to guess we would see midion and gangrel and visera will leave after no mercy or a couple of weeks later. but a ministry of darkness reunioun would be great. Taker has the wwe champion, and the others as us champion and tag team champions. Just like evoultion last Janurary. Now fer isc sd thoughts
>Spike's the boss. ok. but why cut you hair kenzo it looks worse than y2j haircut. Yes viserca was gullotine with the chair.
> I like the poem by hiedrich
>why did they have to show the close ups of mae and moolahs skirts. nevertheless it was a funny match. Just like in school the bully gets down behind you and the other bully pushes you.
>I concurr every time kurt is in the smackdown ring a smackdown moment will occur. What was cena standing on in a dark room. ahaha I hope thats not his finishing catch phrase like you can choke on dezz (nuts)
>the big show frog splash yeah. but kurt gets a daisy bb gun loads a tranq dart and pumps it up. Oh but a real tranqulizer gun would be to dangerous.
No mercy prediction [partial list]
last ride match undertaker is on a roll. since SS and its falls under his stipulation I wonder if jbl will get a last ride into the last ride hearst. winner taker
tag match to soon for kenzo and rene to lose the tag team titles. anyways rvd is a ppv jobber. winner dupree and suzuki
eddie vs. luther Eddie has a new latino heat shirt So he will win 7 days.
bigshow vs. kurt A tough one but bigshow is freah of a return anrgt by his new haircut and now seven feet 2inches. yet kurt could have a blow gun quick ref bump, shoots show, waits, pulls the dart out and throws the evidence away. So in short big show isnt going to job this early winner big show.
Undisputed US Champ match Booker T wins. YO YO YO the champ is not here, but I still the franchise come survior series the real united states champ win beat your punk ass in that ring 1 2 (everyone in the crowd What!!? lol. 3)- by cena
paul london v. the whinner hmm I guess billy will get slapped and goover the edge I we will see the best crusierweight match. Or he win totally job and purposely not kick out on the first pinfall. Winner P.L.
Now for no mercy unannouced matches preditcion with no cheating.
Haas and rico v. the dudleys Rico has a fresher return, the odd couple wins
Hiedrich vs. Jobber A or Funaki. I will go with jobbers by dq.
Womens match torrie, dawn or miss jakie who cares.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 9/26/04 02:00 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Ministry of darkness.
Their opening music is the coolest.
I found out the other day watching TNA that Jeff Hardy is with them.
Sting is still with ECW right?
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
Holy shit, so much potential the WWE has right now, but I bet they will not put it into any use at all. I really think that the WWE died of their creativity in Armageddon 2002. But anywho, even though I rarely watch SmackDown! (or RAW) exclusive PPVs, here are my predictions on No Mercy 2004:
Eddie Guerrero vs. Luther Reigns:
C'mon... it's too obvious. Eddie will win this hands down. It's Luther. He may as well tattoo jobber somewhere.
Renee Dupree & Kenzo Suzuki vs. Rob Van Dam & Rey Mysterio:
Actually I like Renee & Kenzo. I think of them as a sort of New Unamericans. And they'll win. As mentioned earlier, it's too soon for them to lose the titles.
Undertaker vs. JBL:
Oh god, do I want Taker to win. I really want Taker to win this. And in a Last Ride Match, the only way I see JBL winning is with help from the Ministry. But I want even more for them to reunite. I see Taker winning. Period.
Billy Kidman vs. Paul London:
Dude, so you injured Chavo. Shit happens. You are married to Torrie Wilson. Get back in the fucking game damn it! Paul will win, but Kidman will put up a damn fight, and maybe, JUST maybe, he'll win.
Booker T vs. John Cena:
I don't know here. I like both competitors. Both are entertaining. And both are on a roll. I say Booker wins the whole damn thing. But I would like Cena to challenge for the WWE title one of these days, like back in Backlash.
I say booker. Cena is going to go off and shoot a movie, so him being a champ wouldn't be a good idea since cena needs some time off to do it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/26/04 03:44 AM, Kraidle_Effect wrote:
No Mercy 2004:
Eddie Guerrero vs. Luther Reigns:
Eddie will win this hands down.:
Renee Dupree & Kenzo Suzuki vs. Rob Van Dam & Rey Mysterio:
Actually I like Renee & Kenzo. : True but Rey and RVD are really tricky so my vote is RVD and Rey
Undertaker vs. JBL:
I want Taker to win. : JBL=all talk no action
Billy Kidman vs. Paul London:
:! Paul will win, but Kidman will put up a damn fight, and maybe, JUST maybe, he'll win.:I don't know
Booker T vs. John Cena:
I like both competitors.: Depens really But I like John cean better
At 9/26/04 01:50 PM, vgctimhalomatrixsqrl wrote: Wrestling = Gay and fake
If you don't like it then don't post Ass
At 9/26/04 01:50 PM, vgctimhalomatrixsqrl wrote: Wrestling = Gay and fake
You = Fail.
Thanks to Ninjar for the sig. -NGSM
heres gene snitsky he officially has a wwe contract
he was scouted in the wild samoans training camp
heres batista afa rikishi and sika at roseys wedding a.k.a. the s.h.i.t. superhero in training
At 9/26/04 03:17 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: heres batista afa rikishi and sika at roseys wedding a.k.a. the s.h.i.t. superhero in training
dude where did yah get that pic from and jeff hardy rules and i like ur alias
At 9/26/04 01:50 PM, vgctimhalomatrixsqrl wrote: Wrestling = Gay and fake
Then don't post here. It's not like we don't know reality from reality, so please keep out.
Those pics are cool.. cept that flair/woman thing.. that one's creepy. So they signed that guy huh? The fact that no one know wher ehe is makes me wonder why they put him in an angle with kane. Did he wrestle on Heat or something before that? Dark matches maybe? I've heard nothing about him.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/26/04 03:20 PM, Scooter_Morley wrote:At 9/26/04 03:17 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: heres batista afa rikishi and sika at roseys wedding a.k.a. the s.h.i.t. superhero in trainingdude where did yah get that pic from and jeff hardy rules and i like ur alias
i got the pic from and on the left on the page you'll see section 2 and they have lots of pics there about 5 lol
thanks i love my alias too
the batista afa rikishi and sika and the gene snitzky one was from
sting fans should check this site out:
lots o sites for me to check out later. yay
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Some Wrestling News:
Andy Douglas from "The Naturals" and Johnny Devine from Team Canada were both stabbed last night during a fight after leaving a Nashville, TN club, according to a report by Bob Ryder from, who doubles as head of TNA's Talent Relations.
Douglas was stabbed in the leg and needed stitches, however Devine was stabbed in the stomach and required hours of surgery to repair the internal damage done by the stabbing. Apparently, Devine is expected to miss at least 4 weeks of action due to the event.
The assailant fled the scene of the fight after allegedly stabbing the two men, and has not yet been apprehended.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
no that sucks.
Also Billy Gunn has been pulled from teh WWE roster. He has a ton of heat on him right now cause he's acting like an asshole. I expect him to be released and then go to TNA.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/26/04 07:09 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: the batista afa rikishi and sika and the gene snitzky one was from
That link didn't work
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 9/27/04 03:23 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:At 9/26/04 07:09 PM, bestjeffhardyfan wrote: the batista afa rikishi and sika and the gene snitzky one was from www.wildsamoans.comThat link didn't work
sorry its