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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 00:47:09

At 9/11/05 12:08 AM, secret_toad wrote: the movie was alternet endings to the last 2 stupit endings in the series right

*MASSIVE SPOILERS, PREPEARE TO BE MINDFUCKED* No it's an remade ending after the director got pissed off at the dissatified fans after Death & Rebirth.

Why were Asuka and Shinji fighting

She had an superiority complex.

why was Shinji so Disgusted with Misato

He couldn't understand/or live with her ongoing personality.

was asuka and Shinji the last living souls

In many ways, yes

What happend to Rei

Like the other angels, she's dead

why did Asuka call Shinji disgusting in the end

She says alot of thing due to translation problems. Asuka also says "Why's this feeling disgusting?"

What was Seele's problem

Typicial cult solution: To be one with god by destroying every mankind's AT fields.

What the FUCK is with Kauru how come he just became so important

Maybe to heal Shinji's sanity if Rei spoke the crap out of him.

Why did Rei disobey Gendo Ikari

Rei got tired of being Gendo's puppet. Decided to be in Shinji's side instead.

Can someone tell me again what happend in episode 24 I dont remember

That was Kaoru's first appearance.

Is the other movie better

Death & Rebirth? No, go for the Director's Edition instead.

*End Mind Fuck*

That's all I could answer, but how many of you seen or/and read Ayashi no Ceres?

Governor of the Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 01:45:38

I don't know about any of you, but I think they did a pretty damn good job with dubing Naruto. While there are a few more things they could screw up in upcoming episodes, the first two looked and sounded great. I still don't understand why they had to edit out the nosebleeds, but it didn't really matter.

Maybe I just have low standards, what did you guys think?

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 02:42:50

At 9/11/05 01:45 AM, Vash-The-Stampede wrote: Maybe I just have low standards, what did you guys think?

I have not seen it yet so I cannot say. Although, they need to leave in some key elements like his justu of him transforming into a girl. For reasons that it is key in the development of his character. Also


The Zabusa saga, where Naruto and Sasuke are fighting that one girl[damn, can't rember her name, Haku or something? Too late, brain can't think], when she throws the wooden spikes through Sasuke, or say into his body and throght they should leave that in as well for if you take that out you won't know what is really happening.


But with blood and such, yeah, edit to a point but not all the blood.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 02:56:20

Ok, I made plans in my schedule, to watch the premiere of Naruto on Toonami. Here is my review.

Pros: Well first of all, it's the same Naruto we all know and love from the Fan-subs. Nothing more or less the same story. Toonami showed the first two episodes in conjunction with One Piece's style of an hour of its own show. I was amazed to see that most of the show was left intact. Naruto's Sexy no Jutsu was left with the clouds and no bathing suits were added. Also the person who speaks for Naruto (The guy who did the little boy's voice from that Time Patrol or whatever cartoon its called on CN) managed to keep Naruto's voice intact during both episodes.

Cons: Now this is where my gripes really begin. First of all, minimal blood. Oh yes, they show blood in the anime but drops of it fling from the mouths of the characters? Of course not. I was even driven to the point of tearing up, when they didn't show blood flying from the Third's nose when Naruto performed the Sexy no Jutsu on him. So what does this mean? No copious amounts of blood for you my friend.

Onto the voices. While Naruto's, The Third's, Konahamaru, and Ebisu's voices were alright, Hyuuga Hinata and Iruka's voices irked the hell out of me. Hinata's voice sounded a little to high and whiny for my taste while Iruka's voice is just plain annoying. Why? I'll give you an example:

Iruka: "MEE-ZOO-KIII!!!" (Translation: "Mizuki!"

I kid you not. Most of the Ninja in the show stress out the Japanese pronounciations in names so much as in the words, Hokage, Mizuki, and others, that it detracted from the overall experience. Also about the words. I cringed (literally) when Iruka slaughtered the saying of "Genin." This was how he said it:

Iruka: "I've tried to get him to understand the hard path to becoming a ninja, but he's been beaming ever since he became a GUH-NEEN."

GUH-NEEN? Last time I checked, it was GAY-NEEN. I guess my teachers from Japan have been teaching us the wrong pronounciation for Hiragana or something. However I applauded when Ebisu called himself a JO-NEEN, which is the right way to say it. But the worst thing is when they pronounced Konohamaru's name like this: KO-NO-HAM-URU. The Maru part is seperate from the first part of the name so why did they say it all together in a jumble of American English? The world may never know.

My last gripes concern about the Jutsu names and Opening Themes. They say stuff like Clone Jutsu or Multi-Clone Jutsu. So no Baykugan or Sharingan for you. Also they took out my Wind ending theme.

Overall: So to conclude this, I felt that it was a good attempt that could have been made better with a little more polish. With the edits made in the show, my excitement has dulled a little, but from what I saw tonight, I can tell Naruto will be left intact for the most part. Just don't ask me about the Hand-Stabbing, or Haku spewing a waterfall of blood. It's not gonna happen.

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 03:10:33

At 9/11/05 02:45 AM, Quisty wrote:
At 9/11/05 01:45 AM, Vash-The-Stampede wrote: Maybe I just have low standards, what did you guys think?
I won't get to see the dub until next week. I live in Canada, so stuff is slower getting here.

To bad, you guys were supposed to see it before us.

Hey, arn't you Vash from the ADG?

Yes. I was wondering if you were that Quisty.

You are, aren't you?

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 05:04:21

At 9/11/05 12:47 AM, Gaignun_Jr wrote: She says alot of thing due to translation problems. Asuka also says "Why's this feeling disgusting?"

Some saw it as a continuation of the... "Self Pleasuring" scene of Shinji's.

The actual quote (If I remember right) is "Kimochi waruii", which seems more of a statement rather than a question of uncertainty.

What the FUCK is with Kauru how come he just became so important
Maybe to heal Shinji's sanity if Rei spoke the crap out of him.

It's "Kaworu".

And as it can be seen, the only person who actually got close to Shinji is Kaworu.


And yeah. End of Evangelion is one mind-rape medium with high potential. XD

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 05:23:18

I love Anime!!!

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 06:32:39

At 9/11/05 05:23 AM, Butters372 wrote: I love Anime!!!

We all do, do you wanna join?

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 07:16:24

What we all want to see as a result of Dubbed Naruto.

Courtesy of the artist who drew this originally.

Anime Club

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 09:33:53

At 9/11/05 07:16 AM, HaroFreak wrote: What we all want to see as a result of Dubbed Naruto.

Courtesy of the artist who drew this originally.

LOL that is exactly how I feel to the gayer american version of naruto

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 09:39:58

At 9/11/05 02:42 AM, MVegeta777 wrote:
At 9/11/05 01:45 AM, Vash-The-Stampede wrote:

The Zabusa saga, where Naruto and Sasuke are fighting that one girl[damn, can't rember her name, Haku or something? Too late, brain can't think], when she throws the wooden spikes through Sasuke, or say into his body and throght they should leave that in as well for if you take that out you won't know what is really happening.


Here let me fix that up a bit for you lol


In the Zabuza storyline, where Naruto and Sasuke fight Haku the ...guy. He does his bloodline specialty and sends a couple tons of Ice needles into Sasuke. They should keep that part in because you wouldn't understand it if it wasn't there.

***********END SPOILER***************

there! ^_~ fixed it all up!

P.S. if this is a double post I'm sorry cause I can't remember if I allready posted here lol

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 09:49:16

At 9/11/05 09:39 AM, Sesshy wrote: Here let me fix that up a bit for you lol


In the Zabuza storyline, where Naruto and Sasuke fight Haku the ...guy. He does his bloodline specialty and sends a couple tons of Ice needles into Sasuke. They should keep that part in because you wouldn't understand it if it wasn't there.

***********END SPOILER***************

...Ice? They are metallic throwing needles, not elemental-based Ninjutsu.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 11:05:02

OK seriously sponge bob and shrek aren't mangas

Shows i watch alot:
gundam seed destiny
Ghost in the shell
love hina

Serisouly i hate the ending wat spoilers

i use to like evalegion now i hate it lol =)

Anime Club

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 11:10:30

Like some for most anime show i got to use bittorent to get it more faster because sometimes things run slow. Hey has anyone use Mirc before its kind of great i used it to find love hinaits ok not dat bad unless u get use to it.


I want to see in gundam seed destiny episode 35 Shinn goes crazy and kills the freedom LOL i wonder wat will his next gundam will be =)

Can someone tell me wat happen!!

Anime Club

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 11:13:49

At 9/11/05 06:46 AM, Hoaders wrote: Hi Anime club, i have a question, and need your advice,
I want to buy my first ever anime DVD, but i don't know what one to buy.
I'm looking for an anime which has the following...

it must be fantasy styled, with swords and bloody violence.
It must also have good characters and a good story plot, so what could you suggest, thanks!

hellsing!! well, that's the only anime I'm thinking about right now so.. that's my pick =P

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 11:14:24

Hi u guys if u guys want to hear anime music!!

Go to www.gendou.com and sigh up and u can hear most anime music songs =) Enjoy

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 11:35:37

Hello everyone. Anyone got an suggestions on any good anime to watch or manga to read?

Anime and Manga I like (In order):
Gundam Wing (Incuding all its series except SD)
Vision of escaflowne
Fruits basket
Sailor moon
Tokyo mew mew
Card captor sakura

Anime and Manga I don't like:
Childrens anime (hamtaro, pokemon, the new mega man, and SD gundam)
Witch hunter robin
Yu Gi Oh
DBZ (and anything after that)
Fushigi Yugi
AI love you

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 11:40:13

At 9/11/05 06:46 AM, Hoaders wrote: Hi Anime club, i have a question, and need your advice,
I want to buy my first ever anime DVD, but i don't know what one to buy.
I'm looking for an anime which has the following...

it must be fantasy styled, with swords and bloody violence.
It must also have good characters and a good story plot, so what could you suggest, thanks!

I liked Vision of Escaflowne. I suggest that one for good story and violence with swords.

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 12:56:59

At 9/11/05 01:45 AM, Vash-The-Stampede wrote: Maybe I just have low standards, what did you guys think?

Well, since I never saw the original uncut versions, I thought the first two episodes on toonami were pretty good.

At 9/11/05 06:46 AM, Hoaders wrote: Hi Anime club, i have a question, and need your advice,
I want to buy my first ever anime DVD, but i don't know what one to buy.
I'm looking for an anime which has the following...

it must be fantasy styled, with swords and bloody violence.
It must also have good characters and a good story plot, so what could you suggest, thanks!

You might like Escaflowne. I only saw part of the movie, but I could see it had fantasy, swords, and bloody violence. It probably has a good plot.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 12:59:07

At 9/11/05 02:56 AM, Renewman wrote: Cons: Now this is where my gripes really begin. First of all, minimal blood. Oh yes, they show blood in the anime but drops of it fling from the mouths of the characters? Of course not. I was even driven to the point of tearing up, when they didn't show blood flying from the Third's nose when Naruto performed the Sexy no Jutsu on him. So what does this mean? No copious amounts of blood for you my friend.

The lack of nosebleeds did get me. I was hurt, really. It just seemed weird to see Ebisu go flying without the blood.

Onto the voices. While Naruto's, The Third's, Konahamaru, and Ebisu's voices were alright, Hyuuga Hinata and Iruka's voices irked the hell out of me. Hinata's voice sounded a little to high and whiny for my taste while Iruka's voice is just plain annoying. Why? I'll give you an example:

Naruto's voice sucked. <_<; I absolutely hated that in the moments where he was trying to act bad ass, the voice acting failed to deliver. But I will agree on the others, but adding Mizuki in as well, since it just seemed to... fit. As for the crappy ones, yes, Hinata sucked, but I found Iruka to be a bit more generic. Sakura needed to sound more girly (same with Ino)... and poor Shikamaru. His one line was enought to make me cry.

My last gripes concern about the Jutsu names and Opening Themes. They say stuff like Clone Jutsu or Multi-Clone Jutsu. So no Baykugan or Sharingan for you. Also they took out my Wind ending theme.

...Personally, I found it better than my subs for episodes 50-76. Summoning no Jutsu cannot possibly equal 'Psychic Power.' I think they'll keep Sharingan and Byakugan. I mean, they kept Hokage, which that in itself is good enough for me. And they got rid of the Closing Theme, Wind, as well. This will also mean that we won't be getting Viva Rock, Ima Made Nando Mo, and the rest. Unfortunately.

Overall: So to conclude this, I felt that it was a good attempt that could have been made better with a little more polish. With the edits made in the show, my excitement has dulled a little, but from what I saw tonight, I can tell Naruto will be left intact for the most part. Just don't ask me about the Hand-Stabbing, or Haku spewing a waterfall of blood. It's not gonna happen.

They're going to have to do something about that hand-stabbing, I tell ya. It'll probably stay, though. Remember waaay back in DBZ, when Ginyu punched a whole in his own chest? My point exactly. The fountain of blood will probably be replaced be a trickle of blood, which will be very odd in its own right. As for everything else, I am quite pleased by this dub. It pays to be positive sometimes.

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 13:27:02

At 9/11/05 12:59 PM, Rebel40000 wrote: Naruto's voice sucked.

Yeah, I didn't like his voice either.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 13:34:12

I happen to be VERY pleased with the Naruto dub. :) They kept Hokage! :D The previews said "Head Ninja" and I almost started crying. "Third Head Ninja!" >_< I reeaally liek Sandaime's voice, it's very wise and er... old. o_O

Everyone else's voice is acceptable. I heard Kakashi's voice in the previews and it sounds great. Not as mysterious or laid back as the Japanese voice, but very good either way. Still haven't heard anything from Sasuke.. everyone else's voice good. :) I can't wait for everyone else's voices, Neji, Lee, Gaara. O_O

The nosebleeds were edited out, but I guess it was for teh better. Silly dub-only watchers wouldn't get the nosebleed joke. Their expression is still priceless though. :D I almost started crying when Naruto said "Catra". :'( But then Konohamaru pwned Naruto and I was happy again. :)

Things I can ignore:
No blood spouts
"Beast" instead of "Monster". I liek monster better though.

Things that get on my nerves:
Eh.. nothing really. :) Yaaaay Naruto. :D

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 13:57:25

well I have a few more questions abouthe evngelion movie.

Why did Shinji shok asuka the first time
why did h do it again in the end of the movie
What was asukas problem why was she so mad at shinji
Did asuka lose her eye
Does Auka HATE shinji
Des Shinji HATE asukai

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 14:07:00

is there a hentai club anymore? there used to be an anti-anti hentai club...

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 14:56:57

At 9/11/05 02:07 PM, TKDdan wrote: is there a hentai club anymore? there used to be an anti-anti hentai club...

It's not on Newgrounds, but there's a link to the AAHC in my sig if you're interested. On a side note, I have a warning for everyone shopping for anime online: DiscountAnimeDVD.com is no longer a reliable site. My brother tried to buy me a Robotech box set for my birthday and they cancelled the order without warning because they claimed the method he used to purchase the item is the same method used by South-Asian, European, and African internet theft rings... I guess a lot of South-Asian crime lords use Visa cards on their website.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 15:06:18

At 9/11/05 09:49 AM, HaroFreak wrote:
At 9/11/05 09:39 AM, Sesshy wrote:
...Ice? They are metallic throwing needles, not elemental-based Ninjutsu.

Umm he threw the metallic needles when they first fought but when he does his bloodline with all the mirrors made from ice...he uses the fog and makes the needles

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 15:33:53

At 9/11/05 01:27 PM, Fumetsu316 wrote:
At 9/11/05 12:59 PM, Rebel40000 wrote: Naruto's voice sucked.
Yeah, I didn't like his voice either.

Naruto's voice would have been better played by the person who did Yahiko's voice in Kenshin.

The voice they used just wasn't what I imagined while reading the manga.
Shit happens.

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 15:35:18

At 9/11/05 03:06 PM, Sesshy wrote:


Umm he threw the metallic needles when they first fought but when he does his bloodline with all the mirrors made from ice...he uses the fog and makes the needles

Yes, but Sasuke dodges those ice needles. The ones that are in his neck are indeed metallic. He gets it from saving Naruto.

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 15:53:53

Naruto's voice was done by the guy who did that little kid's voice in that Time cartoon where they go to different periods of time in history and correct mistakes like when Mozart became a wrestler. ROFL

Response to Anime Club 2005-09-11 16:07:14

At 9/11/05 03:53 PM, Renewman wrote: Naruto's voice was done by the guy who did that little kid's voice in that Time cartoon where they go to different periods of time in history and correct mistakes like when Mozart became a wrestler. ROFL

I beleive Naruto's voice isn't a guy at all.
