At 11/24/04 10:38 AM, psykolord wrote:
So, Super Milk Chan IS an anime. Thanks for straightening that out for me.
No problem. It's my job with my other friends to whatch everykind of anime I can find and tell them about it. All though, the Japanese do screw up sometimes. >_<
Anyways, so you're saying that you wouldn't recommend for me to watch Super Milk Chan?
Oh god! No don't watch it. It is(in my opinion)the worst anime EVER! It's so lame and boring.
At 11/24/04 11:51 AM, Joker_FFF wrote:
At 11/24/04 11:00 AM, aPiK wrote:
Azumanga what?
Please don't spam Joker. Put a lil' more thought into your posts please. aPIK, you just got some MAJOR cool points, +50 to be exact. That was an awsome find. Props to the person who made that flash.