At 3/4/04 12:13 AM, Satan_Impact wrote: dang LadyAurin is kinda quick on postin messages
She's really not. I've seen a lot faster.
I have to tell you guys that Aasha is having problems with NG and probably won't be posting for a bit. I hope that she comes back to us soon...
At 3/4/04 12:21 AM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote:At 3/4/04 12:13 AM, Satan_Impact wrote: dang LadyAurin is kinda quick on postin messagesShe's really not. I've seen a lot faster.
still i just loged on & she's gone
At 3/4/04 12:40 AM, Satan_Impact wrote:
still i just loged on & she's gone
so? she does her responses kinda slowly, just cuz she leaves fast means nothing
At 3/4/04 12:44 AM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote:At 3/4/04 12:40 AM, Satan_Impact wrote:still i just loged on & she's goneso? she does her responses kinda slowly, just cuz she leaves fast means nothing
oh well this isnt a big deal dude
At 3/4/04 12:47 AM, Satan_Impact wrote: oh well this isnt a big deal dude
Wonko is teh crazeh.
At 3/4/04 01:39 AM, Tink13 wrote:At 3/4/04 12:47 AM, Satan_Impact wrote: oh well this isnt a big deal dudeWonko is teh crazeh.
What are you calling me, wench?
At 3/4/04 01:51 AM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: What are you calling me, wench?
Why are you so MEAN TO ME? *cries* I need LOVE you know!
*grabs dick*
OMG You like Chobits! YAY~~! :D I just watched chobits and I love the anime and i used to be mihoshi but gonna be Sumomo now becase Sumomo is adorable and loud and happy and I like how she dances and stuff all the time and I think if there were persocoms I'd have one little one like her and name it Sumomo and dress and program her the same way cause she's so cute ^_^! Chi is cute too.
I'm back! Ohhh! A banner! For me? Good!
Sorry I had to leave so soon yesterday. I was really tired. Damn Socrates. I was trying to post slowly yesterday. I can post at nearly the speed of an automated message, but you know the 4 message in 30 min rule. I was pacing myself, so I didn't have to wait a really long time. Sorry I was being so unspecific with my questions, I was really tired.
You ask damn hard questions. I shouldn't be able to answer pretty much any of these. We haven't gotten anywhere near as far into the story here in the US as you have (Damn adult swim. Too many damn reruns) At least I gave you questions that you should have easily beent able to answer.
By the way, click on my signature pic, Tink13. It'll take you to a site I'm sure that you will like. Once there, click on fanfictions, then author, then Ookami, then the first chapter of the story:
Turnabout is Fair Play.
You'll love it. Trust me.
Could you answer my second round of questions, just for fun? I want to see if you know the answers.
You are a very worthy opponent. Truce?
You do a good Kagome. And Wonko seems to do a good Inuyasha. Hmmmmmn. Interesting. Well, please reply to my post. See ya when you do.
At 3/4/04 08:38 AM, LadyAurin wrote: You do a good Kagome. And Wonko seems to do a good Inuyasha. Hmmmmmn. Interesting. Well, please reply to my post. See ya when you do.
My character has never been inuyasha, nor will it ever be.
Having chosen an InuYasha character myself, I also have some InuYasha questions:
1. What do the names InuYasha, Shippo, and Sango mean?
2. In which of Kagome's organs was the Shikon no Tama located?
3. How did Sesshomaru meet Rin?
4. When is InuYasha in his human form?
5. Where is the tomb of InuYasha's father located?
6. How does Kagome defeat Yura of the Demon Hair?
7. What is the name of Sango's main weapon?
8. What is the name of the wolf demon tribe's enemy?
9. How many jewel shards are in Miroku's right arm?
10. What kind of sword is Tetsusaiga before and after it is transformed?
At 3/4/04 03:56 PM, mr_trivia wrote: Having chosen an InuYasha character myself, I also have some InuYasha questions:
The questions were for the purpose to see if tink or aurin was more worthy of kagome. Anyway, I'm here as a mesenger boy to say that aasha is having computer troubles, and can't login to NG, but she's getting a new computer in around 10 days, so hopefully everything will be ok then.
I'm back. No, I wasn't saying that you should be or are Inuyasha, I was saying that that comment you made was a comment that you would normally hear Inuyasha say. Sorry for the confusion. Can Tink13 please answer my second round of questions? Just for fun, though.
I propose a truce. My email adress is:
By the way, try clicking my signature pic.
At 3/4/04 04:57 PM, Latenas wrote: Weeeeee. Are you still accepting members?! ^-^?
yep. name your 5 favorite anime and choose a character of the same sex to represent you.
At 3/4/04 04:20 PM, LadyAurin wrote: I'm back. No, I wasn't saying that you should be or are Inuyasha, I was saying that that comment you made was a comment that you would normally hear Inuyasha say. Sorry for the confusion. Can Tink13 please answer my second round of questions? Just for fun, though.
I propose a truce. My email adress is:
By the way, try clicking my signature pic.
I am in no mood for trivia questions today. Sorry but we'll have a battle at another time. Besides you have to give me the benefit of the doubt here since I have not seen episodes that far back in nearly a year. but if you would like I will help you get farther in your Inuyasha quest. Try contacting me on AIM, MSN, or YIM. I am usually only on YIM so that is your best bet. I am sure that you would like to be as far as I am in Inuyasha episodes.
Now as for the truce, that's fine with me. I don't have much of a problem except for the fact that you are of course on my stopin grounds and you are bringing back some painful memories for me. That is ok though. Oh and I have no clue what you are talking about. Wonko=Inuyasha, me=Kagome? That is an interesting theory there though.
And one last think. That club you made could get you in trouble cuz it doesn't have much of a point and the mods will see that. Not putting you down for it but I'm just lettin you know.
At 3/4/04 04:21 PM, TwiztidKittie wrote: Hey guys anything new going on?
Um, I could, like, say what I said before but um... ^_^ Well, Hiya! You like Chobits... Omg I do too :D! YAY! ::Pounces!::
Well, LadyAurin, I wrote an Inuyasha fanfic myself once... it was awful. Considering I knew almost nothing of the series. It included all the standard characters, and one original one. Name of Yojima-sai. He was in a new race of demons called the Strega, and was a power rival to InuYasha.
1. Slayers Next
2. Gundam Seed
3. Gundam
4. Trigun
5. Cowboy Bebop.
And I will be represented by....*Drum Roll!*
Filia ul Copt!! ^-^!
At 3/4/04 06:23 PM, Latenas wrote:
Filia ul Copt!! ^-^!
Welcome to the anime club.
Yay! *Does the happy dance of...Happyness?*
How many changes in leaders have there been for the Anime club?
At 3/4/04 06:29 PM, Latenas wrote: Yay! *Does the happy dance of...Happyness?*
How many changes in leaders have there been for the Anime club?
We started with kouga as our leader, then he disappeared and inuyasha and miroku took his place as leaders, then tink became a leader, then koua reappeared, then imu disappeared, then miroku and tink left, the ranma became a leader, then he lost that position,then tink returned as a leader, then I became a leader, then I gave up that position and then kouga left. So now we have tink as our sole leader.
Inreasting. Does he rule fairly? Does anyone plan to ursurp his power?
At 3/4/04 06:37 PM, Latenas wrote: Inreasting. Does he rule fairly? Does anyone plan to ursurp his power?
yes, she is fair. No one has any plans to usurp as far as I know, but if Iwasn't happy with tink as leader I woulda done it long ago.
You mean she. And yes, she's nice and whaever else you said.