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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 19:06:56

At 3/3/04 06:44 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: "chii" and lots of boob flashing ensues

That last part got my attention.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 20:17:22

Who here has read an Inuyasha fanfic?
If so, tell me. If not, you need to.
If you want to know where to find good ones, ask me.

I need to talk to people! It's rude to ignore a lady, and it's dangerous to ignore a bitch.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 20:26:48

At 3/3/04 08:17 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Who here has read an Inuyasha fanfic?
If so, tell me. If not, you need to.
If you want to know where to find good ones, ask me.

I need to talk to people! It's rude to ignore a lady, and it's dangerous to ignore a bitch.

I haven't read one, because I'm not an inuyasha fan, and in my experience most fanfics suck. Please try watching anime that isn't on Cartoon Network.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 20:27:23

At 3/3/04 06:30 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Yay! ^__^
Everyone call me bitch!
Sorry if it seems a bit weird, but I like it.
Please read my profile, everyone!
(Inuyasha. So cute.)

Well just to let you know, I'm #1 bitch around here. So get used to it. lol Also the ex-Kagome. Just thought you should know. We have an Inuyasha by the way. He is rather new and hasn't posted much.
By the way, What episode of Inuyasha have you gotten up to? Just curious.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 20:42:52

I see.
I'm invading another bitch's territory. Let's see who knows more about Inuyasha......
Have you read any Inuyasha fanfictions?

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 20:55:29

At 3/3/04 08:42 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Ahhhhh.......
I see.
I'm invading another bitch's territory. Let's see who knows more about Inuyasha......
Have you read any Inuyasha fanfictions?

Nope. I don't do fanfics. Well I think there was one I read about Kagome practicing for Romeo and Juliet. However I believe I asked you a question. How many Inuyasha episodes have you seen? Ask me whatever you want as long as it has to do with the series. Let's see if YOU are worthy. I would LOVE you to stump me in Inuyasha. If you can stump me I will dub you more than worthy of the title Kagome.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 20:57:49

At 3/3/04 06:25 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Another one of my favorite songs:

The next idiot who posts an entire song, I swear by everything holy that I will make your time on NG hell. If you want other people to go check out that song, tell us the name and band, not the whole fucking thing.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 21:05:51

Where I live, it has only gotten to the episode where Inuyasha is supposed to fight the demon his dad could not beat, so he can reduce the weight of the tesusaiga.
This is the next episode.

But, I know mutch more than the show has shown me.

I do not wait for new episodes, I learn what happens for myself. I have seen all the episodes up to that one. Multiple times.

1. What is Kagome's last name?
2. What is Inuyasha's kimono made from?
3. What is the tetsusaiga made from?
4. Who made the tetsusaiga?
5. Do you ever see Kagome's dad in the tv show?
6. What is Naraku's real name?
7. What does Sesshomaru's sword do if you cut the windscar with it?
8. What is Kikyou's plan to destroy Naraku?
9. Why did Kikyou "give" Naraku a body and not break the regeneration spell?
10. What is Kagome's mom's first name?

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 21:08:16

Excuse me. I am sorry for posting the entire song. I will not do it again. --__--
*ears droop mournfully*

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 21:13:49

At 3/3/04 09:08 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Excuse me. I am sorry for posting the entire song. I will not do it again. --__--
*ears droop mournfully*


BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 21:17:52

At 3/3/04 09:05 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Where I live, it has only gotten to the episode where Inuyasha is supposed to fight the demon his dad could not beat, so he can reduce the weight of the tesusaiga.
This is the next episode.

But, I know mutch more than the show has shown me.

I do not wait for new episodes, I learn what happens for myself. I have seen all the episodes up to that one. Multiple times.

1. What is Kagome's last name?
2. What is Inuyasha's kimono made from?
3. What is the tetsusaiga made from?
4. Who made the tetsusaiga?
5. Do you ever see Kagome's dad in the tv show?
6. What is Naraku's real name?
7. What does Sesshomaru's sword do if you cut the windscar with it?
8. What is Kikyou's plan to destroy Naraku?
9. Why did Kikyou "give" Naraku a body and not break the regeneration spell?
10. What is Kagome's mom's first name?

1. Higurashi
2. Fire rat
3. Inuyasha's daddy's fang
4. Toutousi
5. No
6. Onigumo
7. Cut the wind scar with it? What sword are you speaking of. He has 2. You mean the one that gives life? If so then your question has been answered. Very bad question though.
8. She wants him to collect the jewel first and take it from him I believe. **SPOILER ALLERT** It don't matter, the bitch is dead anyhow. **END SPOILER**
9. Not sure on that one. However, imo I think she wants her own revenge. I can't really remember that far back. Haven't seen that episode in a LONG time.
10. That is NOT mentioned in the anime. MAYBE in the horrible dub but I am not sure.

Does that satisfy you? If you can tell me I am wrong on any of these I will gladly except it as long as you give me proof.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 21:20:49

At 3/3/04 09:05 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Where I live, it has only gotten to the episode where Inuyasha is supposed to fight the demon his dad could not beat, so he can reduce the weight of the tesusaiga.
This is the next episode.

But, I know mutch more than the show has shown me.

I do not wait for new episodes, I learn what happens for myself. I have seen all the episodes up to that one. Multiple times.

OH and I am on episode 142. just thought you should know.
I am a hard core Inuyasha fan. trust me.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 21:40:04

Very good, but......
Yes, I mean the tensaiga.
And no, it doesn't just give life.
cut wind scar = heals/revives 100 dempns/humans.
Very good. # 10 was a trick question.
Wrong. Kikyou's plan was to have Naraku get the jewel so she could purify it, and, in doing so, purify him (killing him) (he has so many jewels in his body, remember?
And I allready knew that Kikyou dies.
Wrong again! She doesn't break the spell because, if she did, Naraku would be killed when he is weak, and this would taint the jewel beyond repair, thus doing exactly what Naraku is trying to do. Wrong again! The tetsusaiga was made from his dad's right fang, and repaired with Inuyasha's right fang.
1. Who is Kouga's previous lover? (hint: you only hear her name once)
2. What was Inuyasha's father's name? (you only hear this once)
3. What is the purpose of the staff of heads?
4. Who did Kirara originally belong to?
5. What is the Japaneese word for "sit"?
*Inuyasha slams face-first into the dirt* "Bitch!" "Sorry Inuyasha!"
6. What are the color of Sesshomaru's eyes?
7. What are the color of Kagome's eyes?
8. Why does Inuyasha's firerat kimono repair instantly after a fight?
9. How does the tetsusaiga's sheath break?
10. How does Inuyasha fix it?

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 21:47:48

At 3/3/04 09:40 PM, LadyAurin wrote:

:Wrong again! The tetsusaiga was made from his dad's right fang, and repaired with Inuyasha's right fang.

you asked who made the tetsusaiga, not what its made from

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 21:49:25

At 3/3/04 09:47 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote:
At 3/3/04 09:40 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Wrong again! The tetsusaiga was made from his dad's right fang, and repaired with Inuyasha's right fang.
you asked who made the tetsusaiga, not what its made from

oh, you asked both. well tink said inuyashas fathers fang, who cares which?

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 21:50:15

Sorry, but you are wrong. It was question #3.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 21:51:37

At 3/3/04 09:50 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Sorry, but you are wrong. It was question #3.

yes, and tink said
3. Inuyasha's daddy's fang
4. Toutousi
so #3 is what, and #4 is who, which id the order you asked.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 22:02:56

Would Tink13 please reply to my second round of questions?

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 22:04:39

At 3/3/04 10:02 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Would Tink13 please reply to my second round of questions?

Hey, guess what, she is. Have some fucking patience.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 22:10:44

At 3/3/04 10:02 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Would Tink13 please reply to my second round of questions?

My computer messed up while I was posting so give me a min here. First of all I answered your questions so you have to answer mine before I answer any more of yours.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 22:21:01

Please excuse me for my rudeness. I am sorry, but I'm currently posting in about 20 threads at once, and I have a slight headache.
By the way, you seem to be a worthy opponent. Will you ever forgive my for being so rude? (BAD Aurin) *ears droop mournfully*

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 22:22:46

Now here are mine. (Oh and I want to know which #s you said I got wrong. That wasn't clear to me. I know I MIGHT have gotten 2 wrong but surely not 3.

1. Who did Kouga make a promise with under the rainbow moon?
2. Who is Jakotsu?
3. Who is the leader of the Shinintai?
4. Who is Miroku's father figure. (The person who raised him after his father died. an easy one for ya. ^_~)
5. Does Miroku ever ask Sango to bear his child?
6. Name 4 of Inuyasha's attacks. (With or without a sword in english or Japanese doesn't matter)
7. Name 5 of Naraku's "offsprings".
8. Why does Inuyasha become full demon?
9. What is the Japanese name for the poisonous bees?
10. Where is the last jewel fragment that needs to be found?
For any hard core Inuyasha fan, these are easy questions. don't you think? This will prove and if you answer them all correctly within 15 mins, I will back down and deem you worthy.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 22:55:43

Well it seems that you didn't make it in time. I decided to give you 30 mins instead cuz they were kinda hard. You can still answer if you like. I just know that if it has taken you this long you must have had to look them up. You are aight though. Once you do answer I have somethin for you. It's not much but I don't need it anymore so maybe you can put it to use.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 22:56:25

Ok wow alot of Inuyasha trivia going on in here isn't there? >^.^< Oh well whatevers clever

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 23:00:53

At 3/3/04 10:56 PM, TwiztidKittie wrote: Ok wow alot of Inuyasha trivia going on in here isn't there? >^.^< Oh well whatevers clever

HI! lol
I have a question for ya. Where can I find episodes of Tokyo Mew Mew? I have wanted to see that but I think it got licenced so it's hard to find. Let me know k?

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 23:09:57

HI! lol
I have a question for ya. Where can I find episodes of Tokyo Mew Mew? I have wanted to see that but I think it got licenced so it's hard to find. Let me know k?

well you can look on ebay.com I'm sure they have some episodes. If I run into anywhere else that has it I'll let you know k?

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 23:12:19

1. Ayame?
2. The zombie guy
3. Bankotsu
4. Mushin
5. Yes.
6. Iron reaver
Kaze no Kizu
7. Kagura
Um, tsubaki?
8. The tesusaiga blocks him from becoming one, and when he loses hold of it and is in grave danger, his demon blood takes over.
9. ? Can't remember. So tired.
10. The other world

Sorry I didn't post earlier, I wasn't using Newgrounds. I was doing my history report on Socrates. (My parents made me) These are pretty tough questions, way ahead of what has happend so far in the show in the U.S. So, sorry if I get some wrong, for someone in the US these should be impossible. Sooooo tired. Stupid Socrates.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 23:14:13

Going to bed now. I'll post more tommorow morning. (It's 10:12 P.M. here, I'll get back to newgrounds at 7:00 A.M. here) Bye! You are fun!

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 23:24:26

At 3/3/04 11:12 PM, LadyAurin wrote: 1. Ayame?
2. The zombie guy
3. Bankotsu
4. Mushin
5. Yes.
6. Iron reaver
Kaze no Kizu
7. Kagura
Um, tsubaki?
8. The tesusaiga blocks him from becoming one, and when he loses hold of it and is in grave danger, his demon blood takes over.
9. ? Can't remember. So tired.
10. The other world

Sorry I didn't post earlier, I wasn't using Newgrounds. I was doing my history report on Socrates. (My parents made me) These are pretty tough questions, way ahead of what has happend so far in the show in the U.S. So, sorry if I get some wrong, for someone in the US these should be impossible. Sooooo tired. Stupid Socrates.

1. correct
2. Come on the character is WAY more deep than that. There are 7 of them. You gotta describe him a bit better.
3. yep yep!
4. Yes
5. correct but do you know when?
6. :o you forgot one of my FAVS! blades of blood!
7. AARG I should have asked you 7 of them if I knew you were gonna add Juromaru and Kageromaru. lol . I was looking for Akago. One of the newest ones. (the baby)
8. Yea that was easy. :P
9. It's Saimyoushou
10. The way I have seen it it is "between this world and the next" but that was close enough. Well if you want this you can have it. It's my old sig. Some jerk made it for me. Someone very unimportant. So it's yours!

Anime Club

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-03 23:28:39

Oh, and blades of blood. Bye! Going to bed now.