I'm happy to have the return of Berserk. Realistically, there's no way to properly recreate Miura's work without a significant amount of time and money to support it. If CGI is the only financially sound way of bringing the series to life, then I'm not going to complain (like almost everyone else has). What really made me happy was the pacing of the second season. I really expected to see the backstory of Farnese stretch out across the entire episode. Things moving along properly, and I very much appreciate that.
I should probably check out a few of the other new shows (The Laughing Salesman looks intriguing), but the combination of Spectre Knight DLC and Yooka-Laylee releasing side-by-side is going to kill a lot of my free time. Listening to both soundtracks now, too. Beautiful music.
I did watch the first episode of Love Tyrant, and it seems to be suffering from the same ADHD issue that plagues the Mighty Magiswords series. I read a good chunk of the manga prior to the show, so I wasn't especially bothered by that, but it feel like things are needlessly rushed. I'm wondering if that's just to get the main cast together in one shot so that every other episode can turn into a standardize harem situation that highlights a different kind of fan service each week (sometimes the same kind when a series decides to include a beach and pool episode within a season). I do hope that's not the case.