Kenshin:dammit i must do it...(starts grunting and acting like they do on dbz)...oops i forgot i am human...damn,oh well i'll just use the secret technique of the Hiten mitsurugi style HITEN-MITSURUGI STYLE DEATH SLASH OF THE FINAL KINGS OF THE WINDS OF LIFE!!!!!(raises sword high above head and prepares to strike ranma when he realizes she is sleeping peacefully so he just whacks the flying fu*k out of Freeze)oops...damn.
Freeze:meow die meow!!! hissss!!!! die
Kenshin:Is that a challenge? (turns nto Battousai again this time with his trusty theme music in the background.) because i will accept... if you are faster than me...(thinks to self dern shouldn't have eaten those extra candy bars!!!)