So I've watched those two anime I mentioned about 2 days ago (Seto no Hanayome and Sora no Otoshimono) and I'd like to share my thoughts on them. If you do not care about that, then just ignore the rest of this post.
Seto no Hanayome: First off, it was a pain to find the episodes online, especially the first one. But after finding and watching them, I wish I didn't waste so much effort. It was, well, very weak. Or rather, it was overwhelmingly and relentlessly random to create comedy, never giving the viewer a change to breathe, let alone process just what the hell happened. Also, I dunno why, but there's something about the main character that just...makes me annoyed. It was tiresome to watch, unfunny and after the third episode I just couldn't go on.
Sora no Otoshimono: This one has quite a bit of flaws: rather immature, hit-or-miss humor, some parts were predictable and/or clichĆĀ© (like Nymph's character development, Tsundere at it's core), some stuff was left unexplained (i.e. the choker bomb not going off) and there are a couple plotholes (nothing REALLY big, though). Plus, I hated Sohara and the fact that the main character gets very little development. He's also chibified for most of the anime, which got annoying.
But despite all that I thoroughly enjoyed this anime. When the humor hits, it hits well, and I found myself laughing sometimes. I don't laugh often, so that's something I guess. I also liked the rest of the characters (including Nymph. I have a bit of a soft spot for that kind of characters), with Sugata and Ikaros stealing the show. The story and setting were simple yet effective, even with the flaws I mentioned, and so interesting and (somehow) appealing to me that I got really into it. I was always looking forward to what was gonna happen next, and I couldn't stop watching it after episode 8. I was really enjoying every episode and, dammit, I just ignored the flaws, despite being well aware of them. And this has a second season, I hear. Gonna watch that now.
Rest assured, this is not the first time I've ignored an anime's flaws just because I thought everything else was damn good.
....Wow. That was one long review.